18 research outputs found

    Quality of life of families with hearing impaired child

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    The family plays the most important role in the life of each individual, and especially in the life of a person who needs additional support due to developmental disabilities. In a situation when the child is deaf, the family faces painful and traumatic knowledge and numerous internal and external problems, and the family’s support will last a long time, usually permanently. The aim of the research was to assess the quality of life of the family of deaf children through the analysis of free time, communication, socio-economic status, as well as self-assessment of the quality of life. The research included families of deaf and hard of hearing children (N – 68) who made up our sample. The paper presents the results of the research in tables and graphs. The general conclusion is, although the sample is relatively small, that there is a fairly high unemployment rate of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children, mostly mothers. On the other hand, those who are employed spend most of their time at work. Interactions of parents of deaf children in society are limited to a narrow circle of friends, neighbors, and family, while wider social engagement is lacking. A small percentage of parents sometimes have the opportunity to do the things they want.Porodica igra najvažniju ulogu u životu svakog pojedinca, a posebno u životu osobe kojoj je usled smetnji u razvoju ili invalidnosti potreb- na dodatna podrška. U situaciji kada je dete gluvo, porodica se suočava sa bolnim i traumatičnim saznanjima i brojnim unutrašnjim i spolj- nim problemima, a podrška porodice će trajati dugo, najčešće trajno. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se izvrši procena kvaliteta života porodice gluve dece kroz analizu slobodnog vremena, komunikacije, so- cioekonomskog statusa, kao i samoprocenu o kvalitetu života. Istraživanjem su bile obuhvaćene porodice gluve i nagluve dece (N – 68) koje su činile naš uzorak. U radu su tabelarno i grafički predstavljeni rezultati istraži- vanja. Opšti zaključak je, iako je uzorak relativno mali, da postoji dosta visok stepen nezaposlenosti roditelja gluve i nagluve dece i to najviše majki. Sa druge strane, oni koji su zaposleni najveći deo svog vremena provode na poslu. Interakcije roditelja gluve dece u društvu su ograničene na uži krug prijatelja, komšija i i porodice, dok širi društveni angažman izostaje. Mali procenat roditelja ponekad ima priliku da se bavi stvarima koje želi

    Višestruko ometena deca oštećenog sluha u školama u Srbiji

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    Recently, there has been an impression that in schools for children with impaired hearing there are more and more children who, besides hearing impairment, have one or more additional disabilities. This paper discusses the concept of multiple disabilities in children with impaired hearing and the criteria for classifying these children. Goal of the paper was to study how many multiply disabled children with impaired hearing there are in schools for children with impaired hearing in Serbia and what are the kinds of additional disabilities present in this population. Research was performed in all schools for children with impaired hearing in Serbia. We established that there are 76 pupils in those schools who, besides impaired hearing, have one or more additional disabilities. The paper presents in form of tables and charts the structure of the group of multiply disabled pupils with impaired hearing with respect to demographic variables and type of disability.Poslednjih godina stiče se utisak da je u školama za decu oštećenog sluha sve više dece koja pored oštećenja sluha imaju jednu ili više dodatnih ometenosti. U radu smo razmotrili pojam višestruke ometenosti kod dece oštećenog sluha i kriterijume za razvrstavanje ove dece. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita koliko u školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Srbiji ima višestruko ometene dece oštećenog sluha i koje su vrste dodatnih ometenosti zastupljene u ovoj populaciji. Istraživanje je obavljeno u svim školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Srbiji. Utvrdili smo da se u pomenutim školama nalazi 76 učenika koji pored oštećenja sluha imaju jedno ili više dodatnih oštećenja. U radu je tabelarno i grafički prikazana struktura grupe učenika oštećenog sluha sa višestrukom ometenošću, s obzirom na demografske varijable i tip oštećenja

    Let's make our special education schools more european – changing special education paradigms

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    Educational systems in Europe are reforming from year to year. When we talk about the education of children with disabilities, the changes are even more visible. In all areas of science, even in special education and rehabilitation, there are changes, both because of new knowledge, as well as because of changes in society and the new demands of the society. On the one hand, in accordance with the inclusive concept of social development, children with disabilities attend "regular" schools, and, in such an educational environment, special education and rehabilitation has a different role. On the other hand, according to research, we have an increasing number of children with autism spectrum disorders and an increasing number of children with multiple disabilities. The majority of children with these disabilities are in special schools. These children need education that will focus on functional knowledge and functional skills, and it is therefore necessary to provide evidence-based support systems and evidence-based interventions. Within the framework of the EU-funded Erasmus+ program, Serbian NGO "Family Care" is implementing a project titled "Let's make our special education schools more European". The aim of this project is to improve special education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities in Serbia. The project name symbolically depicts our idea of a European dimension of changes in the education of children with disabilities in "special" schools in Serbia. The project team is working on it. This paper provides an overview of domestic and foreign practices, as well as guidelines for reforming schools for the education of children with disabilities. The presentation is illustrated with adequate videos.Educational systems in Europe are reforming from year to year. When we talk about the education of children with disabilities, the changes are even more visible. In all areas of science, even in special education and rehabilitation, there are changes, both because of new knowledge, as well as because of changes in society and the new demands of the society. On the one hand, in accordance with the inclusive concept of social development, children with disabilities attend "regular" schools, and, in such an educational environment, special education and rehabilitation has a different role. On the other hand, according to research, we have an increasing number of children with autism spectrum disorders and an increasing number of children with multiple disabilities. The majority of children with these disabilities are in special schools. These children need education that will focus on functional knowledge and functional skills, and it is therefore necessary to provide evidence-based support systems and evidence-based interventions. Within the framework of the EU-funded Erasmus+ program, Serbian NGO "Family Care" is implementing a project titled "Let's make our special education schools more European". The aim of this project is to improve special education and rehabilitation of children with disabilities in Serbia. The project name symbolically depicts our idea of a European dimension of changes in the education of children with disabilities in "special" schools in Serbia. The project team is working on it. This paper provides an overview of domestic and foreign practices, as well as guidelines for reforming schools for the education of children with disabilities. The presentation is illustrated with adequate video

    Characteristics of leisure time of young Deaf and hard of hearing

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    Socijalna uključenost je jedan od najvažniji prioriteta kada govorimo o inkluzivnom konceptu razvoja društva. Učestvovanje u redovnim društvenim tokovima je, ne jedini, ali svakako važan, pokazatelj kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom. Učešće osoba sa invaliditetom u svakodnevnim društvenim aktivnostima je ograničeno zbog ekonomskih i socijalnih barijera. Predrasude opšte populacije takođe igraju značajnu ulogu. Gluvi i nagluvi se teško prilagođavaju ovim uticajima, pa je razumljivo da se druže i okupljaju u klubovima gluvih unutar zajednice Gluvih. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da odgovorimo na pitanje kojim aktivnostima se bave mladi gluvi i nagluvi tokom slobodnog vremena, odnosno da opišemo na koji način oni provode slobodno vreme. Interesovalo nas je koje su specifične aktivnosti i sadržaji kojima se mladi gluvi i nagluvi bave tokom slobodnog vremena. Na osnovu rezultata ovog istraživanja pokušali smo da na smislen način interpretiramo ponašanje mladih gluvih i nagluvih tokom slobodnog vremena. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da je najzastupljeniji model slobodnog vremena orijentisanom na sadržaje koji predstavljaju aktivnosti usmerene ka zabavi. To su uglavnom aktivnosti, poput praćenja televizijskih serija i čitanja časopisa, koje ne zahtevaju veće intelektualno angažovanje. Gluvi i nagluvi se najviše druže međusobno, što potvrđuje naše pretpostavke o povezanosti u zajednici gluvih. Svi ispitanici redovno posećuju klubove gluvih. Naši ispitanici dosta slobodnog vremena provode uz kompjutere, retko prate vesti na znakovnom jeziku, a od filmskih žanrova najviše vole horor filmove. Ovi rezultati o slobodnom vremenu gluvih i nagluvih su u skladu sa rezultatima drugih istraživanja o slobodnom vremenu mladih opšte populacije, u smislu toga da govore da su mladi uglavnom „potrošači“ kulture, okrenuti kulturnoj recepciji i pasivnijim oblicima provođenja slobodnog vremena Ovo polje specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacije koje se tiče kvaliteta života osoba sa invaliditetom, odnosno kvaliteta života gluvih i nagluvih je kod nas nedovoljno istraženo. Tim pitanjima su se do sada uglavnom bavile nevladine organizacije kroz međunarodne projekte koji su se bavili praćenjem ostvarivanja prava osoba sa invaliditetom. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju dobru osnovu za dalja istraživanja kulturnih navika mladih gluvih i nagluvih. Valjalo bi istražiti povezanost između aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu sa socio- ekonomskim statusom porodice, polom, uslovima života kao i mestom stanovanja.Social inclusion is one of the most important priorities when we talk about the concept of inclusive social development. Participation in regular social activities is not the only, but certainly an important indicator of the quality of life of people with disabilities. The participation of people with disabilities in everyday social activities is limited due to economic and social barriers. The prejudices of the general population also play a significant role. Deaf and hard of hearing is hard to adapt to these impacts, so it is understandable to socialize and gather in clubs within the Deaf community. The main objective of this research was to answer the question of what activities dealing with young deaf and hard of hearing during free time, or to describe the way they spend their leisure time. We were interested in specific activities and facilities which young deaf and hard of hearing dealing with during free time. Based on the results of this study, we tried to meaningfully interpret the behavior of young deaf and hard of hearing during free time. Results showed that the most common leisure-oriented model to represent the contents of activities geared towards entertainment. These are mainly activities, such as watching the television series and reading magazines that do not require higher intellectual engagement. Deaf and hard of hearing is the most socialize with each other, which confirms our assumptions about the connection in the deaf community. All respondents regularly visit the Deaf clubs. Our respondents plenty of their free time spend with computers, rarely follow the news in sign language, and most of the film genres prefer horror movies. These results on the free time of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing are in accordance with the results of other studies on the free time of young of the general population, in the sense that they are saying that they are mostly young „consumers“ of culture, facing cultural reception and more passive forms of leisure time. This field of special education and rehabilitation concerning the quality of life of people with disabilities, or the quality of life of deaf and hard of hearing is the insufficiently explored_ These issues are usually addressed through international non-governmental organization projects that are concerned with monitoring the realization of the rights of persons with disabilities_ Our results provide a good basis for further research on the cultural habits of young deaf and hard of hearing_ One should investigate the relationship between leisure activities with socio-economic status of the family, gender, living conditions as well as place of residence

    Particularities in spare time organization of deaf and hearing-impaired children in family and in boarding school

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    Слободно време је време које је проведено изван посла, рада или учења и време које искључује обављање свакодневних активности као што су исхрана и спавање. Слободно време није само супротност раду и плаћеном послу, већ је то време које пружа задовољство и даје смисао животу човека. Уколико се организација слободног времена ослања на интенционалност васпитања слободно време има позитиван утицај на развој и здравље деце и младих. Циљ истраживања био је да се испита специфичност организације слободног времена глуве и наглуве деце у породици и интернату. Истраживање је обављено током 2015. године. Узорак је чинило 98 испитаника и то 68 родитеља глуве и наглуве деце из шест школа за глуву и наглуву децу са територије Републике Србије и 30 дефектолога- васпитача запослених у интернатима за глуву и наглуву децу...Spare time is time that is spent away from a job, work or studying, and is a time apart from everyday activities as eating and sleeping. Spare time is not only a contrast to working in a paid job position, but is a time that enables a person to feel pleasure and brings meaning to life. If organization of spare time is concerned with intention of upbringing, spare time has a positive influence on development and health of the young. The aim of this research was to examine particularities of spare time organization of deaf and hearing –impaired children in family and in boarding school. The research proceeded during 2015. The sample consisted of 98 examinees and 68 parents of deaf and hearing impaired children in six schools for deaf and hearing impaired children in the territory of Republic of Serbia and 30 defectologists teachers employed in boarding schools for deaf and hearing impaired children..

    Particularities in spare time organization of deaf and hearing-impaired children in family and in boarding school

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    Slobodno vreme je vreme koje je provedeno izvan posla, rada ili učenja i vreme koje isključuje obavljanje svakodnevnih aktivnosti kao što su ishrana i spavanje. Slobodno vreme nije samo suprotnost radu i plaćenom poslu, već je to vreme koje pruža zadovoljstvo i daje smisao životu čoveka. Ukoliko se organizacija slobodnog vremena oslanja na intencionalnost vaspitanja slobodno vreme ima pozitivan uticaj na razvoj i zdravlje dece i mladih.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita specifičnost organizacije slobodnog vremena gluve i nagluve dece u porodici i internatu. Istraživanje je obavljeno tokom 2015. godine. Uzorak je činilo 98 ispitanika i to 68 roditelja gluve i nagluve dece iz šest škola za gluvu i nagluvu decu sa teritorije Republike Srbije i 30 defektologa- vaspitača zaposlenih u internatima za gluvu i nagluvu decu...Spare time is time that is spent away from a job, work or studying, and is a time apart from everyday activities as eating and sleeping. Spare time is not only a contrast to working in a paid job position, but is a time that enables a person to feel pleasure and brings meaning to life. If organization of spare time is concerned with intention of upbringing, spare time has a positive influence on development and health of the young.The aim of this research was to examine particularities of spare time organization of deaf and hearing –impaired children in family and in boarding school. The research proceeded during 2015. The sample consisted of 98 examinees and 68 parents of deaf and hearing impaired children in six schools for deaf and hearing impaired children in the territory of Republic of Serbia and 30 defectologists teachers employed in boarding schools for deaf and hearing impaired children..

    Particularities in spare time organization of deaf and hearing-impaired children in family and in boarding school

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    Слободно време је време које је проведено изван посла, рада или учења и време које искључује обављање свакодневних активности као што су исхрана и спавање. Слободно време није само супротност раду и плаћеном послу, већ је то време које пружа задовољство и даје смисао животу човека. Уколико се организација слободног времена ослања на интенционалност васпитања слободно време има позитиван утицај на развој и здравље деце и младих. Циљ истраживања био је да се испита специфичност организације слободног времена глуве и наглуве деце у породици и интернату. Истраживање је обављено током 2015. године. Узорак је чинило 98 испитаника и то 68 родитеља глуве и наглуве деце из шест школа за глуву и наглуву децу са територије Републике Србије и 30 дефектолога- васпитача запослених у интернатима за глуву и наглуву децу...Spare time is time that is spent away from a job, work or studying, and is a time apart from everyday activities as eating and sleeping. Spare time is not only a contrast to working in a paid job position, but is a time that enables a person to feel pleasure and brings meaning to life. If organization of spare time is concerned with intention of upbringing, spare time has a positive influence on development and health of the young. The aim of this research was to examine particularities of spare time organization of deaf and hearing –impaired children in family and in boarding school. The research proceeded during 2015. The sample consisted of 98 examinees and 68 parents of deaf and hearing impaired children in six schools for deaf and hearing impaired children in the territory of Republic of Serbia and 30 defectologists teachers employed in boarding schools for deaf and hearing impaired children..

    Organizacija slobodnog vremena dece ometene u razvoju u porodici

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    The aim of this research was to determine how mentally retarded children spend free time in families. The sample included 57 families of mentally retarded children. Gathering data was done with the aid of specially designed questionnaire for parents of mentally retarded children. Results show that more than two thirds of parents include children into mutual family activities, whereas 16% do not take children to visit friends, because they feel embarrassed, because a child does not feel all right there or because the host is embarrassed. Almost all parents have confirmed that mentally retarded children spend their free time in the family environment, watching TV or playing computer games. In addition, 83.6% of mentally retarded children spend their free time without any special activity, i.e. 'they do nothing special, they mainly sit'. The way of spending free time depends on the type of disability. Passive way o spending free time is common in the whole sample. Parents state many obstacles in organisation o free time of mentally disabled children. It can be concluded that it is necessary to offer organised and systematic support to families in organising free time with the aim of improving the quality o life, both of mentally disabled children and their families.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi kako deca ometena u razvoju provode slobodno vreme u porodici. Uzorak je sačinjen od 57 porodica dece ometene u razvoju. Za prikupljanje podataka korišćen je posebno dizajniran upitnik za roditelje dece ometene u razvoju. Rezultati pokazuju da više od 2/3 roditelja uključuje decu u zajedničke porodične aktivnosti, dok 16% roditelja ne vodi svoju decu u posete prijateljima, zbog lične nelagodnosti, zbog toga što detetu ne prija ili zbog nelagodnosti domaćina. Skoro svi roditelji su potvrdili da njihova deca ometena u razvoju slobodno vreme najviše provode u porodičnom okruženju, gledajući televiziju i igrajući video-igre. Takođe, 83,6% dece ometene u razvoju slobodno vreme provodi bez neke posebne aktivnosti, odnosno 'ne rade ništa posebno i uglavnom samo sede'. Način provođenja slobodnog vremena se razlikuje u zavisnosti od vrste ometenosti. Pasivan način provođenja slobodnog vremena je izuzetno zastupljen u celokupnom uzorku. Roditelji navode brojne prepreke u organizaciji slobodnog vremena dece ometene u razvoju. Može se zaključiti da je neophodno pružiti organizovanu i sistemsku podršku porodicama u organizaciji slobodnog vremena sa ciljem podizanja kvaliteta života, kako dece ometene u razvoju, tako i same porodice