528 research outputs found

    The relationship between in-store marketing and observed sales for organic versus fair trade products

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    To stimulate sales of sustainable products, such as organic and fair trade products, retailers need to know whether their in-store instruments effectively enhance market shares. This study uses sales data and a multilevel modeling approach to explain the market shares of sustainable products according to shelf layout factors, price level, price promotions, and consumer demographics. It argues that the effect of these variables differs between organic versus fair trade products, as buying motives might differ, organic buyers tend to be more loyal, and price is a more informative signal of quality for organic products. Results show that the number of facings has a positive relationship with the market share of fair trade brands, but not with the market share of organic brands. The same holds for the price difference with the leading brand, which is important for fair trade brands but not for organic brands. In contrast, an arrangement of the product category by brand is associated with higher market share for organic brands but not for fair trade brands. Additionally, placement at eye level and clustering of items benefits both types of sustainable brands, whereas they appear to be not very sensitive to price promotions. Finally, higher sales of sustainable products are found in areas where the customer base is older and has a higher education level. Keywords Organic . Fair trade . Shelf layout . Price promotions . Market share . Sales dat

    Прямі іноземні інвестиції: світові тенденції та структурний розподіл в економіці України

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    Досліджено проблему розподілу глобальних потоків прямих іноземних інвестицій у розрізі різних регіонів світу, а також країн із різним рівнем розвитку: розвинутих, з економікою, що розвивається, чи перехідною; визначено ключові особливості інвестиційної політики країн в умовах рецесійних явищ економік світу; виконано аналіз структурного співвідношення вхідних потоків прямих іноземних інвестицій в економіку України. Ключові слова: іноземні інвестиції, перехідна економіка, інвестиційна політика, економіка України.Исследована проблема распределения глобальних потоков прямых иностранных инвестиций в разрезе различных регионов мира, а также стран с разным уровнем развития: развитых, с развивающейся или переходной экономикой; определены ключевые особенности инвестиционной политики стран в условиях рецессионных явлений экономик мира; проведен анализ структурного соотношения входных потоков прямых иностранных инвестиций в экономику Украины. Ключевые слова: иностранные инвестиции, переходная экономика, инвестиционная политика, экономика Украины.In the conditions of modern economy enterprises run into high changeability of environment, in particular, with a necessity in good time to adapt the tax plans. Enormous volumes of information that must be analyzed in the process of the tax planning require the presence of the modern informative providing that allows both facilitating the drafting of tax plans and carrying out their correction. It stipulates actuality of researches in the field of development of the informative providing of the operative tax planning at enterprises. The aim of the article is the development of chart of the informative providing of the operative tax planning at an enterprise. In the article the informative providing of the operative tax planning is offered at an enterprise. The informative providing is the complex of associate instruments that provide the stages of the operative tax planning. It allows promoting efficiency of functioning of the Ukrainian enterprises. The development of the offered informative providing can be in terms of methods and mechanisms of its practical realization. Keywords: informative providing, tax planning, operative planning, taxes of enterprises

    Modeling Unobserved Consideration Sets for Household Panel Data

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    We propose a new method to model consumers' consideration and choice processes. We develop a parsimonious probit type model for consideration and a multinomial probit model for choice, given consideration. Unlike earlier models of consideration ours is not prone to the curse of dimensionality, while we allow for very general structures of unobserved dependence in consideration among brands. In addition, our model allows for state dependence and marketing mix effects on consideration. Unique to this study is that we attempt to establish the validity of existing practice to infer consideration sets from observed choices in panel data. To this end, we use data collected in an on-line choice experiment involving interactive supermarket shelves and post-choice questionnaires to measure the choice protocol and stated consideration levels. We show with these experimental data that underlying consideration sets can be successfully retrieved from choice data alone and that there is substantial convergent validity of the stated and inferred consideration sets. We further find that consideration is a function of point-of-purchase marketing actions such as display and shelf space, and of consumer memory for recent choices. Next, we estimate the model on IRI panel data. We have three main results. First, compared with the single-stage probit model, promotion effects are larger and are inferred with smaller variances when they are included in the consideration stage of the two-stage model. Promotion effects are significant only in the two-stage model that includes consideration, whereas they are not in a single-stage choice model. Second, the price response curves of

    Effects of organically and conventionally produced feed on biomarkers of health in a chicken model

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    Consumers expect organic products to be healthier. However, limited research has been performed to study the effect of organic food on health. The present study aimed to identify biomarkers of health to enable future studies in human subjects. A feeding experiment was performed in two generations of three groups of chickens differing in immune responsiveness, which were fed identically composed feeds from either organic or conventional produce. The animals of the second generation were exposed to an immune challenge and sacrificed at 13 weeks of age. Feed and ingredients were analysed on macro- and micronutrients, i.e. vitamins, minerals, trace elements, heavy metals and microbes. The chickens were studied by general health and immune parameters, metabolomics, genomics and post-mortem evaluation. The organic and conventional feeds were comparable with respect to metabolisable energy. On average, the conventionally produced feeds had a 10 % higher protein content and some differences in micronutrients were observed. Although animals on both feeds were healthy, differences between the groups were found. The random control group of chickens fed conventional feed showed overall a higher weight gain during life span than the group on organic feed, although feed intake was mostly comparable. The animals on organic feed showed an enhanced immune reactivity, a stronger reaction to the immune challenge as well as a slightly stronger ‘catch-up growth’ after the challenge. Biomarkers for future research were identified in the parameters feed intake, body weight and growth rate, and in immunological, physiological and metabolic parameters, several of these differing most pronounced after the challeng

    A Comparative In Vitro Study of the Effects of Separate and Combined Products of Citrus e fructibus and Cydonia e fructibus on Immunological Parameters of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis

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    This paper examined the effects of the combined product, Citrus e fructibus/Cydonia e fructibus (Citrus/Cydonia; Citrus and Cydonia: each 0.01 g/mL), and separate products of Citrus (0.01 g/mL) and Cydonia (0.01 g/mL) on the immunological pathways involved in seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from five healthy and five grass pollen-allergic donors were isolated and analyzed in vitro after polyclonal and allergen-specific stimulation of T cells in the presence of the three extracts. The analyses demonstrated acceptable cell survival with no signs of toxicity. Citrus mainly had a selective effect on reducing allergen-specific chronic inflammatory (TNF-α; Citrus compared to Cydonia and Citrus/Cydonia: −87.4 (P < 0.001) and −68.0 (P < 0.05), resp.) and Th2 pathway activity (IL-5; Citrus compared to Cydonia: −217.8 (P < 0.01); while, both Cydonia and Citrus/Cydonia mainly affected the induction of the allergen-specific Th1 pathway (IFN-γ; Cydonia and Citrus/Cydonia compared to Citrus: 3.8 (P < 0.01) and 3.0 (P < 0.01), resp.). Citrus and Cydonia demonstrated different working mechanisms in the treatment of SAR and the combination product did not demonstrate larger effects than the separate preparations. Further effectiveness and efficacy studies comparing the effects of the products on SAR in vivo are indicated

    Uncertainty of dustfall monitoring results

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    Fugitive dust has the ability to cause a nuisance and pollute the ambient environment, particularly from human activities including construction and industrial sites and mining operations. As such, dustfall monitoring has occurred for many decades in South Africa little has been published on the repeatability, uncertainty, accuracy and precision of dustfall monitoring. Repeatability assesses the consistency associated with the results of a particular measurement under the same conditions; the consistency of the laboratory isassessed to determine the uncertainty associated with dustfall monitoring conducted by the laboratory. The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the uncertainty in dustfall monitoring; thereby improving the confidence in dustfall monitoring. Uncertainty of dustfall monitoring was assessed through a 12-month study of 12 sites that were located on the boundary of the study area. Each site contained a directional dustfall sampler, which was modified by removing the rotating lid, with four buckets (A, B, C and D) installed. Having four buckets on one stand allows for each bucket to be exposed to the same conditions, for the same period of time; therefore, should have equal amounts of dust deposited in these buckets. The difference in the weight (mg) of the dust recorded from each bucket at each respective site was determined using the American Society for Testing and Materials method D1739 (ASTM D1739). The variability of the dust would provide the confidence level of dustfall monitoring when reporting to clients

    Characterising the impact of rainfall on dustfall rates

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    Soil moisture increased the cohesion potential between particles, reducing the ability of the particle to be entrained. Dust suppression&nbsp;techniques are designed to increase soil moisture and therefore soil cohesion through the application of water or water-based&nbsp;chemicals to surfaces that have known potential for dust entrainment. Rainfall has the ability to act as a natural dust suppression&nbsp;mechanism; however, there is a paucity of literature on the actual effectiveness of rainfall in this regard. The ASTM D1739 methods&nbsp;for dustfall monitoring, commonly used in South Africa, and the National Dust Control Regulations (2013), both state that rainfall&nbsp;should be recorded when conducting dustfall monitoring. The rationale is that rainfall or the absence thereof, results in lower or&nbsp;higher dustfall rates, respectively. A suitable study site was identified in Mpumalanga, South Africa. This site had eight non-directional&nbsp;dustfall samplers in the near vicinity of an air quality monitoring station. Dustfall results from the eight samplers were analysed based&nbsp;on four scenarios, two that considers the presence of rainfall and two that consider the absence of rainfall. This analysis was further&nbsp;combined with wind speed data. This study, over a 24-month period indicates that there is no substantial evidence that above average&nbsp;rainfall will result in below average dustfall. This occurred for one month out of 24 months. Conversely, there is no consensus that the&nbsp;absence of rainfall will result in higher dustfall rates, which occurred cumulatively 30% of the time. Additional environmental and / or&nbsp;operational information may have a greater influence on dustfall compared to rainfall. Careful consideration should be taken to prevent&nbsp;misrepresentation of causational effects of rainfall on dustfall results. Management of dust should be undertaken through dust&nbsp;mitigation measures irrespective of the natural rainfall regime