16 research outputs found

    Performance Improvement Strategy Of Supply Chain Management In SEI Galuh Palm Oil Mill, PT Perkebunan Nusantara V

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    Palm oil becomes Indonesia's leading agricultural commodity which is inseparable from competition with CPO producers from other countries. PT Perkebunan Nusantara V (PTPN-V) is a state-owned company engaged in palm oil plantation and processing palm oil fresh fruit into crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel (palm kernel). One of the 12 palm oil processing units of PTPN-V is the Sei Galuh Palm Oil Mill (PKS SGH), in the past 5 years the plant has the lowest performance compared to 12 other factories. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the supply chain of PKS SGH and performance improvement strategy of supply chain management at the PKS SGH through SCOR-AHP approach. The result shows that supply chain strategy in this research is to run lean supply chain strategy because the output is a functional product. So the strategy applied was should low cost strategy (efficient). The result of performance measurements obtained matrix order fulfillment, quality conformity, processing cycle time, and employee costs is “good”. Then, matrix order fulfillment time, flexibility of capacity increase and cash to cash cycle is “average”; while matrix supply flexibility and cost of processing were obtained “poor” results

    Analisis Daya Saing dan Faktor Penentu Ekspor Komoditas Unggulan Indonesia ke Organisasi Kerjasama Islam (Oki)

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    Organization of Islamic Cooperation or OIC is an association of Islamic countries in the world which is made up of 57 countries, including Indonesia. OIC has great potential as a destination for the export market. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesian exports to OIC and determinants that influence it. Competitiveness of commodities analyzed using the RCA, IIT and EPD, while the determinants of export using the gravity model analysis. The results showed that 86,7 percent from fifteen commodities that have the largest export value had RCA more than one and seven commodity have market position as rising star, but from IIT analysis showed that integration of economics still not strong enough. Factors that influence a positive and significant impact on Indonesia's commodity exports to OIC are per capita income, real exchange rate and a common language, while the negative effects are the gdp per capita difference, economic distance and tarrif

    Integrasi Perdagangan Dan Dinamika Ekspor Indonesia Ke Timur Tengah (Studi Kasus: Turki, Tunisia, Dan Maroko)

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    EnglishEconomic development contributes to integration and trade dynamics among countries. From now on, with global economic crisis as background setting, market diversification seems to be an appropriate strategy to minimize the hazardous impact on Indonesia's trade balance performance. It appears that the Middle East is a promising region with Turkey, Tunisia, dan Morocco as potential trade partners. An Intra Industry Trade (IIT) analysis shows that Indonesia experiences a relatively higher trade integration with Turkey compared to those with Tunisia and Morocco. In the meantime, a Constant Market Share Analysis (CMS) analysis indicates that the existing export dynamics is convergence for potential products. These products of animal and vegetable fats and oils, wood and wood products, and rubber and rubber products vary in decomposition effects in each trade partner. Combination of market intelligence and export product differentiation is considered as a comprehensive recommendation in first round stage for the Indonesia-Middle East FTA. IndonesianPerekonomian dunia yang berkembang pesat menyebabkan semakin tingginya integrasi dan dinamika perdagangan antarnegara. Dengan latar belakang krisis keuangan global, strategi diversifikasi pasar dianggap tepat untuk meminimisasi dampak yang merugikan bagi performa neraca perdagangan Indonesia. Komitmen strategi diversifikasi destinasi pasar memunculkan kawasan Timur Tengah sebagai kawasan yang potensial, meliputi Turki, Tunisia, dan Maroko. Analisis Intra Industry Trade (IIT) menunjukkan bahwa derajat integrasi perdagangan Indonesia–Turki lebih erat dibandingkan dengan Tunisia dan Maroko. Sementara itu, analisis Constant Market Share (CMS) mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat fenomena yang konvergen bagi dinamika ekspor Indonesia, dimana minyak yang berasal dari tumbuhan dan hewan, kayu dan produk kayu, serta karet dan produk karet menjadi produk yang potensial dengan efek dekomposisi yang bervariasi pada setiap mitra dagang. Kombinasi penguatan market intelligence (sisi permintaan) dan diferensiasi produk ekspor (sisi penawaran) merupakan rekomendasi komprehensif bagi tahap inisiasi FTA Indonesia-Timur Tengah

    Analisis Pengaruh Instrumen Moneter Syariah dan Konvensional terhadap Penyaluran Dana ke Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of sharia and conventional monetary instruments to the distribution of agricultural sector funds from 2009 to 2014 and using VAR / VECM which analysed through Impulse response Function (IRF) and the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD). Results of research on the conventional models, shows that the SBI interest rate and lending interest rates (SBK) significantly negative effect and interbank rates (PUAB) have a significant positive effect on agricultural credit. In addition, the results of research on the sharia model indicates that the SBIS and ERP significant negative effect on agricultural financing and PUAS significant negative effect on agricultural finance. Based on the FEVD results , SBI has a considerable effect on the agricultural credit compared with SBK and interbank rates (PUAB) on the conventional models whereas the models of sharia, SBIS have a smaller effect than the ERP and PUAS

    Kajian Efisiensi Bank Umum Syariah di Indonesia

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    The aim of this study is to measure the efficiency of Islamic Bank in Indonesia and to analyze the factors that affect the level of efficiency. The objects of this study are ten Islamic Bank (BUS) in Indonesia which analyzes from the second quarter of 2012 until the first quarter of 2016. There are three method which are used in this study, two in first stage, namely non parametric method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and parametric method of Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) then the second stage is Tobit estimaton. Overall, the results showed that the efficiency level of Islamic banks in Indonesia during the time period in this study have not reached the optimum level of efficiency yet. Tobit estimation showed that total financing, total wadiah funds, CAR, ROE, total overhead cost significantly affect the Islamic bank`s efficiency in Indonesia

    Efisiensi Asuransi Syariah di Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to estimate the efficiency level of Islamic insurance companies in Indonesia. The data used are taken from each financial report of 14 Islamic life insurance companies and 12 Islamic general insurance in the period 2013-2015. Efficiency score estimation is done by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. There are three input variables, namely asset, load, claim payment and two output variables, namely income and tabarru\u27 funds obtained. The results show that islamic life insurance and islamic general insurance companies in Indonesia have not been operating efficiently