7 research outputs found

    Development of a Remote Straw Mushroom Cultivation System Using IoT Technologies

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    Indonesia's tropical climate creates vast potential for straw mushroom cultivation. However, crop failures are frequent during the rainy season due to lower temperatures. To address this challenge, this paper presents an innovative, IoT-based system designed to remotely control and monitor temperature and humidity in mushroom cultivation sites, thereby minimizing crop failure and optimizing production. The proposed system employs a DHT11 sensor to measure temperature and humidity levels accurately. A DS3231 module is incorporated to schedule automatic watering procedures, ensuring adequate hydration for the mushrooms without manual intervention. For real-time monitoring, an ESP32-Cam is used to capture images of the mushroom cultivation site. The core of this system is a NodeMCU microcontroller, which processes environmental data and automatically adjusts the cultivation conditions. The system triggers a heater if the temperature falls below 30°C, or an exhaust fan if it exceeds 35°C. Similarly, a humidifier activates if humidity falls below 80%, and an exhaust fan turns on when humidity exceeds 90%. To provide users with instant updates, the system integrates with the Blynk application, sending notifications when these specified conditions are met. This feature allows for prompt intervention when necessary, facilitating optimal growth conditions at all times. During testing, the proposed system demonstrated its effectiveness, enabling successful straw mushroom cultivation within nine days. Furthermore, it achieved this with modest power consumption, using a total of 661.608Wh. This system offers a promising solution to improve straw mushroom farming in regions with similar climates to Indonesia


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    Suppose G is a Eulerian directed graph with an edge labeling. In this paper will discuss the literature studies an algorithm to construct Euler trail that starts at a node r with the lexicographic minimum label among all Euler trail that starts node r is


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    Suppose G is a Eulerian directed graph with an edge labeling. In this paper will discuss the literature studies an algorithm to construct Euler trail that starts at a node r with the lexicographic minimum label among all Euler trail that starts node r is

    Development of a Remote Straw Mushroom Cultivation System Using IoT Technologies

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    Indonesia's tropical climate offers extensive potential for straw mushroom cultivation, an important topic given frequent crop failures during the rainy season due to reduced temperatures. Addressing this issue, this paper presents an innovative Internet of Things (IoT)-based system designed to remotely control and monitor temperature and humidity in mushroom cultivation sites, a tool that can significantly minimize crop failure and optimize production. Our proposed system employs a DHT11 sensor, responsible for accurately measuring temperature and humidity levels. To ensure the mushrooms receive adequate hydration without human intervention, a DS3231 module is incorporated for automatic watering scheduling. For real-time monitoring, we use an ESP32-Cam, a specific type of camera module, to capture images of the mushroom cultivation site. The heart of this system is a NodeMCU microcontroller, which processes environmental data and adjusts the cultivation conditions automatically. The system counteracts non-optimal conditions by triggering a heater or fan for temperature control, and a humidifier or exhaust for humidity control. It syncs with the Blynk app, providing updates for prompt response. The system was tested across multiple cultivation sites, showing improved crop success and low energy use, 661.608Wh. Despite its advantages, it acknowledges potential drawbacks, such as implementation costs, compatibility issues, and connectivity. Relevant performance indicators like crop yield and profitability are also evaluated. The contributions of this research are twofold. Firstly, it provides a robust, scalable solution for optimizing straw mushroom cultivation, particularly in regions with climates like Indonesia. Secondly, it sets a new benchmark for energy-efficient, automated mushroom farming, offering substantial benefits to farmers and the overall agricultural industry while further emphasizing its potential impact

    Restoration of Degraded Tropical Peatland in Indonesia: A Review

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    Tropical peatlands are fragile ecosystems with an important role in conserving biodiversity, water quality and availability, preventing floods, soil intrusion, erosion and sedimentation, and providing a livelihood for people. However, due to illegal logging, fire and conversion into other land use, the peatlands in Indonesia are under serious threat. Efforts to restore Indonesia’s tropical peatlands have been accelerated by the establishment of the Peatland Restoration Agency in early 2016. The restoration action policy includes the rewetting, revegetation and revitalisation of local livelihood (known as the 3Rs). This paper summarises the regulatory, institutional and planning aspects of peatland restoration, in addition to the implementation of the 3Rs in Indonesia, including failures, success stories, and the criteria and indicators for the success of peatland restoration

    Tropical Forest Landscape Restoration in Indonesia: A Review

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    Indonesia has the second-largest biodiversity of any country in the world. Deforestation and forest degradation have caused a range of environmental issues, including habitat degradation and loss of biodiversity, deterioration of water quality and quantity, air pollution, and increased greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. Forest restoration at the landscape level has been conducted to balance ecological integrity and human well-being. Forest restoration efforts are also aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and are closely related to Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from the forestry sector. The purpose of this paper is to examine the regulatory, institutional, and policy aspects of forest restoration in Indonesia, as well as the implementation of forest restoration activities in the country. The article was written using a synoptic review approach to Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)-related articles and national experiences. Failures, success stories, and criteria and indicators for forest restoration success are all discussed. We also discuss the latest silvicultural techniques for the success of the forest restoration program. Restoration governance in Indonesia has focused on the wetland ecosystem such as peatlands and mangroves, but due to the severely degraded condition of many forests, the government has by necessity opted for active restoration involving the planting and establishment of livelihood options. The government has adapted its restoration approach from the early focus on ecological restoration to more forest landscape restoration, which recognizes that involving the local community in restoration activities is critical for the success of forest restoration