233 research outputs found


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    首都大学東京, 2018-03-25, 博士(健康科学), 甲第824号首都大学東

    中学校英語科におけるサービス・ラーニング型 PBL を取り入れた授業開発 : SDGsの実現に貢献するグローカル人材の育成をめざして

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    本研究は,子どもたちが予測困難な未来社会を切り拓いていくために必要とされる学習指導要領で示された3つの資質・能力を育成するとともに,ふるさとを愛し,地域社会から世界の持続可能な未来を創造していくことができるグローカル人材の育成を目的とする.これを達成するためには,子どもたちの主体的・対話的で深い学びの実現が求められる. そこで,SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals: 持続可能な開発のための目標)との関連性を考慮したカリキュラム・マネジメントを実践し,英語科に「サービス・ラーニング 型PBL」を取り入れた授業開発を行った.そして,英語科の3つの資質・能力及びグローカル人材としての実践意欲が向上するという成果が得られた

    DNA-modified Artificial Viral Capsids self-assembled from DNA-conjugated β-Annulus Peptide

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    β-Annulus peptides from tomato bushy stunt virus conjugated with DNAs (dA20 and dT20) at the C-terminal were synthesized. The DNA-modified β-annulus peptides self-assembled into artificial viral capsids with sizes of 45-160 nm. ζ-Potential measurements revealed that the DNAs were coated on the surface of artificial viral capsids. Fluorescence assays indicated that the DNAs on the artificial viral capsids were partially hybridized with the complementary DNAs. Moreover, the DNA-modified artificial viral capsids formed aggregates by adding complementary polynucleotides

    Variability in thermal stress thresholds of corals across depths

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    Mesophotic habitats are potential refugia for corals in the context of climate change. The seawater temperature in a mesophotic habitat is generally lower than in a shallow habitat. However, the susceptibility and threshold temperatures of mesophotic corals are not well understood. We compared 11 mesophotic and shallow species to understand their thermal stress thresholds using physiological parameters. Coral fragments were exposed to two thermal stress treatments, with temperatures set at ~30°C and ~31°C, and a low-temperature treatment set at ~28°C as the “no stress” condition for 14 days. We found that the threshold temperature of coral species at mesophotic depths is slightly lower or equal to that of corals in shallow depths. The results suggest that species in the mesophotic coral ecosystems can survive low (<4 degree heating weeks) thermal stress. However, mass bleaching and high mortality can be expected when temperatures rise above 4 degree heating weeks

    English in Indonesian Islamic Higher Education: Examining the Relationship Between Performance in the Yes/no Test and Reading Skills

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    This study examines the relationship between performance in the Yes/No test of English recognition vocabulary and reading skills in Indonesian Islamic learners of English as a foreign language (EFL). Participants in the study were 83 Indonesian undergraduate students, comprising an Advanced group (n=41) and Intermediate group (n=42) of EFL learners enrolled in the English department at the State Islamic University (UIN) of Malang, Indonesia. All participants completed both tests. The results reveal that the hits accuracy performance between the Advanced EFL group and the Intermediate EFL group was statistically significant, indicating that Yes/No test performance, in context of hits accuracy, did discriminate between levels of English proficiency. However, the differences disappeared with corrected scores since both groups indicated a high false alarm rate. In addition, this study also reveals that there was no evidence of a relationship between Yes/No performance and reading scores. Several pedagogical implications for EFL language teachers are discussed

    Possible activation by the green tea amino acid theanine of mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in undifferentiated neural progenitor cells in vitro

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    AbstractWe have shown marked promotion of both proliferation and neuronal differentiation in pluripotent P19 cells exposed to the green tea amino acid theanine, which is a good substrate for SLC38A1 responsible for glutamine transport. In this study, we evaluated the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase pathway, which participates in protein translation, cell growth and autophagy in a manner relevant to intracellular glutamine levels, in murine neural progenitor cells exposed to theanine. Exposure to theanine promoted the phosphorylation of mTOR and downstream proteins in neurospheres from embryonic mouse neocortex. Although stable overexpression of SLC38A1 similarly facilitated phosphorylation of mTOR-relevant proteins in undifferentiated P19 cells, theanine failed to additionally accelerate the increased phosphorylation in these stable transfectants. Theanine accelerated the formation of neurospheres from murine embryonic neocortex and adult hippocampus, along with facilitation of both 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine incorporation and 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide reduction in embryonic neurospheres. In embryonic neurospheres previously exposed to theanine, a significant increase was seen in the number of cells immunoreactive for a neuronal marker protein after spontaneous differentiation. These results suggest that theanine activates the mTOR signaling pathway for proliferation together with accelerated neurogenesis in murine undifferentiated neural progenitor cells