596 research outputs found

    From Traditional to Modern : Domain Adaptation for Action Classification in Short Social Video Clips

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    Short internet video clips like vines present a significantly wild distribution compared to traditional video datasets. In this paper, we focus on the problem of unsupervised action classification in wild vines using traditional labeled datasets. To this end, we use a data augmentation based simple domain adaptation strategy. We utilise semantic word2vec space as a common subspace to embed video features from both, labeled source domain and unlablled target domain. Our method incrementally augments the labeled source with target samples and iteratively modifies the embedding function to bring the source and target distributions together. Additionally, we utilise a multi-modal representation that incorporates noisy semantic information available in form of hash-tags. We show the effectiveness of this simple adaptation technique on a test set of vines and achieve notable improvements in performance.Comment: 9 pages, GCPR, 201

    Jurisdiccionalidad de la justicia penal militar y de sus sentencias

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    La jurisdiccionalidad de la Justicia Penal Militar, se ha visto cuestionada por los reiterados pronunciamientos que han efectuado tribunales internacionales como lo es la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, situación esta que ha resquebrajado la confianza en esta jurisdicción de talle Constitucional, generando con ello que se efectué una errada interpretación sobre la jurisdiccionalidad de las sentencias que esta emite, y se consideren estas providencias actos administrativos por la dependencia de esta jurisdicción a la rama ejecutiva del poder público en ColombiaThe jurisdiction of the Military Criminal Justice, has been challenged by repeated pronouncements that have made international tribunals such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, a situation that has shattered the confidence in the jurisdiction of the Constitutional size, thereby generating that  made a wrong interpretation of the courts of the judgments that it transmits, and these orders are considered administrative acts by the agency of this state to the executive branch of public power in Colombi

    The Use of Visual Aids to Learn Vocabulary

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    The aim of this study is to determine how could the use of visual aids facilitate vocabulary learning in ninth grade students in a public institution in Atlantic Department. This study was conducted a qualitative research with a case study design. The instruments for data collection were questionnaire, interview and pre-test and post-test. The participant were 10 students with low level of English vocabulary learning in classes. The activities developed in classes through the lesson plan offer a guide to teaching practices. As a result of the research, it was found that the teaching activities, carried out using visual aids as a strategy to learn vocabulary increased the students’ level of vocabulary learning, measured according to the Institutional Assessment Scale (IAS). In conclusion, the study demonstrate the effectiveness of the use of visual aids to facilitate learning vocabulary.MaestríaMagister en la Enseñanza del Ingle

    Data mining applied in school dropout prediction

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    In recent years, many studies have emerged about regarding the topic of school failure, showing a growing interest in determining the multiple factors that may influence it [1]. Most of the researches that attempt to solve this issue [2] are focused on determining the factors that most affect the performance of students (dropout and failure) at the different educational levels (basic, middle and higher education) through the use of the large amount of information that current computer equipment allows to store in databases. All these data constitute a real gold mine of valuable information about students. But, identifying and finding useful and hidden information in large databases is a difficult task [3]. A very promising solution to achieve this goal is the use of knowledge mining techniques or data mining in education, which has resulted in so-called Educational Data Mining (EDM) [4]. This new area of research is concerned with the development of methods for exploring data in education, as well as the use of these methods to better understand students and the contexts where they learn [5]