45 research outputs found

    Changing National Health Values of Russian Youth Aged 13-17: Motivation for Engagement in Physical Culture and Sports in Regions

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    The article is devoted to the study of the attitudes of contemporary Russian youth to a healthy lifestyle, healthcare in general, and physical culture and sports. As a result of a qualitative sociological study, the main trends and perspectives in the perception of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, and sports in Russian regions are discovered and defined. The study specifies the motivational aspects of young Russians' attitudes to a healthy lifestyle, healthcare, physical culture, and sports. The specific features of the development of regional physical culture and sports in Russia, as well as the characteristics of the perception of physical culture and sports by various groups of Russian youth in the regions of the country, are identified. The attitudes to social stereotypes concerning a healthy lifestyle and sports in the minds of Russian citizens are discovered. The practical significance of the study results: The conclusions of the project can be used for the development of youth policy, as well as the development of new programs for the optimization of young people's lifestyle and the development of physical culture and sports in Russia. The study results can be utilized for the innovation of courses on the sociology of health and disease, sociology of physical culture and sports, and sociology of medicine. © 2021 Sociedade Portguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentaria. All rights reserved


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    The authors argue that the quality of aluminothermic welding of the rails depends on weather conditions as well as on the strict observance of process-dependent parameters. Rainy weather causes cavitation, negative temperature favors quenching defects, cracks followed by disintegration of a rail. The authors use experimental and design data to demonstrate and substantiate possibilities to enhance the technique of aluminothermic welding of a track way under rainy and winter conditions.Качество алюминотермитной  сварки рельсов зависит не только  от строгого соблюдения  технологических параметров,  но и погодных условий. Дождливая  погода вызывает порообразование,  отрицательные температуры  окружающей среды способствуют  образованию закалочных структур,  развитию трещин с последующим  разрушением рельса. На основе  экспериментальных и расчетных  данных обосновываются  возможности улучшения технологии  алюминотермитной сварки рельсовых  нитей и проведения ее в зимних  условиях или дождливую погоду

    Логистические взаимодействия в системе «станция-морской порт»

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    For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version). ABSTRACT The transport system of Russia processes powerful foreign trade commodity flows. The combination of developed network of railways and highways, ports, border crossing points creates a basis for formation of one of the largest transport and logistics complexes. Reliability of all its components, positive synergy of links, sufficient throughput and carrying capacity influences the effectiveness of business of many domestic and foreign enterprises that have become participants in the common logistics process. The authors of the article focus discussion on the system significance of logistics solutions for interaction of various modes of transport at the stages of carriage of goods in international traffic using the example of Ust-Luga transport hub. Keywords: management, logistics, interaction, logistics center, port, dry port, station-sea port system, multimodal transportation, transport hub.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии). Транспортная система России пропускает через себя мощные внешнеторговые товаропотоки. Совокупность развитой сети железнодорожных и автомобильных дорог, портов, пограничных передаточных пунктов создаёт основу для формирования одного из крупнейших транспортно-логистических комплексов. От надёжности всех его компонентов, положительной синергии звеньев, достаточной пропускной и провозной способностей зависит результативность бизнеса многих отечественных и зарубежных предприятий, ставших участниками общего для них логистического процесса. Авторы статьи рассказывают о системном значении логистических решений при взаимодействии различных видов транспорта на этапах перевозки грузов в международном сообщении на примере Усть-Лужского транспортного узла

    Immunomodulatory and neurotropic activities of synthetic peptides in a model of brain injury in rats

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    Treatment of consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains one of the current problems of medicine. To increase the effectiveness of treatment of post-traumatic complications, various drugs are recommended, including the peptide with neuromodulatory activity Semax.The present study aims to determine the presence of neuro- and immunoprotective properties of the synthetic peptide PR5, composed of fragments of proline-rich antimicrobial peptides.The work was performed on male Wistar rats weighing 300-350 g. The “falling weight” model of mechanical brain injury was used, which mainly causes diffuse brain damage. The synthesized peptide PR5, composed of fragments of known proline-rich peptides of animal neutrophils, and the peptide preparation Semax in the form of a 1% aqueous solution were used. The drugs were administered intranasally 1 hour after TBI, then twice a day for 4 days at a dose of 100 mg/kg body weight. Control animals received physiological saline in the same regimen as the peptide preparations.TBI led to a significant decrease in body weight, but in rats receiving the peptide preparation Semax, the decrease in body weight was significantly less than in control animals, and the PR5 preparation completely prevented the decrease in body weight after TBI. After TBI, the proliferative activity of lymphocytes was suppressed and the cytotoxicity of NK cells decreased. In animals treated with peptide preparations, there was no significant suppression of NK cell cytotoxicity, and the proliferative activity of lymphocytes was restored to the level of control animals by day 14 after TBI. Both peptide preparations used contributed to higher locomotor activity, and in animals treated with the PR5 peptide, this type of activity reached the parameters of control animals. The reduction in freezing duration in groups treated with peptide preparations indicates the presence of a sedative effect.The peptide preparation PR5 was active in this series of experiments, showing immunotropic and neuroprotective activity comparable to the Semax preparation. Further studies aimed at confirming the identified types of activity of the peptide preparation PR5 may justify its prospects for clinical use as a new nootropic agent

    Заболеваемость детей сальмонеллезом и уровень резистентности клинических штаммов сальмонелл к антибактериальным препаратам в Санкт-Петербурге

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    The aim of the study was to study the dynamics of the incidence of salmonellosis children in St. Petersburg and phenotypic resistance of clinical isolates of S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium to antibiotics in recent years. Materials and methods. The incidence of salmonellosis children studied according to the report for the first nine months of Rospotrebnadzor in 2013–2014. Incidence of salmonellosis in the structure of bacterial intestinal infections caused by pathogens in children hospitalized in the Department of intestinal infections in 2013–2014, studied according to annual reports. Antibiotic sensitivity was studied 86 Salmonella isolates (S. Enteritidis strain 64 and strain 22 S. Typhimurium), isolated from patients in children 2010–2014. Used the method of serial microdilution broth. Salmonella isolates were divided into sensitive, resistant, intermediate sensitivity to antibiotics. The Results. Analysis of the incidence of salmonellosis children of St. Petersburg has revealed its decline in 2014 (109.2) compared to 2013 (123,9) but relatively long-term average level was an increase in incidence (107,6). In the structure of salmonellosis in children prevailed salmonellosis Group D. In hospitalized children in the structure of bacterial intestinal infections detected Excess of share of salmonellosis in 2014 (36,9±3,4%) compared to 2013 (24,5±2,4%; p <0,01). A reduction in the frequency sensitivity of S. Enteritidis to ampicillin, cefepime, ceftazidime and chloramphenicol. Compared to S. Enteritidis S. Typhimurium isolates were more resistant to ceftazidime and ampicillin, but more sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Conclusion. Morbidity of salmonellosis in recent years characterized by a relatively long-term average increase of the level. In the structure of salmonellosis in children prevailed salmonellosis Group D. There was a reduction of sensitivity S. Enteritidis isolates to cephalosporins new generations, and S. Typhimurium isolates to cephalosporins new generations, ampicillin, chloramphenicol.Цель исследования: изучение динамики заболеваемости сальмонеллезом детей в Санкт-Петербурге и фенотипической антибиотикорезистентности изолятов S. Enteritidis и S. Typhimurium в последние годы. Материалы и методы: заболеваемость сальмонеллезом детей изучали по данным отчета Роспотребнадзора за девять месяцев 2013–2014 гг. Частоту сальмонеллеза в структуре бактериальных кишечных инфекций, вызванных патогенными возбудителями, у детей, госпитализированных в отделение кишечных инфекций НИИДИ в 2013–2014 гг., изучали по данным годовых отчетов. Исследовали антибиотикочувствительность 86 изолятов сальмонелл (64 штамма S. Enteritidis и 22 штамма S. Typhimurium), выделенных от больных детей в 2010– 2014 гг. Использовали метод серийных микроразведений в бульоне, изоляты сальмонелл разделяли на чувствительные, резистентные, с промежуточной чувствительностью к антибиотикам. Результаты: анализ заболеваемости сальмонеллезом детей Санкт-Петербурга выявил ее снижение в 2014 г. (109,2 на 100 тыс. нас.) по сравнению с 2013 г. (123,9 на 100 тыс. нас.), относительно многолетнего уровня отмечалось повышение заболеваемости (107,6 на 100 тыс. нас.). В структуре сальмонеллезов преобладали сальмонеллезы группы D. У госпитализированных детей в структуре бактериальных кишечных инфекций выявлено превышение доли сальмонеллеза в 2014 г. (36,9±3,4%) по сравнению с 2013 г. (24,5±2,4%; p<0,01). Установлено снижение частоты чувствительности изолятов S. Enteritidis к ампициллину, цефепиму, цефтазидиму и хлорамфениколу. По сравнению с S. Enteritidis изоляты S. Typhimurium были более резистентны к цефтазидиму и ампициллину, но более чувствительны к ципрофлоксацину. Заключение: заболеваемость детей сальмонеллезом в последние годы характеризовались нарастанием относительно среднего многолетнего уровня. В структуре сальмонеллезов преобладали сальмонеллезы группы D. Выявлено снижение чувствительности изолятов S. Enteritidis к цефалоспоринам новых генераций, а изолятов S. Typhimurium – к цефалоспоринам новых генераций, ампициллину, хлорамфениколу. 

    Changing national health values of Russians: Perception of physical culture and sports

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    The publication is aimed at studying the attitude of middle-aged and older Russians to physical culture and sports. The scope of the results embraces studying the dynamics of perception of physical culture and sports in the minds of middle-aged and older Russians. The research subject is studying the dynamic changes in the system of value consciousness of Russians. The method of obtaining empirical data includes focused online interviews, traditional analysis of documents, including legislative acts of the Russian Federation. Conducting focused online interviews with respondents from Nizhny Novgorod and Volgograd is due to the conditions of self-isolation of Russians during the study period. The result of the study is presented as a description of the specifics of the perception of physical culture and sports by middle-aged and older Russians. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the author's understanding of the influence of self-isolation on changes in the values of Russians in the perception of physical culture and sports worthiness by middle-aged and older people in Russian regions. During the interviewing online focus groups, respondents' suggestions on how to encourage middle-aged and older Russians to engage in physical culture and sports were revealed

    Child morbidity of salmonellosis and the level of resistance of clinical isolates of salmonella to antibacterial preparations in saint Petersburg

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    The aim of the study was to study the dynamics of the incidence of salmonellosis children in St. Petersburg and phenotypic resistance of clinical isolates of S. Enteritidis and S. Typhimurium to antibiotics in recent years. Materials and methods. The incidence of salmonellosis children studied according to the report for the first nine months of Rospotrebnadzor in 2013–2014. Incidence of salmonellosis in the structure of bacterial intestinal infections caused by pathogens in children hospitalized in the Department of intestinal infections in 2013–2014, studied according to annual reports. Antibiotic sensitivity was studied 86 Salmonella isolates (S. Enteritidis strain 64 and strain 22 S. Typhimurium), isolated from patients in children 2010–2014. Used the method of serial microdilution broth. Salmonella isolates were divided into sensitive, resistant, intermediate sensitivity to antibiotics. The Results. Analysis of the incidence of salmonellosis children of St. Petersburg has revealed its decline in 2014 (109.2) compared to 2013 (123,9) but relatively long-term average level was an increase in incidence (107,6). In the structure of salmonellosis in children prevailed salmonellosis Group D. In hospitalized children in the structure of bacterial intestinal infections detected Excess of share of salmonellosis in 2014 (36,9±3,4%) compared to 2013 (24,5±2,4%; p <0,01). A reduction in the frequency sensitivity of S. Enteritidis to ampicillin, cefepime, ceftazidime and chloramphenicol. Compared to S. Enteritidis S. Typhimurium isolates were more resistant to ceftazidime and ampicillin, but more sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Conclusion. Morbidity of salmonellosis in recent years characterized by a relatively long-term average increase of the level. In the structure of salmonellosis in children prevailed salmonellosis Group D. There was a reduction of sensitivity S. Enteritidis isolates to cephalosporins new generations, and S. Typhimurium isolates to cephalosporins new generations, ampicillin, chloramphenicol


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    Objective: to determine frequency and grade of the coronary artery (CA) damage using coronary angiography data in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and suspected coronary artery disease (CAD); to evaluate the association of its progress with traditional risk factors (TRF), inflammatory markers and antirheumatic therapy. Subjects and methods. 25 male and 38 female RA patients with suspected or verified CAD, (median age was 58 [52; 63] years, RA duration – 10,5 [7; 23] years), were included in the study. 85% of patients were seropositive for IgM rheumatoid factor, 69% – for cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies. DAS28 median was 4,7 [3,3; 5,8]. CA stenosis was diagnosed if hemodynamically significant narrowing of the artery lumen (≥50%) was present. Results and discussion. CA stenosis was diagnosed in 22 (35%) patients (group I), 15 (68%) of them had single vessel damage, 7 (32%) – three-vessel involvement; the damage of two vessels was not diagnosed in any RA case. 41 (65%) patients had no lesions in CA (group II). The frequency of CA stenosis was higher in male patients (15 out of 25; 60%) than in female (7 out of 38; 18%; p<0,05). CAD incidence in group I was higher than in group II: myocardial infarction (MI) history was documented in 32% and 2%, stable angina pectoris in 77% and 32% of cases respectively, p><0,05. TRF incidence was similar in both groups. Concentration of serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) in group I was lower than in group II (median 1,2 [1,0; 1,5] vs 1,3 [1,2;1,8] mmol/L respectively, p=0,025). Carotid artery atherosclerotic plaques were detected in 19% and 16%, carotid artery intimamedia thickening – in 53% and 57% of patients respectively (p>0,05). The multiple regression analysis did not revealed any direct relationship of CA stenosis development with age, gender, DAS28, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level, concentration of cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, HDLC, and consumption of anti-rheumatic drugs. The prediction of CA stenosis development was not possible with parameters used in this study. However, differences in age were the closest to statistical significance (OR=0,85; 95% CI [0,72–1,0], p=0,05). Other parameters, including HDLC level< 1,2 mmol/L for women and< 1,0 for men (OR 0,82; 95% CI [0,64–0,90], p=0,09) had less predictive power. Conclusion: CA stenosis was diagnosed in every third patient with RA and suspected CAD or verified CAD. Male gender and low level of HDLC may increase the risk of CA stenosis