36 research outputs found

    Posledice sniženih standarda u procesu ozakonjenja stambenih zgrada na životnu sredinu i kvalitet života korisnika

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    The economic power of the population that migrates is below the level that allows the purchase of apartments in towns at market price. Cheaper illegally built residential buildings are most common form of resolving housing issue for this group of people, as evidenced by the fact that illegally built settlements in Belgrade cover as much as 40% of the area determined according to the General urban plan for housing. The Law on the legalization of illegally built facilities provides for the reduced criteria regarding the fulfilment of standards in the field of planning and spatial design. In this sense, it is possible to legalize the residential buildings that are not fully compliant with the Law on planning and construction, which envisages compliance with European standards, energy efficiency, accessibility, adequate quality of construction products and compliance with rules of construction. The above is not in line with the strategies for raising the level of sustainability of construction, which concern reduction of negative environmental impacts, with simultaneous increase of quality of life in the built environment. Having in mind the above, this paper analyzes possible deviation from standards foreseen by the Law on planning and construction in the process of legalization, as well as the consequences of applying this principle on the environment and quality of life of users of residential space. The paper points out the necessity of improvement of legal acts, that is, the process of legalization, which would also take into account the possibility of additional requirements for meeting the standards, especially regarding the aspects that can be improved with additional investments

    Conceptual structural design strategies for reducing energy consumption in buildings

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    Raising the level of sustainability in construction refers to reduction of negative environmental impact and resource consumption throughout the life-cycle of built facilities, with a simultaneous increase in life quality. The aim is to optimize the performances of buildings, in accordance with the indicators of ecological quality. The load-bearing structure, together with other elements of architectural space, determines the performances of the building. The load-bearing structure should be designed and evaluated as a sub-system of the building, whose behaviour is directed towards the aim of system-building – ecological quality. This paper analyses the conceptual structural design according to the criteria of environmental protection, with the aim of reducing the requirement for total primary energy. The subject of analysis is design interventions at the level of structural form and applied structural materials, which reduce total energy consumption, including embodied and operational energy, throughout the lifecycle of the building. The present analysis pointed to the necessity of applying a complex and systemic approach to the structural design, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Shaping a better future: contextual learning and teaching of structural design in the process of architectural education

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    An integrated building design requires the intensive early collaboration of architects with other disciplines in order to respond to sustainability requirements. Therefore, the education of architects should enable acquiring knowledge and skills essential to function effectively in an interdisciplinary team in practice. Integrating theoretical and practical knowledge within the course curriculum is one way to accomplish the above. Lecture-based courses in structural design within the Undergraduate Studies of Architecture at the University of Belgrade combine theoretical and practical knowledge within the traditional learning model by applying theoretical knowledge to individual non-contextual problem-solving. In the final year of the study, structural design learning is based on contextual problem-solving in teams in the studio, within which buildings and their structures are designed following sustainability requirements. This paper aims to present the applied approach of a combination of two models of learning, individual non-contextual and team contextual, and to assess, using surveys, the influence of applied learning method on the development of cognitive abilities, knowledge, skills, and motivation of architecture students, focusing the contribution of early project-based learning. A total of 230 final-year undergraduate architecture students participated in the survey. The analysis of the survey showed that the applied approach of early team contextual learning in the field of structural design contributes to the development of critical and creative thinking, understanding of the meaning of the subject matter, development of research and analysis, organizational, communication, independent learning and teamwork skills, and motivation to the acquisition of new knowledge and self-engagement. The above indicates the need for constant improvement of the architectural education methodologies and processes to respond to growing complex requirements in practice oriented towards sustainability

    Integrated design in the process of architectural education

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    Integrated design represents a contemporary approach of conceiving and development of building projects. It is defined as a design which results in buildings that successfully perform their function, in accordance with all aspects of sustainability: social, economic and environmental. The key issues to be considered during the design are related to the environmental protection, with special emphasis on harmful emissions, energy efficiency and materials and waste, as well as to the social benefits for building users, with special emphasis on protection and safety, comfort, spatial organization, space adaptability, maintenance and visual stimulation. This approach implies that different disciplines are involved in the decision-making from the very beginning of design process, with the idea to respond to the increasingly complex requirements. The paper discusses the innovative educational model, partially applied within the studies of architecture at University of Belgrade, which should address this new reality. Whereas integrated design requires system thinking and continuous interaction of all participants in the design process, research strategies that cross the boundaries of individual disciplines are applied. The learning is based on the integration of the theoretical knowledge in the field of architecture and engineering in function of problem-solving. It implies a holistic view on the design, within which education, research and practice are integrated into a single process that encourages critical thinking directed to multidisciplinary optimization of design solutions. The basic elements of the discussed educational model are presented in this paper, as well as its potential and limitations

    Ferrocement architectural structures from the aspect of social well-being

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    The examples of use of ferrocement architectural structures are more numerous in recent years, with the aim to realize efficient and economically viable solutions. This paper analyzes the ferrocement architectural structures from the aspect of social wellbeing. The ferrocement structures are analyzed as subsystem of the building, whose behavior is directed towards the aim of system – building - ecological quality. The present analysis pointed to the advantages and disadvantages of ferrocement structures from the aspect of social well-being during the use phase of a building, that is, to the necessity of a complex and systemic approach to quality of building structures, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Environmentally-based structural design criteria for buildings

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    Activities related to buildings contribute to a large degree to environmental degradation. It is necessary to reduce the negative environmental impact and resource consumption throughout the life cycle of the building. The aim is to optimize building performances in accordance with the integrated design objectives. The building structure, along with other elements of architectural space, determines the performances of the building. The building structure should be designed and evaluated as a sub-system of the building, whose behaviour is directed towards the aim of system-building ecological quality. This paper deals with the analysis of structural design in accordance with integrated design objectives, which are derived from quantitative and qualitative indicators of ecological quality of building, within the criteria of environmental protection throughout the life cycle of the building. The overall objective is to reduce harmful emissions to the air, water and soil, as well as to increase the efficiency of resource use, that is, to reduce the intensity of their use. Based on subject analysis, the environmentally-based criteria for the design and evaluation of building structures are derived, in the function of creating the environmentally acceptable building solutions. The present analysis points to the necessity of applying a complex and systemic approach to structural design, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Sustainability benefits of ferrocement аpplication in composite building structures

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    Raising the level of sustainability in construction refers to reduction of negative environmental impact and resource consumption throughout the life cycle of built facilities, with a simultaneous increase in life quality. Ferrocement is a material that is nowadays increasingly used worldwide precisely because of the possibility to meet the numerous requirements which concern the ecological quality of buildings. Having in mind functional and design possibilitieswhich ferrocement offers as a constructive material, it is used for making of a wide range of structural elements, as well as for the strengthening of the existing structures. In addition to the above, ferrocement finds its application within the composite building structures. This paper analyzes the forms of application of ferrocement within composite building structures, as well as the benefits of its application in such systems in the context of sustainability. The analyzed systems are based on the composite action of ferrocement and conventional reinforced concrete, the composite action of ferrocement and steel load bearing elements, as well as on the composite action of ferrocement, steel load bearing elements and conventional reinforced concrete. The present analysis pointed to the key sustainability benefits of ferrocement application in composite building structures, as well as to the need for further research on possible use forms of this material within such systems, in function of raising the sustainability of the built environment

    Creating Sustainable Buildings: Structural Design Based on the Criterion of Social Benefits for Building Users

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    Sustainable building involves reducing negative environmental impacts with a simultaneous increase in life quality. The aim is to optimize building performances while considering all aspects of sustainability: environmental, economic, and social. The building structure determines the building’s performances, and it should be designed and evaluated as a subsystem of the building, in line with the objectives of the system–building. This paper investigates structural design based on integrated design objectives within the criterion of social benefits for users throughout the use phase of the building, focusing on protection and safety, aspects of comfort, spatial organization, spatial adaptability, and maintenance. The problem was studied using integrative literature review methodology and system theory. The main findings of the research are a review and critical analysis of the representative literature and the derived conceptual framework for structural design based on the criterion of social benefits for building users, which should support more comprehensive and more efficient decision-making during systemic design and optimization of buildings. The presented integrated literature review indicates the need for the application of a systemic approach to structural design in order to create sustainable buildings

    Structural design according to the criteria of environmental protection – materials and waste

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    This paper analyzes the structural design according to the criteria of environmental protection, with the aim of increasing the efficiency of material resource use, and in order to reduce the intensity of their use. Building structures are analyzed as a subsystem of the building, whose behavior is directed towards the aim of system – building - ecological quality. The present analysis pointed to the necessity of applying a complex and systemic approach to the structural design, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Gable roof structure in LKV system

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    This paper presents the technical solution of gable roof structure, formed from timber truss members in LKV system. The basic element of roof structure is simply supported gabled trapezoidal beam member, with span of 19.30 m. Due to the conditions of transport, structural member was formed from several parts, which are joined together at the construction site. The spatial stability of the structure is achieved by braces against the wind and by braces for stiffening