6,700 research outputs found

    Towards dynamic context discovery and composition

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    Context-awareness has been identified as a key characteristic for pervasive computing systems. As a variety of context-aware environments begin to flourish, pervasive applications shall have to interact different environments well. In this paper we propose extensions to the Strathclyde Context Infrastructure that gives context-aware applications the potential to adapt to unfamiliar environments transparently. We present a vision of a context discovery technique based on automated semantic reasoning about context information and services. The technique will offer higher levels of scalability and of interoperability with new context environments that cannot be achieved with current methods

    Situation determination with distributed context histories

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    Determining the situation within an environment is a key goal of smart environment research. A significant challenge in situation determination is reasoning about openended groups of people and devices that a smart environment may contain. Contemporary solutions are often tailored to the specific environment. In this position paper, we present a novel general situation determination framework, that by viewing people and tools as playing roles in a situation, can easily adapt recognition to incorporate the dynamic structure of a situation over time

    A self-managing infrastructure for ad-hoc situation determination

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    Automatically determining the situation of an ad-hoc group of people and devices within a smart environment is a significant challenge in pervasive computing systems. Current approaches often rely on an environment expert to correlate the situations that occur with the available sensor data, while other machine learning based approaches require long training periods before the system can be used. This paper presents a novel approach to situation determination that attempts to overcome these issues by providing a reusable library of general situation specifications that can be easily extended to create new specific situations, and immediately deployed without the need of an environment expert. The architecture of an accompanying situation determination infrastructure is provided, which autonomously optimises and repairs itself in reaction to changes or failures in the environment

    Towards ad-hoc situation determination

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    Toolkits such as PlaceLab [1] have been successful in making location information freely available for use in experimental ubiquitous computing applications. As users' expectations of ubiquitous computing applications grow, we envisage a need for tools that can deliver a much richer set of contextual information. The high-level situation of the current environment is a key contextual element, and this position paper focuses on a method to provide this information for an ad-hoc group of people and devices. The contributions of this paper are i) a demonstration of how information retrieval (IR) techniques can be applied to situation determination in context-aware systems, ii) a proposal of a novel approach to situation determination that combines these adapted IR techniques with a process of cooperative interaction, and iii) a report of preliminary results. The approach offers a high level of utility and accuracy, with a greater level of automation than other contemporary approaches

    A general purpose programming framework for ubiquitous computing environments

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    It is important to note that the need to support ad-hoc and potentially mobile arrangements of devices in ubiquitous environments does not fit well within the traditional client/server architecture. We believe peer-to-peer communication offers a preferable alternative due to its decentralised nature, removing dependence on individual nodes. However, this choice adds to the complexity of the developers task. In this paper, we describe a two-tiered approach to address this problem: A lower tier employing peer-to-peer interactions for managing the network infrastructure and an upper tier providing a mobile agent based programming framework. The result is a general purpose framework for developing ubiquitous applications and services, where the underlying complexity is hidden from the developer. This paper discusses our on-going work; presenting our design decisions, features supported by our framework, and some of the challenges still to be addressed in a complex programming environment

    Situation determination with reusable situation specifications

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    Automatically determining the situation of an ad-hoc group of people and devices within a smart environment is a significant challenge in pervasive computing systems. Current approaches often rely on an environment expert to correlate the situations that occur with the available sensor data, while other machine learning based approaches require long training periods before the system can be used. In both cases, the situations are tailored to the specific environment, and are therefore not transferable to other environments. Furthermore, situations are recognised at a low-level of granularity, which limits the scope of situation-aware applications. This paper presents a novel approach to situation determination that attempts to overcome these issues by providing a reusable library of general situation specications that can be easily extended to create new speficic situations, and immediately deployed without the need of an environment expert. A proposed architecture of an accompanying situation determination middleware is provided, as well as an analysis of a prototype implementation

    Low-Stress Bicycling and Network Connectivity

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    For a bicycling network to attract the widest possible segment of the population, its most fundamental attribute should be low-stress connectivity, that is, providing routes between people’s origins and destinations that do not require cyclists to use links that exceed their tolerance for traffic stress, and that do not involve an undue level of detour. The objective of this study is to develop measures of low-stress connectivity that can be used to evaluate and guide bicycle network planning. We propose a set of criteria by which road segments can be classified into four levels of traffic stress (LTS). LTS 1 is suitable for children; LTS 2, based on Dutch bikeway design criteria, represents the traffic stress that most adults will tolerate; LTS 3 and 4 represent greater levels of stress. As a case study, every street in San Jose, California, was classified by LTS. Maps in which only bicycle-friendly links are displayed reveal a city divided into islands within which low-stress bicycling is possible, but separated from one another by barriers that can be crossed only by using high-stress links. Two points in the network are said to be connected at a given level of traffic stress if the subnetwork of links that do not exceed the specified level of stress connects them with a path whose length does not exceed a detour criterion (25% longer than the most direct path). For the network as a whole, we demonstrate two measures of connectivity that can be applied for a given level of traffic stress. One is “percent trips connected,” defined as the fraction of trips in the regional trip table that can be made without exceeding a specified level of stress and without excessive detour. This study used the home-to-work trip table, though in principle any trip table, including all trips, could be used. The second is “percent nodes connected,” a cruder measure that does not require a regional trip table, but measures the fraction of nodes in the street network (mostly street intersections) that are connected to each other. Because traffic analysis zones (TAZs) are too coarse a geographic unit for evaluating connectivity by bicycle, we also demonstrate a method of disaggregating the trip table from the TAZ level to census blocks. For any given TAZ, origins in the home-to-work trip table are allocated in proportion to population, while destinations are allocated based on land-use data. In the base case, the fraction of work trips up to six miles long that are connected at LTS 2 is 4.7%, providing a plausible explanation for the city’s low bicycling share. We show that this figure would almost triple if a proposed slate of improvements, totaling 32 miles in length but with strategically placed segments that provide low-stress connectivity across barriers, were implemented

    Development of flying qualities criteria for single pilot instrument flight operations

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    Flying qualities criteria for Single Pilot Instrument Flight Rule (SPIFR) operations were investigated. The ARA aircraft was modified and adapted for SPIFR operations. Aircraft configurations to be flight-tested were chosen and matched on the ARA in-flight simulator, implementing modern control theory algorithms. Mission planning and experimental matrix design were completed. Microprocessor software for the onboard data acquisition system was debugged and flight-tested. Flight-path reconstruction procedure and the associated FORTRAN program were developed. Algorithms associated with the statistical analysis of flight test results and the SPIFR flying qualities criteria deduction are discussed

    Unsteady transonic small disturbance theory with strong shock waves

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    A theory to correct the transonic small disturbance (TSD) equation to treat strong shock waves in unsteady flow is developed. The technique involves the addition of higher order terms, which are formally of negligible magnitude, to the low frequency TSD equation. These terms are then chosen such that any shock waves in the flow have strengths approximately equal to the appropriate Rankine-Hugoniot shock strength. Two correcting approaches are investigated. The first is to derive a correction for the mean steady flow and then simply use this corrected form for oscillatory flows. The second is to derive a correction for both steady and oscillatory parts of the flow. This second development is the most satisfactory and comparisons of the present results with Euler equation results are generally favorable, particularly regarding shock location, although there are some discrepancies in the pressure distribution in the leading edge region