7 research outputs found

    Enhancing Innovation and Collaboration in the Leather Processing Industry: A Case Study of the KIWANGO Leather Cluster

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    This research article was published in the Research Square, 2024In the era of Industry 4.0, fostering innovation through strong collaboration among universities, industry, and government is crucial. However, the Tanzanian economy has faced challenges due to weak links between these entities. To address this, Sida initiated the Innovation Systems and Cluster Development Program (ISCP-Tz) in partnership with the University of Dar es Salaam. This was followed by a program at COSTECH focused on fostering innovation for socioeconomic development. As part of these programs, 15 clusters, including KIWANGO Leather, were selected for documentation of their experiences. KIWANGO Leather exemplifies successful collaboration between cluster firms, the university, local government, and research institutions. Operationalizing guidelines for collaboration led to cooperative innovations, knowledge exchange, internships, and long-term partnerships established through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The cluster's experiences highlight a non-linear, inclusive innovation process with positive outcomes. This paper aims to showcase this innovative approach and its results, encouraging actors in emerging innovation ecosystems in the Global South to adopt and scale up similar strategies for knowledge co-creation that can contribute to sustainable development. By adopting these approaches and fostering collaborative networks, countries can leverage their resources and expertise to drive innovation, create economic growth, and address societal challenges

    Analysis of the Serengeti Broadband Network

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    Internet access is intermittent and very expensive in remoteareas in the developing world. The access is still mainly pro-vided via satellite links to other continents and, although thetransition to terrestrial networks has started, it will taketime to reach the under-served areas. To understand thelocal needs and traffic patterns in rural areas, we have an-alyzed Internet web traffic logs captured over a year froma municipal network deployed in remote areas in Tanzania.The web traffic logs analysis was complemented by user sur-veys on their actual usage.Our analysis reveals that popularity of social networkingand news websites increases over time.We have noticed manyother contents such as advertisements which we consider notrelevant to developing regions but consume the little band-width they have. Based on the insights gained from theanalysis, we have provided recommendations on how to op-timize the little bandwidth available. Further, we have de-ployed some of the recommendations in the current system.QC 2011100

    Towards Sustainable Broadband Communication in Under-served Areas : A Case Study from Tanzania

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    The problem discussed in this thesis is how to establish sustainable broadband markets in under-served areas. The purpose is to improve people’s living conditions by promoting efficient service delivery in education, health, and governance and alleviating poverty. Due to the high-perceived risks, the market forces have failed to bring ICT in these areas. The business community is reluctant to take on the supplier role. Earlier efforts through development partners have been focusing on connecting under-served areas to the global Internet via telecentres. However, most implementations could not operate beyond the initial funding for various reasons, especially the lack of understanding of the local needs where most technical solutions were imported from the developed world, not optimized to work under local conditions. We propose the creation of community or municipal owned “broadband islands”, defined as high speed communication broadband networks that do not depend on external connections for their operations. Using an Action Research participatory approach, we are emphasizing multi-stakeholder partnerships, and engaging the local community to contribute infrastructure, technical solutions and leadership. Our proposal is validated through the design and deployment of two pilot sites in rural areas of Tanzania. Our original contributions include 1) An overall model on how to establish and sustain broadband markets in under-served areas, making it scalable and reproducible. 2) technical innovations, especially the design and implementation of a low cost, low power-consuming, and robust router with integrated power management. 3) Organizational innovations by establishing institutional mechanisms at a local level in public-private-community partnership. 4) Innovative funding mechanisms by identifying partners who can pay on behalf of the end users and cut down costs through resource sharing schemes. The government of Tanzania has shown interest to use the pilot sites as models for extending the national backbone into other municipal. Also, discussions are underway to organize similar pilots in East Africa.QC 2011112

    Towards Sustainable Broadband Communication in Under-served Areas : A Case Study from Tanzania

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    The problem discussed in this thesis is how to establish sustainable broadband markets in under-served areas. The purpose is to improve people’s living conditions by promoting efficient service delivery in education, health, and governance and alleviating poverty. Due to the high-perceived risks, the market forces have failed to bring ICT in these areas. The business community is reluctant to take on the supplier role. Earlier efforts through development partners have been focusing on connecting under-served areas to the global Internet via telecentres. However, most implementations could not operate beyond the initial funding for various reasons, especially the lack of understanding of the local needs where most technical solutions were imported from the developed world, not optimized to work under local conditions. We propose the creation of community or municipal owned “broadband islands”, defined as high speed communication broadband networks that do not depend on external connections for their operations. Using an Action Research participatory approach, we are emphasizing multi-stakeholder partnerships, and engaging the local community to contribute infrastructure, technical solutions and leadership. Our proposal is validated through the design and deployment of two pilot sites in rural areas of Tanzania. Our original contributions include 1) An overall model on how to establish and sustain broadband markets in under-served areas, making it scalable and reproducible. 2) technical innovations, especially the design and implementation of a low cost, low power-consuming, and robust router with integrated power management. 3) Organizational innovations by establishing institutional mechanisms at a local level in public-private-community partnership. 4) Innovative funding mechanisms by identifying partners who can pay on behalf of the end users and cut down costs through resource sharing schemes. The government of Tanzania has shown interest to use the pilot sites as models for extending the national backbone into other municipal. Also, discussions are underway to organize similar pilots in East Africa.QC 2011112