18 research outputs found


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    Leather is a product obtained from the conversion process of raw skin/hide into leather. The process generate a number of wastes with a high pollutant content, especially waste water. The waste contributes to the formation of carbon emission. Awareness on  environmental sustainability also requires the industry to improve its production system to make it more eco-friendly. Improvements will increase production and the  industry reputation. Before making improvements to the production system, it is necessary to carry out an analysis related to the carbon emissions produced in producing a product. The objectives of this study were to calculate carbon emission (carbon footprint) that generates in the leather tannery process and to give alternative strategy for the environmental improvement.  The research used primary data and secondary data. This research was carried out with the processes identification, carbon emission sources identification, an analysis of the carbon emission potential amount, and a study of strategies to minimize carbon formation in the tannery. The results of the analysis showed that electricity and wastewater were sources of carbon in the production process of leather. The total of carbon emission formed in the leather tanning process was 1,692.17 kg CO2 eq per batch, where wastewater contributed more than electricity. Further analysis showed that 1 m2 of leather produced 8.08 kg CO2 eq of carbon. The strategies that can be taken to reduce carbon emissions are engineering processes, material substitution, and using eco-friendly materials. Keywords: carbon footprint, leather, tanner

    Kerangka Konseptual Integritas: Studi Eksplorasi pada Guru-guru Sekolah Dasar di Yogyakarta

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    Integrity is commitment to positive values i.e. honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. To encourage children to commit to such positive values, elementary school educatorsare expected to understand the essential values of integrity. This study is an exploratory qualitative study attemptingto buildan understanding on the Indonesian school teacher’s concepts ofintegritywith an indigenous approach. An open ended survey was conducted to a sample of 121 elementary school teachers from Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. A group of elementary school teachers from the sample was recruited to assist the data analysis process, to ensure a data coding in accordance to their conception. The categories were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The result of this research revealed the perspective of elementary school teachers on the importance of certain values involved in integrity, how they teach their students to embrace the values. Theoretical and applied implementation of this research results is discussed.Integritas adalah komitmen terhadap nilai-nilai positif yaitu kejujuran, kepercayaan, keadilan, rasa hormat, tanggung jawab dan keberanian. Untuk mendorong siswa SD berkomitmen pada nilai-nilai positif seperti itu, pendidik sekolah dasar diharapkan memahami nilai-nilai penting dari integritas. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif eksploratif yang mencoba membangun pemahaman tentang konsep integritas guru sekolah Indonesia dengan pendekatan indijenous. Survei open-ended disebarkan dan diisi 121 guru sekolah dasar dari Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta. Kemudian sekelompok guru sekolah dasar dari partisipan tersebut direkrut untuk membantu proses analisis data, untuk memastikan pengkodean data sesuai dengan konsepsi mereka. Kategori dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan perspektif guru sekolah dasar tentang pentingnya nilai-nilai tertentu yang terlibat dalam integritas dan bagaimana mereka mengajar siswa mereka untuk mengadopsi nilai-nilai luhur. Penerapan teoritis dan praktis dari hasil penelitian ini akan dibahas

    Analisis Proses Laser Cutting dengan Variasi Cutting Speed, Jarak Focusline, dan Gas Pressure Terhadap Kekerasan dan Kekasaran Material MS SPHC

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    Laser cutting merupakan teknologi pemotongan sheet metal menggunakan media laser yang dipadukan sistem CNC. Permasalahan proses laser cutting yaitu kecacatan permukaan hasil pemotongan dan peningkatan kekerasan material pada area permukaan hasil pemotongan laser cutting, disebabkan oleh ketidaksesuaian variasi parameter. Parameter laser cutting dalam penelitian ini yaitu cutting speed, jarak focusline, dan gas pressure. Variasi parameter cutting speed yang diteliti adalah 1440 m/min, 1620 m/min, dan 1800 m/min. Variasi jarak focusline yang diteliti yaitu 5,5 mm, 6,0 mm, dan 6,5 mm. Variasi parameter gas pressure yang digunakan yaitu 0,5 bar, 0,7 bar, dan 0,9 bar. Metode Taguchi digunakan untuk mendapatkan variasi dengan nilai kekerasan dan kekasaran permukaan material yang minimum. Kekasaran permukaan diuji menggunakan surface roughness tester, kekerasan permukaan diuji menggunakan hardness tester brinel. Besarnya pengaruh setiap parameter di analisis menggunakan metode ANOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan parameter jarak focusline memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap kekasaran permukaan dengan persentase 50,385 %, parameter gas pressure adalah parameter yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kekerasan permukaan dengan persentase 54,241 %. Nilai kekasaran minimum dapat dicapai dengan parameter cutting speed 1800 m/min, focusline 5,5 mm, dan gas pressure 0,5 bar. Nilai kekerasan minimum dicapai dengan cutting speed 1800 m/min, focusline 6,5 mm, dan gas pressure 0,5 bar

    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN UBI JALAR UNGU TERHADAP SIFAT ORGANOLEPTIK ES KRIM SUSU KAMBING PERANAKAN ETAWA [The Influence of Purple Sweet Potato Increment og Organoleptic Characteristic of Goat Milk Ice Cream of Etawa Generation]

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    Goat milk is perishable foodstuffs and has  low shelf life. One way to preserve it is process goat milk into ice cream. This is usefulforreducingthe damagenutritiongoat milk. Purple sweet potatoes which contain some anthosianin can be added to inprove the texture. However, the amount of purple sweet potato  added will affect the texture and body of icecream.  Therfore this research is needed. This research was purposed to find concentration of purple sweet potato that will produce the best ice cream especially on organoleptic characteristic. The experiment was arranged in  Latin Square design in single factor that consist of 5 levels  concentrations of purple sweet potato paste. There were 0% (reference), 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% (b/b) with 5 replications. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance . further tested using the HSD Test in 5% level of signiificance. The The results showed that addition of  30%  sweet potato paste produced the best quality of goat milk ice cream of Etawa . The score of aroma was 3,5 (not specific goat milk), the taste’s score was 3,47 (sweet), color’s score was 2,8 (rather purple), texture’s score was 3,5 (soft), and the overall  of acceptance was 3,203 (rather like). This ice cream contained water, protein, fat, ash, crude fiber, and total carbohidrate as amuch as 66,98%, protein was 5,5%, 11,86%, 1,34%, 0,3% and 14,2%. Keywords : goat milk, ice cream, purple sweet potat


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    Leather industry is known as industry that unfriendly to the environtment, since it produces a lot of wastes in its processes. The objectives of this study were to analyze material, energy and toxicity (MET) and to identify cleaner production strategies which can be applied in leather tannery. This study was survey research. The method used were purposive sampling, MET matrix, wastewater analysis, literature review, dan expert discussion. The study showed some chemical materials which used in processing were irritant, corrosive, and carcinogenic; wastewater of 29.5 m3and solid wastes of 1,749.14 kg. Hazardous pollutans in the waste water and solid wastes were sulfide, ammonia, and chrome. Ammonia-N produced in deliming and bating process was 4,701.48 mg/L. Cr6+produced in the retanning, dyeing and fatliquoring processes was 2.09 mg/L. Sulfide produced in liming process was 646.4 mg/L. Setting out was the highest step to consumed energy, namely 336.37 kWh from 632.08 kWh of total energy consumed. The result of identification showed there were some cleaner production strategies which could be applied in the leather processing. The priority strategies which could be applied were water control and water reuse


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    Leather industry is known as industry that unfriendly to the environtment, since it produces a lot of wastes in its processes.  The objectives of this study were to analyze material, energy and toxicity (MET) and to identify cleaner production strategies which can be applied in leather tannery. This study was survey research.  The method used were purposive sampling, MET matrix, wastewater analysis, literature review, dan expert discussion. The study showed some chemical materials which used in processing were irritant, corrosive, and carcinogenic; wastewater of 29.5 m3and solid wastes of 1,749.14 kg. Hazardous pollutans in the waste water and solid wastes were sulfide, ammonia, and chrome.  Ammonia-N produced in deliming and bating process was 4,701.48 mg/L. Cr6+produced in the retanning, dyeing and fatliquoring processes was 2.09 mg/L. Sulfide produced in liming process was 646.4 mg/L. Setting out was the highest step to consumed energy, namely 336.37 kWh from 632.08 kWh of total energy consumed. The result of identification showed there were some cleaner production strategies which could be applied in the leather processing. The priority strategies which could be applied were water control and water reuse.Key words: cleaner production, MET, toxicity, waste


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    Leather industry is known as industry that unfriendly to the environtment, since it produces a lot of wastes in its processes.  The objectives of this study were to analyze material, energy and toxicity (MET) and to identify cleaner production strategies which can be applied in leather tannery. This study was survey research.  The method used were purposive sampling, MET matrix, wastewater analysis, literature review, dan expert discussion. The study showed some chemical materials which used in processing were irritant, corrosive, and carcinogenic; wastewater of 29.5 m3and solid wastes of 1,749.14 kg. Hazardous pollutans in the waste water and solid wastes were sulfide, ammonia, and chrome.  Ammonia-N produced in deliming and bating process was 4,701.48 mg/L. Cr6+produced in the retanning, dyeing and fatliquoring processes was 2.09 mg/L. Sulfide produced in liming process was 646.4 mg/L. Setting out was the highest step to consumed energy, namely 336.37 kWh from 632.08 kWh of total energy consumed. The result of identification showed there were some cleaner production strategies which could be applied in the leather processing. The priority strategies which could be applied were water control and water reuse.Key words: cleaner production, MET, toxicity, waste


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    Padang lamun menyediakan banyak manfaat. Diperlukan penilaian tutupan lamun dan distribusi spasial spesies lamun, untuk memastikan manfaat dari padang lamun tetap ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuadran disepanjang line transect, dan analisis data dilakukan untuk dapat menyajikan informasi tentang titik koordinat transek garis, persen tutupan lamun, persen tutupan spesies lamun, jenis substrat (pasir, lumpur dan pecahan karang), jumlah spesies Enhallus acoroides (tegakan/m2) dan distribusi spasial spesies lamun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi padang lamun di wilayah studi sebagai kategori tutupan padat. Spesies lamun Thalassia hemprichii (Th) dan Enhalus acoroides (Ea) adalah spesies dominan dan menyebar ke seluruh wilayah penelitian.COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF SEAGRASS IN MALANG RAPAT, BINTAN. Seagrass beds provide many benefits. Assessment of seagrass cover and spatial distribution of seagrass species is needed, to ensure the benefits of seagrass beds remain. The study was conducted using the quadratic method on the line transect, and the analysis was carried out to be able to present information about line transect coordinate points, percent cover of seagrass, percent cover of seagrass species, substrate type (sand, mud and rubble), number of species of Enhallus acoroides (shoot/m2) and spatial distribution of seagrass species. The results showed the condition of seagrass beds in the study area as a category of solid cover. Seagrass species Thalassia hemprichii (Th) and Enhalus acoroides (Ea) are dominant species and spread throughout the study area

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Aplikasi Monitoring Daya Listrik Rumah Berbasis Android

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    The need for household-scale electricity consumption is very closely dependent on household appliances that use electrical energy. The demand for household electricity has increased along with the Work From Home (WFH). If this is not managed optimally based on the aspect of its use, it will unconsciously have an impact on economic spending. The purpose of this study focuses on a prototype monitoring system for electrical quantities in the form of voltage, current strength and electric power in real time via the Android platform. The prototype that was created was able to collect realtime data every 1 minute and 5 minutes, respectively, resulting in a measurement accuracy of 92.99% and 81.85%. As well as reading accuracy of (36.60 + 2.42) Watt and (27 + 4.96) Watt. Based on the error results and the results of the reading accuracy of the prototype, a comparison was made between the delay of data retrieval per 1 minute and 5 minutes, it can be concluded that it has a higher reading accuracy per 1 minute. So that the suggestions and recommendations from further researchers regarding the design of electrical energy monitoring management use a delay time of more than one minute so as not to lose a lot of data information from the measurement results.Kebutuhan konsumsi listrik skala rumah tangga sangat bergantung pada peralatan rumah tangga yang menggunakan energi listrik. Kebutuhan listrik rumah tangga meningkat seiring dengan Work From Home (WFH). Jika hal ini tidak dikelola secara optimal berdasarkan aspek pemanfaatannya, secara tidak sadar akan berdampak pada pengeluaran ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini berfokus pada prototipe sistem monitoring besaran listrik berupa tegangan, kuat arus dan daya listrik secara real time melalui platform Android. Prototipe yang dibuat mampu mengumpulkan data secara realtime setiap 1 menit dan 5 menit, menghasilkan akurasi pengukuran sebesar 92,99% dan 81,85%. Serta akurasi pembacaan (36.60+2.42) Watt dan (27+4.96) Watt. Berdasarkan hasil error dan hasil akurasi pembacaan prototipe dibuat perbandingan antara delay pengambilan data per 1 menit dan 5 menit, dapat disimpulkan memiliki akurasi pembacaan per 1 menit yang lebih tinggi. Sehingga saran dan rekomendasi dari peneliti selanjutnya mengenai perancangan manajemen monitoring energi listrik menggunakan waktu tunda lebih dari satu menit agar tidak banyak kehilangan informasi data dari hasil pengukuran