959 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThirty years after the isolation of HIV, despite significant advances in the understanding of the mechanisms of viral pathogenesis, a cure remains out of sight. Despite the effectiveness of combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) at preventing virus replication, a stable, transcriptionally silent viral reservoir within resting memory CD4+ T cells persists and hampers HIV elimination. The current thinking in the field is that a combination of a hypothetical drug that reactivates latent viruses, with current antiretroviral therapy, will be an effective approach toward viral eradication. Several vaccination regimens and pathogen infections have been shown to correlate with a transient increase in the levels of plasma RNA in HIV-1 infected patients even in the presence of ART. Hence, it is tempting to speculate that exposure to microbial products either by vaccination or infection may trigger reactivation of latent viruses. Pathogen infections are primarily sensed through pattern recognition receptors. Toll-like receptors, the most well investigated pattern recognition receptors, are important sentinels of innate host defense. These sensors recognize structural patterns from pathogens and induce an immune response through downstream signaling cascades that, among others, culminate in the activation of NF-kappaB and other transcription factors. Since the viral promoter contains two tandem NF-kappaB binding sites, it is possible to iv speculate that toll-like receptor signaling toward reactivation of latent HIV has recently gained impetus. In this dissertation, I review the emerging body of literature on the correlation between NF-kappaB signaling, as triggered by tolllike receptor engagement, and the reactivation of latent HIV-1. Second, I present our findings that Pam3CSK4, a toll-like receptor-1/2 agonist, can reactivate latent HIV in primary CD4+ T cells in vitro and in cells from aviremic patients. Finally, I described the ability of dynasore, a dynamin inhibitor, to activate latent HIV-1 provirus alone or in synergy with Pam3CSK4, and with well-known latencyreversing agents, such as SAHA, bryostatin-1 and JQ-1. HIV latency is a complex phenomenon controlled by different molecular mechanisms. Although several latency-reversing agents have been described in the literature, the efficacy of these agents to eliminate the transcriptionally silent reservoir in past clinical trials has been limited. Toll-like receptor signaling represents a novel tool in our armamentarium against latent HIV, and therefore deserves further exploration. Throughout the body of this work, I define two novel approaches that could provide us with new therapeutic interventions towards the eradication of the latent reservoir and a cure for HIV/AIDS


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    Kata Kunci : Pelafalan, Nada, Vokal, Konsonan. Fonologi adalah kajian linguistik yang mempelajari bunyi bahasa. Pelafalan Bahasa Mandarin ada 3 yaitu Konsonan (21), Vokal (37) dan Nada (4). Di dalam Bahasa Mandarin ada 4 nada yang berbeda, arti yang berbeda dan tulisan yang berbeda. Dalam skripsi ini, penulis tertarik membahas tentang kemampuan pelafalan Bahasa Mandarin mahasiswa Semester III. Hal tersebut untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dan tujuan yakni kemampuan dan deskripsi kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Semester III melafalkan fonem Bahasa Mandarin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa beberapa mahasiswa dapat melafalkan fonem Bahasa Mandarin dengan lancar dan beberapa mahasiswa kurang lancar dalam melafalkan fonem Bahasa Mandarin. Penulis menyarankan agar penelitian selanjutnya tetap menggunakan objek yaitu mahasiswa dengan konsep pelafalan yang berbeda, sehingga penjelasan sertapenelitian tentang pelafalan lebih beragam

    Nutritional marasmus in Bantu infants in the Pretoria area

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    Development of Sustainable Solid Waste Management System of Air Manis Tourism Area for Supporting Sustainable Tourism in Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    This study aims to study the current practice of solid waste management system and the potency of development of a sustainable system for solid waste management to support the implementation of sustainable tourism program in Air Manis Tourism Area in Padang City, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Measurement of solid waste generation, composition, and recycling potency was conducted as well as observation and interviews to complete the study

    Progress in small-bowel physiology and disease

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    There have been many interesting and exciting developments in the field  of gastro-enterology in the past few years. Many of these advances have been due to technical skills in physiology, biochemistry and radiology,  but newer diagnostic and therapeutic measures have also been introduced. The complex functions of the small bowel and especially the mucosal  lining of the intestine, provide particular scope for detailed  multidisciplinary research, clinical, paraclinical and scientific. The present communication reflects our own brief selection of recent advances in the field of  small-bowel physiology and disease and does not represent a comprehensive coverage of all the advances in the past decade

    Progress in small-bowel physiology and disease

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    There have been many interesting and exciting developments in the field of gastro-enterology in the past few years. Many of these advances have been due to technical skills in physiology, biochemistry and radiology, but newer diagnostic and therapeutic measures have also been introduced. The complex functions of the small bowel andespecially the mucosal lining of the intestine, provide particular scope for detailed multidisciplinary research, clinical, paraclinical and scientific.The present communication reflects our own brief selection of recent advances in the field of small-bowel physiology and disease and does not represent a comprehensive coverage of all the advances in the past decade

    The effect of a boots preparation and pure natural secretin and pancreozymin on pancreatic and 'gastric function in man

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    Secretin was found to be a powerful inhibitor of basal gastric acid secretion  in man. Pure natural secretin was more effective and more rapid in its action  on gastric secretion than Boots secretin. Boots pancreozymin and Swedish CCK (cholecystoktnin) had a variable effect on basal gastric acid secretion and all the changes were modest and unimpressive

    The effect of a boots preparation and pure natural secretin and pancreozymin on pancreatic and gastric function in man

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    Secretin was found to be a powerful inhibitor of basal gastric acid secretion in man. Pure natural secretin was more effective and more rapid in its action on gastric secretion than Boots secretin.Boots pancreozymin and Swedish CCK (cholecystoktnin) had a variable effect on basal gastric acid secretion and all the changes were modest and unimpressive


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    Abstract: The rapid growth of settlement in the northern part of Bandung, as well as known KBU, increases slightly as an impact of the economy growth in the capital city of West Java. These influences strongly has some effects, such as the changing of land use and the decreasing of water absorption. For instance, the agricultural land area, the conservation area and the green area become settlement area and commercial area, therefore this area is a lack of absorption area due to the declining the green area. These evidences are following checked according to the WALHI’s data, around 70% of green area, such as protected forest, agricultural land, and plantation area leads to be settlement area, residential area and commercial area. Mostly Bandung Raya, included Cimahi, South Bandung, and Kabupaten Bandung get flood as the effect of these issues, especially when rain season. Based on the issues explanation and evidences, this research aims to have problem solving in the development of environmental friendly settlement and residential area that will lead to sustainable residences and conservation area. This research purpose is to conduct experimental-based and explorative-based the development model of sustainable residences in the Kelurahan Citeureup, one of sub-district in the North Bandung, through Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) approach. This approach is not only study from architectural aspect, but also study from landscape and the utilities aspects. Meanwhile, this method of this study is to conduct morphology analysis to recognize the pattern and urban structure, also the water flow patterns in this area. The result then will be used to elaborate the strategic developing for environmental friendly settlement and residential area (sustainable residences, especially in water well-disposed so that to reduce the flood impact when rain season, the shortage rainfall when dry season, and to fulfill further the sustainability of water needs.Abstrak: Pertumbuhan pemukiman di Kawasan Bandung Utara (KBU) terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Bandung sebagai Ibu Kota Jawa Barat. Dampak dari pertumbuhan ini adalah terjadinya alih fungsi lahan, yang sebelumnya merupakan lahan pertanian dan perkebunan, menjadi kawasan pemukiman. Sebagai Kawasan yang diandalkan menjadi daerah resapan air, kondisi KBU saat ini cukup mengkhawatirkan. Berdasarkan data yang dihimpun oleh WALHI, sekitar 70% lahan hijau yang berupa hutan lindung, lahan pertanian dan perkebunan telah beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan permukiman dan komersial. Dampaknya, dapat dilihat saat musim penghujan, dimana banjir terjadi hampir di sebagian wilayah Bandung Raya, mencakup Wilayah Cimahi, Bandung Selatan, Kabupaten Bandung, dan sekitarnya. Berdasarkan isu tersebut, diperlukan solusi terkait model pengembangan kawasan perumahan ramah lingkungan (perumahan berkelanjutan) yang mampu berperan sebagai kawasan konservasi air, selain sebagai tempat bermukim.Melalui pendekatan Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD), penelitian ini mencoba mengeksplorasi model pengembangan perumahan berkelanjutan di Kelurahan Citeureup, salah satu kelurahan di Kawasan Bandung Utara,  tidak hanya dari segi arsitektur bangunan, namun juga terkait lansekap dan utilitas kawasan. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan analisis morfologi kawasan untuk memahami pola dan struktur ruang kawasan dan pola pergerakan aliran air. Hasil dari analisis tersebut selanjutnya digunakan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan kawasan perumahan yang ramah lingkungan (perumahan berkelanjutan) khususnya dalam hal ini ramah air, sehingga dapat turut mengurangi dampak banjir ketika musim penghujan, kekeringan di musim kemarau, serta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air berkelanjutan di masa depan
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