14 research outputs found

    Distinct functions for the paralogous RBM41 and U11/U12-65K proteins in the minor spliceosome

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    Here, we identify RBM41 as a novel unique protein component of the minor spliceosome. RBM41 has no previously recognized cellular function but has been identified as a paralog of U11/U12-65K, a known unique component of the U11/U12 di-snRNP. Both proteins use their highly similar C-terminal RRMs to bind to 3′-terminal stem-loops in U12 and U6atac snRNAs with comparable affinity. Our BioID data indicate that the unique N-terminal domain of RBM41 is necessary for its association with complexes containing DHX8, an RNA helicase, which in the major spliceosome drives the release of mature mRNA from the spliceosome. Consistently, we show that RBM41 associates with excised U12-type intron lariats, is present in the U12 mono-snRNP, and is enriched in Cajal bodies, together suggesting that RBM41 functions in the post-splicing steps of the minor spliceosome assembly/disassembly cycle. This contrasts with U11/U12-65K, which uses its N-terminal region to interact with U11 snRNP during intron recognition. Finally, while RBM41 knockout cells are viable, they show alterations in U12-type 3′ splice site usage. Together, our results highlight the role of the 3′-terminal stem-loop of U12 snRNA as a dynamic binding platform for the U11/U12-65K and RBM41 proteins, which function at distinct stages of the assembly/disassembly cycle

    Meat, vegetables and genetic polymorphisms and the risk of colorectal carcinomas and adenomas

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The risk of sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) is mainly associated with lifestyle factors, particularly dietary factors. Diets high in red meat and fat and low in fruit and vegetables are associated with an increased risk of CRC. The dietary effects may be modulated by genetic polymorphisms in biotransformation genes. In this study we aimed to evaluate the role of dietary factors in combination with genetic factors in the different stages of colorectal carcinogenesis in a Norwegian population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used a case-control study design (234 carcinomas, 229 high-risk adenomas, 762 low-risk adenomas and 400 controls) to test the association between dietary factors (meat versus fruit, berries and vegetables) genetic polymorphisms in biotransformation genes (<it>GSTM1</it>, <it>GSTT1</it>, <it>GSTP1 </it>Ile<sup>105</sup>Val, <it>EPHX1 </it>Tyr<sup>113</sup>His and <it>EPHX1 </it>His<sup>139</sup>Arg), and risk of colorectal carcinomas and adenomas. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were estimated by binary logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A higher ratio of total meat to total fruit, berry and vegetable intake was positively associated with both high and low-risk adenomas, with approximately twice the higher risk in the 2<sup>nd </sup>quartile compared to the lowest quartile. For the high-risk adenomas this positive association was more obvious for the common allele (Tyr allele) of the <it>EPHX1 </it>codon 113 polymorphism. An association was also observed for the <it>EPHX1 </it>codon 113 polymorphism in the low-risk adenomas, although not as obvious.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although, the majority of the comparison groups are not significant, our results suggest an increased risk of colorectal adenomas in individuals for some of the higher ratios of total meat to total fruit, berry and vegetable intake. In addition the study supports the notion that the biotransformation enzymes GSTM1, GSTP1 and EPHX1 may modify the effect of dietary factors on the risk of developing colorectal carcinoma and adenoma.</p

    Heavy Ion Carcinogenesis and Human Space Exploration

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    Prior to the human exploration of Mars or long duration stays on the Earth s moon, the risk of cancer and other diseases from space radiation must be accurately estimated and mitigated. Space radiation, comprised of energetic protons and heavy nuclei, has been show to produce distinct biological damage compared to radiation on Earth, leading to large uncertainties in the projection of cancer and other health risks, while obscuring evaluation of the effectiveness of possible countermeasures. Here, we describe how research in cancer radiobiology can support human missions to Mars and other planets

    Chromosomal damage as prognosis marker in cervical carcinogenesis

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    Cancer of the uterine cervix is the third most common cancer in women worldwide and the most common cancer among Mexican and Latin American women. Risk factors that have been associated with the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia suggest that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18, 31, and 33 entail a high risk of developing a malignancy of this type. The accumulation of genetic alterations allows the growth of neoplastic cells; chromosomal instability is an event that occurs in the precancerous stages. The candidate cancer risk biomarkers include cytogenetic endpoints, such as chromosomal aberrations, sister chromatid exchange, micronuclei, and the outcomes of comet assay and DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization. The patterns identified in these cytogenetic studies indicate that chromosomal instability is a transient and chromosomally unstable intermediate in the development of cervical lesions. In this context, the mechanisms that may underlie the progressive increase in genetic instability in these patients seem to be related directly to HPV infection. The studies discussed in this paper show that chromosomal instability may serve as a biomarker by predicting the progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Nevertheless, these results should be validated in larger, prospective studies.Рак шейки матки является третьим по распространенности в мире типов рака у женщин и наиболее часто встречающимся у женщин Мексики и Латинской Америки. Факторы риска, связанные с развитием интраэпителиальной цервикальной неоплазии, предполагают, что папилломавирус человека (HPV) типов 16, 18, 31 и 33 влечет за собой высокий риск развития опухолей этого типа. Накопление генетических изменений делает возможным рост опухолевых клеток, хромосомная нестабильность является событием, которое предшествует предраковым стадиям. Возможные биомаркеры риска опухоли включают цитогенетические критерии, такие как хромосомные аберрации, обмен сестринских хроматид, микроядра, и заканчиваются Comet-анализом и детекцией поломок ДНК с помощью флюоресцентной гибридизации in situ. Образцы, идентифицированные в таких цитогенетических исследованиях, показывают, что хромосомная нестабильность является транзиентным промежуточным звеном в развитии цервикальных нарушений. В этой связи механизмы, которые могут лежать в основе прогрессирующей генетической нестабильности у таких пациентов, кажутся непосредственно связанными с инфекцией HPV. Настоящее исследование показывает, что хромосомная нестабильность может служить биомаркером для предсказания развития интраэпителиальной цервикальной неоплазии, тем не менее эти результаты должны быть оценены в более масштабных исследованиях