51 research outputs found


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    Irrigation plays an important role in agriculture and the increase in the irrigated area and scarce water resources have encouraged the use of irrigation systems and management systems that increase the efficiency of water use. Thus, maximize water productivity has been one of the most important challenges in agriculture. The present study aimed to relate information on water productivity for two irrigation systems, drip and sprinkler systems, with the purpose of understanding the characteristics of these systems and contributing to the advancement of studies and research carried out in the area. Technological innovations aimed at reducing consumption and increasing water productivity through improved water management practices have had limited impact and still need to be adopted on a large scale. It should be emphasized that future research and studies should focus on strengthening the relationships between yield and water consumption to improve productivity. In addition, the techniques and technologies to be deployed in the field must be preceded by a cost analysis for each specific situation in order to verify the economic viability of its adoption

    Evaluating the latest IMERG products in a subtropical climate : the case of Paraná state, Brazil

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    The lack of measurement of precipitation in large areas using fine-resolution data is a limitation in water management, particularly in developing countries. However, Version 6 of the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) has provided a new source of precipitation information with high spatial and temporal resolution. In this study, the performance of the GPM products (Final run) in the state of Paraná, located in the southern region of Brazil, from June 2000 to December 2018 was evaluated. The daily and monthly products of IMERG were compared to the gauge data spatially distributed across the study area. Quantitative and qualitative metrics were used to analyze the performance of IMERG products to detect precipitation events and anomalies. In general, the products performed positively in the estimation of monthly rainfall events, both in volume and spatial distribution, and demonstrated limited performance for daily events and anomalies, mainly in mountainous regions (coast and southwest). This may be related to the orographic rainfall in these regions, associating the intensity of the rain, and the topography. IMERG products can be considered as a source of precipitation data, especially on a monthly scale. Product calibrations are suggested for use on a daily scale and for time-series analysis


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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de comparar a flexibilidade, o equilíbrio e a qualidade de vida de idosos praticantes e não praticantes de exercícios físicos em grupos promovidos pelo Núcleo de Assistência à Saúde da Família (NASF) no município de Terra Boa-PR. Estudo transversal, realizado com 40 idosos de ambos os sexos, sendo 20 praticantes do grupo de exercícios físicos e 20 não praticantes. Foram utilizados o teste Sentar e Alcançar, a Escala Motora para a Terceira Idade “EMTI”, e o SF-12. A análise dos dados foi conduzida por meio dos testes de Shapiro-Wilk e t de Student independente (p<0,05). Os resultados evidenciaram que não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05) no equilíbrio, flexibilidade e qualidade de vida física e mental dos idosos em função da faixa etária. Verificou-se diferença significativa na flexibilidade (p=0,001), no equilíbrio (p=0,001), e na qualidade de vida física (p=0,001) e mental (p=0,004) entre os idosos praticantes e não praticantes de exercícios físicos, com valores superiores em todos os testes para os idosos praticantes de exercícios físicos. Concluiu-se que a prática de exercício físico promovida pelo NASF parece ser um fator interveniente nas capacidades física de equilíbrio, flexibilidade e na percepção de qualidade de vida de idosos


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    Este texto informativo possui como objetivo instruir pessoas que lidam diariamente com a higienização de abrigos de animais, ensinando não só um protocolo ideal, como também explicando a sua importância

    Changes in leaf functional traits with leaf age: when do leaves decrease their photosynthetic capacity in Amazonian trees?

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    Most leaf functional trait studies in the Amazon basin do not consider ontogenetic variations (leaf age), which may influence ecosystem productivity throughout the year. When leaf age is taken into account, it is generally considered discontinuous, and leaves are classified into age categories based on qualitative observations. Here, we quantified age-dependent changes in leaf functional traits such as the maximum carboxylation rate of ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) (Vcmax), stomatal control (Cgs%), leaf dry mass per area and leaf macronutrient concentrations for nine naturally growing Amazon tropical trees with variable phenological strategies. Leaf ages were assessed by monthly censuses of branch-level leaf demography; we also performed leaf trait measurements accounting for leaf chronological age based on days elapsed since the first inclusion in the leaf demography, not predetermined age classes. At the tree community scale, a nonlinear relationship between Vcmax and leaf age existed: young, developing leaves showed the lowest mean photosynthetic capacity, increasing to a maximum at 45 days and then decreasing gradually with age in both continuous and categorical age group analyses. Maturation times among species and phenological habits differed substantially, from 8 ± 30 to 238 ± 30 days, and the rate of decline of Vcmax varied from −0.003 to −0.065 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 day−1. Stomatal control increased significantly in young leaves but remained constant after peaking. Mass-based phosphorus and potassium concentrations displayed negative relationships with leaf age, whereas nitrogen did not vary temporally. Differences in life strategies, leaf nutrient concentrations and phenological types, not the leaf age effect alone, may thus be important factors for understanding observed photosynthesis seasonality in Amazonian forests. Furthermore, assigning leaf age categories in diverse tree communities may not be the recommended method for studying carbon uptake seasonality in the Amazon, since the relationship between Vcmax and leaf age could not be confirmed for all trees

    Canine visceral leishmaniasis in Londrina, Paraná - investigation and case report

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    Dogs are considered the main reservoirs of visceral leishmaniasis for humans, which also present a chronic and severe clinical picture when affected. The objective of the present report was to describe a canine visceral leishmaniasis case diagnosed in Londrina, an indene city, and its investigation. A street animal with extensive dermatological lesions, onychogryphosis, mild anemia and leukopenia was attended at a veterinary hospital in Londrina, where positivity was reported for Leishmania spp. in serological tests. Cytology was positive in bone marrow, PCR and parasite culture were positive in skin, spleen, liver, lymph node and bone marrow, and DNA sequencing confirmed the species of the parasite as L. (L.) infantum. The official diagnosis was made by the Central Laboratory of Paraná (LACEN), and through an official report, an investigation of the case was started for the confirmation of autochthony. An active search for the vector and other canine cases in the neighborhood was carried out along with a search for information on the origin of the animal in question. However, the species, Lutzomyia longipalpis, new canine cases, or origin of the sick animal were not identified. Although, the present case cannot be confirmed as autochthonous, we suggest that it is necessary to disseminate the present report to serve as a warning to veterinarians and other public health professionals in the northern region of Paraná to be attentive to suspicious cases and to not fail to investigate these cases to the end

    La autoría como criterio para la producción de artículos: un análisis de revistas en el área enseñanza de las ciencias Qualis A1, A2 y B1

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    O meio científico é caracterizado por exigências de produtividade, fato que leva à discussões e debates acerca da qualidade dos trabalhos produzidos. As condições éticas de elaboração de artigos científicos, tal como a que envolve a real participação dos autores nas produções, têm demandado o estabelecimento de critérios precisos e claros. Nesse sentido, este estudo buscou identificar e analisar critérios de autoria em periódicos Qualis Capes A1, A2, e B1, da área de Ensino, que tenham em seu escopo a Educação em Ciências ou Ensino de Ciências, de forma a identificar a existência de orientações aos possíveis autores. A partir desse estudo, objetivou-se discutir critérios de autoria para melhoria da qualidade e da confiabilidade das produções científicas. Para isto, selecionou-se 44 periódicos para análise de informações acerca dos critérios de autoria. Observou-se que a exigência de cadastro no ORCID para os pesquisadores está presente em quatro periódicos; que as orientações acerca de plágio estão presentes em 11 periódicos; que apenas três periódicos exigem titulação específica dos autores; e que 18 periódicos fazem referência à critérios de contribuição dos autores nos trabalhos científicos. Esses dados indicam que a maior parte dos periódicos avaliados apresentam informações insuficientes aos autores, demonstrando pouca preocupação com essa parte do processo de produção de artigos. Com o exposto, percebe-se que pesquisas com periódicos devem continuar a serem desenvolvidas, buscando os critérios estabelecidos pelos periódicos para assegurar a lisura da indicação de autoria, já que esses contribuem com a qualidade, ética e divulgação das pesquisas pelos periódicos.The scientific environment is characterized by demands of productivity, fact that leads to discussions and debates about the quality of the produced works. The ethical conditions for the elaboration of scientific articles, such as that involving the real participation of the authors in the productions, have demanded the establishment of precise and clear criteria. In this sense, this study sought to identify and analyze authorship criteria in Qualis Capes A1, A2, and B1 journals in the area of Education, which have in their scope Science Education or Science Teaching, in order to identify the existence of guidelines to the possible authors. From this study, the objective was to discuss authorship criteria to improve the quality and reliability of scientific productions. For this, 44 journals were selected to analyze information about the authorship criteria. It was observed that the ORCID registration requirement for researchers is present in four journals; whereas guidelines on plagiarism are present in 11 journals; whereas only three journals require specific titling of the authors; and 18 journals refer to the authors' contribution criteria in scientific work. These data indicate that most of the journals evaluated present insufficient information to the authors, showing little concern with this part of the article production process. With the above, it is clear that research with journals should continue to be developed, seeking the criteria established by journals to ensure the fairness of the indication of authorship, as these contribute to the quality, ethics and dissemination of research by journals.El entorno científico se caracteriza por demandas de productividad, un hecho que lleva a discusiones y debates sobre la calidad del trabajo producido. Las condiciones éticas para la elaboración de artículos científicos, como la que implica la participación real de los autores en las producciones, han exigido el establecimiento de criterios precisos y claros. En este sentido, este estudio buscó identificar y analizar los criterios de autoría en las revistas Qualis Capes A1, A2 y B1 en el área de Educación, que tienen en su alcance la Educación en Ciencias o la Enseñanza de las Ciencias, para identificar la existencia de pautas a los posibles autores. De este estudio, el objetivo fue discutir los criterios de autoría para mejorar la calidad y la fiabilidad de las producciones científicas. Para esto, se seleccionaron 44 revistas para analizar información sobre los criterios de autoría. Se observó que el requisito de registro de ORCID para investigadores está presente en cuatro revistas; que las directrices sobre plagio están presentes en 11 revistas; que solo tres revistas requieren títulos específicos de los autores; y 18 revistas se refieren a los criterios de contribución de los autores en el trabajo científico. Estos datos indican que la mayoría de las revistas evaluadas presentan información insuficiente para los autores, mostrando poca preocupación con esta parte del proceso de producción del artículo. Con lo anterior, está claro que la investigación con revistas debe continuar desarrollándose, buscando los criterios establecidos por las revistas para garantizar la imparcialidad de la indicación de autoría, ya que contribuyen a la calidad, la ética y la difusión de la investigación por parte de las revistas