14 research outputs found

    Health Poverty Trend among families with child using Health Financial Contribution and cohort approach: 1984-2012

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    Background and Aims: Health is an important dimension in analyzing multidimensional child poverty. High life expenditure imposed on families has lead to the household’s health poverty. Considering the importance of childhood and measuring health poverty indices to inform planners and towards distributive effects of policy strategies, as well as, family welfare, this paper tends to measure and analyse the trends of health poverty of Iranian “households with child” from 1984-2012.Materials and Methods: In this trend study, statistical data on household budgets were considered to measure health poverty in households with child (using FGt index). The results were analyzed using STATA and Excel Software.Results: The results showed that the poverty rate was the highest in terms of all age group’s health in 1999. While, the health poverty rate among families with children in the age group of 11-15-year-old showed an upward trend in recent periods (the end of the fourth development goal and beginning of fifth Program), it was associated with fluctuations in other age groups.Conclusion: Overall, health poverty rate was high in all age groups although it showed high fluctuations. The high fluctuations of the health poverty index during the development plans indicate that stable and consistent policy has not been developed to reduce households facing catastrophic health expenditure. At the end of this research, some recommendations have been offered to reduce the amount of household’s health poverty.Key words: health poverty, household financial contribution, cohort approach, chil

    Indoor environment assessment of special wards of educational hospitals for the detection of fungal contamination sources: A multi-center study (2019-2021)

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    Background and Purpose: The hospital environment was reported as a real habitat for different microorganisms, especially mold fungi. On the other hand, these opportunistic fungi were considered hospital-acquired mold infections in patients with weak immune status. Therefore, this multi-center study aimed to evaluate 23 hospitals in 18 provinces of Iran for fungal contamination sources.Materials and Methods: In total, 43 opened Petri plates and 213 surface samples were collected throughout different wards of 23 hospitals. All collected samples were inoculated into Sabouraud Dextrose Agar containing Chloramphenicol (SC), and the plates were then incubated at 27-30ºC for 7-14 days.Results: A total of 210 fungal colonies from equipment (162, 77.1%) and air (48,22.9%) were identified. The most predominant isolated genus was Aspergillus (47.5%),followed by Rhizopus (14.2%), Mucor (11.7%), and Cladosporium (9.2%). Aspergillus(39.5%), Cladosporium (16.6%), as well as Penicillium and Sterile hyphae (10.4% each), were the most isolates from the air samples. Moreover, intensive care units (38.5%) and operating rooms (21.9%) had the highest number of isolated fungal colonies. Out of 256 collected samples from equipment and air, 163 (63.7%) were positive for fungal growth.The rate of fungal contamination in instrument and air samples was 128/213 (60.1%) and 35/43 (81.2%), respectively. Among the isolated species of Aspergillus, A. flavus complex (38/96, 39.6%), A. niger complex (31/96, 32.3%), and A. fumigatus complex (15/96, 15.6%) were the commonest species.Conclusion: According to our findings, in addition to air, equipment and instrument should be considered among the significant sources of fungal contamination in the indoor environment of hospitals. Airborne fungi, Hospital, Indoor air, Equipment, Sources of fungal contamination in the indoor environment of hospitals

    Social support and health-related quality of life in elderly people covered by the Welfare organization of Kerman city

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    Background: The concept of active aging is suggested by the World Health Organization in which emphasizes on healthy quality of life and its determinants. Social support is one of these determinants, therefore this study intents to investigate the relation of these two concepts among elderly people covered by Kerman welfare organization. Methods: This cross sectional study was performed with 100 elderly people. Two questionnaires named Lipad's elderly quality of life and Norbeck's social support were employed for measuring variables. Data were analyzed by SPSS 17 software. Results: The findings of the current study revealed the higher quality of life scores in all aspects of quality of life in elderly males, while females' scores in social support were higher than males. The results showed that various types of social support are associated with quality of life. Furthermore structural support was a stronger predictor for total quality of life. Conclusion: This study showed that social support can be regarded as one of the main social determinants affecting quality of life among elderly people. The welfare organization as one of the trustees for supporting the elderly can play an important role in promoting social relations and improving quality of life among old people. Keywords: Social support, Quality of life, Active agin

    Content analysis of official curriculum of medical sciences from the perspective of early childhood development

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    Introduction: Today, social determinants of health are defined as one of the most important approaches in examining health differences among communities as well as within them. In this approach, Early Childhood Development has been a centeral theme in the comprehensive evolution of the child. This study endeavored to examine the content analysis of the Medical Sciences’ curriculum from the perspective of Early Childhood Development. Methods: In view of that, in this qualitative study through content analysis approach based on the pattern of the social factors affecting health, the content of the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degree programs in Medical University of Isfahan Sciences were analyzed After several stages of screening 27 medical sciences official curriculum were analyzed using MAXQDA. Results: The results of content analysis showed that in undergraduate and postgraduate, most of the topics related to Early Childhood Development were from Midwifery and Pediatric Nursing, respectively; that is to say courses containing the concept of Early Childhood Development were related to Bachelor of Midwifery, Bachelor of Public Health, and Master of Pediatric Nursing, respectively. Conclusion: Comparing three undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees, most of the Early Childhood Developmental topics belong to undergraduate degree. The purpose of medical education is gaining knowledge, skills, and information necessary for care and promoting the health of the community, Medical students' didactic content needs to be socially oriented. In the course headings, the social determinants of health and in particular the topics related to the evolution of early childhood need to be highlighted

    Social Support, Quality of life and Social health in Older Adults in Lorestan, Iran: A Structural Equation Modeling

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    Objective: As Iran has started to experience population ageing, it is important to consider the elderly needs and health. The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationships between social support, quality of life and social health in Iranian older adults. Method: The research was a survey-based cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 800 non-institutionalized older adults living in Lorestan province in Iran in 2018. Three questionnaires were employed to collect data including social health, social support and quality of life. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 and Amos 8 softwares. Results: The majority of the participants were men (51%) and 62% of the participants were married. The most of older adults had moderate or poor economic status. Having insurance and higher income significantly correlated with higher quality of life and social health (p<0.05). The direct effect of all three variables including social support on social health, and social support on quality of life and social health on quality of life were significant. The final model indicated that 39% of the overall variance of quality of life was attributed to social support and social health. Conclusion:  Findings confirm the importance of social networks and services in the life of older adults. Indeed, to improve quality of life and social health, it is needed to pay much more attention to all aspects of social support

    Construction and examination of an early childhood development composite index : evidence from Iran's multiple indicator demographic and health survey

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    Background: Assessing children's early development can help health and social policymakers to improve children's well-being. This study aims to develop an early childhood composite index for measuring early childhood care and education among Iranian children considering each child's geographical area, socioeconomic status and gender. Methods: In this cross-sectional secondary study, the data come from Iran's Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey 2010. Of the 9,345 eligible children whose information had been collected, 3,532 fulfilled the inclusion criterion of being 3 or 4 years old at the time of the interview. We examined a composite index and three subscales of early childhood development including "Quality of Care", "Early Childhood Care and Education", and "Overall Developmental Status". Factor analysis and latent class analysis were used for analyzing the data. Results: The results indicate that of the children in the sample, 47.3% were in the "low early child development" class, 6% were in the "middle early child development" class, and 46.7% were in the "high early child development" class. The means of the three subscales and the composite index were significantly different across geographical areas (P < 0.01) and between the socioeconomic classes (P < 0.0001), with children from poorer families having lower scores. The composite index was significantly higher for girls (M = 11.28, SD = 3.96) than boys (M = 10.99, SD = 3.87, P = 0.029). Conclusions: The study presents significant differences in childhood development based on geographical divisions, quartile classes and gender. We suggest that future research is needed to explore the robustness of findings in this study over time and diversity between and within various Iranian populations

    اندازه گیری و تحلیل روند فقر سلامت در خانوارهای دارای کودک در ایران با استفاده از شاخص مشارکت مالی خانوار و به کارگیری رویکرد نسلی:1391-1363

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    Background and Aims:&nbsp;Health is an important dimension in analyzing multidimensional child poverty. High life expenditure imposed on families has lead to the household’s health poverty. Considering the importance of childhood and measuring health poverty indices to inform planners and towards distributive effects of policy strategies, as well as, family welfare, this paper tends to measure and analyse the trends of health poverty of Iranian “households with child” from 1984-2012.Materials and Methods: In this trend study, statistical data on household budgets were considered to measure health poverty in households with child (using FGt index). The results were analyzed using STATA and Excel Software.Results: The results showed that the poverty rate was the highest in terms of all age group’s health in 1999. While, the health poverty rate among families with children in the age group of 11-15-year-old showed an upward trend in recent periods (the end of the fourth development goal and beginning of fifth Program), it was associated with fluctuations in other age groups.Conclusion: Overall, health poverty rate was high in all age groups although it showed high fluctuations. The high fluctuations of the health poverty index during the development plans indicate that stable and consistent policy has not been developed to reduce households facing catastrophic health expenditure. At the end of this research, some recommendations have been offered to reduce the amount of household’s health poverty.زمینه و هدف: &nbsp;سلامت یک از ابعاد مهم در در تحلیل فقرچندبعدی کودک است، از طرفی مواجه خانوارها با پرداخت های کمرشکن منجر به فقر سلامت خانوار می گردد. نظر به اهمیت دوران کودکی و نیز &nbsp;اندازه گیری شاخص هاي فقر سلامت در اطلاع رساني به برنامه ريزان نسبت به اثرات توزيعي راهبردهای سیاستی و نیز رفاه خانوار، هدف مقاله حاضر محاسبه و تحلیل روند فقر سلامت خانوارهای دارای کودک در کشور طی دوره زمانی 1391-1363می باشد. مواد و روش ها: این تحقیق از جمله مطالعات روند می باشد که با استفاده از داده های پیمایش هزینه – درآمد جریان فقر سلامت خانوارهای دارای کودک در چهار گروه سنی را با رویکرد داده های شبه ترکیبی(و استفاده از شاخص فقر فوستر، گریر و&nbsp; توربک) مورد بررسی قرار می دهد. لازم به ذکر است که در انجام محاسبات از نرم افزار های Stata11 و Excel بهره گرفته شد. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد که نرخ فقر سلامت در سال 1373 بالاتر از سالهای دیگر در تمام گروه های سنی بوده است. نرخ فقر سلامتی در خانوارهای گروه سنی 15-11 ساله در دوره های اخیر(انتهای برنامه چهارم توسعه و شروع برنامه پنجم) &nbsp;روندی صعودی داشته اما در سایر گروه های سنی با نوساناتی همراه بوده است. نتیجه گیری: به طور کلی در اغلب گروه های سنی نرخ فقر سلامت دارای نوسان و میزان آن نیز در سالهای مطالعه بالا بوده است. نوسانات بالای این شاخص در طول برنامه های توسعه نشان می دهد که سیاستهای پایدار و منسجمی برای کاستن از مواجه خانوارهای دارای کودک با هزینه های کمرشکن سلامت تدوین نگردیده است. در انتهای مقاله در راستای کاهش میزان و شدت فقر سلامت خانوارها پیشنهاداتی ارائه گردیده است

    Poverty Trends in Health and Nutrition Expenditures in Tehran Housholds during 1984 -2014: A Cohort Approach

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    Background: Health and nutrition are important aspects in the analysis of households&rsquo; multidimensional poverty. The present research investigated poverty in Tehran&rsquo;s households through a cohort approach. In this regard, households&rsquo; financial participation about health costs and food intake calories were analyzed. Methods: Households&rsquo; data of costs &ndash; income survey were then collected. Health and nutrition poverty trend was investigated through generational approach, index of poverty &quot;Foster, Greer, Turbak&quot;, and in the period of 1984-2014 by dividing Tehrany families into eight various age groups. Excell and Stata11 were applied to process and calculate the indices. Results: During the study years, the highest level of health poverty (29%) in 1999 was in age range of 21-26 and the highest level of nutrition poverty in 1984 (65%) was in age range of 42-46. There has been an ascending trend of health and nutrition poverty at the end of the Fourth Development Plan (2009) up to 2013 for all age groups. Conclusion: Generally, rate and severity of health and nutrition poverty had many fluctuations among different age groups of Tehrani households&rsquo; heads. This rate has raised during recent years which indicates lack of stable and coherent social policies to reduce households&rsquo; exposures with catastrophic health care costs and funding of the food aid needs. &nbsp

    Socioeconomic determinants of health-care and emotional needs among Iranian older adults in Isfahan

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    INTRODUCTION: The main aim of this study was to explore the socioeconomic determinants of health-care and emotional needs among older adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this cross-sectional study, 350 older adults were randomly selected from five geographical regions in Isfahan, 2016. A self-administered checklist was employed to collect health-care and emotional need data among older adults residing day-care centers. Data were analyzed using logistic regression through STATA/SE (version 14). RESULTS: The highest proportion of older adults lived with income 285–855 USD monthly and insured by social security insurance. Illiteracy, loneliness, and low level of income were more prevalent among female older adults than male ones. The emotional needs of single/widow (odds ratio [OR] = 0.299), divorced (OR = 0.133) older people, not having children (OR = 0.811) or grandchildren (OR = 0.684), and illiterates (OR = 0.689) were discovered to be lower than their counterpart groups. As the elderly got older, their health-care needs were met more. Older adults covered by military insurance have their health-care needs met as much as 21% (OR = 1.215) greater than social security insurance. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding health-care needs, economic and monetary factors are still important in meeting this type of needs as well as education and social insurance. While regarding emotional needs, nonmonetary and noneconomic factors, including social network, are important determinants for the satisfaction of emotional needs

    Systematic Review of Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated With Depression and Its Treatment in Iranian Elderly

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    Objectives: Depression is the most common mood and psychiatric disorder. The aim of this study was to provide a clear picture of the prevalence, risk factors and interventions of depression in Iranian elderly. Methods & Materials: This study is a systematic review. Statistic population included Farsi and English studies with various aspects of depression in elderly. Keywords &quot;Depression, Dysthymia, Melancholia, mood disorder, Iran and elderly&quot; in Medline, SID, Iran doc, Iran medex, Mag iran and Iran psych database were searched. Then, repeated articles and articles outside the study period (1997 to 2011) were excluded. In the first stage of screening, titles and in the second stage, abstracts were reviewed by two experts. Afterwards papers were evaluated qualitatively based on Critical Appraisal Skills Program site. Results: After searching, screening and qualitative evaluation studies, the final synthesis was performed on 26 articles. Synthesis papers related to aging showed that the prevalence of depressive disorder in elderly residents at home with the back is 95.64% and with the GDS 81.85%. The prevalence of depression in the elderly living at home with the GDS was 57.58%. The most important factors associated with depression in Iranian studies were, female gender, marring status, living in a nursing home, education level, age and socio-economic status. Also, the most interventions in this age group were respectively psychotherapy, medication and exercise. Conclusions: The high prevalence of depression in elderly in Iranian studies, the need for further Investigation and intervention, regard to factors associated with depression in this period