3,609 research outputs found

    Radiative interactions in laminar duct flows

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    Analyses and numerical procedures are presented for infrared radiative energy transfer in gases when other modes of energy transfer occur simultaneously. Two types of geometries are considered, a parallel plate duct and a circular duct. Fully developed laminar incompressible flows of absorbing-emitting species in black surfaced ducts are considered under the conditions of uniform wall heat flux. The participating species considered are OH, CO, CO2, and H2O. Nongray as well as gray formulations are developed for both geometries. Appropriate limiting solutions of the governing equations are obtained and conduction-radiation interaction parameters are evaluated. Tien and Lowder's wide band model correlation was used in nongray formulation. Numerical procedures are presented to solve the integro-differential equations for both geometries. The range of physical variables considered are 300 to 2000 K for temperature, 0.1 to 100.0 atm for pressure, and 0.1 to 100 cm spacings between plates/radius of the tube. An extensive parametric study based on nongray formulation is presented. Results obtained for different flow conditions indicate that the radiative interactions can be quite significant in fully developed incompressible flows

    Weak Mott insulators on the triangular lattice: possibility of a gapless nematic quantum spin liquid

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    We study the energetics of Gutzwiller projected BCS states of various symmetries for the triangular lattice antiferromagnet with a four particle ring exchange using variational Monte Carlo methods. In a range of parameters the energetically favored state is found to be a projected dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} paired state which breaks lattice rotational symmetry. We show that the properties of this nematic or orientationally ordered paired spin liquid state as a function of temperature and pressure can account for many of the experiments on organic materials. We also study the ring-exchange model with ferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange and find that amongst the studied ans\"atze, a projected f−f-wave state is the most favorable.Comment: Longer version, 7+ pages, 5 figure

    Antiferromagnetism and phase separation in the t-J model at low doping: a variational study

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    Using Gutzwiller-projected wave functions, I estimate the ground-state energy of the t-J model for several variational states relevant for high-temperature cuprate superconductors. The results indicate antiferromagnetism and phase separation at low doping both in the superconducting state and in the staggered-flux normal state proposed for the vortex cores. While phase separation in the underdoped superconducting state may be relevant for the stripe formation mechanism, the results for the normal state suggest that similar charge inhomogeneities may also appear in vortex cores up to relatively high doping values.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, reference adde

    Particle-hole character of the Higgs and Goldstone modes in strongly-interacting lattice bosons

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    We study the low-energy excitations of the Bose-Hubbard model in the strongly-interacting superfluid phase using a Gutzwiller approach and extract the single-particle and single-hole excitation amplitudes for each mode. We report emergent mode-dependent particle-hole symmetry on specific arc-shaped lines in the phase diagram connecting the well-known Lorentz-invariant limits of the Bose-Hubbard model. By tracking the in-phase particle-hole symmetric oscillations of the order parameter, we provide an answer to the long-standing question about the fate of the pure amplitude Higgs mode away from the integer-density critical point. Furthermore, we point out that out-of-phase oscillations are responsible for a full suppression of the condensate density oscillations of the gapless Goldstone mode. Possible detection protocols are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral weight redistribution in strongly correlated bosons in optical lattices

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    We calculate the single-particle spectral function for the one-band Bose-Hubbard model within the random phase approximation (RPA). In the strongly correlated superfluid, in addition to the gapless phonon excitations, we find extra gapped modes which become particularly relevant near the superfluid-Mott quantum phase transition (QPT). The strength in one of the gapped modes, a precursor of the Mott phase, grows as the QPT is approached and evolves into a hole (particle) excitation in the Mott insulator depending on whether the chemical potential is above (below) the tip of the lobe. The sound velocity of the Goldstone modes remains finite when the transition is approached at a constant density, otherwise, it vanishes at the transition. It agrees well with Bogoliubov theory except close to the transition. We also calculate the spatial correlations for bosons in an inhomogeneous trapping potential creating alternating shells of Mott insulator and superfluid. Finally, we discuss the capability of the RPA approximation to correctly account for quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the QPT.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Particle-Hole Symmetry and the Effect of Disorder on the Mott-Hubbard Insulator

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    Recent experiments have emphasized that our understanding of the interplay of electron correlations and randomness in solids is still incomplete. We address this important issue and demonstrate that particle-hole (ph) symmetry plays a crucial role in determining the effects of disorder on the transport and thermodynamic properties of the half-filled Hubbard Hamiltonian. We show that the low-temperature conductivity decreases with increasing disorder when ph-symmetry is preserved, and shows the opposite behavior, i.e. conductivity increases with increasing disorder, when ph-symmetry is broken. The Mott insulating gap is insensitive to weak disorder when there is ph-symmetry, whereas in its absence the gap diminishes with increasing disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mystery of Excess Low Energy States in a Disordered Superconductor in a Zeeman Field

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    Tunneling density of states measurements of disordered superconducting (SC) Al films in high Zeeman fields reveal a significant population of subgap states which cannot be explained by standard BCS theory. We provide a natural explanation of these excess states in terms of a novel disordered Larkin-Ovchinnikov (dLO) phase that occurs near the spin-paramagnetic transition at the Chandrasekhar-Clogston critical field. The dLO superconductor is characterized by a pairing amplitude that changes sign at domain walls. These domain walls carry magnetization and support Andreev bound states, which lead to distinct spectral signatures at low energy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, plus supplementary section describing methods (2 pages

    A Representation of Symmetry Generators for the Type IIB Superstring on a Plane Wave in the U(4) Formalism

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    We calculate the symmetry currents for the type IIB superstring on a maximally supersymmetric plane wave background using the N=(2,2) superconformally covariant U(4) formulation developed by Berkovits, Maldacena and Maoz. An explicit realization of the U(4) generators together with 16 fermionic generators is obtained in terms of the N=(2,2) worldsheet fields. Because the action is no longer quadratic, we use a light-cone version to display the currents in terms of the covariant worldsheet variables.Comment: 9 pages, harvmac, Corrected some typographical errors, Added reference
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