123 research outputs found

    Universal Design of Transportation Systems: A Case Study of Access and Mobility of People with Disabilities at Selected Intersections in Dar es Salaam

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    The pedestrian facilities at intersections must be usable by pedestrians of all ages and capabilities. Intersections in particular must be designed to safely accommodate pedestrians of all ages and physical and mental abilities. Often, however, intersection designs fail to accommodate people with visual and mobility disabilities. In this regard, forpedestrians with disabilities, intersections can prove to be a challenge. Some of those challenges include provision of insufficient pedestrian clearance time due to use of inappropriate design pedestrian speed. Most importantly, the required facilities to enable People With Disabilities (PWD) to use the intersection without hindrance may be missing.Obstacles such as uneven surfaces, unstable surfaces, nonexistent curb ramps, road crossings, changes in height of sidewalks, nonexistent guidance systems, obstructions, vegetation overhanging sidewalks, poles in the sidewalk, holes, etc. can all be remedied. This paper presents the results of the study which was carried out in Dar es Salaam toevaluate the extent to which the design of intersections satisfies the mobility and access needs of people with disabilities. The results indicate that the design of 20 major intersections in Dar es Salaam, mostly does not pay due attention to the needs of PWD

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Pada Tema Sehat Itu Penting Terintegrasi Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran Di Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 4 Tana Toraja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui analisis kebutuhan modul, merancang prototipe modul, mengevaluasi modul pada tema sehat itu penting terintegrasi ayat-ayat Al-Quran pada kelas V MIN 4 Tana toraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode 4D yang dilakukan sekolah MIN 4 Tana. Jenis penelitian ini adalah R&D yang berfokus pada pengembangan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa MIN 4 Tana toraja dan objeknya adalah modul tema sehat itu penting (subtema peredaran darahku sehat). Data dalam penelitian dikumpulkan melalui angket dan wawancara. Dari hasil analisis kebutuhan bahwa pendidik MIN 4 Tana Toraja belum menggunakan bahan ajar berupa modul saat proses pembelajaran oleh karenanya penulis mengembangkan dan menghasilkan modul tema sehat itu penting terintegrasi ayat-ayat Al-quran sebagain alat bantu dalam belajar. Modul yang telah dibuat selanjutnya divalidasi oleh 3 ahli validator diantaranya ahli materi/desain, validator bahasa, dan validator agama. Hasil validasi kemudian dianalisis untuk mengetahui kevalidan produk yang telah ditotalkan dan bernilai sangat valid dengan presentase 89% hasil dibuktikan dengan nilai dari ahli materi/desain 87% nilai dari ahli agama, dan nilai dari ahli bahasa 72%

    Redesign Lembar Kerja Siswa Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Akhlak

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang Redesign (mendesain ulang)  Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Menggunakan Bahasa Akhlak di kelas V SDIT Al-Bashirah Kota Palopo. Penelitian ini bertujuan: Untuk mengetahui rancangan/design LKS matematika dengan menggunakan bahasa akhlak di kelas V SDIT Al-Bashirah Kota Palopo; Untuk mengetahui tingkat kevalidan LKS matematika dengan menggunakan bahasa akhlak di kelas V SDIT Al-Bashirah Kota Palopo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Research and Development (Penelitian dan Pengembangan) dengan mengacu pada model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari 4 tahap utama yaitu, Define (Pendefinisian), Design (Desain), Develop (Pengembangan), dan Desseminate (Penyebaran). Akan tetapi pada penelitian ini, peneliti membatasi tahap penelitian pada tahap Develop (Pengembangan). Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar validasi dengan analisis data berupa uji validitas LKS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Rancangan/design LKS matematika dengan menggunakan bahasa akhlak mengacu pada model pengembangan 4-D dengan mendesain ulang LKS rujukan dari segi bahasa dan tampilan LKS menjadi tampak Islami, (2) LKS matematika dengan menggunakan bahasa akhlak telah memenuhi kriteria bahan ajar yang valid yaitu rata–rata penilaian 3,49 berada pada kategori valid

    Humanist Education: Its Implementation on Scavengers Children’s at TPA Mancani Palopo City

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    This study aims to determine the models and constraints of humanistic education carried out by educators for the child scavengers in the garbage dumps in Palopo City. This research is qualitative research for disclosing facts—Miles and Huberman's analysis using data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that: Education of scavenger children at TPA Mancani, Palopo City is more directed to public and religious educational institutions outside the garbage dumps area, educational guidance on Sundays at church for those who are Christian while those who are Muslim get an education at the Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ); humanist education is developing in Sunday schools with the concept of primary religious education, regular discussions, counseling, the formation of work and study groups with materials consisting of: beliefs, politeness/ethics, and memorizing verses. The methods used include: exemplary and discipline, habituation, advice and guidance, deliberation and discussion, stories or stories, as well as balancing the giving of praise and punishment; The obstacles faced in implementing humanist education for child scavengers at TPA Mancani Palopo City include; the recruitment as fostered children in Sunday School, the lack of support from parents, child scavengers feel that their freedom is losing after entering school, and not guarantee their worthiness of life. Another obstacle is the limited number of assistants of child scavengers, limited facilities, infrastructure, funds, and the character traits of scavenger children that are difficult to change

    Strategi Pengembangan Program Literasi Peserta Didik SMP di Kota Palopo

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeksripsikan strategi pengembangan program literasi peserta didik SMP di Kota Palopo. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu seluruh SMP di Kota Palopo, yang meliputi kepala sekolah, guru mata pelajaran IPS, serta peserta didik. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Secara umum program literasi telah mulai dilaksanakan di seluruh SMP di kota Palopo dengan berbagai strategi yang diterapkan oleh sekolah. (2) Strategi pengembangan program literasi peserta didik SMP di Kota Palopo terdiri dari tahap pembiasaan, pengembangan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis literasi. (3) Kendala yang dihadapi dalam pengembangan program literasi peserta didik SMP di Kota Palopo di antaranya kurangnya minat baca peserta didik, keterbatasan fasilitas penunjang literasi, masih ada peserta didik yang belum lancar membaca, peserta didik belum memahami literasi numerasi dengan baik, serta kurangnya motivasi guru. Adapun solusi yang ditempuh guru dalam mengatasi kendala dalam program literasi yakni berupaya meningkatkan minat baca peserta didik, memberikan bentuk kegiatan literasi yang lebih bervariasi, memberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya literasi, serta memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk melakukan pengamatan langsung

    Academic Services in Islamic Education Management Study Program: The Actualization of the Basic Values of the State Civil Apparatus at IAIN Palopo

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    This research aims to develop the MPI study program 's academic information to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of education services by web-based information systems by updating the State Civil Establishment (ASN) values, using the approach of Participatory Action Research (PAR). The solution to the issue of web-based academic services in IAIN Palopo 's Islamic Education Management Study Programme, namely 1) conducting consultations related to web design of the Islamic Education Management Study Programme; 2) registering the web sub - domain and collecting materials that will be the content of the Islamic Education Management Study Program web.; 3) Installing web-based machines in registered sub-domains and creating a web-based framework for the Islamic Education Management Study Program; 4) designing a web-based display of the Islamic Education Management Study Program; 5) making menus and filling each menu with types of services, information, and activities related to the Islamic Education Management Study Program; 6) Implementation of web management training for prospective web administrators of Islamic Education Management Study Program; 7) Automation of web services published in the Islamic Education Management Study Program

    Dampak Implementasi Manajemen Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP) IPS Terhadap Profesionalitas Guru SMP Negeri di Palopo

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripisikan dan menguraikan dampak implementasi manajemen MGMP  terhadap profesionalitas guru IPS SMP Negeri  di Palopo. Jenis penelitian  ini menggunakan  pendekatan  deskriptif kualitatif yang menggambarkan   data  sesuai  yang  terjadi  dilapangan.  Sumber  data dalam  penelitian  ini yakni  data primer    yaitu  ketua MGMP, Kasi PTK, Korwas, Sekertaris MGMP, 3 orang guru mata pelajaran dan staf tata usaha. Data sekunder berupa dokumen dokumen MGMP dan dokumen RPP dan silabus   guru   JPS.   Teknik   yang   digunakan   dalam   pengumpulan    data   dengan menggunakan  observasi,  wawancara dan dokumentasi.  Analisis  data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan  data, penyajian data, reduksi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian  ini menunjukkan bahwa: Dampak  Implementasi Manajemen MGMP  terhadap  Profesinalitas Guru SMP Negeri  di Palopo  Hambatan; Guru peserta MGMP kurang disiplin, prosesi MGMP belum pemah melibatkan pakar atau ahli sebagai nara sumber, dan jangkauan  kegiatan MGMP belum didukung dana sepenuhnya. Solusi; pengurus MGMP perlu melakukan konsolidasi kepada MK.KS sehingga terjadi peran yang berimbang dalam membuka kesadaran bagi guru JPS mengikuti  MGMP,  melakukan  kerjasama  baik secara lembaga maupun  individu ahli pakar di bidangnya, dan melakukan usaha-usaha  penggalangan dana

    Application of Microcanonical Temperature to the Spin Crossover of Fe-co Compounds

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    Using the Rugh's microcanonical approach to temperature we study the classical model of three dimensional spin-crossover of Fe-Co compounds. These compounds are characterized by magnetic ions that can be in a high-spin or low-spin state. We consider the case of diamagnetic low-spin state. The values of the magnetization average, and fraction of high-spin/low-spin are studied over a wide range of values for the system size, temperature, magnetic field, energy difference, nearest neighbor coupling and exchange interaction. We also address the metastability according to the relative values of interaction parameters and the phase diagram of the model. Keywords: phase transition, dynamical temperature, spin crossove

    The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models Type Group Investigation and Kinesthetic Style Learning to Science Physics Skill Process on Students

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    The purposes of the research are: to determine differences in the physics skills of students with learning model Cooperative Group Investigation using concept maps and Direct Instruction teaching model, to determine differences in the physical skills of students who have high Kinesthetic Learning Styles and Learning Styles low, to determine the interaction between Models of Learning and Kinesthetic Learning Styles toward physical process skills of students. The sample in this study conducted in a cluster random sampling of two classes, where the first class as a class experiment applied learning models Cooperative Group Investigation using Concept Maps as a class and the second class of controls implemented Direct Instruction model. The instrument used in this study is physics instrument science process skills in narrative form as many as 13 questions and instrument kinesthetic learning style questionnaire that has been declared valid and reliable. The results were found: there are differences in physical science process skills students are taught by Cooperative Group Investigation learning model using Concept Maps and Direct Instruction teaching model. There are differences in physical science process skills of students who have kinesthetic learning styles and students who have low kinesthetic learning style. Interaction between learning models Cooperative Group Investigation using Concept Maps and kinesthetic learning styles in influencing the physical science process skills of students

    Effects of Ti Addition on the Dielectrical Properties of a New Austenite Alloy

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    EFFECTS OF Ti ADDITION ON THE DIELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF A NEW AUSTENITE ALLOY. Preparation of alloys has been carried out leading to a new type of austenite alloys designated A-1 with a composition of Fe 52.22 wt%, Ni 24.2 wt%, Cr 20.0 wt%, Si 1.0 wt%, Mn 2.0 wt%, C 0.08 wt% and Ti 0.5 wt%. The main difference compared to commercial alloys (e.g. A347) is that Ti is added as an alloying element, but no P and S. The frequency-dependent conductivity and dielectric response of this novel material have been investigated by RLC bridge impedance spectroscopy method. It was verified that the real dielectric constant Îş' of these newA-1materials showawell defined dielectric behavior and shows a considerable improvement over the commercial A-347 alloywith similar composition. Both dielectric response and dielectric loss curves show frequency dispersive relaxation peaks, indicating different conduction process in the surface and in the bulk of the materials. Therefore the substitution of P and S with Ti resulting in a new austenite with different dielectric properties. These improved dielectric properties should make this new material a good candidate for use as electrical connector, but with a reduced corrosion, so the lifetime or duration of application could be extended
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