16 research outputs found

    Age-dependent effect of Alzheimer’s risk variant of CLU on EEG alpha rhythm in non-demented adults

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    Polymorphism in the genomic region harboring the CLU gene (rs11136000) has been associated with the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). CLU C allele is assumed to confer risk for AD and the allele T may have a protective effect. We investigated the influence of the AD-associated CLU genotype on a common neurophysiological trait of brain activity (resting-state alpha-rhythm activity) in non-demented adults and elucidated whether this influence is modified over the course of aging. We examined quantitative electroencephalography (EEG) in a cohort of non-demented individuals (age range 20–80) divided into young (age range 20–50) and old (age range 51–80) cohorts and stratified by CLU polymorphism. To rule out the effect of the apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotype on EEG characteristics, only subjects without the ApoE ε4 allele were included in the study. The homozygous presence of the AD risk variant CLU CC in non-demented subjects was associated with an increase of alpha3 absolute power. Moreover, the influence of CLU genotype on alpha3 was found to be higher in the subjects older than 50 years of age. The study also showed age-dependent alterations of alpha topographic distribution that occur independently of the CLU genotype. The increase of upper alpha power has been associated with hippocampal atrophy in patients with mild cognitive impairment (Moretti etal., 2012a). In our study, the CLU CC-dependent increase in upper alpha rhythm, particularly enhanced in elderly non-demented individuals, may imply that the genotype is related to preclinical dysregulation of hippocampal neurophysiology in aging and that this factor may contribute to the pathogenesis of AD

    Digital signal processing in telecommunications based on parametric discrete Fourier transform

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    A generalization of the discrete Fourier transform in the form of a parametric discrete Fourier transform is proposed. The analytical and stochastic properties of the introduced discrete transformation are investigated. An example of the application of the parametric discrete Fourier transform in telecommunications is given - a generalization of the well-known Herzel algorith


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    A set of proposals on the adaptation of foreign experience in management of the environmental impact under the Russian conditions, taking into account the regional specificity, including the creation of the regional centres on the best available technologies, the specification of their functions and interaction patterns with the federal institutions, is offered

    Дослідження ефективності очищення дрібнодисперсного шламу водооборотного циклу металургійного підприємства

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    The features of the water rotation cycle and the slime treatment system of the oxygen-converter shop of metallurgical production are investigated. During the audit, it is revealed that the concentration of suspended solids in the water cycle system varies in time up to 500 g/l for the condensed slime and up to 85 g/l in the pre-clarified water. It is established that the slimes of the metallurgical enterprise contain a finely dispersed solids fraction in the slime up to 93 % of a size of less than 20 μm and the residues of a cationic flocculant that impede effective treatment of the slime in the sedimentation tanks. This leads to the following drawbacks: a decrease in the slime treatment efficiency, removal of the fine fraction of solids together with clarified water of radial thickeners, regular replenishment of clean water, discharge of part of the flow into the slime collector. It is proposed to install an additional treatment module and use a more efficient anionic flocculant. It is recommended to monitor the efficiency of treatment and dosing of the flocculant depending on the solids concentration in the slime by continuous sampling and testing of slime flocculation. It is established that effective treatment up to 99 % can be achieved on the treatment module using anionic flocculant, thin-layer sedimentation tanks and sedimentation horizontal screw centrifuges.Исследованы особенности очистки шламов водооборотного цикла металлургического производства. Выявлено, что поступление взвешенных веществ в шламовые воды происходит периодически и неравномерно. Установлено, что шламы газоочисток металлургического предприятия содержат до 93  % мелкодисперсной фракции твердой фазы класса менее 20 мкм. Рекомендовано применение лабораторных тестов качества шлама и эффективности флокуляции. В ходе промышленных испытаний установлена возможность очистки шлама с эффективностью до 99 % флокуляционно-центробежным способом с применением методики лабораторных тестов.Досліджені особливості очищення шламів водооборотного циклу металургійного виробництва. Виявлено, що надходження завислих часток в шламові води відбувається періодично і нерівномірно. Встановлено, що шлами газоочищення металургійного підприємства містять до 93 % дрібнодисперсної фракції твердої фази класу менше 20 мкм. Рекомендовано застосування лабораторних тестів якості шламу і ефективності флокуляції. В ході промислових випробувань встановлена можливість очищення шламу з ефективністю до 99 % флокуляційно-відцентровим способом із застосуванням методики лабораторних тестів

    Sliding signal processing in telecommunication networks based on two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform

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    A method of vertical sliding processing of two-dimensional discrete signals in the spatial frequency domain is proposed — a method of fast vertically sliding two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform. The mathematical representation of the two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform in algebraic and matrix form is considered. An effective method of vertically sliding two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform is proposed. The algorithm developed in the framework of the proposed method allows calculating the coefficients (bins) of this transformation in real time

    Дослідження ефективності очищення дрібнодисперсного шламу водооборотного циклу металургійного підприємства

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    The features of the water rotation cycle and the slime treatment system of the oxygen-converter shop of metallurgical production are investigated. During the audit, it is revealed that the concentration of suspended solids in the water cycle system varies in time up to 500 g/l for the condensed slime and up to 85 g/l in the pre-clarified water. It is established that the slimes of the metallurgical enterprise contain a finely dispersed solids fraction in the slime up to 93 % of a size of less than 20 μm and the residues of a cationic flocculant that impede effective treatment of the slime in the sedimentation tanks. This leads to the following drawbacks: a decrease in the slime treatment efficiency, removal of the fine fraction of solids together with clarified water of radial thickeners, regular replenishment of clean water, discharge of part of the flow into the slime collector. It is proposed to install an additional treatment module and use a more efficient anionic flocculant. It is recommended to monitor the efficiency of treatment and dosing of the flocculant depending on the solids concentration in the slime by continuous sampling and testing of slime flocculation. It is established that effective treatment up to 99 % can be achieved on the treatment module using anionic flocculant, thin-layer sedimentation tanks and sedimentation horizontal screw centrifuges.Исследованы особенности очистки шламов водооборотного цикла металлургического производства. Выявлено, что поступление взвешенных веществ в шламовые воды происходит периодически и неравномерно. Установлено, что шламы газоочисток металлургического предприятия содержат до 93  % мелкодисперсной фракции твердой фазы класса менее 20 мкм. Рекомендовано применение лабораторных тестов качества шлама и эффективности флокуляции. В ходе промышленных испытаний установлена возможность очистки шлама с эффективностью до 99 % флокуляционно-центробежным способом с применением методики лабораторных тестов.Досліджені особливості очищення шламів водооборотного циклу металургійного виробництва. Виявлено, що надходження завислих часток в шламові води відбувається періодично і нерівномірно. Встановлено, що шлами газоочищення металургійного підприємства містять до 93 % дрібнодисперсної фракції твердої фази класу менше 20 мкм. Рекомендовано застосування лабораторних тестів якості шламу і ефективності флокуляції. В ході промислових випробувань встановлена можливість очищення шламу з ефективністю до 99 % флокуляційно-відцентровим способом із застосуванням методики лабораторних тестів

    Дослідження ефективності флокуляції при очищенні шламів мокрого газоочищення виробництва феросплавів

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    The object of research is the process of wastewater treatment from suspended solids, formed as a result of wet gas treatment of the exhaust gases of ferroalloys production shop. As a result of the audit, it is revealed that the flocculation of slimes in the current water circulation cycle scheme does not occur with due efficiency, since the dosing of the flocculant is made at one point in the slime water pipe, without adjusting its dose when the slime concentration, dispersion and chemical composition change. It is found that the gas treatment slimes have a high content of dissolved salts up to 26 g/l, a variable chemical composition and pH of 8 to 10, as well as a high proportion of fine particles of less than 40 μm in size. It is established that the peculiarities of mixing slimes with flocculant play an important role in flocculation. For effective treatment of slimes and elimination of these drawbacks, it is suggested to introduce flocculant not once but in two portions 35–40 % and 60–65 %, respectively, with a mixing time of up to 30 seconds of the first dose and about 10 seconds of the second dose. The possibilities of effective treatment of slime waters of wet gas treatment up to 0.35 g/l are established using sedimentation centrifugal plants. It is recommended to take the slime intake directly at the outlet from the ferrosilicon production shop with the solids phase fraction with a size larger than 40 μm in excess of 80 % and a concentration of up to 10 g/l.Исследованы состав и особенности флокуляции шламов водооборотного цикла производства ферросплавов. Выявлено, что химический состав и концентрация твердой фазы шламов изменяется во времени. Для очистки шламов рекомендовано вводить флокулянт двумя порциями 35–40 % и 60–65 % соответственно с временем смешения до 30 секунд первой дозы и около 10 секунд второй.Досліджені склад і особливості флокуляції шламів водооборотного циклу виробництва феросплавів. Виявлено, що хімічний склад і концентрація твердої фази шламів змінюється в часі. Встановлено, що особливості змішення шламів з флокулянтом грають важливу роль у флокулоутворенні. Для очищення шламів рекомендовано вводити флокулянт двома порціями 35–40 % і 60–65 % відповідно з часом змішення до 30 секунд першої дози і близько 10 секунд другої

    Integration of higher, general, additional pedagogical education

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    The modern development of society requires a new system of education – "innovative training", which would form the trainees' ability to projective determination of the future, responsibility for it, faith in themselves and their professional abilities. The main legislative documents "The UNESCO IITE Educational Program for the training and professional development of teaching staff", "The Strategy of innovative Development of the Russian Federation until 2024", "The Law on Education in the Russian Federation", "The Concept of the development of additional education", Federal State educational standards, local regulations of various subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of higher, general and additional education raises the problem of integration of these education systems into the category of important state tasks and at the same time determines its relevance. The article is based on the materials of a research on the use of general and additional education resources in the training of future teachers conducted at Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University. Online questionnaires, interviewing students, solving pedagogical problem situations and modified methods of Ehlers T., Klyueva N.V., as well as methods of studying communicative and organizational abilities (COA-2) were used as diagnostic tools. The conducted research made it possible to design a system of training future teachers in the conditions of integration of higher, general and additional education, including components: setting and goal-setting, organizational-activity, performance-evaluation. During the conducted experiment, the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions in the implementation of this system was proved. The result of the work done is the development of a model for training a future teacher in the conditions of integration of higher, pedagogical and additional education systems, which can be implemented in the practice of pedagogical universities

    Investigation of Flocculation Efficiency in Treatment of Wet Gas Treatment Slime of Ferroalloys Production

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    The object of research is the process of wastewater treatment from suspended solids, formed as a result of wet gas treatment of the exhaust gases of ferroalloys production shop. As a result of the audit, it is revealed that the flocculation of slimes in the current water circulation cycle scheme does not occur with due efficiency, since the dosing of the flocculant is made at one point in the slime water pipe, without adjusting its dose when the slime concentration, dispersion and chemical composition change. It is found that the gas treatment slimes have a high content of dissolved salts up to 26 g/l, a variable chemical composition and pH of 8 to 10, as well as a high proportion of fine particles of less than 40 μm in size. It is established that the peculiarities of mixing slimes with flocculant play an important role in flocculation. For effective treatment of slimes and elimination of these drawbacks, it is suggested to introduce flocculant not once but in two portions 35–40 % and 60–65 %, respectively, with a mixing time of up to 30 seconds of the first dose and about 10 seconds of the second dose. The possibilities of effective treatment of slime waters of wet gas treatment up to 0.35 g/l are established using sedimentation centrifugal plants. It is recommended to take the slime intake directly at the outlet from the ferrosilicon production shop with the solids phase fraction with a size larger than 40 μm in excess of 80 % and a concentration of up to 10 g/l

    Investigation of the Treatment Efficiency of Fine-dispersed Slime of a Water Rotation Cycle of a Metallurgical Enterprise

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    The features of the water rotation cycle and the slime treatment system of the oxygen-converter shop of metallurgical production are investigated. During the audit, it is revealed that the concentration of suspended solids in the water cycle system varies in time up to 500 g/l for the condensed slime and up to 85 g/l in the pre-clarified water. It is established that the slimes of the metallurgical enterprise contain a finely dispersed solids fraction in the slime up to 93 % of a size of less than 20 μm and the residues of a cationic flocculant that impede effective treatment of the slime in the sedimentation tanks. This leads to the following drawbacks: a decrease in the slime treatment efficiency, removal of the fine fraction of solids together with clarified water of radial thickeners, regular replenishment of clean water, discharge of part of the flow into the slime collector. It is proposed to install an additional treatment module and use a more efficient anionic flocculant. It is recommended to monitor the efficiency of treatment and dosing of the flocculant depending on the solids concentration in the slime by continuous sampling and testing of slime flocculation. It is established that effective treatment up to 99 % can be achieved on the treatment module using anionic flocculant, thin-layer sedimentation tanks and sedimentation horizontal screw centrifuges