192 research outputs found

    Etnocentrismos en contacto : perfiles ideológicos de las interacciones sino-ibéricas durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI

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    En el transcurso de las interacciones entre los imperios ibéricos y el imperio chino que se produjeron la segunda mitad del siglo XVI jugó un papel determinante la fractura radical existente entre las respectivas percepciones de la alteridad, así como la absoluta disparidad en las concepciones de la relación exterior y en las respectivas políticas de proyección sobre el espacio exterior.En el transcurs de les interaccions entre els imperis ibèrics i l'imperi xinès que es produïren durant la segona meitat del segle XVI tingué un paper determinant la fractura radical existent entre les respectives percepcions de l'alteritat, així com l'absoluta disparitat en les concepcions de la relació exterior i en les respectives polítiques de projecció sobre l'espai exterior.In the course of the interactions between the Iberian empires and the Chinese empire that they were produced the second half of the 16th century played a determining role the existing radical fracture between the respective perceptions of the otherness, as well as the absolute disparity in the conceptions of the outer relationship and in the respective strategies of projection about the outer space

    Transit regions and ejection/collision orbits in the RTBP

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    In this paper we analyse the global behaviour of the whole set of ejection orbits in the planar circular RTBP. We consider ejection from the big or the small primary, that is we take the mass parameter µ, the mass traditionally associated with the small primary, in a range of values µ ¿ (0,1) (the other primary has mass 1-µ). A discussion on the relation between the Lyapunov periodic orbit around the collinear equilibrium point L1 and the ejection orbits is carried out in the range of values of the Jacobi constant such that the associated Hill regions permit only a bounded movement. In particular a chaotic in¿nity of heteroclinic connections between a primary and the LPO1 are obtained. As a consequence a chaotic in¿nity of ejection-collision orbits is also derived. Finally, 2D plots, called colour code diagrams, allow to describe the global dynamics of the ejection orbits given a range of time. Such diagrams provide a very accurate understanding of the dynamics of the orbits under discussion.M. Ollé and O. Rodríguez were supported by the Spanish MINECO/FEDER grant PGC2018-100928-B-100 and the Catalan grant 2017SGR-1049. J. Soler was supported by MTM2016-77278-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analytical and numerical results on families of n-ejection-collision orbits in the RTBP

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    © 2020. ElsevierIn the planar RTBP with mass ratio µ we regularise the singularity at one of the primaries by means of Levi-Civita’s transformation in a rotating frame. We solve the variational equations in a neighbourhood of the ejection/collision orbits, giving analytic expressions for the first terms in µ of the convergent expansion for orbits with eccentricity e¿¿¿1. For high enough values of the Jacobi constant C we give analytic expressions for the coefficients of the above expansion in powers of the small parameter and we prove the existence of four families of the so called n-ejection-collision (EC) orbits, that are orbits which eject from the primary and reach n relative maxima in the distance with the primary before finally colliding with it. Moreover, massive numerical explorations extending the analytical result for any value of the mass ratio and bigger ranges of C are also shown and discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Study of the ejection/collision orbits in the spatial RTBP using the McGehee regularization

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    In this paper we analyse the McGehee regularization of the collision in the spatial Restricted three-body problem (3D RTBP). As a particular application, we study the ejection (collision) orbits. The parameterization method is applied up to high order to obtain suitable initial conditions of ejection (collision) orbits. Moreover, assuming ejection orbits, different methods are discussed to detect which of them are also collision orbits. Finally we explore the so called ejection-collision (EC) orbits, that is, orbits where the particle ejects from one primary, reaches a maximum in the distance with respect to the same primary, and ends at collision with that primary. Some results concerning the existence of spatial EC orbits are described.M. Ollé and O. Rodríguez were supported by the Spanish MINECO/FEDER grant PGC2018-100928-B-I00 and the Catalan, Spain grant 2017SGR-1049. M. Ollé is also supported by the Spanish Maria de Maeztu grant R&D CEX2020-001084-M. J. Soler was supported by MTM2016-77278-P.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Valoració per carpetes de les estades clíniques dels estudis de fisioteràpia de l'EUCS Manresa

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    L'objectiu general que ens proposem aconseguir al llarg d'aquesta assignatura, és integrar el procés d'avaluació dins del procés d'ensenyament-aprenentatge, i aconseguir que els mateixos estudiants esdevinguin més autònoms a l'hora de controlar el seu procés d'aprenentatge

    Ejection-collision orbits in the RTBP

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    In this paper we analyse the ejection-collision (EC) orbits of the planar restricted three body problem. Being μ∈(0, 0.5] the mass parameter, and taking the big (small) primary with mass 1 − μ (μ), an EC orbit will be an orbit that ejects from the big primary, does an excursion and collides with it. As it is well known, for any value of the mass parameter μ∈(0, 0.5] and sufficiently restricted Hill regions (that is, for big enough values of the Jacobi constant C), there are exactly four EC orbits. We check their existence and extend numerically these four orbits for μ∈(0, 0.5] and for smaller values of the Jacobi constant. We introduce the concept of n-ejection-collision orbits (n-EC orbits) and we explore them numerically for μ∈(0, 0.5] and values of the Jacobi constant such that the Hill bounded possible region of motion contains the big primary and does not contain the small one. We study the cases 1≤n≤10 and we analyse the continuation of families of such n-EC orbits, varying the energy, as well as the bifurcations that appear

    Generalized analytical results on n-ejection–collision orbits in the RTBP: analysis of bifurcations

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    In the planar circular restricted three-body problem and for any value of the mass parameter µ¿(0,1) and n=1 , we prove the existence of four families of n-ejection–collision (n-EC) orbits, that is, orbits where the particle ejects from a primary, reaches n maxima in the (Euclidean) distance with respect to it and finally collides with the primary. Such EC orbits have a value of the Jacobi constant of the form C=3µ+Ln2/3(1-µ)2/3 , where L>0 is big enough but independent of µ and n. In order to prove this optimal result, we consider Levi-Civita’s transformation to regularize the collision with one primary and a perturbative approach using an ad hoc small parameter once a suitable scale in the configuration plane and time has previously been applied. This result improves a previous work where the existence of the n-EC orbits was stated when the mass parameter µ>0 was small enough. Moreover, for decreasing values of C, there appear some bifurcations which are first numerically investigated and afterward explicit expressions for the approximation of the bifurcation values of C are discussed. Finally, a detailed analysis of the existence of n-EC orbits when µ¿1 is also described. In a natural way, Hill’s problem shows up. For this problem, we prove an analytical result on the existence of four families of n-EC orbits, and numerically, we describe them as well as the appearing bifurcations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Genetic validation of the unexpected presence of a tropical tuna, bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), in the Mediterranean

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    Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus, Lowe, 1839) is one of the eight recognized species of the genus Thunnus. It is considered a tropical species distributed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. To date, no validated presence of this species has been reported inside the Mediterranean Sea. This study, however, confirms, for the first time, the presence of three young individuals of this species within the Mediterranean Sea.Versión del editor1,83