97 research outputs found

    Ta’liim al-imla’ bistikhdaami al-hasub Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)

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    The main objective of the Arabic language course for all male and female students of the Institute of Islamic Pen Malang is to make them master the Arabic language, orally or in writing. One of the subjects studied in that course is improving writing or Arabic spelling. To teach spelling, the two researchers gave sufficient training to measure male and female students' competencies in elementary Arabic. From the observation, the researchers saw that teaching dictation via the computer is important to help the teacher to develop and facilitate the dictation process and the skill of writing through the computer with self-education. This research aims to (1) produce Arabic orthography and analyze its characteristics, and (2) learn the effectiveness of teaching spelling using a computer by applying it to students at the beginner level of the Islamic "pen" institute of the third state secondary school Malang. In this research, the two researchers used the developmental research methodology using the method of data collection by interview, questionnaire, test, research tools with interview questions, questionnaire papers, and by testing and analyzing data from this research using the T-test. The two researchers obtain the results of the examination the following: (1) The production of Arabic spelling required planning, evaluation and design, (2) educational materials to teach spelling and writing skills through the computer that affected effectively and positively the improvement of male and female students in the tenth semester. The two researchers obtained the result of the questionnaire from the experts a score of 86%, which means good. When the two researchers compared the results of the pre-test at 68.24%, then it rose in the post test to 79.92%, meaning good. Then the researchers noted the result of the free Ta, df = N-1, which is 24. As for the degree of distribution in the table T at the certification level, 5% = 0.05 = 2,063. And as for the result of the t account 13,312. The two researchers obtained a result from the teacher's questionnaire on a result of 90, which is very good

    أهمية المحفوظات في تدريس اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها (The importance of mahfudhat in learning Arabic for non Arabic speakers)

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    The current problem of moral degradation that occurs in children is very worrying. To counter this situation, the government issued policy to promote character education at all levels of education. Based on this problem, the researcher developed the teaching materials on Arabic lesson mahfudhat text to improve the character of the students. This study aims at developing teaching material of Arabic subject based on mahfudhat text to improve the students' character and to see its effect on the increasing their character. This study is based on research and development (R&D) by Borg and Gall. It was preceeded by the need analysis on Arabic materials. The data are collected through observation, interview, questionnaire and document study. Likert scale model is used to analyze the data. The results of this study indicate that teaching materials developed by mahfudhat text can improve nine students' characters that were measured, i.e: humble, honest, tolerant, discipline, spirited, enthusiastic for learning, patient, creative, and diligent. This result is evidenced by the significant increase in the value of the results of the questionnaire distributed to the students. On the other hand, this study also showed that this teaching material is preferred because it can facilitate them to understand the Arabic lesson, especially on the use of new vocabulary

    Al-Manhaj al-Mitsâli fi al-Jâmi’at al-Islâmiyah bi Indonesia Jâmi’at Maulâna Mâlik Ibrâhim Namudzajan

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    The dream of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang to become a World Class University has come true. The evidence of this statement can be seen by the development and role of Arabic which is very strong in the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education; teaching, research, and community service. This study shows that the development of Arabic at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang has met the standards of the world class university through teaching aspects that apply the integration curriculum and Ulul Albab in the framework of the tree of knowledge., the establishment of the Special Arabic Language Class Program (PKPBA) since 1997 until now, the establishment of Ma 'had Al Jamiah for new students for 1 year and a special building is provided for foreign students Mabna Ibnu Rusydi and Khadijah Al-Kubro, public facilities and services in the form of diplomas and value transcripts in 3 languages, must have TOEFL and TOAFL as graduation requirements, International Accreditation ISO: 900 and AUN-QA and International Office for foreign student service

    Nidhâm al-Ta’lim al-Taqlidî fî Indonesia: al-Ma’had al-Islamî Namudzajan

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    Pesantren can not be separated from the spirit of Indonesian Muslim life. Pesantren occupies a high position in the hearts of Indonesian Muslims. Pesantren Education Model was introduced since Islam came and adapted to the culture, customs and customs of the Indonesian population. Pesantren education trains self-reliance, independence, maturity. One of the bastion of Education in Indonesia is pesantren model education, namely moral strengthening, doctrine to love the state, based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitutio

    Analisis butir tes TOAFL Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

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    The TOAFL test is one of the core requirements in academic life. Currently, there are several universities in PTAIN and PTAIS that still do not measure student graduation accurately by using measured quality standards after taking or gaining learning experience on campus, this is because not all universities provide the TOAFL test. The language development center (P2B) of UIN Malang has been developing the TOAFL test since 2009, but the test items have not been upgraded and will soon be registered with intellectual property rights (HAKI). One of the important tasks that must be done is to evaluate the measuring instruments that have been used to measure the learning success of students. The measuring instrument is a learning outcome test, the body of which consists of a collection of question items. Therefore, the researcher felt the need to analyze the test items to suit the needs of current Arabic learners. The research objective was to map the level of validity, reliability, and distinction of the TOAFL test items at UIN Maliki Malang. This research is limited to the test items for maharah istima'. This study uses two qualitative and quantitative approaches, a case study research design. Collecting data by interview, observation, documentation, questionnaire (test), and FGD. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative combined with quantitative descriptive and t test and F test using the SPSS program. The results showed that the results of the analysis of the maharah istima 'test reliability had a high level of reliability, because it was at r11 ≥ 0.70, namely 0.799, then the question had high or reliable reliability. For the difference power, the test items with weak difference amounted to 13 items (26%), 9 items with sufficient difference (18%), 15 items with good difference (30%). ), the test items with excellent difference are 13 items (26%). In general, these questions have a high (very good) difference power. For the level of difficulty, there were 5 items in the difficult category (10%), 26 items in the medium category, 26 items (52%), and 19 items in the easy category (38%). This shows that the difficulty level of the maharah istima 'test items is very good, because the test items have been able to distinguish between potential and less potential participants. Thus, the test items for maharah istima 'at the TOAFL UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang can be said to be good because they have met the requirements for the preparation of the test questions and are able to measure

    Al-Auliyâ’ al-Tis’ah: Dauruhum wa Manhajuhum fi Nasyri al-Da’wah al-Islamîyah bi Indonesia

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    Wali Sembilan's role in making a joke in Indonesia is brilliant. They were able to make the people sympathize for the love of Islam. Thus making Islam quickly spread throughout the archipelago. Their da'wah way is to smile, respect each other, invite peace, no coercion, help each other, do not change the customs of the population, do not contradict local cultur

    Analisis butir tes TOAFL (Test of Arabic as a Foreign Language) UIN Maliki Malang

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    The TOAFL test is one of the core requirements in academic life. Currently, there are several universities in PTAIN and PTAIS that still do not measure student graduation accurately by using measured quality standards after taking or gaining learning experience on campus, this is because not all universities provide the TOAFL test. The language development center (P2B) of UIN Malang has been developing the TOAFL test since 2009, but the test items have not been upgraded and will soon be registered with intellectual property rights (HAKI). One of the important tasks that must be done is to evaluate the measuring instruments that have been used to measure the learning success of students. The measuring instrument is a learning outcome test, the body of which consists of a collection of question items. Therefore, the researcher felt the need to analyze the test items to suit the needs of current Arabic learners. The research objective was to map the level of validity, reliability, and distinction of the TOAFL test items at UIN Maliki Malang. This research is limited to the test items for maharah istima'. This study uses two qualitative and quantitative approaches, a case study research design. Collecting data by interview, observation, documentation, questionnaire (test), and FGD. Data analysis using descriptive qualitative combined with quantitative descriptive and t test and F test using the SPSS program. The results showed that the results of the analysis of the maharah istima 'test reliability had a high level of reliability, because it was at r11 ≥ 0.70, namely 0.799, then the question had high or reliable reliability. For the difference power, the test items with weak difference amounted to 13 items (26%), 9 items with sufficient difference (18%), 15 items with good difference (30%). ), the test items with excellent difference are 13 items (26%). In general, these questions have a high (very good) difference power. For the level of difficulty, there were 5 items in the difficult category (10%), 26 items in the medium category, 26 items (52%), and 19 items in the easy category (38%). This shows that the difficulty level of the maharah istima 'test items is very good, because the test items have been able to distinguish between potential and less potential participants. Thus, the test items for maharah istima 'at the TOAFL UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang can be said to be good because they have met the requirements for the preparation of the test questions and are able to measur

    Al-Islâm wa al-Lughah al-Arabiyah fi Indonesia min an-Nasyati ilâ al-Tathawwur

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    Islam entered Indonesia in the 14th century, another version of the 7th century through Arab Merchants. Islam is growing rapidly in Indonesia, about 87% of the total population converts to Islam. So it is recorded to be the largest Muslim in the world. The spread of Islam through culture, trade and education. The main focus of education is in pesantren for correct understanding of Islam through religious studies and Arabic language. Pesantren plays an important role in the world of education in Indonesia, until there are 24 thousand pesantren in Indonesia. The main task of pesantren is to educate the younger generation with religious knowledge, planting akhlaq, maintaining the faith of ahlussunnah wal jamaah, maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesi

    Diaspora cofid-19 & new normal life

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    Korona dan statistik kepanikan, pendiri Indonesia Heritage Foundation, Ratna Megawangi menuliskan bahwa we are following the sciences kalimat yang sering terdengar dari para pengambil kebijakan. Walaupun banyak pertanyaan dan kritikan yang dilontarkan beberapa ilmuwan akan kebenaran model Ferguson, yang laporan penelitiannya tidak pernah ada peer review, kepanikan massal ini sudah terlanjur masuk ke alam bawah sadar masyarakat dunia sehingga menjadi semcam post truth, yaitu kebenaran emosianal bahwa covid-19 adalah virus paling berbahaya dalam sejarah kemanusiaan

    Al-Auliyâ’ al-Tis’ah: Dauruhum wa Manhajuhum fi Nasyri al-Da’wah al-Islamîyah bi Indonesia

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    Wali Sembilan's role in making a joke in Indonesia is brilliant. They were able to make the people sympathize for the love of Islam. Thus making Islam quickly spread throughout the archipelago. Their da'wah way is to smile, respect each other, invite peace, no coercion, help each other, do not change the customs of the population, do not contradict local cultur