175 research outputs found

    On the Fe abundance peak formation in cool-core clusters of galaxies: hints from cluster WARPJ1415.1+3612 at z=1.03

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    We present a detailed study of the iron content of the core of the high-redshift cluster WARPJ1415.1+3612 (z=1.03). By comparing the central Fe mass excess observed in this system, M_Fe^exc = (1.67 +/- 0.40) x 10^9 M_sun, with those measured in local cool-core systems, we infer that the bulk of the mass excess was already in place at z=1, when the age of the Universe was about half of what it is today. Our measures point to an early and intense period of star formation most likely associated with the formation of the BCG. Indeed, in the case of the power-law delay time distribution with slope -1, which reproduces the data of WARPJ1415.1+3612 best, half of the supernovae explode within 0.4 Gyr of the formation of the BCG. Finally, while for local cool-core clusters the Fe distribution is broader than the near infrared light distribution of the BCG, in WARPJ1415.1+3612 the two distributions are consistent, indicating that the process responsible for broadening the Fe distribution in local systems has not yet started in this distant cluster.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in A&A, minor language corrections added in v

    CLASH-VLT: Is there a dependence in metallicity evolution on galaxy structures?

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    We investigate the environmental dependence of the mass-metallicty (MZ) relation and it's connection to galaxy stellar structures and morphologies. In our studies, we analyze galaxies in massive clusters at z~0.4 from the CLASH (HST) and CLASH-VLT surveys and measure their gas metallicities, star-formation rates, stellar structures and morphologies. We establish the MZ relation for 90 cluster and 40 field galaxies finding a shift of ~-0.3 dex in comparison to the local trends seen in SDSS for the majority of galaxies with logM<10.5. We do not find significant differences of the distribution of 4 distinct morphological types that we introduce by our classification scheme (smooth, disc-like, peculiar, compact). Some variations between cluster and field galaxies in the MZ relation are visible at the high mass end. However, obvious trends for cluster specific interactions (enhancements or quenching of SFRs) are missing. In particular, galaxies with peculiar stellar structures that hold signs for galaxy interactions, are distributed in a similar way as disc-like galaxies - in SFRs, masses and O/H abundances. We further show that our sample falls around an extrapolation of the star-forming main sequence (the SFR-M* relation) at this redshift, indicating that emission-line selected samples do not have preferentially high star-formation rates (SFRs). However, we find that half of the high mass cluster members (M*>10^10Msun) lie below the main sequence which corresponds to the higher mass objects that reach solar abundances in the MZ diagram.Comment: Proceedings of IAU Symposium 309, Vienna, ed. B.L. Ziegler, F. Combes, H. Dannerbauer, M. Verdug

    Three-dimensional Multi-probe Analysis of the Galaxy Cluster A1689

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    We perform a 3D multi-probe analysis of the rich galaxy cluster A1689 by combining improved weak-lensing data from new BVRi'z' Subaru/Suprime-Cam observations with strong-lensing, X-ray, and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) data sets. We reconstruct the projected matter distribution from a joint weak-lensing analysis of 2D shear and azimuthally integrated magnification constraints, the combination of which allows us to break the mass-sheet degeneracy. The resulting mass distribution reveals elongation with axis ratio ~0.7 in projection. When assuming a spherical halo, our full weak-lensing analysis yields a projected concentration of c200c2D=8.9±1.1c_{200c}^{2D}=8.9\pm 1.1 (cvir2D11c_{vir}^{2D}\sim 11), consistent with and improved from earlier weak-lensing work. We find excellent consistency between weak and strong lensing in the region of overlap. In a parametric triaxial framework, we constrain the intrinsic structure and geometry of the matter and gas distributions, by combining weak/strong lensing and X-ray/SZE data with minimal geometric assumptions. We show that the data favor a triaxial geometry with minor-major axis ratio 0.39+/-0.15 and major axis closely aligned with the line of sight (22+/-10 deg). We obtain M200c=(1.2±0.2)×1015M/hM_{200c}=(1.2\pm 0.2)\times 10^{15} M_{\odot}/h and c200c=8.4±1.3c_{200c}=8.4\pm 1.3, which overlaps with the >1σ>1\sigma tail of the predicted distribution. The shape of the gas is rounder than the underlying matter but quite elongated with minor-major axis ratio 0.60+/-0.14. The gas mass fraction within 0.9Mpc is 10^{+3}_{-2}%. The thermal gas pressure contributes to ~60% of the equilibrium pressure, indicating a significant level of non-thermal pressure support. When compared to Planck's hydrostatic mass estimate, our lensing measurements yield a spherical mass ratio of MPlanck/MGL=0.70±0.15M_{Planck}/M_{GL}=0.70\pm 0.15 and 0.58±0.100.58\pm 0.10 with and without corrections for lensing projection effects, respectively.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Minor textual changes to improve clarity (e.g., 5. HST STRONG-LENSING ANALYSIS). 26 pages, 17 figures. A version with high-resolution figures is available at http://www.asiaa.sinica.edu.tw/~keiichi/upfiles/Umetsu15/umetsu15.pd

    Discovery of a massive X-ray luminous galaxy cluster at z=1.579

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    We report on the discovery of a very distant galaxy cluster serendipitously detected in the archive of the XMM-Newton mission, within the scope of the XMM-Newton Distant Cluster Project (XDCP). XMMUJ0044.0-2033 was detected at a high significance level (5sigma) as a compact, but significantly extended source in the X-ray data, with a soft-band flux f(r<40")=(1.5+-0.3)x10^(-14) erg/s/cm2. Optical/NIR follow-up observations confirmed the presence of an overdensity of red galaxies matching the X-ray emission. The cluster was spectroscopically confirmed to be at z=1.579 using ground-based VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy. The analysis of the I-H colour-magnitude diagram shows a sequence of red galaxies with a colour range [3.7 < I-H < 4.6] within 1' from the cluster X-ray emission peak. However, the three spectroscopic members (all with complex morphology) have significantly bluer colours relative to the observed red-sequence. In addition, two of the three cluster members have [OII] emission, indicative of on-going star formation. Using the spectroscopic redshift we estimated the X-ray bolometric luminosity, Lbol = 5.8x10^44 erg/s, implying a massive galaxy cluster. This places XMMU J0044.0-2033 at the forefront of massive distant clusters, closing the gap between lower redshift systems and recently discovered proto- and low-mass clusters at z >1.6.Comment: letter to appear in A&

    A Detailed Study of Photometric Redshifts for GOODS-South Galaxies

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    We use the deepest and the most comprehensive photometric data currently available for GOODS-South galaxies to measure their photometric redshifts. The photometry includes VLT/VIMOS (U-band), HST/ACS (F435W, F606W, F775W, and F850LP bands), VLT/ISAAC (J-, H-, and Ks-bands), and four Spitzer/IRAC channels (3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 micron). The catalog is selected in the z-band (F850LP) and photometry in each band is carried out using the recently completed TFIT algorithm, which performs PSF matched photometry uniformly across different instruments and filters, despite large variations in PSFs and pixel scales. Photometric redshifts are derived using the GOODZ code, which is based on the template fitting method using priors. The code also implements "training" of the template SED set, using available spectroscopic redshifts in order to minimize systematic differences between the templates and the SEDs of the observed galaxies. Our final catalog covers an area of 153 sq. arcmin and includes photometric redshifts for a total of 32,505 objects. The scatter between our estimated photometric and spectroscopic redshifts is sigma=0.040 with 3.7% outliers to the full z-band depth of our catalog, decreasing to sigma=0.039 and 2.1% outliers at a magnitude limit m(z)<24.5. This is consistent with the best results previously published for GOODS-S galaxies, however, the present catalog is the deepest yet available and provides photometric redshifts for significantly more objects to deeper flux limits and higher redshifts than earlier works. Furthermore, we show that the photometric redshifts estimated here for galaxies selected as dropouts are consistent with those expected based on the Lyman break technique.Comment: 62 pages, 21 figures. Minor changes to match version to be published in Ap

    Frontier Fields: Subaru Weak-Lensing Analysis of the Merging Galaxy Cluster A2744

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    We present a weak-lensing analysis of the merging Frontier Fields (FF) cluster Abell 2744 using new Subaru/Suprime-Cam imaging. The wide-field lensing mass distribution reveals this cluster is comprised of four distinct substructures. Simultaneously modeling the two-dimensional reduced shear field using a combination of a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) model for the main core and truncated NFW models for the subhalos, we determine their masses and locations. The total mass of the system is constrained as {M}200{{c}}=(2.06+/- 0.42)× {10}15 {M}⊙ . The most massive clump is the southern component with {M}200{{c}}=(7.7+/- 3.4)× {10}14 {M}⊙ , followed by the western substructure ({M}200{{c}}=(4.5+/- 2.0)× {10}14 {M}⊙ ) and two smaller substructures to the northeast ({M}200{{c}}=(2.8+/- 1.6)× {10}14 {M}⊙ ) and northwest ({M}200{{c}}=(1.9+/- 1.2)× {10}14 {M}⊙ ). The presence of the four substructures supports the picture of multiple mergers. Using a composite of hydrodynamical binary simulations we explain this complicated system without the need for a “slingshot” effect to produce the northwest X-ray interloper, as previously proposed. The locations of the substructures appear to be offset from both the gas ({87}-28+34 arcsec, 90% CL) and the galaxies ({72}-53+34 arcsec, 90% CL) in the case of the northwestern and western subhalos. To confirm or refute these findings, high resolution space-based observations extending beyond the current FF limited coverage to the west and northwestern area are essential. Based in part on data collected at the Subaru Telescope, which is operated by the National Astronomical Society of Japan

    A mass threshold in the number density of passive galaxies at z\sim2

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    The process that quenched star formation in galaxies at intermediate and high redshift is still the subject of considerable debate. One way to investigate this puzzling issue is to study the number density of quiescent galaxies at z~2, and its dependence on mass. Here we present the results of a new study based on very deep Ks-band imaging (with the HAWK-I instrument on the VLT) of two HST CANDELS fields (the UKIDSS Ultra-deep survey (UDS) field and GOODS-South). The new HAWK-I data (taken as part of the HUGS VLT Large Program) reach detection limits of Ks>26 (AB mag). We select a sample of passively-evolving galaxies in the redshift range 1.4<z<2.5. Thanks to the depth and large area coverage of our imaging, we have been able to extend the selection of quiescent galaxies a magnitude fainter than previous analyses. Through extensive simulations we demonstrate, for the first time, that the observed turn-over in the number of quiescent galaxies at K>22 is real. This has enabled us to establish unambiguously that the number counts of quiescent galaxies at z~2 flatten and slightly decline at magnitudes fainter than Ks~22(AB mag.). We show that this trend corresponds to a stellar mass threshold M1010.8MM_*10^{10.8}\,{\rm M_{\odot}} below which the mechanism that halts the star formation in high-redshift galaxies seems to be inefficient. Finally we compare the observed pBzK number counts with those of quiescent galaxies extracted from four different semi-analytic models. We find that none of the models provides a statistically acceptable description of the number density of quiescent galaxies at these redshifts. We conclude that the mass function of quiescent galaxies as a function of redshift continues to present a key and demanding challenge for proposed models of galaxy formation and evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic