121 research outputs found

    Ochrona biosfery na obszarach Natura 2000

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    The article presents the main assumptions concerning the functioning of Natura 2000 sites in Europe, with particular emphasis on Polish regulations. These areas of high natural value directly influence the shape of nature conservation and the state of the climate. In this latter context, legal norms and legislators face the challenge of finding such a legal framework to prevent the progressive degradation of the climate. The functioning Natura 2000 sites in Poland as one of the forms of nature protection may be helpful in this respect, provided that the plans of protection tasks are adapted to the changing environmental conditions.W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia dotyczące funkcjonowania obszarów Natura 2000 w Europie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem regulacji polskich. Tereny te, cenne przyrodniczo, bezpośrednio wpływają na kształt ochrony przyrody oraz stan klimatu. W tym ostatnim kontekście przed normami prawnymi i legislatorami stają wyzwania znalezienia takich ram prawnych, aby zapobiec postępującemu degradowaniu klimatu. Funkcjonujące obszary Natura 2000 w Polsce jako jedna z form ochrony przyrody mogą w tym zakresie okazać się pomocne, o ile plany zadań ochronnych zostaną dostosowane do zmieniających się uwarunkowań środowiskowych

    Free and open software for applied statistics. A comparison and a case study in biometrics

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    This article is intended to be a position paper on advantages of free and open software for statistics and its applications to biometrics and biostatistics. Especially, the authors focus on the R package viewed as a new and still insufficiently recognized or received by the scientists, researchers, students, etc. Sample statistical computations and tests in biometrics are presented, and the most common functions and procedures are analysed and compared. Although this is a position paper from the point of view of applied computer science, the authors briefly present some original results within applied statistics (in particular: biometrics) and related computational methods using dedicated software

    Higher order fuzzy logic in controlling selective catalytic reduction systems

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    This paper presents research on applications of fuzzy logic and higher-order fuzzy logic systems to control filters reducing air pollution [1]. The filters use Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) method and, as for now, this process is controlled manually by a human expert. The goal of the research is to control an SCR system responsible for emission of nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) to the air, using SCR with ammonia (NH3). There are two higher-order fuzzy logic systems presented, applying interval-valued fuzzy sets and type-2 fuzzy sets, respectively. Fuzzy sets and higher order fuzzy sets describe linguistically levels of nitrogen oxides as the input, and settings of ammonia valve in the air filter as the output. The obtained results are consistent with data provided by experts. Besides, we show that the type-2 fuzzy logic controllers allows us to obtain results much closer to desired parameters of the ammonia valve, than traditional FLS

    Hierarchical fuzzy logic systems and controlling vehicles in computer games

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    This paper presents a possible application of fuzzy logic systems to control vehicles in computer games. A new architecture of a fuzzy logic system is here proposed: Hierarchical Fuzzy Controller, that is composed of several fuzzy controllers in their classic meaning. ”Hierarchical” means that fuzzy sets produced as output of one of fuzzy controllers are then processed as input of another fuzzy controller. The use of such a controller significantly enhances the possibilities of computational intelligence methods in singleplayer games, i.e. where the enemy is controlled by an agent simulating real behaviour (movement, decisions, etc.). The proposal of an original architecture of Hierarchical Fuzzy Controller, built with fuzzy controllers (in the sense of Mamdani), and discussing advantages of using this architecture to control military vehicles in a 2D single-player game, in comparison to classic fuzzy controllers, are the main scope of the paper

    Effective similarity measures in electronic testing at programming languages

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the grammatical proper ties and features of generalized n-gram matching technique in electronic test at programming languages. N-gram matching technique has been success fully employed in information handling and decision support system dealing with texts but its side effect is size n which tends to be rather large. Two new methods of odd gram and sumsquare gram have been proposed for the improvement of generalized n-gram matching together with the modification of existing methods. While generalized n-grams matching is easy to generate and manage, they do require quadratic time and space complexity and are therefore ill-suited to the proposed and modified methods which work in quadratic in nature. Experiments have been conducted with the two new methods and modified ones using real life programming code assignments as pattern and text matches and the derived results were compared with the existing methods which are among the best in practice. The results obtained experimentally are very positive and suggested that the proposed methods can be successfully applied in electronic test at programming languages

    Efficient Similarity Measures for Texts Matching

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    Calculation of similarity measures of exact matching texts is a critical task in the area of pattern matching that needs a great attention. There are many existing similarity measures in literature but the best methods do not exist for closeness measurement of two strings. The objective of this paper is to explore the grammatical properties and features of generalized n-gram matching technique of similarity measures to find exact text in electronic computer applications. Three new similarity measures have been proposed to improve the performance of generalized n-gram method. The new methods assigned high values of similarity measures and performance to price with low values of running time. The experiment with the new methods demonstrated that they are universal and very useful in words that could be derived from the word list as a group and retrieve relevant medical terms from database . One of the methods achieved best correlation of values for the evaluation of subjective examination

    Evaluating semantic similarity with a new method of path analysis in RDF using genetic algorithms

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    This paper presents a novel method of evaluating semantic similarity by means of path analysis in RDF databases. Similarity is calculated by assignining each property (predicate in RDF terms) a weight, which is found using a genetic optimization algorithm. Presented method exhibits an advatage over existing methods, because of its flexibility and the fact that no prior knowledge of a particular database is necessary. This paper also presents an exemplary application of the method - recommendation engine. Proposed method is applied to a well known problem - music recommendation based on DBPedia. Results obtained in the experiment positively verify its advanntages and usefulness

    On multi-subjectivity in linguistic summarization of relational databases

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    We focus on one of the most powerful computing methods for natural-language-driven representation of data, i.e. on Yager’s concept of a linguistic summary of a relational database (1982). In particular, we introduce an original extension of that concept: new forms of linguistic summaries. The new forms are named Multi-Subject linguistic summaries, because they are constructed to handle more than one set of subjects, represented by related sets of records/objects collected in a database, like ”cars, bicycles and motorbikes” (within vehicles), ”male and female” (within people), e.g. More boys than girls play football well. Thanks to that, the generated linguistic summaries – quasi-natural language sentences – are more interesting and human-oriented. Moreover, they can be applied together with the classic forms od summaries, to enrich naturality of comments/ descriptions generated. Apart from traditional interpretions linguistic summaries in termsof fuzzy logic, we also introduce some higher-order fuzzy logic methods, to extend possibilities of representing too complex or too ill-defined linguistic terms used in generated messages. The new methods are applied to a computer system that generates natural language description of numeric data, that makes them possible to be clearly presented to an end-user

    Prośrodowiskowe determinanty polskiej i europejskiej polityki rolnej

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    The aim of the paper was to identify determinants of Polish agriculture in the light of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. A particular attention was given to the aspects of environmental protection in agricultural production. It is also noted the main legal issues arising from the policy of greening, cross-compliance rules, agri-environmental and climatic commitments. It highlighted the existing European and national legal solutions relating to agricultural activities in the areas covered by special forms of nature conservation.W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe determinanty rozwojowe polskiego rolnictwa w świetle reformy Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej. W szczególny sposób zwrócono uwagę na aspekty związane z ochroną środowiska w produkcji rolnej. Zasygnalizowano główne problemy prawne wynikające z polityki zazieleniania, zasad wzajemnej zgodności, zobowiązań rolno-środowiskowo-klimatycznych. Podkreślone zostały istniejące rozwiązania prawne europejskie oraz krajowe, odnoszące się do prowadzenia działalności rolniczej na terenach objętych szczególną formą ochrony przyrody

    Intuicjonistyczne relacje rozmyte w przeszukiwaniu domen e-commerce

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    Poniższy referat prezentuje koncepcją wykorzystania intuicjonistycznych relacji rozmytych do przeszukiwania domen e-commerce. Zaprezentowana została miara podobieństwa słów i fragmentów tekstów, zakorzeniona w teorii zbiorów rozmytych Zadeha [7]. Następnie na dwóch przykładach wyjaśnione zostały korzyść i płynące z zastosowania nowej miary podobieństwa w handlu elektronicznym.This paper focuses on application of intuitionistic fuzzy relations applied to services available within the e-commeice domains. Firstly, concepts for comparison of natural language words and sentences rooted in the theory of fuzzy sets, and in the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy relation in particular, are presented. Then, on two examples of application to the e-commerce domain, the aspect of the user-friendliness of the approach is demonstrated.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk