16 research outputs found


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    In our paper we build a reccurence from generalized Garman equation and discretization of 3-dimensional domain. From reccurence we build an algorithm for computing values of an option based on time, momentan volatility of support and value of support on afinancial derivatives, Black-Scholes PDE, Garman PDE, reccurence, algorithm

    Development of Distance Education in the Eastern European Countries

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    The evolution of the European structure brought about the promotion of the distance education as a new strategy for the 3rd Millennium. Its development was due to the even more diversified work market and the expansion of communication techniques. In the modern society ruled by new forms and levels of competition, education became a top priority. As a consequence, the policy of education, especially the academic one, needs to be perceived from a totally new perspective. In a world where there are no longer boundaries for information and communication techniques the part played by universities changed accordingly. In this context, distance education represents an important step in the evolution of teaching. The progress of modern society demands new types of teaching which should increase the professional preparation, allowing general access to higher education forms


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    In our paper we build a reccurence from generalized Garman equation and discretization of 3-dimensional domain. From reccurence we build an algorithm for computing values of an option based on time, momentan volatility of support and value of support on

    ICT security curriculum or how to respond to current global challenges

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    The paper presents some results obtained through the implementation of the Erasmus LLP “SALEIE” (Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education Institutions). The aim of the project was to bring together experts from European universities to enhance the competitiveness of Electrical and Information Engineering (EIE) education within Europe, especially in relation to modern global technical challenges and to provide higher education models in a few EIE fields in accordance with these challenges. One of the outcomes of the project was a new ICT Security curriculum for bachelor and master levels. The research methodology comprised such stages as: identifying the most important current global challenges, conducting a survey related to existing EIE programs in order to establish the top-level criteria for an EIE curriculum, analysing the results of the survey, obtaining the industry feedback related to technical and non-technical skills required for the specific field, and proposing a new curriculum for ICT Security programmes to respond to the modern technical challenges and to meet the needs of the industry, students, academics and graduates

    Software for Assessing the Performance of Anti-plagiarism Programs

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    Detecting plagiarism is one of the current issues concerning the process of publishing scientific papers. There are numerous anti-plagiarism programs on the market, some of which are free, other proprietary. However, with a few exceptions, they cannot detect changes brought to original texts, but can only identify copy-pasted paragraphs of a certain length (number of words). The software that we developed and which we are presenting in this paper is based on an original algorithm using Java, and is aimed at assessing the performance of anti-plagiarism software. This program shows that such software has vulnerabilities and can be easily sidestepped, especially by programmers. The algorithm’s method consists of reading a .docx document, and then replacing every fifth word in the sentence with a synonym existing in text files attached to the software. At the end, when the algorithm completes its cycle, the result is saved in a new .docx document. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of our program as a tool for assessing the performance of anti-plagiarism software, the paper presents a comparative analysis of 4 such programs, based on the percentages of originality and similarity obtained

    Simulation, analysis and service quality in carrier voice networks

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    Due to existing national regulations in the field of telecommunications, sometimes conflict situation arise between telecommunication operators. In these cases performing simulations and quality analysis are required. The paper describes the ways and means of changing caller ID in the relationship established between two telecommunication operators of different ranks, which have concluded a service agreement. Simulating the mode of interconnection between operators, based on an interface represented by Voice Gateway, and through various settings on a dial plan, one can establish a real operation. Finally, traffic trends are studied over a period of time, analyzing the conflicts started between the two telecommunications operators regarding traffic and quality of services

    Software for Assessing the Performance of Anti-plagiarism Programs

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    Detecting plagiarism is one of the current issues concerning the process of publishing scientific papers. There are numerous anti-plagiarism programs on the market, some of which are free, other proprietary. However, with a few exceptions, they cannot detect changes brought to original texts, but can only identify copy-pasted paragraphs of a certain length (number of words). The software that we developed and which we are presenting in this paper is based on an original algorithm using Java, and is aimed at assessing the performance of anti-plagiarism software. This program shows that such software has vulnerabilities and can be easily sidestepped, especially by programmers. The algorithm’s method consists of reading a .docx document, and then replacing every fifth word in the sentence with a synonym existing in text files attached to the software. At the end, when the algorithm completes its cycle, the result is saved in a new .docx document. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of our program as a tool for assessing the performance of anti-plagiarism software, the paper presents a comparative analysis of 4 such programs, based on the percentages of originality and similarity obtained

    BRAIN Journal - Pseudo-holographic Displays as Teaching Tools in Mathematics

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    ABSTRACT Due to the fact that the abstract mathematical notions are often hard to grasp by students, without linking them to a specific physical representation or correlate them with regular facts, our team came up with the idea to create and implement a set of interactive teaching tool packages (ITTPs) to help them overcome such issues. The ITTPs consist of theoretical modules and applications in the framework of a Hungarian - Romanian cross-border project, developed with the aid of existing open source software and technologies. The focus of the Romanian team was on basic elements of linear algebra and analytic geometry, showcased using an auto-stereoscopic display for the purpose of image visualization. This paper presents an overview of similar technologies and the applications developed for representing pseudo-holographic images of geometric objects, namely vectors, straight lines, planes and conics. One of the developed packages was written using web technologies in order to make the applications available on mobile devices, as well as to eliminate the need to install any additional software

    Application of Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization techniques for improved image steganography systems

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    Image steganography is one of the ever growing computational approaches which has found its application in many fields. The frequency domain techniques are highly preferred for image steganography applications. However, there are significant drawbacks associated with these techniques. In transform based approaches, the secret data is embedded in random manner in the transform coefficients of the cover image. These transform coefficients may not be optimal in terms of the stego image quality and embedding capacity. In this work, the application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) have been explored in the context of determining the optimal coefficients in these transforms. Frequency domain transforms such as Bandelet Transform (BT) and Finite Ridgelet Transform (FRIT) are used in combination with GA and PSO to improve the efficiency of the image steganography system

    Image Processing Techniques for Analysis of Satellite Images for Historical Maps Classification—An Overview

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    Historical maps classification has become an important application in today’s scenario of everchanging land boundaries. Historical map changes include the change in boundaries of cities/states, vegetation regions, water bodies and so forth. Change detection in these regions are mainly carried out via satellite images. Hence, an extensive knowledge on satellite image processing is necessary for historical map classification applications. An exhaustive analysis on the merits and demerits of many satellite image processing methods are discussed in this paper. Though several computational methods are available, different methods perform differently for the various satellite image processing applications. Wrong selection of methods will lead to inferior results for a specific application. This work highlights the methods and the suitable satellite imaging methods associated with these applications. Several comparative analyses are also performed in this work to show the suitability of several methods. This work will help support the selection of innovative solutions for the different problems associated with satellite image processing applications