47 research outputs found


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    Muke River is an ephemeral river located in District of Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. Flood occurs during rainy season inundating farm land and residensial area. Previous work has been done by Petrus G Bay (2007) indicated that flood levee and river normalization, could not purent flood from flowing into river bank around Oebelo and Toineke villages. Present work deals with flood prevention by the use of retention area to reduce peak discharge and/or flood water level. Flood simulation was performed by the aid of HEC-RAS mathematical model. The result of simulation show that the main cause of flood retention is the limited flow capacity of the river. Under existing condition and Q10=575 m3/s, river bank overflows occurs in 83.4% of entire river reach. Three retention areas of 3 x 50 ha are proposed along Muke River. These can reduce the peak flow by 73% and river bank overflow by 69%


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    Muke River is an ephemeral river located in District of Timor Tengah Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. Flood occurs during rainy season inundating farm land and residensial area. Previous work has been done by Petrus G Bay (2007) indicated that flood levee and river normalization, could not purent flood from flowing into river bank around Oebelo and Toineke villages. Present work deals with flood prevention by the use of retention area to reduce peak discharge and/or flood water level. Flood simulation was performed by the aid of HEC-RAS mathematical model. The result of simulation show that the main cause of flood retention is the limited flow capacity of the river. Under existing condition and Q10=575 m3/s, river bank overflows occurs in 83.4% of entire river reach. Three retention areas of 3 x 50 ha are proposed along Muke River. These can reduce the peak flow by 73% and river bank overflow by 69%

    Pendataan Jumlah Penduduk, Bangunan dan Usaha di Kelurahan Rufei Sorong

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    Kelurahan Rufei sendiri merupakan kelurahan yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan penduduk cukup besar dimana sebagian besar penduduk terutama masyarakat yang baru tinggal banyak yang belum terdaftar/terdata di kelurahan. Berdasarkan data hasil interview dengan Kepala Kelurahan Rufei pendataan penduduk di kelurahan ini khususnya di RW 03 belum dilakukan secara optimal. Program yang akan dilakukan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah membantu pihak kelurahan untuk melakukan pendataan penduduk khususnya di wilayah RW 3 yang memiliki 4 RT. Pendataan yang akan dilakukan terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) bidang yaitu bidang kependudukan, bidang bangunan, dan bidang usaha. Hasil dari program pengabdian ini diperoleh data bahwa RW 03 memiliki jumlah penduduk laki-lakinya hampir sama dengan penduduk perempuan, dimana dalam keluarga memiliki rata-rata Anggota Rumah Tangga (ART) sekitar 4-5 orang. Masyarakat yang ada pada kelurahan Rufei khususnya RW 03 juga kebanyakan penduduknya non Papua dibanding Papua. Bangunan terbanyak yang ada di RW ini adalah bangunan permanen, dimana bangunan yang ada sebagian besar adalah milik sendiri. Ada juga masyarakat yang tinggal di RW ini hanya sewa, dan tidak menetap secara permanen. Masyarakat yang memiliki usaha di RW ini kebanyakan tidak memiliki ijin usaha, hal ini dikarenakan usaha yang ada hanya usaha Mikro. Usaha yang memiliki ijin usaha adalah usaha yang sudah termasuk dalam usaha menengah keatas

    Potential applications of nanotechnology in thermochemical conversion of microalgal biomass

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    The rapid decrease in fossil reserves has significantly increased the demand of renewable and sustainable energy fuel resources. Fluctuating fuel prices and significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels have been key impediments associated with the production and utilization of nonrenewable fossil fuels. This has resulted in escalating interests to develop new and improve inexpensive carbon neutral energy technologies to meet future demands. Various process options to produce a variety of biofuels including biodiesel, bioethanol, biohydrogen, bio-oil, and biogas have been explored as an alternative to fossil fuels. The renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic nature of biofuels make them appealing as alternative fuels. Biofuels can be produced from various renewable resources. Among these renewable resources, algae appear to be promising in delivering sustainable energy options. Algae have a high carbon dioxide (CO2) capturing efficiency, rapid growth rate, high biomass productivity, and the ability to grow in non-potable water. For algal biomass, the two main conversion pathways used to produce biofuel include biochemical and thermochemical conversions. Algal biofuel production is, however, challenged with process scalability for high conversion rates and high energy demands for biomass harvesting. This affects the viable achievement of industrial-scale bioprocess conversion under optimum economy. Although algal biofuels have the potential to provide a sustainable fuel for future, active research aimed at improving upstream and downstream technologies is critical. New technologies and improved systems focused on photobioreactor design, cultivation optimization, culture dewatering, and biofuel production are required to minimize the drawbacks associated with existing methods. Nanotechnology has the potential to address some of the upstream and downstream challenges associated with the development of algal biofuels. It can be applied to improve system design, cultivation, dewatering, biomass characterization, and biofuel conversion. This chapter discusses thermochemical conversion of microalgal biomass with recent advances in the application of nanotechnology to enhance the development of biofuels from algae. Nanotechnology has proven to improve the performance of existing technologies used in thermochemical treatment and conversion of biomass. The different bioprocess aspects, such as reactor design and operation, analytical techniques, and experimental validation of kinetic studies, to provide insights into the application of nanotechnology for enhanced algal biofuel production are addressed

    Omówienie roli węglika spiekanego z kobaltem WC-Co oraz określenie jego kluczowej charakterystyki niezbędnej do rozpoznania mechanizmów zużycia w kontekście zastosowań w górnictwie

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    Cemented carbide (CC) is an important material for the mining tools. During mining applications, the service life of the CC gets highly reduced due to complex conditions offered by mines. In various applications, such as, rock drilling and coal cutting, the tools show different type of wear behaviour. Wear assessment has been an important area of research for a long time. In order to develop improved mechanical properties in the tools, it is necessary to know the characteristics and cause of wear mechanisms. For analyzing wear mechanisms in the CC, researchers have adopted mainly three different conditions. They are: rock drilling, coal cutting, and laboratory wear test methods. In the present work, an attempt has been made to review and summarize all those wear mechanisms found in the CC. The causes and effects of each mechanism are also explained comprehensively. In addition, various properties of recently developed cemented carbide have also been discussed.Węglik spiekany (CC) jest znanym od dawna lecz wciąż powszechnie używanym twardym stopem metalu. Korzystne właściwości węglika spiekanego sprawiają, że jest niezwykle pożądanym materiałem z którego wykonywane są narzędzia górnicze. W trakcie prowadzenia wierceń w skałach i urabiania skał, narzędzia pracują w bardzo złożonych warunkach i różnorodnych zastosowaniach, stąd też wykazują różne oznaki zużycia zmęczeniowego. Ponieważ zużycie materiału skraca okres eksploatacji narzędzi, wielu badaczy podjęło się badań nad tym zagadnieniem. Kwestia oceny zużycia zmęczeniowego narzędzi wykonanych z węglika spiekanego badana jest od dłuższego czasu. Niezbędne jest poznanie charakterystyki procesu zużycia zmęczeniowego i jego przyczyn tak by można wyodrębnić do badania narzędzia nadające się do dłuższej eksploatacji, tym samym poprawiając opłacalność produkcji. Badano rozmaite mechanizmy zużycia zmęczeniowego węglików spiekanych związane z użytkowaniem narzędzi w wiertnictwie oraz urabianiu skał, opracowano także laboratoryjne metody jego badania. W artykule tym podjęto próbę zebrania i usystematyzowania wszystkich mechanizmów zużycia zmęczeniowego, jakiemu podlegają narzędzia wykonane z węglików spiekanych. Przyczyny i skutki każdego z procesów rozpatrywano w ujęciu całościowym. Ponadto, omówiono właściwości niedawno opracowanych węglików spiekanych

    Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Peran Orang Tua Tentang Perilaku Konsumsi Jajanan pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar di SD Gmit Manumuti Tahun 2020

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    Food poisoning is still a public health problem for which services must be prioritized. The factors causing the behavior of consuming snacks for school age children are knowledge factors, the role of parents / family. Parents who have a good knowledge of snack foods will be able to apply their abilities to their children in choosing the snack foods they consume, so that they can meet their nutritional needs. This study aims to describe the knowledge and role of parents regarding the behavior of consumption of snacks in elementary school age children at SD GMIT Manumuti. The research method used quantitative with a descriptive approach, conducted at SD GMIT Manumuti with a target population of 438 respondents. Sampling using cluster random sampling & proportional stratified random sampling of 80 respondents. Data were collected using a questionnaire sheet. The results of the research describe the knowledge and role of parents regarding snack consumption behavior in elementary school age children at SD GMIT Manumuti obtained from 80 respondents showing a good picture of parental knowledge 47 respondents (58.8%), quite 26 respondents (32.5%) and less well 7 respondents (8.8%), while for the role of good parents, 48 ​​respondents (60.0%), only 26 respondents (32.5%), and less good 6 respondents (7.5%). From the research results, it is hoped that parents who are knowledgeable and have a good role must retain existing knowledge in order to help or provide good support for children who consume.   Keywords: Knowledge, The Role Of Parents, Snack Consumption Behavior

    "Kajian Genangan Banjir Sungai Muke di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dan Upaya Pengendaliannya."

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    Civil Engineering, Forum Teknik sipil Volume: XVIII/ 2- Mei 2008 hal. 811 - 821, No.ISSN: 0854-111