10,422 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Protected-Permitted Left Turn at Intersections with a Varying Number of Opposing Through Lanes

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    The Flashing Yellow Arrow Left Turn signal is quickly becoming prominent in Central Florida as a new method of handling left turns at traffic signals. While the concept of a protected-permitted left turn is not groundbreaking, the departure from the typical display of a five-section signal head is, for this type of operation. The signal head introduced is a four-section head with a flashing yellow arrow between the yellow and green arrows. With this signal head quickly becoming the standard, there is a need to re-evaluate the operational characteristics of the left turning vehicle and advance the knowledge of the significant parameters that may affect the ability for a driver to make a left turn at a signalized intersection. With previous research into the behavioral and operational characteristics of the flashing yellow arrow conducted, there is more information becoming available about the differences between this signal and the previously accepted method of allowing left turns at an intersection. The protected-permitted signal is typically displayed at an intersection with up to two through lanes and generally a protected signal is installed when the number of through lanes increases above two unless specific criteria is met. With the advent of larger arterials and more traffic on the highway networks, the push to operate these intersections at their maximum efficiency has resulted in more of these protected-permitted signals being present at these larger intersections, including the flashing yellow arrow. The core of the research that follows is a comparative analysis of the operation and parameters that affect the left turn movement of the intersection with larger geometry to that of the smaller geometry. The significant parameters of the left turn movement were examined through means of collecting, organizing and analyzing just over 68 hours of field data. This research details the determining of the significant parameters based on the generation of a simulation model of the protected left turn using Synchro, a traffic simulation package, and regression models using field driven data to determine the significant parameters for predicting the number of left turns that can be made in the permitted phase under specific operating conditions. Intuitively, there is an expectation that a larger intersection will not allow for as many permitted lefts as a smaller intersection with all conditions remaining the same. The conclusions drawn from this analysis provide the framework to understanding the similarities and the differences that are encountered when the intersection geometry differs and help to more efficiently manage traffic at signalized intersections. The work of this field promises to enhance the operations of the left turning movement for traffic control devices. With an understanding of the statistical models generated, a broader base of knowledge is gained as to the significant parameters that affect a driver\u27s ability to make the left turn. A discussion of the statistical differences and between the models generated from the small and large geometry intersections is critical to drive further research into standards being developed for the highway transportation network and the treatment of these large signalized intersections. The exploration of specific parameters to predict the number of permitted left turns will yield results as to if there is more to be considered with larger intersections moving forward as they become a standard sight on the roadway network

    Pool Shark

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    Restriction of odd degree characters and natural correspondences

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    Let qq be an odd prime power, n>1n > 1, and let PP denote a maximal parabolic subgroup of GLn(q)GL_n(q) with Levi subgroup GLn−1(q)×GL1(q)GL_{n-1}(q) \times GL_1(q). We restrict the odd-degree irreducible characters of GLn(q)GL_n(q) to PP to discover a natural correspondence of characters, both for GLn(q)GL_n(q) and SLn(q)SL_n(q). A similar result is established for certain finite groups with self-normalizing Sylow pp-subgroups. We also construct a canonical bijection between the odd-degree irreducible characters of SnS_n and those of MM, where MM is any maximal subgroup of SnS_n of odd index; as well as between the odd-degree irreducible characters of G=GLn(q)G = GL_n(q) or GUn(q)GU_n(q) with qq odd and those of NG(P)N_{G}(P), where PP is a Sylow 22-subgroup of GG. Since our bijections commute with the action of the absolute Galois group over the rationals, we conclude that the fields of values of character correspondents are the same. We use this to answer some questions of R. Gow

    pp-groups and zeros of characters

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    Fix a prime pp and an integer n≥0n\geq 0. Among the non-linear irreducible characters of the pp-groups of order pnp^n, what is the minimum number of elements that take the value 0?Comment: to appear in Arch. Mat

    Empresa Familiar en Economías en Transición: Un Estudio Exploratorio de la Empresa Privada

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    This paper aims to explore the background of transition economies observing the new phenomenon of private enterprise in the Republic of Cuba and franchising in Venezuela. We provide an outline of the changes expected in this former central-planned economies, the key traits that might rise on the aftermath of the transition, the current state of private enterprise in Cuba. We suggest how franchising could be a solution to develop a strong entrepreneurial families in transition economies with future suggestions for researchEste documento tiene como objetivo explorar los antecedentes de las economías en transición observando el nuevo fenómeno de la empresa privada en la República de Cuba y las franquicias en Venezuela. Proporcionamos un resumen de los cambios esperados en estas antiguas economías de planificación centralizada, los rasgos clave que podrían surgir a raíz de la transición, el estado actual de la empresa privada en Cuba. Sugerimos cómo la franquicia podría ser una solución para desarrollar familias emprendedoras fuertes en economías en transición con futuras sugerencias para la investigació

    A Spectral Method to Compute the Tides of Laterally-Heterogeneous Bodies

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    Body tides reveal information about planetary interiors and affect their evolution. Most models to compute body tides rely on the assumption of a spherically-symmetric interior. However, several processes can lead to lateral variations of interior properties. We present a new spectral method to compute the tidal response of laterally-heterogeneous bodies. Compared to previous spectral methods, our approach is not limited to small-amplitude lateral variations; compared to finite element codes, the approach is more computationally-efficient. While the tidal response of a spherically-symmetric body has the same wave-length as the tidal force; lateral heterogeneities produce an additional tidal response with an spectra that depends on the spatial pattern of such variations. For Mercury, the Moon and Io the amplitude of this signal is as high as 1%−10%1\%-10\% the main tidal response for long-wavelength shear modulus variations higher than ∼10%\sim 10\% the mean shear modulus. For Europa, Ganymede and Enceladus, shell-thickness variations of 50%50\% the mean shell thickness can cause an additional signal of ∼1%\sim 1\% and ∼10%\sim 10\% for the Jovian moons and Encelaudus, respectively. Future missions, such as BepiColombo \textit{BepiColombo} and JUICE\textit{JUICE}, might measure these signals. Lateral variations of viscosity affect the distribution of tidal heating. This can drive the thermal evolution of tidally-active bodies and affect the distribution of active regions.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Desempeño laboral en tiempos de la COVID19 en escenarios no controlados, Lima 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo Analizar los factores que impactan en el desempeño laboral en tiempos de la Covid19 en escenarios no controlados, Lima 2021. Las subcategorías apriorísticas analizadas son cuatro: competencias laborales, procrastinación laboral, resiliencia y estrés. El estudio se sustenta en el paradigma interpretativo, de enfoque cualitativo, de tipo básico, nivel exploratorio, diseño fenomenológico con especial atención en el estudio de caso. Se han aplicado técnicas de recolección de datos, entre los cuales se tiene a la entrevista, en cuanto a ellas(entrevistas) se aplicaron a 5 colaboradores de las diversas líneas organizacionales. Referente al instrumento utilizado fue la guía de entrevista, se realizó la validación de contenido a través de juicio de expertos, entre los principales resultados se menciona que los colaboradores logran un desempeño laboral optimo en base a que tienen claro cuales son sus objetivos y así mismo disfrutan lo que hacen y constantemente están buscando desarrollarse y ser reconocidos, se concluye que el factor que predomina e impacta es el perfil del colaborador
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