8 research outputs found

    Kompresi File Citra dengan Algoritma Transformasi Walsh-Hadamard

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    Image compression was developed to facilitate image storage and transmission. Current compression techniques allow the image to be compressed so that its size is much smaller than the original size. In general, data compression methods can be divided into two groups, namely lossy and losseless. Lossy is image compression where the compression result of the compressed image is not the same as the original image because there is missing information, but it can still be tolerated by eye perception. The eye can distinguish small changes to the image. This method produces a higher compression ratio than the lossless method. In this study, the algorithms used to compare data compression are the Walsh-Hadamard Transform and Run Length Encoding (RLE). Image transformation is a very important subject in image processing. The image resulting from the transformation process can be re-analyzed, interpreted and used as a reference for further processing. The purpose of applying image transformation is to obtain clearer information (feature extraction) contained in an image. The walsh-hadamard transformation is an orthogonal transformation that turns a signal into a set of waves in the form of perpendicular (orthogonal) and rectangular (rectangular). The Run Length Encoding (RLE) algorithm works based on a sequence of consecutive characters. This algorithm works by moving the repetition of the same byte in a row (continuously). This method is used to compress images that have groups of pixels with the same gray degree

    Penerapan Algoritma C4.5 dalam Memprediksi Dampak Kebakaran Hutan bagi Kesehatan

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    The impact of forest fires on health is very disease-causing, one of which is respiratory disorders, coughing and other chronic lung diseases, such as chronic bronchitis, COPD, and others can even cause death. One of the causes of many deaths is because many cannot predict the effects of forest fires on health. Previous fire data can be used to predict fire incidents in the future. One algorithm that can be used to predict is the C4.5 algorithm. That results from the C4.5 decision tree shape algorithm, decision tree characteristics or conditions of forest fires and disease decisions, where the decision is the fruit of forest fires that occur modeling.Abstract should also be written in english, typed after the Bahasa Indonesia version of the Abstract. Author(s) are suggested to highlight five things in the abstract, i.e. background, objectives, methods or framework, results or important conclusions, and recommendations. The abstract should consist of approximately 600 words. Unusual abbreviations and confusing terms should be avoided in the abstract. Maximum five key words should be provided after the abstract

    Application of Text Message Held in Image Using Combination of Least Significant Bit Method and One Time Pad

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    Stenography and security are one of the techniques to develop art in securing data. Stenography has the most important aspect is the level of security in data hiding, which makes the third party unable to detect some information that has been secured. Usually used to hide textinformationThe (LSB) algorithm is one of the basic algorithms proposed by Arawak and Giant in 1994 to determine the frequent item set for Boolean association rules. A priory algorithm includes the type of association rules in data mining. The rule that states associations between attributes are often called affinity analysis or market basket analysis. OTP can be widely used in business. With the knowledge of text message, concealment techniques will make it easier for companies to know the number of frequencies of sales data, making it easier for companies to take an appropriate transaction action. The results of this study, hide the text message on the image (image) by using a combination of LSB and Otp methods

    Implementasi Metode Vogel's Approximation Method pada Pengoptimalan Biaya Pengiriman Barang pada CV. Expres Nias

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    Operations Research is one way of taking decisions in companies by formulating problems of daily life with mathematical models with the aim of getting optimal goals. Transportation problems are one of the problems in solving operational research problems with the aim of optimizing distribution costs of shipping goods from the first warehouse to the destination warehouse. Like the problem that is in cv. Express nias where the cost of shipping goods does not calculate the optimal cost sometimes losses and profits are not optimal. The method used in solving this problem is the method of Vernel's approximation method, this method is included with the method of transportation. The results obtained in this study are that all shipping costs for cv.express nias are optimal

    Pengamanan Citra Digital Berdasarkan Modifikasi Algoritma RC4

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    AbstrakCitra digital yang bersifat pribadi dan rahasia sangat rentang terhadap penyadapan oleh pihak-pihak lain, terutama bila citra tersebut didistribusikan melalui internet. Tindakan penyadapan dan penyalahgunaan terhadap citra yang sifatnya rahasia tentu saja dapat merugikan pihak pemilik citra. Salah satu teknik untuk meminimalkan tindakan tersebut di atas adalah pemanfaatan teknik kriptografi. Teknik kriptografi dapat mengamankan citra digital dengan cara modifikasi nilai-nilai pixel citra sehingga citra yang dihasilkan berbeda dengan citra asli. Algoritma RC4 dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu algoritma dalam mewujudkan tujuan teknik kriptografi. Namun algoritma ini memiliki kelemahan di mana pemecahan algoritma ini dengan know plaintext attack atau know ciphertext only dapat dilakukan dengan mudah. Penelitian ini menguraikan pengamanan citra digital berdasarkan modifikasi algoritma RC4. Modifikasi yang dilakukan adalah menambahkan sebuah blok intial vector pada proses enkripsi maupun dekripsi serta melakukan pemindahan sejumlah bit pada posisi tertentu. Hasil penelitian ini adalah citra digital dengan nilai-nilai pixel yang jauh berbeda dengan nilai pixel aslinya dengan tujuan dapat mempersulit pihak lain dalam memanipulasi citra rahasia.Kata kunci: kriptografi, citra, algoritma, RC4, cipher aliran.AbstractDigital images of a private and confidential verry extend to wiretapping by other parties, especially when the image is distributed over the internet. The tapping or misuse of the confidential private image of course, harm the image owner. One technique to minimize the above measures is the utilization of cryptographic techniques. Cryptography techniques can secure digital images by modifying the image pixel values so that the resulting image is different from the original image. RC4 algorithm can be used in realizing the purpose of cryptographic technique. But this algorithm has a weakness where the solving of this algorithm with know plaintext attack or know ciphertext only can be done easily. This research describes the security of digital images based on RC4 algorithm modification. The modification is to add a initial vector block in the process of encryption and decryption and shift a number of bits in a certain position. The results of this research is a digital image with pixel values that are much different from the original pixel value to make it difficult for others in manipulating the secret image.Keywords: cryptography, image, algorithm, RC4, stream cipher

    Implementasi Data Mining Dalam Pengelompokan Jurusan yang Diminati Siswa SMK Negeri 1 Lolowa'u menggunakan Metode Clustering

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    Education is a very important thing and will continue to grow as time goes by, in Indonesia it is rather difficult to keep up with that development. In an effort to provide quality education in a school institution, it is necessary to attract students in choosing the best department in the school. The purpose of this student's specialization in the selection of majors is very important in supporting the knowledge of higher education and the enthusiasm of these students in developing knowledge in the chosen field, such as problems that have occurred in Lolowa'u N 1 Vocational School where students choose majors in accordance with people's encouragement others without any interest in the department, resulting in a decrease in enthusiasm for learning. Therefore, the grouping of students 'data in each department is done and grouped by value, because from this value can be seen the students' enthusiasm for learning. . Data mining is one way to convert data into useful information and can produce new knowledge. The method used is clustering, this clustering method is a method of grouping data. The results obtained in this study are the results of grouping data based on values and can be determined by interested students

    Implementasi Metode Vogel’s Approximation Method Pada Pengoptimalan Biaya Pengiriman Barang Pada CV. Expres Nias

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    Operations Research is one way of taking decisions in companies by formulating problems of daily life with mathematical models with the aim of getting optimal goals. Transportation problems are one of the problems in solving operational research problems with the aim of optimizing distribution costs of shipping goods from the first warehouse to the destination warehouse. Like the problem that is in cv. Express nias where the cost of shipping goods does not calculate the optimal cost sometimes losses and profits are not optimal. The method used in solving this problem is the method of Vernel's approximation method, this method is included with the method of transportation. The results obtained in this study are that all shipping costs for cv.express nias are optimal


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    This paper aims to predict the graduation of graphic design training participants at computer course training institutions to take competency exams by applying the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. Data sourced through field studies and literature studies. Among them by conducting direct observations and interviews on research objects and supported by the appropriate literature. While the data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative method. From the results of the research that the researchers have done, there are obstacles, including: many participants did not pass, because they were not sure enough to select their abilities during the training whether they deserved to be tested or not. Therefore, the author intends to create a graduation estimation system using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. So it is hoped that this system can predict the passing of competency test participants