14 research outputs found

    The Use Traditional Game Cublak-Cublak Suweng to Improve Arabic Vocabulary Achievements

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    The research purpose is to know Arabic vocabulary acquisition on students by traditional game cublak-cublak suweng (CSS). The applied approach in this research is PTK (class based research) held in cycles. Each cycle composed two meetings. The first meeting is used to give the material, drill vocabularies, and give test paper connected with fresh taught vocabularies. Second meeting is used to review taught vocabularies in first meeting by traditional game CSS. The data collection is by using interview, observation, giving tests, and documentation. The result of research indicates using game method, especially in traditional game cublak-cublak suweng increase students' Arabic vocabulary acquisition. The indicator is increasing grades degree from first cycle to other cycles; lack in first cycle, sufficient in second cycle, and good in third cycle

    Utilization of Biochar and Liquid Smoke to Increase Livestock Performance

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    Biochar and liquid smoke may be utilized as feed additives that potentially used as substitutes for antibiotics. These products are derived from the pyrolysis process that utilizes agricultural, plantation and wood residues. This paper aims to review research results regarding the use of biochar and liquid smoke as feed additives in both non-ruminants and ruminants. Information on the use of of biochar and liquid smoke in livestock are available such as the use of 0.5-1 g bamboo charcoal/ kg goat feed increased growth; addition of 0.2-0.6% corn cobs char to chicken feed showed significant increase in body weight; the addition of 0.6% biochar/ kg feed to local cattle feed increased body weight; the use of activated charcoal containing wood vinegar liquid can reduce cryptosporidiosis in goats and cattle. The opportunity to use agricultural and plantation residues as raw materials for generating biochar and liquid smoke is one of the breakthroughs in realizing the concept of sustainable and environmentally friendly of bioindustrial agriculture. The use of biochar and liquid smoke from agricultural and plantation residues is expected to increase livestock productivity

    Kualitas Fisik Silase Rumput Gajah dan Ampas Tahu Segar dengan Penambahan Sirup Komersial Afkir: The Physical Quality of Elephant Grass and Fresh Tofu Dregs Silage with Rejected Commercial Syrup Addition

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    This study aimed to evaluate the addition of rejected commercial syrup on the physical quality of silage made from elephant grass and fresh tofu dregs. The making process and harvesting of silage were conducted out at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, UIN Suska Riau. The ingredients used were elephant grass, fresh tofu dregs, and commercial syrup. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments and 7 replications was used in this study. The treatments in this study were P1: elephant grass + fresh tofu dregs, P2: P1 + 5% commercial syrup, and P3: P1 + 10% commercial syrup. Variable observed were dry matter loss, temperature, pH, color, texture, aroma, and fungal growth. The data obtained were analyzed based on analysis of variance, and if there was a significant effect between treatments, then it was followed by Duncan's test at 5% level. The results of this study that the addition of rejected commercial syrup had a significant effect (p<0.05) on dry matter loss, pH, color, texture, and aroma, while temperature and fungal growth were not significant. Silage dry matter loss was in the range of 5.83%-7.61%, silage temperature under normal conditions was 28.7°C -29.6°C, silage pH was within normal limits of 3.61-3.95, silage color followed the color of the commercial syrup used, the aroma was typical of silage to fresh, the texture of the silage was medium to fine, and was not overgrown with fungus. Increasing the level of addition of rejected commercial syrup showed a decrease in the pH value and dry matter loss was better than the control. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that the addition of commercial syrup at the level of 10% BK could improve the physical characteristics of silage made from elephant grass and fresh tofu dregs which were stored for 30 days. Key words:        elephant grass, silage, syrup, tofu dreg

    Effect of Using Peptide as a Replacement of Antibiotic Growth Promoters_Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research

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    A systematic review and meta-regression were done to investigate the effect of using peptide as a re�placement of antibiotic growth promoters on pig. A dataset was created based on an algorithm for peer-reviewed articles published from 2004 to 2019. The peer-reviewed published articles were evalu�ated strictly following the eligibility criteria for inclusion. Meta-regression was performed using a non�linear mixed model library provided by R Studio 4.1.1 software. A structure algorithm was constructed using ‘magick’, ‘ggplot’, ‘ggplot2’ and ‘cowplot’ add-ons to create a meta-regression. In this study, meta�regression between year of publication and number of pigs included in the experiments was associated with growth performance and diarrhea with p = 0.032 and p < 0.163, respectively. Meanwhile, the source of peptide intercepts for these parameters were 38.33 (p = 0.052) and 48.44 (p = < 0.071), re�spectively. The scientific evidence from the meta-analysis based on the in-vivo studies demonstrates that both form and dosage of the anti-microbial have a beneficial effect on pigs. Keywords: Meta-regression, Peptide, Pig, Systematic revie


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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas silase kelobot jagung dengan penamba�han aditif tannin. Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kelobot jagung, dan tannin chestnut. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas 5 per�lakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan terdiri atas P1(-): Kelobot jagung tanpa penam�bahan aditif; P2(-): Kelobot jagung + 5% dedak padi; P3: Kelobot jagung + tannin chestnut 0.5%, P4: Kelobot jagung + tannin chestnut 1%, P5: Kelobot jagung + tannin chestnut 1.5%. Data dianalisa dengan analisis ragam apabila terdapat perbedaan nyata maka dilanjutkan uji Duncan. Hasil menunjukan pemberian tannin chestnut mampu memberikan pengaruh nyata (p < 0,05) terhadap kualitas fisil silase. Hasil menunjukan hasil yang berpengaruh nyata yaitu suhu, warna, aroma, tekstur, dan pertumbuhan jamur. Disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tannin chestnut mampu optimal hingga taraf 0,50% yang disimpan selama 30 hari. Kata Kunci: aditif, aroma, kelobot jagung, silase, tani

    Effect of Commercial Feed Substitution with BSF Maggot Flour (Hermetia Illucens) on Laying Quail Production Performance

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    This study aims to determine the effect of substituting commercial feed with BSF maggot flour (Hermetia illucens) on the performance and productivity of laying quail. One hundred (100) 20 days-old laying quails with an initial weight of 2.9±8.26 g/head were divided into four treatments with five replicates per treatment using the completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments were T1 (0% BSF maggot flour as control), T2 (1.50% BSF maggot flour and 98.5% commercial feed), T3 (2% BSF maggot flour and 98% commercial feed), and T4 (2.50% BSF maggot flour and 97.5% commercial feed). The parameters measured were feed intake (g/head/mg), the body weight at first egg-laying (g/head), age at first egg-laying (days), the weight of first egg (g/grain), daily egg production (%), quail egg weight (g/item), and feed conversion ratio. The results showed that BSF maggot flour in commercial rations significantly affected feed intake (P<0.05) with a consumption range of 153-154 g/head/week. However, the provision of BSF maggot flour up to 2.50% of commercial feed had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the body weight at first egg-laying, the age at the first egg laying, the weight of the first egg, daily egg production (%), egg weight (g/grain), and feed conversion ratio. This study shows that substituting 2% maggot BSF flour in commercial rations can increase feed intake and maintain egg production, weight, and conversion. Furthermore, giving BSF maggot flour to a level of 2.50% could not improve the body weight at the first laying of quail and the age at the first egg-laying. Keywords egg weight, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, BSF maggo

    The Quality of Organic Waste Market Ensiled Using Rejected Commercial Syrup as An Alternative Ruminant Livestock Feed

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    Market organic waste (LOP) is organic residue or residue generated from market trading activities such as residual vegetables, fruits, and other organic foodstuffs. This waste can be a source of environmental problems if not managed properly because it can rot and cause unpleasant odors. Still, if managed properly, it can be used as an alternative feed for livestock. This study aims to evaluate the quality of LOP silage using rejected commercial syrup as silage additives. The manufacture, harvesting, drying, and siege of silage are conducted at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Riau. The experimental method with a Complete Randomized Design consisting of 5 treatments and five repeats was used in this study. The treatment in question was P1: spinach 33.3% + cabbage 33.3% + kale 33.3% as control, for P2, P3, P4, and P5 plus SKA of 1%, 2, 3, and 4%, respectively, based on dry matter, then enzymatic for 30 days at room temperature. The parameters measured are temperature, humidity, mold growth, and silage pH. The data obtained were analyzed based on variety analysis, and the difference in parameter values between treatments was further tested with a DMRT level of 5%. The results of the variety analysis showed that the use of SKA had a significant effect (P<0.05) on temperature, humidity, fungal growth, and silage pH. The silage temperature at the time of harvesting averages 30±0.39°C; the average humidity is 77±0.25%; mushroom growth averaged 2.87±0.39%; and an average silage pH of 3.67±0.45. The conclusion is that SKA can improve the quality of market organic waste silage by optimizing temperature and humidity during ensilage to minimize pH and mold growth

    Pengaruh Substitusi Daun Indigofera dengan Silase Daun Pepaya serta Jenis Kemasan Berbeda terhadap Kualitas dan Sifat Fisik Wafer

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    ABSTRAK. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui kualitas fisik (warna, aroma, tekstur,) serta sifat fisik (kerapatan, berat jenis, kadar air) wafer dengan perbedaan komposisi substrat (substitusi daun indigofera/DI dengan silase daun pepaya/SDP) dan kemasan berbeda. Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) berfaktor (4x4), 3 ulangan digunakan pada penelitian ini. Faktor H merupakan komposisi substrat (substitusi DI dengan SDP) yaitu, H1= SDP 0% + DI 30%; H2= SDP 2% + DI 28%; H3= SDP 4% + DI 26%; H4 = SDP 6% + DI 24%; faktor N adalah jenis kemasan, N0 = tanpa dikemas; N1= plastik; N2= kertas; N3= karung goni. Kualitas fisik (warna, aroma, tekstur) dan sifat fisik (kadar air, berat jenis, kerapatan) wafer merupakan parameter yang diukur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi (P0,01) antara komposisi substrat dan jenis kemasan memengaruhi aroma dan tekstur wafer. Komposisi substrat (P0,01) sangat nyata memengaruhi berat jenis dan aroma wafer. Jenis kemasan (P0,01) sangat nyata memengaruhi kualitas fisik (aroma, warna, tekstur) dan sifat fisik (kadar air). Substitusi 28% DI dengan 2% SDP pada wafer yang dikemas dengan karung goni menghasilkan tekstur wafer terbaik (tidak berlendir, tekstur padat dan kasar dan skor 3,44) dan substitusi 24% DI dengan 6% SDP yang dikemas dengan karung goni menghasilkan aroma wafer terbaik (skor 3,46 aroma khas wafer).    (Effect of substitution of indigofera leaves with papaya leaf silage and different types of packaging on the quality and physical properties of wafers)    ABSTRACT. The aims of this study to determine the quality of physical (aroma, color, texture) and the properties of physical (compactness, density, moisture content) of wafers with substrate composition (substitution of indigofera leaves/IL with papaya leaf silage/PLS) and different packaging. The study used a factored completely randomized design (CRD) (4x4) with 3 replications. The H factor is the composition of the substrate (substitution of IL with PLS), namely, H1= PLS 0% + IL 30% H2= PLS 2% + IL 28%; H3= PLS 4% + IL 26%; H4 = PLS 6% + IL 24%; factor N is the type of packaging, N0 = no packaging; N1= plastic; N2= paper; N3 = gunny sack. Parameters measured were quality of physical (color, texture, aroma) and properties of physical (specific gravity, density and moisture content) of wafers. The results showed that the interaction between the type of packaging and the composition of the substrate (P0.01) affected the texture and aroma of wafers. Composition of substrate significantly (P0.01) affected the density and aroma of wafers. The type of packaging significantly (P0.01) affected the physical quality (aroma, color, texture) and physical properties (moisture content). Substitution of 28% IL with 2% PLS on wafers with gunny sack resulted in the best texture of wafer (coarse, dense and not slimy texture, score 3.44) and substitution of 24% DI with 6% SDP with gunny sack packaging with the best aroma of wafer (typical wafer aroma, score 3.46)

    Digestive Evaluation of Tofu Dregs Influence by Fermentation and Tannin

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    Tofu dregs are one of the high-protein feed ingredients and it is highly palatable for livestock, particularly ruminants. However, tofu dregs have the main disadvantage, i.e., they easily deteriorate due to their high water and protein contents. Fermentation of tofu dregs may be applied in order to prevent such deterioration. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate tofu dregs as influenced by fermentation and tannin extract from acacia bark on in vitro rumen fermentation and digestibility parameters. The experimental treatments were: NK (tofu dregs without fermentation and 0% tannin), NA (tofu dregs without fermentation and 2% tannin), FK (tofu dregs with fermentation and 0% tannin), and FA (tofu dregs with fermentation and 2% tannin). Data were analyzed by analysis of variance according to a randomized complete block design with four treatments and four replications. Results revealed tofu dregs with fermentation treatment have a significant increase (P<0.05) in gas production, and ammonia but do not affect other parameters such as propionic acid and butyric acid on fermentation products. Opposite to the rumen fermentation product, the tannin gives a significant effect (P<0.05) on all digestibility parameters so can be concluded tofu dregs with fermentation and tannin approaches affect to rumen fermentation product and tannin has a weaker effect than fermentation even though 20 g/kg addition decrease digestibility of rumen in vitro.Keywords: ruminal fermentation product, silage, tannin, tofu dreg