16 research outputs found

    Moklobemidin depresif bozukluklarda etkinliği

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    Bu çalışma SUTF psikiyatri ki iniğinde, MD (major depresyon) ve DB(distimik bozukluk) 'da, yeni reversibl-selektif MAO-A in- hibitörü moklobemidin antidepresan etkinliğini saptamak amacıyla çift kör olarak planlanarak uygulanmıştır. Çalışma 6 ay sürmüştür. Çalışmaya, kliniğimize yatan depreş if hastalardan DSM-III-R tanı kriterlerine göre MD ve DB tanısı alan 16 erkek 18 kadın olmak üzere toplam 34 hasta alınmıştır. Olgulara çift kör metoduna uygun olarak plasebo ve moklobemid verilmiştir. Birinci haftanın sonunda 3 olgu tedaviye cevapsızı ıkları nedeniyle çalışma dışı bırakılmıştır. Klinikte 4 hafta yatırılarak te- tedaviye alınan hastalara diyet kısıtlaması uygulanmadı. Tedavinin etkinliğini değerlendirmek için tedaviye başlamadan 14. gün ve 28. günlerde HRSD (Hamilton Depresyon Ska lası) uygulanmıştır.Günlük klinik görüşmeler sonunda görülen yan et kiler not edilmiştir. Tedavinin sonunda plasebonun DB'ta % 40 etkili (p>0. 05).MD'da ise etkili olmadığı, gibi depresyonu arttırdığı görülmüştür. Moklobemidin ise, gerek DB'ta gerek MD'da plaseboya göre be lirgin etkili oldugu(%70), bu etkinin DB'ta 14. günde sağlan dığı (p0. 05).MD'da da belirgin etkinin 14. günde ortaya çıktığı ancak 28. günde tedavi edici etkinin tam olarak görüldüğü, DB ve MD'da 14. ile 28. gün ler arasında moklobemidin tedavi edici etkisinde 14. güne göre fark olmadığı saptanmıştır (p>0.05). Diyet kısıtlaması olmadığı halde moklobemidin prolaktinemi 75(MD'da) dışında açık bir yan etki yapmadığı, plasebo kadar tolere edildiği saptanmıştır (p>0.05)

    Muhasebe hukukunda belge düzenine ilişkin genel yapı ve bu düzenlemelerin etki ve sonuçları

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    Muhasebe hukukunda belge düzenine ilişkin genel yapı ve bu düzenlemelerin etki ve sonuçları

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    A Generalization of Lacunary Equistatistical Convergence of Positive Linear Operators

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    In this paper we consider some analogs of the Korovkin approximation theorem via lacunary equistatistical convergence. In particular we study lacunary equi-statistical convergence of approximating operators on spaces, the spaces of all real valued continuous functions de…ned on and satisfying some special conditions

    Metformin for the Prevention of Weight Gain due to Atypical Antipsychotics

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    Excessive weight gain, hyperglycemia, type 2 diabetes and hyperlipidemia are significant clinical adverse effects that appear as a result of the treatment with second generation atypical antipsychotic drugs. These drugs possibly cause weight gain by stimulating appetite and increasing insulin resistance. Amantadine, nizatidine, ranitidine, famotidine, topiramate, reboxetine and metformin are notified as the effective drugs which were used in order to prevent the weight gain due to atypical antipsychotic drugs. As an antidiabetic agent, metformin draws attention due to reducing weight gain and correcting insulin resistance. The aim of this paper was to evaluate studies searching fort he effect of metformin on weight-gain due to atypical antipsychotics

    Postpartum-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder: Incidence, clinical features, and related factors

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    Conclusions: This study suggests that the puerperium is a risk period in terms of new-onset OCD and that avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders predict PPOCD

    Quality of life in patients with Behcet's disease: the impact of major depression

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    Conclusion: The study suggests that concurrent MD has a negative impact on QoL of BD patients and that QoL is negatively correlated with the severity of depressive symptoms. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Device Infections in Turkey

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    Murat, Bektas/0000-0002-6564-7185; Yuksel, Murat/0000-0003-2636-5211WOS: 000377435200008PubMed: 25589093Infection is one of the most devastating outcomes of cardiovascular implantable electronic device (CIED) implantation and is related to significant morbidity and mortality. In our country, there is no evaluation about CIED infection. Therefore, our aim was to investigate clinical characteristics and outcome of patients who had infection related to CIED implantation or replacement. The study included 144 consecutive patients with CIED infection treated at 11 major hospitals in Turkey from 2005 to 2014 retrospectively. We analyzed the medical files of all patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of CIED infection. Inclusion criteria were definite infection related to CIED implantation, replacement, or revision. Generator pocket infection, with or without bacteremia, was the most common clinical presentation, followed by CIED-related endocarditis. Coagulase-negative staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus were the leading causative agents of CIED infection. Multivariate analysis showed that infective endocarditis and ejection fraction were the strongest predictors of in-hospital mortality