30 research outputs found

    Chemokine Ligand 5 (CCL5) Derived from Endothelial Colony-Forming Cells (ECFCs) Mediates Recruitment of Smooth Muscle Progenitor Cells (SPCs) toward Critical Vascular Locations in Moyamoya Disease

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    <div><p>The etiology and pathogenesis of moyamoya disease (MMD) are still obscure. Previous studies indicated that angiogenic chemokines may play an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Recently, it was discovered that peripheral blood-derived endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs) and smooth muscle progenitor cells (SPCs) have defective functions in MMD patients. Therefore, the interaction of ECFCs and SPCs, the precursors of two crucial cellular components of vascular walls, with some paracrine molecules is an intriguing subject. In this study, co-culture of ECFCs and SPCs from MMD patients and healthy normal subjects revealed that MMD ECFCs, not SPCs, are responsible for the defective functions of both ECFCs and SPCs. Enhanced migration of SPCs toward MMD ECFCs supported the role for some chemokines secreted by MMD ECFCs. Expression arrays of MMD and normal ECFCs suggested that several candidate cytokines differentially produced by MMD ECFCs. We selected chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 6 (CXCR6), interleukin-8 (IL8), chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2), and CCL5 for study, based on the relatively higher expression of these ligands in MMD ECFCs and their cognate receptors in MMD SPCs. Migration assays showed that only CCL5 significantly augmented the migration activities of SPCs toward ECFCs. Treatment with siRNA for the CCL5 receptor (CCR5) abrogated the effect, confirming that CCL5 is responsible for the interaction of MMD ECFCs and SPCs. These data indicate that ECFCs, not SPCs, are the major players in MMD pathogenesis and that the chemokine CCL5 mediates the interactions. It can be hypothesized that in MMD patients, defective ECFCs direct aberrant SPC recruitment to critical vascular locations through the action of CCL5.</p></div

    In vitro tube formation assays (original magnification ×100).

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    <p>(A and B) MMD ECFCs (green colored) make fewer tubes per unit area than normal ECFCs (n = 6, 11.9 ± 4.0% of control; p<0.001). MMD SPCs (red colored) also make less number of tubes (n = 6, 51.8 ± 21.5% of control; p<0.001). (C) The tube walls made by MMD ECFCs are thinner (n = 5, 14.4% of control; p< 0.001), but the tube walls composed of MMD SPCs are thicker than those of controls (n = 5, 763.4% of control; p<0.001) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001).</p

    Trans-well migration assays (original magnification ×200).

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    <p>Migration of SPCs is enhanced when MMD ECFCs are placed in the bottom well (n = 4 for each group). The cell intensity value for combination of normal SPCs and MMD ECFCs is 166 ± 58.9% of control (combination of normal SPCs and normal ECFCs) (p = 0.029). The cell intensity for combination of MMD SPCs and MMD ECFCs are 539 ± 161.8% of control (p<0.001).</p

    Differentially expressed chemokines in MMD ECFCs.

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    <p>(A) Expression of various chemokines are compared between normal ECFCs (n = 4) and MMD ECFCs (n = 7). (B) KEGG pathway enrichment analysis; upregulated genes are involved in chemokine signaling pathway. (C) Four most-up-regulated chemokines in MMD ECFCs are selected for further analysis. (D) Confirmation of mRNA expression of select gene in ECFCs by RTq-PCR (n = 4 for each group). Significantly higher levels of CLCL6, IL8, and CCL5 mRNA are expressed in MMD-ECFCs (CXCL6, p = 0.038; IL8, p = 0.021; CCL2 p = 0.239; CCL5, p = 0.008).</p

    Co-culture experiments of ECFCs (green colored) and SPCs (red colored) (original magnification ×100).

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    <p>(A) In co-culture system (n = 7 for each group), both ECFCs and SPCs contribute to the tube formation. (B and C) MMD ECFCs when co-cultured with either normal SPCs or MMD SPCs make significantly less number of tubes than normal ECFCs (p = 0.168 for [normal ECFCs + normal SPCs] vs. [normal ECFCs + MMD SPCs]; p<0.001 for [normal ECFC+ normal SPC] vs. [MMD ECFC+ normal SPC]; p<0.001 for [normal ECFC+ normal SPC] vs. [MMD ECFC+ MMD SPC]).</p

    Collision detection on transmission lines with optical interferometer

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    V diplomski nalogi skušamo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri je možno zaznavati in klasificirati trke na jeklenicah daljnovodov z optičnim interferometrom. Na začetku predstavimo osnovne pojme interferometrije in opišemo uporabljen optični interferometer. V jedru diplomske naloge natančneje opišemo eksperimentalni protokol in obdelavo signalov. Nadaljujemo z implementacijo algoritmov za segmentacijo in klasifikacijo zajetih signalov ter predstavimo dobljene rezultate. Segmentacijo izvedemo v domeni števila prehodov signala skozi ničlo, za klasifikacijo pa uporabimo večplastno nevronsko mrežo z algoritmom vzvratnega učenja. Rezultati študije nakazujejo, da sta implementirani segmentacija in klasifikacija uspešni v 77 % izvedenih trkov različnih predmetov.We analyse feasibility of collision detection on transmission lines with optical interferometer. We first provide a brief introduction into interferometry, along with a description of the optical interferometer used for measurements in this study. Afterwards, we describe the conducted experimental protocol and signal processing methodology. The focus is on implementation of algorithms for signal segmentation and collision classification. We used zero-crossing algorithm to transform signals into segmentation domain. Classification of collisions is done with a multilayer neural network trained by the backpropagation algorithm. The results demonstrate an average success rate of 77% for segmentation and classification of collision with five different objects

    Sistematización de la experiencia de un ambiente de aprendizaje enriquecido por TIC durante la práctica clínica en fisioterapia cardiopulmonar en un hospital de nivel II de la ciudad de Cali

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    Esta investigación se centra en la caracterización de la experiencia de 4 estudiantes de fisioterapia de IX semestre de la Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte (IUEND) durante la implementación de un ambiente de aprendizaje enriquecido con Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la práctica clínico – asistencial en Salud Cardiopulmonar; la cual se fundamenta en el hacer y pone a prueba las bases conceptuales del ciclo de fundamentación; todo esto con el fin de identificar las experiencias significativas que facilitan el aprendizaje y desarrollo de competencias clínicas, además analizar si este tipo de estrategias de enseñanza -aprendizaje permite al estudiante y al docente asesor superar inconvenientes propios de la práctica clínica como: optimizar tiempos de atención a pacientes, estudio independiente y trabajo colaborativo, retomar e integrar gran cantidad de conceptos y procedimientos aprendidos en IV semestre con las nuevas experiencias y la realidad del paciente; y a la vez cumplir con funciones administrativas propios del rol del fisioterapeuta asistencial (estadística, indicadores, desarrollo de guías, etc.) que dificultan el proceso de aprendizaje; concluyendo que los ambientes mediados por TIC pueden lograr superar estas dificultades y favorecer finalmente el aprendizaje significativo (juicio clínico), en el que se fundamenta el ciclo de práctica profesional


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    List of DRA (http://trace.ddbj.nig.ac.jp/dra/index_e.html) accession numbers of the FANTOM5 samples, sequences and genomic coordinations. Files are in tab-delimited format, which includes * Library ID * FFID * BioSamples accession number * DRA experiment accession number * DRA run accession numbers * DRA analysis accession number for genomic coordination (BAM file) * DRA analysis accession number for CTSS (BED file) * Experiment method (CAGE/RNA-Seq/sRNA-Seq

    assay information of the mouse qualitycontrol samples for HeliScopeCAGE

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    a tab delimited flat file (SDRF file) describing the experimental details for mouse quality control samples for the standard protocol of the HeliScopeCAGE protoco

    assay information of the unclassified samples for HeliScopeCAGE

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    a tab delimited flat file (SDRF file) describing the experimental details for unclassified samples for the standard protocol of the HeliScopeCAGE protoco