15 research outputs found
Influencia de la tablet en el desarrollo infantil: Perspectivas y recomendaciones a tener en cuenta en la orientación familiar
El presente trabajo es resultado de un estudio documental a partir del cual se
han tratado de sintetizar, primordialmente, algunas de las principales
perspectivas existentes sobre la inclusión de las tecnologías en los hogares y
su influencia en los menores dentro del seno familiar. En particular, se aborda
el impacto y efectos de nuevas pantallas digitales como la tablet en el
desarrollo infantil. En el proceso de elaboración, se ha recurrido a diversas
fuentes bibliográficas y publicaciones especializadas del ámbito de la Pediatría,
Psicología y Pedagogía, concluyendo con la presentación de propuestas de
consejos tipo extraídos de publicaciones institucionales, a partir de las cuales
los profesionales de la educación se podrán apoyar a la hora de realizar
orientación familiar para el uso racional de pantallas digitalesThe current work is the result of a documentary study from which we have tried
to summarize some of the main existent perspectives, mainly about the
technologies inclusion at home and their influence on children within the family.
In particular, the impact and effects of new digital screens, as the tablet in
children development, is discussed. In the process, several literature sources
and specialized publications in the field of Pediatrics, Psychology and
Pedagogy have been used, ending with the presentation of examples of the
kind of advice taken from institutional publications, from which the education
professionals could find support when they make family counselling for the
rational use of digital screen
European competence standards development in the initial training of educational guidance professionals at the University of Santiago de Compostela
O obxectivo deste estudo é analizar as competencias
contempladas na formación inicial dos Orientadores/as
Educativos/as da Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, coa intención de establecer a súa
correspondencia cos Estándares Europeos de Competencia
elaborados no marco dos Proxpectos NICE I e II (Network
for Innovation in Career Guidance & Counselling in
Europe). Na investigación emprégase unha metodoloxía
cualitativa, baseada na análise documental e na realización
dun grupo de discusión con profesorado e alumnado. Os
resultados indican que o deseño do Máster de formación
de profesorado (Orientación) recolle os principais
estándares europeos de competencia elaborados dende o
NICE. Non obstante, o nivel de adquisición por parte do
alumnado parece ser algo superficial, centrándose máis nos
aspectos teóricos que nos prácticosThe objective of this study is to analyze the competences
included in the initial training of the Educational
Counsellors at the University of Santiago de Compostela,
with the main goal of establishing a correspondence
between the European Competence Standards, which were
elaborated in the framework of the NICE I and II Projects
(Network for Innovation in Career Guidance &
Counselling in Europe). A qualitative methodology was
used in this research, based mainly on a documentary
analysis and the development of a discussion group where
students and teachers were undertaken. The results
obtained highlight that the teacher training Master
(Guidance) reflects the main European Competence
Standards developed by NICE networking. Nevertheless,
the students’ acquisition level seems to be a little
superficial, focusing on theoretical rather than practical
Guide My W@y! An interactive Website for career guidance in international youth mobility
Neste traballo preséntase un Portal Interactivo para a e-Formación na e-Orientación, resultado do desenvolvemento do Proxecto de Investigación Guide My W@y! O seu deseño parte dun estudo de necesidades contextual, apoiado nunha metodoloxía de carácter mixto. Nel aplícase un modelo formativo dirixido a orientadores/as profesionais en activo baseado no Concepto Europeo de Orientación da Carreira, deseñado tamén no marco do Proxecto. Ademais, supón un espazo virtual para a información e o asesoramento da xuventude en expectativa de mobilidade internacional para a súa formación académica, formación profesional ou colocación laboral. Os resultados desta experiencia investigadora axudarán aos profesionais europeos da Orientación a aplicar e mellorar as súas competencias dixitais, así como a promover e desenvolver recursos de aprendizaxe centrados na e-OrientaciónThis paper presents an Interactive Website for E-Training in e-Guidance, as a result of the Guide My W@y! Research Project development. Its design starts from a contextual study of the needs, supported by a mixed methodology. In it, a training model is applied addressed to active professional counsellors based on the European Career Guidance Concept, also designed within the Project framework. In addition, it provides a virtual space for information and advice of young people with international mobility expectation for their academic training, vocational training and job placement. The results of this research experience will help European Guidance Professionals to apply and improve their digital competences as well as to promote and develop learning resources focused on e-GuidanceS
Comorbidity and nutritional status in adult with advanced chronic kidney disease influence the decision-making choice of renal replacement therapy modality: A retrospective 5-year study
Background: Nutritional and inflammation status are significant predictors of morbidity and mortality risk in advanced chronic kidney disease (ACKD). To date, there are a limited number of clinical studies on the influence of nutritional status in ACKD stages 4–5 on the choice of renal replacement therapy (RRT) modality. Aim: This study aimed to examine relationships between comorbidity and nutritional and inflammatory status and the decision-making on the choice of RRT modalities in adults with ACKD. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 211 patients with ACKD with stages 4–5 from 2016 to 2021. Comorbidity was assessed using the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) according to severity (CCI: ≤ 3 and >3 points). Clinical and nutritional assessment was carried out by prognosis nutritional index (PNI), laboratory parameters [serum s-albumin, s-prealbumin, and C-reactive protein (s-CRP)], and anthropometric measurements. The initial decision-making of the different RRT modalities [(in-center, home-based hemodialysis (HD), and peritoneal dialysis (PD)] as well as the informed therapeutic options (conservative treatment of CKD or pre-dialysis living donor transplantation) were recorded. The sample was classified according to gender, time on follow-up in the ACKD unit (≤ 6 and >6 months), and the initial decision-making of RRT (in-center and home-RRT). Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were carried out for evaluating the independent predictors of home-based RRT. Results: Of the 211 patients with ACKD, 47.4% (n = 100) were in stage 5 CKD, mainly elderly men (65.4%). DM was the main etiology of CKD (22.7%) together with hypertension (96.6%) as a CV risk factor. Higher CCI scores were significantly found in men, and severe comorbidity with a CCI score > 3 points was 99.1%. The mean time of follow-up time in the ACKD unit was 9.6 ± 12.8 months. A significantly higher CCI was found in those patients with a follow-up time > 6 months, as well as higher mean values of eGFR, s-albumin, s-prealbumin, s-transferrin, and hemoglobin, and lower s-CRP than those with a follow-up 3.8 g/dl was found in 71.1% (n = 150), and values of s-CRP ≤ 1 mg/dl were 82.9% (n = 175). PEW prevalence was 15.2%. The initial choice of RRT modality was higher in in-center HD (n = 119 patients; 56.4%) than in home-based RRT (n = 81; 40.5%). Patients who chose home-based RRT had significantly lower CCI scores and higher mean values of s-albumin, s-prealbumin, s-transferrin, hemoglobin, and eGFR and lower s-CRP than those who chose in-center RRT (p 6 months (OR: 0.440) were significantly associated with the likelihood of decision-making to choose a home-based RRT modality (all, at least p < 0.05). Conclusion: Regular monitoring and follow-up of sociodemographic factors, comorbidity, and nutritional and inflammatory status in a multidisciplinary ACKD unit significantly influenced decision-making on the choice of RRT modality and outcome in patients with non-dialysis ACK
Los servicios de orientación y asesoramiento a refugiados: el caso de Portugal y España
Existe una preocupación generalizada en Europa sobre cómo proceder de la mejor forma posible en la acogida de refugiados, especialmente en el actual momento de crisis económica, humanitaria y de conflictos bélicos, por lo que las políticas europeas han tratado de incorporar acciones relacionadas con el reasentamiento y la integración de los refugiados. Así, en los países de la Unión Europea, existen diversas instituciones y organizaciones que vienen desarrollando, con mayor o menor éxito, diferentes servicios relacionados con el sistema de acogida, en los que la orientación y el asesoramiento adquieren especial relevancia en la atención de las necesidades de este colectivo vulnerable. En el presente artículo, se recogen los resultados de una revisión documental cuyo principal objetivo se ha centrado en describir cómo están organizados los citados servicios en Portugal y España, así como en conocer, en general, qué procedimientos y actividades se desarrollan. A raíz de los hallazgos, se puede concluir que los sistemas de acogida de Portugal y España están aún muy centrados en las necesidades de alimentación, abrigo y cuidados de salud mental y física. Existen, en ellos, diversos servicios de orientación de la carrera, pero estos no difieren en su generalidad de los que son desarrollados con el resto de la población.
Palabras clave: acogida; integración; orientación profesional; refugiados
Total Zn of foods and bioaccesible fractions in the small and large intestine after in vitro digestion and fermentation with fecal material of healthy adults and children: Influence of culinary techniques
This work was supported by the European Research Commission
(Research Executive Agency) under the research project Stance4Health
under Grant Contract No 816303 and by the Plan propio de Investigación
y Transferencia of the University of Granada under the program
“Intensificación de la Investigación, modalidad B”.The healthy status of human beings is associated with an appropriate nutritional status in Zn, which must firstly be bioavailable. We measured the total Zn amount and its bioaccesibility in raw foods and after cooking by common culinary techniques. These foods were submitted to an in vitro digestion and fermentation with faecal inocula from healthy adults and children to evaluate Zn bioaccesibility in the small and large intestine. Mean total Zn amount provided by foods was 8.080 μg/g. Zn amount released from food in the small intestine was significantly different among several food groups and lower in raw vegetal foods compared to cooked ones (frying, roasting and grilling; p < 0.05); the same behaviour was found in the large intestine for healthy children. Zn bioaccesibility in the large intestine varied statistically according to the subjects’ idiosyncrasies, and was higher in healthy children (p < 0.05) probably due to growth demands and different composition of the colonic microbiota. In healthy adults and children, the bioaccesible fractions were 33.0 ± 20.4 % for the small intestine, 16.4 ± 22.0 and 59.6 ± 29.9% for the large one, and the non-bioaccessible ones 50.6 ± 19.9 and 7.4 ± 9.1%, respectively.European Research Commission
816303Plan propio de Investigación y Transferencia of the University of GranadaUniversidad de Granada
Selenium bioaccesibility after in vitro digestion/fermentation of foods differs in adults and children
Selenium (Se) as essential element regulates the immune, endocrine, reproductive and neurological systems
through selenoproteins. More important than its content, is the fraction available to be absorbed (bioaccesibility)
to exert its important metabolic functions. The objective of this study was to determine the bioaccessibility of Se
(Se-BA) in multiple foods by an in vitro digestion/fermentation method. Samples were subjected to homemade
culinary techniques and fermented with feces from healthy adults (HE-AD), and healthy (HE-CH) and unhealthy
children (with gluten related disorders, GRD-CH; obesity, OB-CH; or allergy/intolerance to cow’s milk proteins,
AICM-CH). Se-BA varied largely among samples depending on their vegetal/animal origin, category and type of
food. Animal-vs. plant-based foods have higher mean Se concentration and total Se-BA (82.5(±97.5) and 93.6
(±8.58) vs. 44.3(±55.6) μg/kg and 77.7(±20.4)%, respectively). In plant-based foods, higher Se-BA values were
found in the large intestine (41.0(±25.7) vs. 30.1(±26.7%) in animal-base foods). In comparison to raw foods,
the cooking techniques of vegetal- and animal-based foods grouped by heating in liquid media (frying-boiling) or
hot air (roasting-grilling) decrease Se-BA in the small intestine (42.5(±27.0) vs. 34.8(±25.1) and 34.0(±24.3),
and 75.9(±38.0) vs. 52.4(±28.9) and 71.3(±24.8)%, respectively), while it is increased in the large intestine
(36.6(±28.5) vs. 41.3(±24.9) and 44.2(±23.6), and 19.9(±30.4) vs. 39.9(±26.0) and 23.4(±22.7)%, respec tively). The higher Se-BA levels in the large intestine found in HE-CH (42.1 (±26.5) vs. HE-AD (35.2(±27.1) and
unhealthy children (GRD-CH and OB-CH; 38.0(±24.6) and 35.8(±28.1)%, respectively) could be related to
greater demands on growth and specific fermentative microbiota.AGR-295 Alimentación y microbiota intestinal: relación con los alimentos y su procesado (Foodmicrogut
Tendencias pedagógicas
Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónEstudio documental a partir del cual se han tratado de sintetizar, primordialmente, algunas de las principales perspectivas existentes sobre la inclusión de las tecnologías en los hogares y su influencia en los menores dentro del seno familiar. En particular, se aborda el impacto y efectos de nuevas pantallas digitales como la tablet en el
desarrollo infantil. En el proceso de elaboración, se ha recurrido a diversas
fuentes bibliográficas y publicaciones especializadas del ámbito de la Pediatría,
Psicología y Pedagogía, concluyendo con la presentación de propuestas de
consejos tipo extraídos de publicaciones institucionales, a partir de las cuales
los profesionales de la educación se podrán apoyar a la hora de realizar
orientación familiar para el uso racional de pantallas digitales.ES
Biodiversidad de Melolonthidae (Coleoptera) en México
ResumenSe presenta una sinopsis sobre las 1 179 especies de Coleoptera Melolonthidae registradas en México, con énfasis en su distribución estatal. Los estados con mayor riqueza específica son Chiapas (368), Oaxaca (232) y Veracruz (281). Casi la mitad de estas especies son exclusivas del país y se localizan sólo en una entidad federativa. En Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Coahuila, México, Chihuahua y Durango se registran las mayores proporciones de endemismo. Las cifras más elevadas de especies endémicas corresponden a Chiapas (94), Oaxaca (64) y Baja California (52). Ninguna especie mexicana de Melolonthidae se encuentra incluida en la lista UICN de especies amenazadas de extinción.AbstractA brief review on the 1 179 species of Coleoptera Melolonthidae recorded in Mexico, with emphasis in their distribution by states is presented. Mexican states with higher number of species are Chiapas (368), Oaxaca (232) and Veracruz (281). Near half of these species are restricted to Mexico and are recorded only from localities in one state. Baja California, Baja California Sur, Sonora, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Coahuila, Mexico, Chihuahua and Durango show the highest proportions of endemic species. States with more endemic species are Chiapas (94), Oaxaca (64) and Baja California (52). None of the Mexican species of Melolonthidae is included in the IUCN list of threatened species