1,446 research outputs found

    Basic endocrinological disorders in chronic renal failure

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    The aim of this study was to look at basic endocrinological disorders in chronic kidney disease, acquainting endocrinologists with information about the definition and classification of kidney diseases and basic metabolic disorders in uraemia. Secondary hyperparathyroidism, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinism, growth hormone disorders and the possibility of growth hormone treatment, the reasons for and the consequences of hyperprolactinaemia are presented in a practical way. Thyroid hormones management, a problem which requires further study, is portrayed extensively. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis disorders are equally complex and not yet fully examined. We have largely concentrated on the practical aspects of diagnostics of the presented disorders.The aim of this study was to look at basic endocrinological disorders in chronic kidney disease, acquainting endocrinologists with information about the definition and classification of kidney diseases and basic metabolic disorders in uraemia. Secondary hyperparathyroidism, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinism, growth hormone disorders and the possibility of growth hormone treatment, the reasons for and the consequences of hyperprolactinaemia are presented in a practical way. Thyroid hormones management, a problem which requires further study, is portrayed extensively. Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis disorders are equally complex and not yet fully examined. We have largely concentrated on the practical aspects of diagnostics of the presented disorders

    The Analysis of Dart Language

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    Import 03/11/2016Práce porovnává programovací jazyky JavaScript a Dart a jejich vhodnost pro tvorbu webových aplikací. Podrobně rozebírá výhody a nevýhody obou jazyků. V práci jsou ukázané některé obvyklé frameworky používané při tvorbě webových aplikací. Důraz je kladen na seznámení s frameworky používanými v jazyce Dart. Na jednoduchém příkladu porovnává rychlost aplikace napsané v jazyce Darta a v jazyce JavaScript. Rychlost je porovnávána v různých webových prohlížečích. Cílem práce je představit jazyk Dart, porovnat jej s jazykem JavaScript a poukázat na jeho výhody při tvorbě webových aplikací.My work compares JavaScript and Dart programming languages and their suitability for building some Web applications. It analyzes in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both languages. The work shows some common frameworks used for creating web applications. An emphasis is placed on the introduction of frameworks used in the Dart language. A simple example compares the speed of the application written in Dart and JavaScript langugages. Their speed is compared in different web browsers. The aim of the work is to introduce the Dart language, compare it with JavaScript and point out its advantages in creating Web applications.460 - Katedra informatikydobř

    Generational Shift: Why We Should Modify Our Instructional Strategies for the Next Generations of Aviators

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    Air transportation has proven to be an extremely safe, efficient and reliable means for travel – a testament to highly effective instruction and training. Airlines are forecasted to continue their rapid expansion over the next 20 years needing to hire more than 2 million aviation personnel (Boeing, 2015). As Baby Boomers retire, at the rate of 10,000 per day/4 million per year, a ‘generational replacement’ or shift will occur with Gen Y and Z members taking their places in the workforce. Each generation is impacted by significant events during their developmental adolescent years. For Gen Y members, technological and K-12 educational changes have caused the biggest impacts. Research results have found this generation to exhibit reduced attention spans, shallow thinking as well as diminished spelling and math skills. Fewer individuals are reading books and 36% of first year college students report taking remedial courses, especially in math – all creating a huge gap in job readiness. The instructional strategies used in the past need to be modified to ensure these individuals successfully acquire necessary knowledge and skills. It is also critical that Gen Y and Z members be taught learning strategies that will enable them to be effective lifelong learners. Participants in this session will learn about those strategies, based in neuroscience and educational psychology, found to be effective in teaching both collegiate aviators and new hires

    Model-based Fuel Flow Control for Fossil-fired Power Plants

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    Petru Rareş and Ludovico Gritti. The story about difficult relations between the ruler of Moldova and the Turkish spy in Hungary

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    Scopul articolului este de a prezenta relaţiile controversate dintre domnul Moldovei Petru Rareş şi Ludvico Gritti, care acţionează la comanda turcilor din Ungaria. În 1534, Gritti a fost ucis în Mediaş, iar principalul vinovat al acestei crime era considerat Petru Rareş. Articolul încearcă să răspundă la întrebările: de ce domnul Molodvei a săvârşit un astfel de act, ce conflict de interese a avut loc între el şi Gritti, care a fost scopul misiunii lui Gritti şi dacă Petru Rareş a acţionat singur

    Vision for the Post-Pandemic Education in BRICS

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    This article briefly explores the pandemic’s impact on higher Education in BRICS member states. Attention is brought to the measures BRICS nations adopted to continue providing quality education despite the imposed restrictions and challenges. As explained in the text, transformations imposed by the pandemic affected the functioning of the entire education system and adapted responses depended on the available resources and overall capacity to adapt to the crisis by individual institutions and contexts. Furthermore, the transformations pointed out the existing inequalities and many unknowns for which various educational stakeholders were not always prepared. As evident from the account, strategic planning must better prepare education systems for emergencies such as the Covid-19 pandemic. It is also paramount that the narrative of the strategic planning and the vision for the future focuses on thriving instead of surviving

    Developing globally competent researchers: An international perspective

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    Research capacity development is increasingly becoming important worldwide. The ever-changing research landscape driven by globalisation, technological advancements, and the use of new methodologies calls for globally competent researchers. Yet, little is known about research knowledge, skills and values that globally competent researchers need to engage ethically and competently in research projects and research communities across disciplines and across geographic borders. Informed by an international community of 38 scholars in Education from 17 countries of Global South and Global North, this forward-looking study provides a much-needed emerging definition for a globally competent researcher and competencies required by such a researcher. Furthermore, the preliminary findings showcase research learning opportunities and challenges associated with training globally competent researchers. As evident from the findings, more attention needs to be devoted to understanding the preparation of future researchers able to conduct quality research in the interconnected world. The article has potential to be informative to a wide audience from the research world, including professors, researchers, graduate students, research personnel and management

    Student Approaches to Learning in Aviation Contexts

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    Self-regulated learning is an important element of student performance and has been found to be linked with content domains. Aviation courses are complex yet serve as the foundation for student success in the flight environment. Since it is critical that students master the content, it is important to determine how students approach learning in these courses. Participants in this study completed a survey consisting of course-related selected-response questions, and open-ended questions focusing on their study habits. Results of the study portray an interesting insight into the learning strategies used by collegiate aviation students. Analyses appear to indicate that learning techniques may need to be improved to promote more successful learning in these types of courses

    Antemurale Christianitatis? Anti-Turkish Propaganda And The True Goal Of Johannes Olbracht’s Crusade

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    Jan Olbraht, Moldova, bătălia din Codrii Cosminului, Ştefan cel Mare, Imperiul Otoman. Rezumat: În studiu, în contextul surselor de propagandă anti-turcească, sunt abordate unele aspecte ale expediţiei bucovinene, din anul 1497, a regelui polonez Jan Olbracht. Scopul principal al acestuia constă în analiza aşanumitului bastion al creştinismului – Antemurale christianitatis. Autoarea cercetează problema prin prisma propagandei politicii private a dinastiei domnitoare ale Jagiellonilor. În urma studierii surselor autoarea demonstrează rolul expediţiei regelui polonez Jan Olbracht în sistemul relaţiilor polono-ungare de la sfârşitul secolului al XV-lea (congresul din Lewoczy). O atenţie specială este acordată rivalitatăţii militaro-politice dintre regatele Poloniei şi cel al Ungariei pentru influenţa asupra Moldovei

    Global Pandemic and Higher Education Institutions: Building Back Better in BRICS and Beyond

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    The COVID-19 pandemic manifested in health and socioeconomic crises globally on many levels. At its outset, the pandemic interrupted higher education institutions (HEIs) in 185 countries, dramatically affecting the lives of millions of students and staff. The unexpected disruption also exacerbated inequalities and placed the most vulnerable members of society at even greater risk, especially in lower-income countries. Simultaneously, the pandemic underscored the importance of HEIs as intellectual leaders and experts in overcoming societal challenges. This study reviewed international scholarly literature and global surveys corresponding to the pandemic’s impact on higher education, particularly its influence on academic research activities, teaching practice, and HEIs’ response to such challenges. Findings indicate a need for HEIs to adapt to new realities, harness lessons learned, and convert challenges into opportunities. Moreover, institutional responses provide lessons of commitment and creativity that can be informative for building a better future for research and teaching among HEIs in BRICS states and beyond