2,726 research outputs found

    Women in the Sphere of Masculinity: The Double-Edged Sword of Women’s Integration in the Military

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    Too many women together are not a good thing anywhere, especially not in the military.2 Noa is one of numerous women who have managed to cross traditional gender lines in the Israeli military in the last decade, assigned to positions that typically had been reserved for men.3 The inclusion of those women in traditional masculine spheres was the result of legal changes initiated by women and feminist groups in the 1990s.4 Those changes were designed to promote greater gender equality in the military by opening prestigious combat units to women soldiers.5 Hence, Noa and all other women whose military experiences were documented in the film Company Jasmine were all facilitators of this vision of gender equality. For some women, having the equal opportunity to serve as their male counterparts proves to be a meaningful experience that raises their confidence and allows for individual achievements in areas traditionally inaccessible to women.11 This article focuses on these seemingly contradictory findings regarding women\u27s growing integration in the military, using the Israeli experience of gender integration in the IDF as a case study for exploring the ongoing feminist debate on women\u27s military service


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    In emerging markets, policies for preventing and managing financial crises should be understood following the standard open economy macroeconomics text treatment. This, however, will prevent us from fully comprehending how to deal with these crises. To deal with financial crises in emerging markets, this paper brings about more promising theoretical tools borrowed from the interdisciplinary field of optimal policy design. It also considers the possibility that more than one market failure may occur simultaneously. The theoretical tools discussed here should serve to improve existing prevention and management policies. Admittedly, the interdisciplinary field of optimal policy design is comparatively young, thus offering scarce empirical support for disentangling competing models. Given this inability to decide upon the best possible model, we should consider at least two constraints that policy makers will deal with in the real world of financial crises. First, given that policy makers make crucial choices between parsimonious and innovative measures, this paper recommends parsimony because of the uncertainty about the true model. Second, high political implementation costs will always be present, and these are positively correlated with supranational institutional requirements. Considering issues of both parsimony and political constraints, we argue that any attempt to internationally harmonize rules and codes must be done with caution. With this framework in mind, we review some of the recent proposals about emerging markets crisis prevention. From the point of view of emerging countries and creditor countries taken as a whole, and benevolent IFIs, we conclude that promoting GDP indexed sovereign bonds is the best available proposal for crises prevention. In this paper, we leave aside the debate of the political economy or governance reform issues of the IFIs.

    Structural transitions in the 309-atom magic number Lennard-Jones cluster

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    The thermal behaviour of the 309-atom Lennard-Jones cluster, whose structure is a complete Mackay icosahedron, has been studied by parallel tempering Monte Carlo simulations. Surprisingly for a magic number cluster, the heat capacity shows a very pronounced peak before melting, which is attributed to several coincident structural transformation processes. The main transformation is somewhat akin to surface roughening, and involves a cooperative condensation of vacancies and adatoms that leads to the formation of pits and islands one or two layers thick on the Mackay icosahedron. The second transition in order of importance involves a whole scale transformation of the cluster structure, and leads to a diverse set of twinned structures that are assemblies of face-centred-cubic tetrahedra with 6 atoms along their edges, i.e., one atom more than the edges of the 20 tetrahedra that make up the 309-atom Mackay icosahedron. A surface reconstruction of the icosahedron from a Mackay to an anti-Mackay overlayer is also observed, but with a lower probability.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    La España post-Sadam y su opinión pública

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    Después de la crisis de Irak, en el terreno de la política exterior, ¿podrá reconciliarse el gobierno español con su opinión pública? No es tan fácil. En el análisis se explica por qué. A partir de los datos del Barómetro del Real Instituto Elcano se intenta mostrar que el rechazo de la opinión pública española se trata de un problema que no es superficial y que, lejos de desaparecer, probablemente va a mantenerse y reproducirse después de la guerra de Irak. Se apuntan tres motivos de por qué esto es así, que están relacionados con los tres argumentos que ha esgrimido el gobierno para justificar su postura, a saber: que España ha reforzado el diálogo transatlántico; que nuestro país está ahora donde debe estar, con las mejores democracias del mundoque luchan contra el terrorismo; y, finalmente, que es una potencia. En primer lugar, es la Unión Europea y no el diálogo transatlántico el área que los españoles consideran prioritaria. En segundo lugar, por el modelo social y no liberal de democracia que defienden los españoles, no se considera que EEUU sea una de las mejores democracias del mundo. Finalmente, la mayoría de los españoles ni creen que España sea una potencia, ni quieren serlo. Si no se tienen en cuenta estas resistencias mentales, en la opinión pública española se pueden volver a producirse situaciones como la de la guerra de Irak

    La contribución de América Latina al poder blando de España en el mundo

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    La aportación de América Latina al poder blando de España es lo que hace que España sea una potencia. La aportación de América Latina al poder blando de España es lo que hace que España sea una potencia. Si no hubiese esa estrecha relación política, cultural y económica entre España y América Latina es indudable que, en primer lugar, nuestro país no tendría el mismo atractivo cultural en el exterior y, en segundo lugar, que tampoco sería percibido de la misma manera en el resto del mundo

    La imagen exterior como polĂ­tica de Estado

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    Recientemente varios Estados han puesto en marcha iniciativas de estudio y mejora de su imagen exterior. Tal es el caso de EEUU (Oficina Global de Comunicaciones), Reino Unido (Britain Abroad Task Force), Alemania (Concept 2000) o España(Proyecto Marca España). Su análisis y comparación llevan a una interpretación que difiere de la más habitual, a saber: la competencia en la arena global. Cada política responde a problemas específicos de imagen y, además, se organiza también de manera diferente, por ejemplo, con un peso de la sociedad civil que varía según el país
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