984 research outputs found

    Hedging Options with Scale-Invariant Models

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    A price process is scale-invariant if and only if the returns distribution is independent of the price level. We show that scale invariance preserves the homogeneity of a pay-off function throughout the life of the claim and hence prove that standard price hedge ratios for a wide class of contingent claims are model-free. Since options on traded assets are normally priced using some form of scale-invariant process, e.g. a stochastic volatility, jump diffusion or LĂ©vy process, this result has important implications for the hedging literature. However, standard price hedge ratios are not always the optimal hedge ratios to use in a delta or delta-gamma hedge strategy; in fact we recommend the use of minimum variance hedge ratios for scale-invariant models. Our theoretical results are supported by an empirical study that compares the hedging performance of various smile-consistent scale-invariant and non-scale-invariant models. We find no significant difference between the minimum variance hedges in the smile-consistent models but a significant improvement upon the standard, model-free hedge ratiosScale invariance, hedging, minimum variance, hedging, stochastic volatility

    Optimal Hedging and Scale Inavriance: A Taxonomy of Option Pricing Models

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    The assumption that the probability distribution of returns is independent of the current level of the asset price is an intuitive property for option pricing models on financial assets. This ‘scale invariance’ feature is common to the Black-Scholes (1973) model, most stochastic volatility models and most jump-diffusion models. In this paper we extend the scale-invariant property to other models, including some local volatility, LĂ©vy and mixture models, and derive a set of equivalence properties that are useful for classifying their hedging performance. Bates (2005) shows that, if calibrated exactly to the implied volatility smile, scale-invariant models have the same ‘model-free’ partial price sensitivities for vanilla options. We show that these model-free price hedge ratios are not optimal hedge ratios for many scale-invariant models. We derive optimal hedge ratios for stochastic and local volatility models that have not always been used in the literature. An empirical comparison of well-known models applied to SP 500 index options shows that optimal hedges are similar in all the smile-consistent models considered and they perform better than the Black-Scholes model on average. The partial price sensitivities of scale-invariant models provide the poorest hedges.

    Hedging with Stochastic and Local Volatility

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    We derive the local volatility hedge ratios that are consistent with a stochastic instantaneous volatility and show that this ‘stochastic local volatility’ model is equivalent to the market model for implied volatilities. We also show that a common feature of all Markovian single factor stochastic volatility models, (log)normal mixture option pricing models and ‘sticky delta’ models is that they predict incorrect dynamics for implied volatility. As a result they over-hedge the Black-Scholes model in the presence of a market skew and this explains the poor delta hedging performance of these models reported in the literature. Whilst the traditional ‘sticky tree’ local volatility models do not possess this unfortunate property, they cannot be used for pricing without exogenous and ad hoc smoothing of results. However the stochastic local volatility framework allows one to extend a good pricing model into a good hedging model. The theoretical results are supported by an empirical analysis of the hedging performance of seven models, each with different volatility characteristics, on the SP500 index skew.Local volatility, stochastic volatility, implied volatility, hedging, dynamic delta hedging, volatility dymamics

    Sistemåtica filogenética e taxonomia da subtribo Calothecinae (Poaceae, Pooideae, Poeae s.l.)

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    A subtribo Calothecinae atualmente inclui trĂȘs gĂȘneros, Chascolytrum s.l., Laegaardia e Paramochloa, dos quais o primeiro se destaca por incluir o maior nĂșmero de espĂ©cies. O gĂȘnero Chascolytrum s.l. apresenta um histĂłrico taxonĂŽmico e controverso, em virtude das diferentes circunscriçÔes propostas anteriormente. Como atualmente circunscrito, o gĂȘnero inclui 22 espĂ©cies que jĂĄ foram anteriormente reconhecidas em nove gĂȘneros distintos (Chascolytrum, Briza, Poidium, Calotheca, Microbriza, Gymnachne, Rhombolytrum, Lombardochloa e Erianthecium). Contudo, as relaçÔes entre as espĂ©cies de Chascolytrum s.l. permanecem pouco resolvidas devido Ă  baixa resolução filogenĂ©tica encontrada em estudos anteriores. A presente tese utiliza sequĂȘncias de DNA, dados morfolĂłgicos e uma ampla amostragem e tĂĄxons, para resolver a circunscrição dos gĂȘneros reconhecidos em Calothecinae, particularmente aqueles incluĂ­dos na sinonĂ­mia de Chascolytrum s.l. As anĂĄlises filogenĂ©ticas suportaram, em um primeiro momento, Chascolytrum s.l. como uma linhagem monofilĂ©tica, permitindo o reconhecimento de oito seçÔes para o gĂȘnero, das quais trĂȘs sĂŁo novas. AlĂ©m disso, uma nova espĂ©cie de Chascolytrum sect.. Hildaea foi descrita para a ciĂȘncia (C. serranum). Subsequentemente, anĂĄlises filogenĂ©ticas incluindo uma amostragem mais ampla, tanto em nĂșmero de tĂĄxons quanto marcadores moleculares, revelaram que tanto Calothecinae quanto Chascolytrum s.l. sĂŁo polifilĂ©ticos, devido Ă  inclusĂŁo de Trisetum brasiliense e T. bulbosum dentro do clado Chascolytrum s.l. Como resultado, o gĂȘnero Chascolytrum s.l. foi desmembrado em nove gĂȘneros, dos quais dois sĂŁo novos para a ciĂȘncia, e os gĂȘneros Laegaardia e Paramochloa foram transferidos para a nova subtribo Paramochloinae. As espĂ©cies T. brasiliense e T. bulbosum foram formalmente incluĂ­das em Calothecinae, como incertae sedis, e seus posicionamentos taxonĂŽmicos necessitam estudos mais aprofundados, incluindo novas amostras sul-americanas do gĂȘnero Trisetum.Currently, the subtribe Calothecinae includes three genera, Chascolytrum s.l., Laegaardia and Paramochloa, of which Chascolytrum is the most diverse. The genus Chascolytrum s.l. has a complex and controversial taxonomic background due to several circumscriptions proposed in the past. As now cirscumscribed, the genus includes 22 species that were previously recognized in nine different genera (Chascolytrum, Briza, Poidium, Calotheca, Microbriza, Gymnachne, Rhombolytrum, Lombardochloa e Erianthecium). However, the internal relationships of Chascolytrum s.l. remain poorly resolved due to lack of phylogenetic resolution found in previous studies. The present thesis includes DNA sequences, morphological data and a comprehensive taxon sampling to resolve the generic circumscription of Calothecinae, mainly of those genera included as synonymy of Chascolytrum s.l. The phylogenetic analyses supported, at first, Chascolytrum s.l. as monophyletic and allowed the recognition of eight sections, of which three are newly described. Besides, a new species of Chascolytrum sect. Hildaea was first described (C. serranum). Thereafter, phylogenetic analyses including a broader sampling and more molecular markers revealed that both Calothecinae and Chascolytrum s.l. are polyphyletic, due to the inclusion of Trisetum brasiliense and T. bulbosum in the Chascolytrum s.l. clade. As a result, Chascolytrum s.l. was split in nine different genera of which two are newly described, and Laegaardia and Paramochloa were transferred to the new subtribe Paramochloinae. Trisetum brasiliense and T. bulbosum were formally included in Calothecinae, although as incertae sedis. Further studies to resolve their taxonomic placement are still needed

    Morte morrida ou matada? Que diferença faz? : abordagens jurídicas e de política criminal quanto à inoperùncia estatal nos casos de homicídio dolosos

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    Orientador: Priscilla Placha SĂĄMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias JurĂ­dicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoResumo: O presente trabalho procura demonstrar o complexo fenĂŽmeno do homicĂ­dio no paĂ­s, em especial aqueles dolosos, nĂŁo raro cometidos Ă  mĂŁo armada, delito esse certo modo endĂȘmico no paĂ­s, na medida em que as cifras de mortes ultrapassam 50 mil Ăłbitos anuais. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa tem por objeto, atravĂ©s de um significativo conjunto de dados empĂ­ricos, bibliogrĂĄficos e outros colhidos em campo, evidenciar esse altĂ­ssimo Ă­ndice de homicĂ­dios dolosos, bem como apontar o que tĂȘm impactado na baixĂ­ssima elucidação de casos (variando em mĂ©dia na proporção de 10% dos casos). Nada obstante, nessa espĂ©cie de "radiografia" do crime, procurando entendĂȘ-lo, virĂŁo Ă  tona nas pĂĄginas seguintes alguns pontos escolhidos como relevantes para entendimento desse objeto supracitado. Dentre eles vale citar o impacto da impunidade evidenciado pelos baixĂ­ssimos Ă­ndices de inquĂ©ritos instaurados (ou seja, a nĂŁo correspondĂȘncia entre o nĂșmero de homicĂ­dios e o nĂșmero de IPs); bem como a demonstração de que nada obstante baixĂ­ssimos inquĂ©ritos instaurados ainda mais baixos sĂŁo os Ă­ndices de elucidação de casos, ou de eficĂĄcia investigativa na medida em que nĂŁo raro a investigação nĂŁo consegue apontar indĂ­cios mĂ­nimos de autoria; e, ainda, traremos Ă  tona a emblemĂĄtica cultura da violĂȘncia urbana e o medo na contemporaneidade lĂ­quida social; bem como a questĂŁo das armas de fogo, a facilidade de acesso e o trĂĄfico principalmente interno de armas no paĂ­s; a questĂŁo dos grupos criminosos (enquanto gĂȘnero) e algumas espĂ©cies como "esquadrĂ”es da morte, ou grupos de extermĂ­nio", "milĂ­cias", dentre outras espĂ©cies de mĂĄfia Ă  brasileira; entre outras abordagens. Finalmente, sempre buscando relação como o objeto (altĂ­ssimos Ă­ndices de homicĂ­dios e baixĂ­ssimos Ă­ndices de elucidação), levantar-se-ĂĄ, na pesquisa, abordagens crĂ­ticas a despeito da atual polĂ­tica de segurança pĂșblica, como, por exemplo, a sobreposição ou relevĂąncia dada Ă  proteção de bens jurĂ­dicos patrimoniais em contrapartida a bens jurĂ­dicos significativamente mais relevantes como "a vida humana." E, por fim, levantaremos a questĂŁo do desenvolvimento humano como pressuposto fundamental, talvez inicial de uma pretensa efetiva polĂ­tica de segurança pĂșblica, que atualmente se presenta questionĂĄvel no Brasil diante dos Ă­ndices de violĂȘncia que serĂŁo expostos nas pĂĄginas seguintes

    Effects of Nitrate Supplementation on In Vivo Muscle Torque Recovery From BaCl2-Induced Injury

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    During repair from muscle injury, muscle satellite cells depend on nitric oxide production by immune cells to proliferate and differentiate. Nitrate supplementation has been shown to improve muscle endurance and oxygen consumption, but little is known about the ability of nitrate supplementation to interfere with muscle regeneration following injury. PURPOSE: To investigate whether nitrate supplementation affects muscle recovery of force after muscle injury produced by intramuscular injection of barium chloride. METHODS: Transgenic male mice (12 weeks old) that express Td-Tomato fluorescent protein in Pax7+ cells (i.e., satellite cells; Pax7CreER-Ai9 mice) were treated with tamoxifen (2 mg in corn oil, i.p.) once a day for 5 days. Four days after the last tamoxifen injection, both legs were subjected to stimulation of the peroneal nerve to evoke contractions of the anterior crural muscles at different frequencies of stimulation (1-200 Hz; i.e., Torque-frequency curve), followed by intramuscular injections of 1.2% BaCl2 (w/v) to produce injury of the tibialis anterior (TA) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles of the right leg. The contralateral leg served as a non-injured control. Torque-frequency curves were tested for both legs on days 2, 7, 14 and 21 post injury. At day 21, mice were euthanized, and muscles were dissected for histology (TA) and ex-vivo muscle contractility (EDL). A group of mice was treated with 1 g/L of NaNO3 in drinking water (nitrate group) 1 week before muscle injury, and a second group of mice was not treated (water group). RESULTS: Mice treated with NaNO3 (nitrate group) showed smaller torque in the non-injured leg compared to water group (103 ± 3 vs 84 ± 2 Nmm/kg, for water vs nitrate groups, respectively). However, the torque produced by the injured leg normalized by the torque developed by the non-injured leg was not different between groups on days 2 (28 ± 13% vs 25 ± 1%), 7 (41 ± 4% vs 35 ± 2%), 14 (81 ± 7% vs 87 ± 1%) and 21 (104 ± 3% vs 105 ± 3%) for water and nitrate groups respectively. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that nitrate supplementation decreases nerve-stimulated torque development in uninjured leg but does not change the recovery of torque after BaCl2 injury. Support: TRDRP grant # T29KT0397CA (to L.N.

    Diaphragm Force and Mitochondrial Function Ex Vivo Following GSNOR Inhibition In Vivo Preceding Mechanical Ventilation

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    During mechanical ventilation (MV), force developed by the diaphragm is decreased over time much faster than locomotor muscles. This is known as ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction (VIDD), and VIDD may be accelerated by intramyofiber oxidative stress. An important free radical used for the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is nitric oxide (NO) which can diffuse to diaphragm myofibers during treatment. However, little is known whether NO or NO by-products such as S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), can accelerate or prevent VIDD. PURPOSE: To investigate whether inhibiting S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNORi) during MV could affect ex vivo diaphragm force and mitochondrial respiration. METHODS: Male (C57BL6J) mice (n=27) were anesthetized and subjected to MV for 2, 4, or 6h, and non-MV mice (0 h) were used as controls. Alternatively, mice were treated with PBS/10% DMSO (n=6) or 25 ”g SPL-334 (GSNORi, n=6) or 25 ”g SPL-334 + 1.7 mg isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN; n=6), and then subjected to MV for 2 h. After MV, mice were euthanized, and diaphragm strips were used for force or for mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and reactive oxygen species generation measurements. RESULTS: Peak tetanic force was decreased by MV starting at 4 h (30 ± 2 N/cm2 vs 26 ± 1 N/cm2 vs 23 ± 2 N/cm2 vs 18 ± 4 N/cm2, for 0 vs 2 vs 4 vs 6h MV, P=0.0097 one-way ANOVA). Peak force was not different between DMSO vs GSNORi (P=0.3834). Leak respiration (Mann-Whitney p=0.26; CI95 7, 45 vs 10, 68 pmol/s/mg), coupled-phosphorylating mitochondrial respiration (Mann-Whitney p=0.91; CI95 121, 180 vs 107, 215 pmol/s/mg), and H2O2 flux in any of the respiratory states (e.g. coupled-phosphorylating Mann-Whitney p=0.26; CI95 30, 245 vs 4, 543 fmol/s/mg), were not different between DMSO vs GSNORi. CONCLUSION: VIDD was developed at 4 hours MV, but GSNORi treatment for 2 h did not produce any changes to VIDD and to mitochondrial function. These data suggest that if exogenous NO is not provided, inhibiting GSNOR in vivo alone does not affect diaphragm function ex vivo. Support: SDSU 2023 SEED Grant (to L.N.

    Algoritmos de pontos interiores aplicados a fluxo em redes

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    Orientador: Clovis Perin FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação CientificaResumo: Não informado.Abstract: Not informed.MestradoMestre em Matemåtica Aplicad

    A química, meio ambiente e a sociedade: fazendo uma educação ambiental consciente

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    A Educação Ambiental nĂŁo deve ser vista como uma disciplina eletiva ou contextualizada dentro de outras de maior influĂȘncia do conhecimento humano. Ela deve ser vivida diariamente por todos os cidadĂŁos brasileiros, conscientes de que suas açÔes interferem diretamente ou indiretamente no Meio Ambiente e encarĂĄ-lo como um ser vivo, do qual fazemos parte simbioticamente. A educação Ă© tudo, transforma o ser, a sua consciĂȘncia e a seu espĂ­rito, serĂĄ somente desta forma que conseguiremos mudar o panorama mundial atual, onde catĂĄstrofes naturais acontecem devido aos anos e anos de descuido e descaso com a Natureza e o quanto antes fizermos serĂĄ melhor para nĂłs mesmos. O presente trabalho tĂȘm como proposta apresentar a variedade de temas que podem ser desenvolvidos nas turmas de educação infantil, ensino fundamental e mĂ©dio, alĂ©m de servir como uma visĂŁo ampliada do que seja Educação Ambiental, pois esta nĂŁo se restringe sĂł ao ensino de Ecologia, mas esta de forma contextualizada em ĂĄreas como o Direito (Ambiental, Civil, Penal), Economia, Sociologia, HistĂłria e QuĂ­mica, alĂ©m de outras ĂĄreas do conhecimento humano

    Single-Leg Resistance Exercise Training in Mice Leads to a Fast Increase in In Vivo Torque of Anterior Crural Muscles

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    Resistance exercise is known to produce muscle hypertrophy. However, little is known about the role of muscle satellite cells in generating new myofibers or in incorporating satellite cells to live myofibers during exercise training. PURPOSE: To investigate whether single-leg resistance exercise training can activate the incorporation of muscle satellite cells in mice. METHODS: Transgenic male mice (12 weeks old) that express Td-Tomato fluorescent protein in Pax7+ (i.e., satellite cells) cells (Pax7CreER-Ai9) were treated with tamoxifen (2 mg in corn oil, i.p.) once a day for 5 days. Three days later, mice were single-leg exercise trained (i.e stimulation of the peroneal nerve of the right leg of each mouse to evoke fused tetanic contractions [100 Hz] of the anterior crural muscles), 3x per week for either 1 or 2 weeks. Each training session was composed of 3-s contractions with 7 s recovery between contractions, 10 contractions each set, 5 sets with 5 min rest between sets. Before the first training session and 3 days after the last training session (1 week or 2 weeks training), torque produced by the ankle was measured at different frequencies of pulse-stimulation (1-200 Hz), mice were euthanized, and muscles were frozen for histological measurements. RESULTS: During each session of training, peak torque developed at the last contraction was ~30% of the torque developed in the initial contraction of the session suggesting fatigue development. Between sessions of training, initial torque was not significantly different suggesting that muscle recovered function between sessions. Torque measurements at different frequencies of stimulation 3 days after 1 week or 2 weeks of training showed a ~50% increase in maximal tetanic torque relative to the mice body weight, after 1 week of training but there were no additional changes at 2 weeks of training. Tibialis anterior muscle cross sectional area and number of Td-tomato positive myofibers were also measured in these mice. CONCLUSION: Resistance exercise training in mice by using single-leg electrical stimulations leads to a fast (i.e., 1 week) increase in muscle force development
