73 research outputs found

    Closed Suction System terhadap Saturasi Pasca Operasi Jantung Bawaan (PJB) pada Anak

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    This study aims to identify the effect of a closed suction system on oxygen saturation in post-cardiovascular (CHD) patients. The method used is the electronic database literature search ScienceDirect, Clinical Key, Pro quest, EBSCO and Scopus by reviewing the results of previous studies in published articles using the keywords Pediatric AND Endotracheal Closed suction system AND saturation. The results of the analysis obtained the following themes: (1) desaturation; (2) pain; (3) cardiovascular instability; (4) saline instillation. In conclusion, the use of the open suction system method showed a decrease in SPO2 and an increase in Heart Rate (HR) and Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) compared to the closed suction system method so that a closed suction system can be recommended in patients after congenital heart surgery (CHD). Keywords: Children, Closed Suction System, PJB, Saturatio

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Child Maltreatment Selama Wabah Covid-19

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    Program social distancing dan lockdown menjadi upaya pencegahan penyebaran wabah yang dinilai efektif dan sangat penting selama masa pandemik. Namun, program ini tanpa disadari menempatkan vulnerable group khususnya kelompok usia anak mengalami kekerasan (child maltreatment). Child maltreatment dapat berdampak terhadap terhadap masalah psikologis anak (depresi, risiko bunuh diri) dan masalah fisik (cedera spinal, cedera kepala bahkan kematian). Oleh sebab itu, peneliti  menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya child maltreatment yang terjadi selama pandemik covid 19 terutama di Negara Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan metoda literatur review dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Dengan kriteria kekerasan pada usia anak di bawah 18 tahun. Hasil penelurusan literatur menemukan empat faktor utama yang berhubungan dengan perkembangan pada anak dengan child maltreatment, yaitu (1) faktor orang tua, (2) status keluarga, (3) norma budaya dan komunitas serta (4) program pencegahan child maltreatment yang terhambat selama pandemik. Rekomendasi peneliti selanjutnya adalah perlu dikaji lebih lanjut mengenai status emosi orang tua selama pandemik dan persepsi orang tua melakukan kekerasan anak.Program social distancing dan lockdown menjadi upaya pencegahan penyebaran wabah yang dinilai efektif dan sangat penting selama masa pandemik. Namun, program ini tanpa disadari menempatkan vulnerable group khususnya kelompok usia anak mengalami kekerasan (child maltreatment). Child maltreatment dapat berdampak terhadap terhadap masalah psikologis anak (depresi, risiko bunuh diri) dan masalah fisik (cedera spinal, cedera kepala bahkan kematian). Oleh sebab itu, peneliti  menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya child maltreatment yang terjadi selama pandemik covid 19 terutama di Negara Indonesia. Peneliti menggunakan metoda literatur review dalam melakukan penelitian ini. Dengan kriteria kekerasan pada usia anak di bawah 18 tahun. Hasil penelurusan literatur menemukan empat faktor utama yang berhubungan dengan perkembangan pada anak dengan child maltreatment, yaitu (1) faktor orang tua, (2) status keluarga, (3) norma budaya dan komunitas serta (4) program pencegahan child maltreatment yang terhambat selama pandemik. Rekomendasi peneliti selanjutnya adalah perlu dikaji lebih lanjut mengenai status emosi orang tua selama pandemik dan persepsi orang tua melakukan kekerasan anak. Kata Kunci : child maltreatment, faktor-faktor, Covid-1

    Koping Pada Anak (Lanjutan tulisan pada artikel sebelumnya)

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    Konsep tumbuh kembang anak terkait dengan suatu bentuk perilaku anak dalam menyelesaikan tugas perkembangannya, salah satunya adalah adaptasi anak terhadap situasi lingkungan di sekitar anak. Koping merupakan bagian dari proses adaptasi untuk mencapai keseimbangan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Koping muncul karena adanya stressor tertentu dimana anak akhirnya menggunakan mekanisme koping yang berbeda sesuai dengan usia anak. Stressor seperti ketakutan, perpisahan, kehilangan dan kematian dapat menimbulkan respon tingkah laku anak yang berbeda, bisa berupa perilaku agresif, fantasi, phobi sekolah dan anak bisa menggunakan berbagai mekanisme pertahanan yang akan mempunyai dampak positif maupun negatif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Concepts of children’s growth & development are related to a pattern of children’s behavior in completing their developmental tasks. One of them is adaptation to their environment. Coping is a part of adaptation process to achieve the equilibrium of children’s growth & development. Coping is formed as a result of the presence of specific stressor which leads a child to use different coping mechanism based on their level of age. Stressor includes anxiety, detachment, loss and death may produce different behavior all responses, such as aggressiveness, fantasy, phobia to school. Children may rise a variety of defense mechanism that result in positive and negative impacts to their further growth & development

    Posisi Semi Prone Dapat Memberikan Kenyamanan pada Anak dengan Pneumonia

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the semi-prone position on comfort in children with pneumonia. The method used is an integrated literature review. The journals reviewed range from 2017 to 2020 using the ScienceDirect, BMC, PubMed, Research Gate, Taylor & Francis databases. Still, only three journals were included as inclusion criteria. The results of the study showed that semi-prone therapy had a relaxing effect on children. This therapy can decrease respiratory rate (p = 0.04) in children short of breath and increase oxygen saturation (p = 0.045) in children who have CPAP installed. In addition, the child is not fussy and still sleeps soundly when given a semi-prone position. In conclusion, semi-prone therapy is an easy therapy and has excellent benefits in children with pneumonia and can be applied in an inpatient room. Keywords: Child Pneumonia, Comfort, Semi Prone Positio

    The Effectiveness Of The Protective Barrier Of The Skin Against Medical Adhesive Related Skin Injury (Marsi) In Children Treated In Pediatric Intensive Care Units : Systematic Review

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    Aims: Providing medical equipment intervention increases the risk of MARSI in newborns with laceration and traumatic wounds in the subcutaneous tissue of the skin. The application of an adhesive or a skin barrier is one technique to lower the risk of MARSI. Nonetheless, past research has yielded mixed results in terms of its usefulness in reducing the risk of MARSI. Purpose: This study is to conduct a literature evaluation on the effectiveness of using a skin barrier to reduce the occurrence of MARSI. Methods: A systematic review of four databases was conducted, including Scopus, EBSCOhost, SAGE, and Wiley. A total of 8 publications were reviewed utilizing inclusion and exclusion criteria with a total end of article review. Results: The application of adhesive efficiently and considerably reduces the risk of MARSI, according to 5 of 8 articles. Conclusion: It is recommended that adhesive be used in an integrated manner on a regular basis to prevent the incidence of MARSI in babies.

    Keterlibatan Orang Tua dalam Perawatan Anak terhadap Stres dan Kecemasan Orang Tua di Ruang Intensif

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    This study aims to evaluate the results of research that has been published regarding the effect of parental involvement in child care on parental stress and anxiety in the intensive care unit. The method used is a systematic review through search strategies on eight electronic databases with the keywords used (Parent involvement OR Parent participation OR Family Integrity Care OR Family Centered Care) AND (pediatric intensive care OR PICU OR NICU) AND (Parent Stress OR Parent anxiety). The search results obtained 12 articles that would be assessed for quality with the guidance of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). Research results show that parental involvement in child care in intensive care can reduce parental stress and anxiety. The highest significance was seen in the Family Integrated Care (FICare) program (p < 0.00043) and Family Centered Care (FCC) (p < 0.001) in the NICU room. In conclusion, all forms of parental involvement can reduce stress and anxiety, but parental involvement in child care in the PICU room is still limited.   Keywords: Anxiety, Engagement, Intensive Room, Stres

    Koping Pada Anak (Lanjutan Tulisan Pada Artikel Sebelumnya)

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    Konsep tumbuh kembang anak terkait dengan suatu bentuk perilaku anak dalam menyelesaikan tugas perkembangannya, salah satunya adalah adaptasi anak terhadap situasi lingkungan di sekitar anak. Koping merupakan bagian dari proses adaptasi untuk mencapai keseimbangan dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak. Koping muncul karena adanya stressor tertentu dimana anak akhirnya menggunakan mekanisme koping yang berbeda sesuai dengan usia anak. Stressor seperti ketakutan, perpisahan, kehilangan dan kematian dapat menimbulkan respon tingkah laku anak yang berbeda, bisa berupa perilaku agresif, fantasi, phobi sekolah dan anak bisa menggunakan berbagai mekanisme pertahanan yang akan mempunyai dampak positif maupun negatif terhadap pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak selanjutnya. Concepts of children\u27s growth & development are related to a pattern of children\u27s behavior in completing their developmental tasks. One of them is adaptation to their environment. Coping is a part of adaptation process to achieve the equilibrium of children\u27s growth & development. Coping is formed as a result of the presence of specific stressor which leads a child to use different coping mechanism based on their level of age. Stressor includes anxiety, detachment, loss and death may produce different behavior all responses, such as aggressiveness, fantasy, phobia to school. Children may rise a variety of defense mechanism that result in positive and negative impacts to their further growth & development

    Motivation of male adolescents to become perpetrators of violence: a study of phenomenology

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    Background: Violence committed by adolescents is a serious public health problem. More than ten percent of youth violence have been subjected to violence and more than fifty percent attacks and serious violence.Design and Methods: A qualitative study with a phenomenological study design in which semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who were once challenged by violence and are now kept in LPKA Class II Jakarta.Results: This qualitative study explores adolescent motivation to become violent perpetrators. This study discusses four major themes, namely, i) Unsafe environmental conditions; ii) Unpleasant past experiences; iii) Childhood trauma; and iv) Peer group solidarity or friendship.Conclusions: Adolescent motivational advice provides protection for students in Indonesia to participate in discussions about children related to challenges or assistance that can be given to adolescents so as not to offend again

    Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR) terhadap Kepuasan Keluarga

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    This study aims to provide an overview of the effect of Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR) on family satisfaction. The research method is a systematic review using the PICO format, and data extraction is carried out by critically assessing articles using JBI critical appraisal tools. The results showed that FPDR influenced family satisfaction. The level of satisfaction of families who implemented FPDR was higher than families who were not present during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. In conclusion, FPDR can increase family satisfaction with health services. Families want to be offered the option of getting FPDR, but the application of FPDR still needs to be improved because they have to consider the readiness of FPDR services.   Keywords: Family Presence During Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, Satisfaction, Experience, Perception, Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation, CP

    Menonton Kartun Efektif Menurunkan Nyeri Pemasangan Infus dan Venipuncture pada Anak

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    This study aims to determine the effect of non-pharmacological therapy of watching cartoons in treating children's pain during infusion and venipuncture. The method used is a systematic review using guidelines from the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). The research results showed ten articles selected after selection and quality assessment using guidance from the JBI critical appraisal tool. Watching videos effectively reduces pain in children during infusion and venipuncture with p<0.05. In conclusion, the videos watched by children are adjusted to the child's preferences and age. Nurses are expected to be able to use non-pharmacological pain management strategies to provide the best care for pediatric patients.   Keywords: Watching Cartoons, Pain, Pediatrics, Venipunctur
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