16 research outputs found

    Quality of life of families with hearing impaired child

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    The family plays the most important role in the life of each individual, and especially in the life of a person who needs additional support due to developmental disabilities. In a situation when the child is deaf, the family faces painful and traumatic knowledge and numerous internal and external problems, and the family’s support will last a long time, usually permanently. The aim of the research was to assess the quality of life of the family of deaf children through the analysis of free time, communication, socio-economic status, as well as self-assessment of the quality of life. The research included families of deaf and hard of hearing children (N – 68) who made up our sample. The paper presents the results of the research in tables and graphs. The general conclusion is, although the sample is relatively small, that there is a fairly high unemployment rate of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children, mostly mothers. On the other hand, those who are employed spend most of their time at work. Interactions of parents of deaf children in society are limited to a narrow circle of friends, neighbors, and family, while wider social engagement is lacking. A small percentage of parents sometimes have the opportunity to do the things they want.Porodica igra najvažniju ulogu u životu svakog pojedinca, a posebno u životu osobe kojoj je usled smetnji u razvoju ili invalidnosti potreb- na dodatna podrška. U situaciji kada je dete gluvo, porodica se suočava sa bolnim i traumatičnim saznanjima i brojnim unutrašnjim i spolj- nim problemima, a podrška porodice će trajati dugo, najčešće trajno. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se izvrši procena kvaliteta života porodice gluve dece kroz analizu slobodnog vremena, komunikacije, so- cioekonomskog statusa, kao i samoprocenu o kvalitetu života. Istraživanjem su bile obuhvaćene porodice gluve i nagluve dece (N – 68) koje su činile naš uzorak. U radu su tabelarno i grafički predstavljeni rezultati istraži- vanja. Opšti zaključak je, iako je uzorak relativno mali, da postoji dosta visok stepen nezaposlenosti roditelja gluve i nagluve dece i to najviše majki. Sa druge strane, oni koji su zaposleni najveći deo svog vremena provode na poslu. Interakcije roditelja gluve dece u društvu su ograničene na uži krug prijatelja, komšija i i porodice, dok širi društveni angažman izostaje. Mali procenat roditelja ponekad ima priliku da se bavi stvarima koje želi

    Višestruko ometena deca oštećenog sluha u školama u Srbiji

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    Recently, there has been an impression that in schools for children with impaired hearing there are more and more children who, besides hearing impairment, have one or more additional disabilities. This paper discusses the concept of multiple disabilities in children with impaired hearing and the criteria for classifying these children. Goal of the paper was to study how many multiply disabled children with impaired hearing there are in schools for children with impaired hearing in Serbia and what are the kinds of additional disabilities present in this population. Research was performed in all schools for children with impaired hearing in Serbia. We established that there are 76 pupils in those schools who, besides impaired hearing, have one or more additional disabilities. The paper presents in form of tables and charts the structure of the group of multiply disabled pupils with impaired hearing with respect to demographic variables and type of disability.Poslednjih godina stiče se utisak da je u školama za decu oštećenog sluha sve više dece koja pored oštećenja sluha imaju jednu ili više dodatnih ometenosti. U radu smo razmotrili pojam višestruke ometenosti kod dece oštećenog sluha i kriterijume za razvrstavanje ove dece. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita koliko u školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Srbiji ima višestruko ometene dece oštećenog sluha i koje su vrste dodatnih ometenosti zastupljene u ovoj populaciji. Istraživanje je obavljeno u svim školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Srbiji. Utvrdili smo da se u pomenutim školama nalazi 76 učenika koji pored oštećenja sluha imaju jedno ili više dodatnih oštećenja. U radu je tabelarno i grafički prikazana struktura grupe učenika oštećenog sluha sa višestrukom ometenošću, s obzirom na demografske varijable i tip oštećenja

    Uticaj semilingvizma na sintaksički razvoj romske dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta

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    Disorders accompanying speech and language development of Gypsy children limit the child’s educational development and require a special treatment and support. In practice, we find Gypsy children whose spoken language is extremely limited, difficult to analyze and examine, because of semilingualism. The research we made aimed at determining influence of semilingualism to syntactic development of Gypsy children. The research was conducted in the City of Belgrade in two elementary schools. Two sample groups of subjects, students of second and third grade of elementary school were examined:: an experimental group consisted of children Gypsy nationality (N = 42) and control group consisted of children do not Gypsy nationality (N = 37). The survey instrument used: Language corpus for assessing competence in achieving communicative sentence (Kašić). Based on the analysis of the gathered data we have concluded that the subjects from experimental and control groups differ very much in their achievements, mostly due to the presence of semilingualism. Given the stated differences and the results obtained after data processing, we may confirm superiority of the subjects in the control group over the subjects in the experimental group. Children of Gypsy ethnicity have significantly lower achievement compared to the control group. Gypsy children have the problem of syntactic structure in which the secondary parts of communicative sentence expressing through dependent clause. Serious difficulties for the children of Gypsy ethnicity represents the understanding of syntactic constructions of meaning and understanding of grammatical structures.Teškoće koje prate govorno-jezički razvoj kod dece romske nacionalnosti u velikoj meri limitiraju dete u obrazovanju i vaspitanju i zahtevaju poseban tretman i podršku. Tako u praksi srećemo decu romske nacionalnosti kojoj je zbog semilingvizma govorno-jezički razvoj ograničen. Sprovedeno istraživanje je imalo za cilj da utvrdi uticaj semilingvizma na sintaksički razvoj romske dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na teritoriji Beograda, u dve osnovne škole. Uzorak su činile dve grupe dece drugog i trećeg razreda osnovne škole: eksperimentalnu grupu koju su činila deca romske nacionalnosti (N=42) i kontrolnu grupu koju su činila deca neromske nacionalnosti (N=37). U istraživanju je korišćen instrument Jezički korpus za procenu kompetencije u ostvarivanju komunikativne rečenice (Kašić, 1999). Na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata zaključili smo da postoje velike razlike u postignuću između dece eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe, štose može objasniti, pre svega, prisustvom semilingvizma. Deca romske nacionalnosti imaju statistički značajno manje postignuće u odnosu na decu kontrolne grupe. Sintaksička konstrukcija u kojoj se sekundarni delovi komunikativne rečenice izražavaju zavisnom klauzom, razumevanje sintaksičkih konstrukcija i razumevanje značenja gramatičkih struktura je za decu romske nacionalnosti predstavljalo poseban problem

    Let's make our special education schools more european – changing special education paradigms

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    Educational systems in Europe are reforming from year to year. When we talk about the education of children with disabilities, the changes are even more visible. In all areas of science, even in special education and rehabilitation, there are changes, both because of new knowledge, as well as because of changes in society and the new demands of the society. On the one hand, in accordance with the inclusive concept of social development, children with disabilities attend "regular" schools, and, in such an educational environment, special education and rehabilitation has a different role. On the other hand, according to research, we have an increasing number of children with autism spectrum disorders and an increasing number of children with multiple disabilities. The majority of children with these disabilities are in special schools. These children need education that will focus on functional knowledge and functional skills, and it is therefore necessary to provide evidence-based support systems and evidence-based interventions. Within the framework of the EU-funded Erasmus+ program, Serbian NGO "Family Care" is implementing a project titled "Let's make our special education schools more European". The aim of this project is to improve special education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities in Serbia. The project name symbolically depicts our idea of a European dimension of changes in the education of children with disabilities in "special" schools in Serbia. The project team is working on it. This paper provides an overview of domestic and foreign practices, as well as guidelines for reforming schools for the education of children with disabilities. The presentation is illustrated with adequate videos.Educational systems in Europe are reforming from year to year. When we talk about the education of children with disabilities, the changes are even more visible. In all areas of science, even in special education and rehabilitation, there are changes, both because of new knowledge, as well as because of changes in society and the new demands of the society. On the one hand, in accordance with the inclusive concept of social development, children with disabilities attend "regular" schools, and, in such an educational environment, special education and rehabilitation has a different role. On the other hand, according to research, we have an increasing number of children with autism spectrum disorders and an increasing number of children with multiple disabilities. The majority of children with these disabilities are in special schools. These children need education that will focus on functional knowledge and functional skills, and it is therefore necessary to provide evidence-based support systems and evidence-based interventions. Within the framework of the EU-funded Erasmus+ program, Serbian NGO "Family Care" is implementing a project titled "Let's make our special education schools more European". The aim of this project is to improve special education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities in Serbia. The project name symbolically depicts our idea of a European dimension of changes in the education of children with disabilities in "special" schools in Serbia. The project team is working on it. This paper provides an overview of domestic and foreign practices, as well as guidelines for reforming schools for the education of children with disabilities. The presentation is illustrated with adequate video

    The influence of semi-lingualism on the semantic development of roma children of young school-aged children

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati koji se odnose na komparaciju semantičkog razvoja kod romske i neromske dece mlađeg školskog uzrasta u Srbiji. Ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe, eksperimentalnu grupu koju su činila deca romske nacionalnosti (N=42) i kontrolnu grupu koju su činila deca neromske nacionalnosti (N=39). Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata do- šli smo do zaključka da je kod dece romske nacionalnosti niže postignuće na testovima koji ispituju semantički razvoj, u odnosu na ispitanike kontrolne grupe. Takođe, utvrđeno je da se lošiji rezultati na ovim zada- cima dovode u vezu sa semilingvizmom. Semilingvizam ima negativan uticaj na tok jezičkog razvoja romske dece, što se odražava na njihovo lošije kog- nitivno postignuće, emocionalni razvoj i na lošiji društveni položaj čime je otežana građanska emancipacija ove etničke zajednice.The paper presents the results which pertain to a comparison of the semantic development of Roma and non-Roma children of young school-age in Serbia. The study sample was divided into two groups, an experimental group: that included children of Roma nationality (N=42), and a control group that included children of non-Roma nationality (N=39). On the basis of the results obtained, we reached the conclusion that the children of Roma nationality have lower test results when tested on their semantic development, in comparison to the children in the control group. Also, it was concluded that lower grades on these tests are in direct relationship with semi-lingualism. Semi-lingualism has a negative impact on the linguistic development of Roma children, which is reflected on their lower cognitive achievement; emotional development and degraded social position, which makes the civil emancipation of this ethnic community very difficult

    Language abilities of dyslexic children

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    Општи циљ истраживања био је да се утврде језичке способности код деце са дислексијом млађег школског узраста. Истраживање је обављено у периоду од септембра 2014. године до маја 2015. године. Испитана су 992 детета. Узорак истраживања представљала су деца млађег школског узраста (други и трећи разред) из седам основих школа на територији Земуна и Новог Београда. Да би се међу децом основних школа дијагностиковао одређени број деце с дислексијом, иницијално су испитана 992 детета, од чега су 499 (50.30%) били дечаци, а 493 (49.70%) девојчице. Међу испитаницима 502 (50.60%) детета су у тренутку испитивања похађала други, а њих 490 (49.40%) је похађало трећи разред основне школе. Процес селекције деце за коначни узорак одвијао се у две фазе. Са циљем да се открију деца са дислексијом, с обзиром на чињеницу да се често (али не увек) дислексија и дисграфија jављају истовремено, у првој фази коришћена је Скала за процену дисграфичности рукописа чији су аутори Ћордић и Бојанин (1992). На тај начин утврђено је да од испитаних 992 детета њих 140 (14.11%) има дисграфичан рукопис. У другој фази је код ове деце са дисграфичним рукописом примењен Тест за дислексију Хелен Сакс, на основу чега је утврђено да од 140 испитаних њих 40 (28.57%) има и дислексију, а у односу на иницијални узорак (992 детета) то је 4.03%. Ова деца су уврштена у коначни узорак испитивања...Reading through the international literature that deals with problems of dyslexia in children, it was concluded that there should be more research in this field of language abilities of dyslexic children. The general goal of this research was to determine language abilities of dyslexic children in younger school age. In this doctoral dissertation the results of language abilities of dyslexic children are presented. The research was done in the period from September 2014 to May 2015. 992 children were examined. The research sample were children of younger school age (second and third grade) from seven primary schools in the territory of Zemun and New Belgrade. In order to diagnose among the primery school children, certain number of dyslexic children, 992 children were initially examined, 499 (50.30%) were boys, and 493 (49.70%) were boys. Among the examinees 502 (50.60%) children at the moment of examining were second graders, and 490 (49.40%) were third graders. The selection process of children the final sample was done in two phases..

    Language abilities of dyslexic children

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    Opšti cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde jezičke sposobnosti kod dece sa disleksijom mlađeg školskog uzrasta.Istraživanje je obavljeno u periodu od septembra 2014. godine do maja 2015. godine. Ispitana su 992 deteta. Uzorak istraživanja predstavljala su deca mlađeg školskog uzrasta (drugi i treći razred) iz sedam osnovih škola na teritoriji Zemuna i Novog Beograda. Da bi se među decom osnovnih škola dijagnostikovao određeni broj dece s disleksijom, inicijalno su ispitana 992 deteta, od čega su 499 (50.30%) bili dečaci, a 493 (49.70%) devojčice.Među ispitanicima 502 (50.60%) deteta su u trenutku ispitivanja pohađala drugi, a njih 490 (49.40%) je pohađalo treći razred osnovne škole. Proces selekcije dece za konačni uzorak odvijao se u dve faze.Sa ciljem da se otkriju deca sa disleksijom, s obzirom na činjenicu da se često (ali ne uvek) disleksija i disgrafija javljaju istovremeno, u prvoj fazi korišćena je Skala za procenu disgrafičnosti rukopisa čiji su autori Ćordić i Bojanin (1992). Na taj način utvrđeno je da od ispitanih 992 deteta njih 140 (14.11%) ima disgrafičan rukopis. U drugoj fazi je kod ove dece sa disgrafičnim rukopisom primenjen Test za disleksiju Helen Saks, na osnovu čega je utvrđeno da od 140 ispitanih njih 40 (28.57%) ima i disleksiju, a u odnosu na inicijalni uzorak (992 deteta) to je 4.03%. Ova deca su uvrštena u konačni uzorak ispitivanja...Reading through the international literature that deals with problems of dyslexia in children, it was concluded that there should be more research in this field of language abilities of dyslexic children.The general goal of this research was to determine language abilities of dyslexic children in younger school age.In this doctoral dissertation the results of language abilities of dyslexic children are presented.The research was done in the period from September 2014 to May 2015. 992 children were examined. The research sample were children of younger school age (second and third grade) from seven primary schools in the territory of Zemun and New Belgrade. In order to diagnose among the primery school children, certain number of dyslexic children, 992 children were initially examined, 499 (50.30%) were boys, and 493 (49.70%) were boys.Among the examinees 502 (50.60%) children at the moment of examining were second graders, and 490 (49.40%) were third graders. The selection process of children the final sample was done in two phases..