1,683 research outputs found

    From Dayton to Allied Force: A Diplomatic History of the 1998–99 Kosovo Conflict

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    This thesis reconstructs the diplomatic response of the international community to the Kosovo conflict of 1998–99. It outlines the process which resulted in the failure of negotiations involving outside agencies and individuals as well as the recourse to air strikes against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Using primary sourced material from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, personal interviews and other carefully selected primary sources, this thesis explores why international attempts to find a negotiated solution failed

    Vier Jahre Öko-Modellregionen in Bayern - eine Zwischenbilanz

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    Die Öko-Modellregionen (ÖMR) sind Bestandteil des 2012 vom Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten initiierten Landesprogramms "BioRegio Bayern 2020", um die Bioproduktion in Bayern zu verdoppeln und den Absatz regionaler Biolebensmittel bis 2020 zu steigern. Durch die Einführung von ÖMR will das Ministerium die lokale Bioproduktion erhöhen, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Biolebensmitteln gerecht zu werden. Innerhalb der ÖMR wurde eine Vielzahl von Projekten etabliert, die von der Produktion und Verarbeitung über die Vermarktung und die Verwendung in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung bis hin zur Bewusstseinsbildung reichen. Die Aktivitäten in den Regionen konzentrieren sich dabei nicht nur auf die Ausweitung der biologisch bewirtschafteten Fläche, sondern auch auf die Verbindung von regionaler Herkunft und ökologischer Produktion. Der bayerische ÖMRAnsatz zielt darauf ab, lokale Potenziale zu erweitern, bestehende Netzwerke und aktive Akteure zu motivieren und neue Netzwerke und Strukturen zu entwickeln

    Movable Thin Glass Elements in Façades

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    Façades play an important role in the control of energy flow and energy consumption in buildings as they represent the interface between the outdoor environment and the indoor occupied space. The option of regulating internal and external conditions acquires great relevance in new approaches to sustainable building solutions. Studies on climate adaptive façades show a very high potential for improved indoor environmental quality conditions and energy savings by moveable façades. A number of movable façades were realized in the past, but the use of thin glass with a thickness of 0.5 mm to 3 mm opens a brand-new field, that allows for playing with the geometry of the outer skin and the opportunity to make it adaptive by movement. Thin glass requires for curved surfaces in order to gain structural stiffness in static use. In kinetic façades the high flexibility of thin glass allows for new options for changes in size and position by bending of elements rather than implementing hinges in a system of foldable rigid panels. The geometry is based on the known theory of developable surfaces for keeping a low stress-level during movement. This allows for façades created from cold bent thin glass or curved laminated safety glasses produced by laminating of thin glass plies which provide better sealing, greater simplicity in construction and robustness and durability of moveable components which may be actuated autonomously. Some concepts based on the before mentioned theories were created to explain some principles and discuss their principles and applicability

    Root-associated entomopathogenic fungi manipulate host plants to attract herbivorous insects

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    Root-associated entomopathogenic fungi (R-AEF) indirectly influence herbivorous insect performance. However, host plant-R-AEF interactions and R-AEF as biological control agents have been studied independently and without much attention to the potential synergy between these functional traits. In this study, we evaluated behavioral responses of cabbage root flies [Delia radicum L. (Diptera: Anthomyiidae)] to a host plant (white cabbage cabbage Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba cv. Castello L.) with and without the R-AEF Metarhizium brunneum (Petch). We performed experiments on leaf reflectance, phytohormonal composition and host plant location behavior (behavioral processes that contribute to locating and selecting an adequate host plant in the environment). Compared to control host plants, R-AEF inoculation caused, on one hand, a decrease in reflectance of host plant leaves in the near-infrared portion of the radiometric spectrum and, on the other, an increase in the production of jasmonic, (+)-7-iso-jasmonoyl-l-isoleucine and salicylic acid in certain parts of the host plant. Under both greenhouse and field settings, landing and oviposition by cabbage root fly females were positively affected by R-AEF inoculation of host plants. The fungal-induced change in leaf reflectance may have altered visual cues used by the cabbage root flies in their host plant selection. This is the first study providing evidence for the hypothesis that R-AEF manipulate the suitability of their host plant to attract herbivorous insects

    Gravitational wave astronomy: the definitive test for the "Einstein frame versus Jordan frame" controversy

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    The potential realization of a gravitational wave (GW) astronomy in next years is a great challenge for the scientific community. By giving a significant amount of new information, GWs will be a cornerstone for a better understanding of the universe and of the gravitational physics. In this paper the author shows that the GW astronomy will permit to solve a captivating issue of gravitation as it will be the definitive test for the famous "Einstein frame versus Jordan frame" controversy. In fact, we show that the motion of the test masses, i.e. the beam splitter and the mirror in the case of an interferometer, which is due to the scalar component of a GW, is different in the two frames. Thus, if a consistent GW astronomy will be realized, an eventual detection of signals of scalar GWs will permit to discriminate among the two frames. In this way, a direct evidence from observations will solve in an ultimate way the famous and long history of the "Einstein frame versus Jordan frame" controversy.Comment: Corrected latest typos. This definitive version matches the version to be published in Astroparticle Physics 34 (2011) 412-419, 22 page

    Real‐time imaging reveals distinct pore scale dynamics during transient and equilibrium subsurface multiphase flow

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    Many subsurface fluid flows, including the storage of CO2 underground or the production of oil, are transient processes incorporating multiple fluid phases. The fluids are not in equilibrium meaning macroscopic properties such as fluid saturation and pressure vary in space and time. However, these flows are traditionally modeled with equilibrium (or steady-state) flow properties, under the assumption that the pore-scale fluid dynamics are equivalent. In this work, we used fast synchrotron X-ray tomography with 1 s time resolution to image the pore-scale fluid dynamics as the macroscopic flow transitioned to steady state. For nitrogen or decane, and brine injected simultaneously into a porous rock, we observed distinct pore-scale fluid dynamics during transient flow. Transient flow was found to be characterized by intermittent fluid occupancy, whereby flow pathways through the pore space were constantly rearranging. The intermittent fluid occupancy was largest and most frequent when a fluid initially invaded the rock. But as the fluids established an equilibrium the dynamics decreased to either static interfaces between the fluids or small-scale intermittent flow pathways, depending on the capillary number and viscosity ratio. If the fluids were perturbed after an equilibrium was established, by changing the flow rate, the transition to a new equilibrium was quicker than the initial transition. Our observations suggest that transient flows require separate modeling parameters. The time scales required to achieve equilibrium suggest that several meters of an invading plume front will have flow properties controlled by transient pore-scale fluid dynamics

    Decision-making among experts in advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma.

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    BACKGROUND In the treatment of advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma (aHL), based on guidelines a multitude of treatment options are available. The availability of PET guided decision-making and new therapeutic agents increase the complexity of the decision-making process. METHODS Thirteen experts of Swiss university and cantonal hospitals in Switzerland were asked to describe their institutional decision-making practice in aHL. Variables influencing the decision-making process were identified, standardized and converted into decision trees for analysis of consent and discrepancies. The algorithms of all participating experts were analyzed with the objective consensus methodology. RESULTS Four decision criteria (age, fertility preservation, fitness, interim PET) and 12 unique treatment regimens were identified. Consensus for the treatment of aHL for young and fit, as well as for older patients without comorbidity was found. Large heterogeneity was identified with use of a variety of different regimens for unfit patients with aHL and for young female patients with a desire of fertility preservation. CONCLUSION Four major decision criteria were identified allowing the representation of expert's approach to first-line treatment of aHL. Among Swiss experts, consensus for a PET guided curative treatment of aHL was identified. The use of a multitude of treatment regimens was observed for older and comorbid (unfit) aHL patients, highlighting the need for clinical trials and recommendations for this group of patients