Al-Islâm wa al-Lughah al-Arabiyah fi Indonesia min an-Nasyati ilâ al-Tathawwur


Islam entered Indonesia in the 14th century, another version of the 7th century through Arab Merchants. Islam is growing rapidly in Indonesia, about 87% of the total population converts to Islam. So it is recorded to be the largest Muslim in the world. The spread of Islam through culture, trade and education. The main focus of education is in pesantren for correct understanding of Islam through religious studies and Arabic language. Pesantren plays an important role in the world of education in Indonesia, until there are 24 thousand pesantren in Indonesia. The main task of pesantren is to educate the younger generation with religious knowledge, planting akhlaq, maintaining the faith of ahlussunnah wal jamaah, maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesi

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