17 research outputs found

    A Media Literate Approach to Developing Diversity Education

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    This article describes a classroom project developed in a course on diversity education that required pre-service teachers to use media literacy as a way to cross cultural borders and reach out to an online partner to exchange information and learn about different ways of relating to the world and interpreting cultural phenomena. Students kept a journal in which they recorded and reflected upon their experiences. The project resulted in an increased awareness of the potential of social networks and online learning platforms in helping students connect to different people, engage in cross-cultural communication and participate in new online communities

    Using the Discourse Domain Hypothesis of Interlanguage to Teach Scientific Concepts: Report On a Case Study in Secondary Education

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    This paper reports work-to-date on a particular practical context, applying one approach to interlanguage, the discourse domains approach, merged with the rhetorical-grammatical approach, involving both language and content. The context is an MA course for teacher residents placed in urban schools, and their English language learners (ELLs) in math and science classes, providing content area teachers the linguistic support they need to teach the language of their content, and thus the content itself. We were interested in how exactly learners\u27 interlanguage creation interacts with their understanding of scientific concepts. We primarily look at the rhetorical function definition, with discourse level semantic choices, and attendant grammar, with ELL data gathered by the teacher residents. Correct definitions in expected grammatical form point to an understanding of the scientific concept within the discourse domain, providing evidence that the science or mathematics content has been understood by the student. In our data analysis, we concentrated on the semantics and grammar of this rhetorical function, but other functions kept intruding, especially classification . Cross-language transfer appears not to be a factor, but cross-domain transfer is. Finally, we discuss how the marriage of this view of interlanguage with safe rule rhetorical/grammatical functions can better support teacher preparation, especially given how challenging teaching ELLs is for content area teachers

    Literatura multicultural e diversidade na sala de aula = Multicultural literature and diversity in the classroom

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    Este artigo apresenta e discute uma abordagem para o ensino de diversidade através do uso da literatura multicultural. Além de ajudar no desenvolvimento do letramento, a literatura multicultural pode ser usada como um instrumento para desenvolver a consciência e a sensibilidade dos estudantes sobre questões de diversidade e justiça social em sala de aula e na sociedade (NAIDITCH, 2004; SMALLWOOD, 1996). O pesquisador descreve uma experiência desenvolvida tanto com professores em formação como professores, já atuando em sala de aula, cujo objetivo foi desenvolver a consciência dos estudantes para multiculturalismo e diversidade e transformá-la em ação social (FREIRE, 2005). O projeto descrito neste artigo resultou, não somente na capacidade dos estudantes em identificar e compreender símbolos e expressões culturais, mas também no desenvolvimento de uma apreciação de valores culturais e de diferentes formas de se explicar a condição human

    Critical Thinking and Creative Pedagogies in the Classroom

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    The article discusses the meanings and the roles of critical thinking in the classroom. We start by placing the concept within the progressive pedagogical movement, which is rooted in the idea of learning by doing. Experiential learning is at the core of this kind of pedagogy and the belief is that students can only truly learn by engaging with the curriculum in an active and meaningful manner. Developing critical thinking is the goal of any educational system, particularly in democratic nations that understand schooling as a way of socializing children into the life of society as productive citizens. Although there seems to be an agreement in the importance of critical thinking in schools, teachers still find it difficult to develop practical classroom lessons and instructional strategies that develop higher order thinking skills. We discuss inquiry and project-based learning as well as Freire’s problem-posing approach as pedagogical instructional tools that can be used in the classroom to help students develop critical thinking. What do you want to do ?New mailCopy What do you want to do ?New mailCop

    Critical Thinking and Creative Pedagogies in the Classroom

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    The article discusses the meanings and the roles of critical thinking in the classroom. We start by placing the concept within the progressive pedagogical movement, which is rooted in the idea of learning by doing. Experiential learning is at the core of this kind of pedagogy and the belief is that students can only truly learn by engaging with the curriculum in an active and meaningful manner. Developing critical thinking is the goal of any educational system, particularly in democratic nations that understand schooling as a way of socializing children into the life of society as productive citizens. Although there seems to be an agreement in the importance of critical thinking in schools, teachers still find it difficult to develop practical classroom lessons and instructional strategies that develop higher order thinking skills. We discuss inquiry and project-based learning as well as Freire’s problem-posing approach as pedagogical instructional tools that can be used in the classroom to help students develop critical thinking. What do you want to do ?New mailCopy What do you want to do ?New mailCop

    A conceptual view of internationalization strategies under dual institutional pressures for legitimacy and conformity

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    Internacionalizar as operações requer que as empresas multinacionais (EMNs) desenvolvam estratégias capazes de lidar, simultaneamente, com as pressões institucionais externas, para a legitimidade, e as pressões institucionais internas, para a conformidade. Neste artigo conceitual e baseado na literatura de teoria institucional em negócios internacionais, desenvolve-se um conjunto de proposições teóricas sobre quais as estratégias de entrada nos mercados externos seguidas pelas EMNs face aos ambientes institucionais. Com foco predominante no ambiente institucional externo e nas diferenças de desenvolvimento institucional, também aborda a relevância de considerar o ambiente interno. As estratégias de entrada tendem a ser baseadas em modos de baixo envolvimento e em parcerias, como joint ventures, para entrar em países institucionalmente imaturos ou institucionalmente mais distantes. As aquisições e as parcerias podem ser usadas se as pressões institucionais forem menores. Conclui-se com uma discussão geral e o apontamento de questões para pesquisas futuras.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Educação bilíngüe e multiculturalismo: o exemplo americano = Bilingual education and multiculturalism: the american example

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    Este artigo apresenta uma visão histórica de educação bilingüe nos Estados Unidos e mostra que a forma como ela foi compreendida mudou através dos anos. O artigo focaliza as diferentes políticas educacionais e a legislação que regulamentam o uso de outras linguas que não o inglês no sistema educacional público e privado nos EUA. Políticas públicas que tratam do ensino de inglês como segunda língua também são discutidas. A perspectiva histórica apresentada no artigo percorre diferentes momentos da história americana e mostra como eles afetaram as políticas educacionais que guiam o uso do inglês e de linguas estrangeiras nas escolas (ex: imigração, o Sputnik, o movimento de direitos civis, e mais recentemente o Nenhuma Criança Deixada para Trás). O artigo mostra as vantagens de se viver em uma sociedade multicultural, e também como o sistema de educação pública pode se beneficiar deste fato, e como administradores e educadores devem abordar diversidade lingüística e cultural tanto dentro como fora da sala de aul

    Friends Or Foes? Communicating Feelings Through Language in Cross-Cultural Interactions

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    This study examines cross-cultural communication in English between Americans and Brazilians through the lens of intercultural pragmatics. Three groups of speakers participated: native speakers of American English, native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese, and English learners who spoke Brazilian Portuguese as a first language. Using a mixed design including role plays and interviews and both quantitative and qualitative data, the study identified pragmatic transfer among the ESL learners, who also showed evidence of developing awareness of the sociolinguistic norms of the target language and its speakers

    Developing Critical Thinking : From Theory to Classroom Practice

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