41 research outputs found

    The minipig intraoral dental implant model: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objectives The objective of this report was to provide a review of the minipig intraoral dental implant model including a meta-analysis to estimate osseointegration and crestal bone remodeling. Methods A systematic review including PubMed and EMBASE databases through June 2021 was conducted. Two independent examiners screened titles/abstracts and selected full-text articles. Studies evaluating titanium dental implant osseointegration in native alveolar bone were included. A quality assessment of reporting was performed. Random-effects meta-analyses and meta-regressions were produced for bone-implant contact (BIC), first BIC, and crestal bone level. Results 125 out of 249 full-text articles were reviewed, 55 original studies were included. Quality of reporting was generally low, omissions included animal characteristics, examiner masking/calibration, and sample size calculation. The typical minipig model protocol included surgical extraction of the mandibular premolars and first molar, 12±4 wks post-extraction healing, placement of three narrow regular length dental implants per jaw quadrant, submerged implant healing and 8 wks of osseointegration. Approximately 90% of studies reported undecalcified incandescent light microscopy histometrics. Overall, mean BIC was 59.88% (95%CI: 57.43–62.33). BIC increased significantly over time (p 90%, p<0.001). Conclusions The minipig intraoral dental implant model appears to effectively demonstrate osseointegration and alveolar bone remodeling similar to that observed in humans and canine models

    Revisão por décadas da evolução dos experimentos com o uso de condicionamento ácido sobre o complexo dentino-pulpar

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    The purpose of this review was to get significant experimental data about the acid etching technique upon the pulpo-dentinal complex highlighting aspects such as pulpal biology and dentinal permeability. Studies since the early 70's, going to 80's and 90's show the value of acid retention as well as the need of protective bases to lower the toxic effects of acid etching.O objetivo deste trabalho foi reunir estudos a respeito da evolução do uso do condicionamento ácido sobre o complexo dentino-pulpar levando em consideração principalmente aspectos referentes à biocompatibilidade e permeabilidade dentinária ao longo das décadas de 80 e 90. Verificou-se as vantagens do condicionamento ácido no que se refere à retenção e preservação da estrutura dentária. Apesar do significativo avanço, ressalta-se a relevância da proteção pulpar, para diminuir os efeitos deletérios do ácido

    Systemic Dietary Hesperidin Modulation of Osteoclastogenesis, Bone Homeostasis and Periodontal Disease in Mice

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of hesperidin (HE) on in vitro osteoclastogenesis and dietary supplem entation on mouse periodontal disease and femoral bone phenotype. RAW 264.7 cells were stimulated with RANKL in the presence or absence of HE (1, 100 or 500 µM) for 5 days, and evaluated by TRAP, TUNEL and Western Blot (WB) analyses. In vivo, C57BL/6 mice were given HE via oral gavage (125, 250 and 500 mg/kg) for 4 weeks. A sterile silk ligature was placed between the first and second right maxillary molars for 10 days and microcomputed tomography (μCT), histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation were performed. Femoral bones subjected or not to dietary HE (500 mg/kg) for 6 and 12 weeks were evaluated using μCT. In vitro, HE 500 µM reduced formation of RANKL-stimulated TRAP-positive(+) multinucleated cells (500 µM) as well as c-Fos and NFATc1 protein expression (p < 0.05), markers of osteoclasts. In vivo, dietary HE 500 mg/kg increased the alveolar bone resorption in ligated teeth (p < 0.05) and resulted in a significant increase in TRAP+ cells (p < 0.05). Gingival inflammatory infiltrate was greater in the HE 500 mg/kg group even in the absence of ligature. In femurs, HE 500 mg/kg protected trabecular and cortical bone mass at 6 weeks of treatment. In conclusion, HE impaired in vitro osteoclastogenesis, but on the contrary, oral administration of a high concentration of dietary HE increased osteoclast numbers and promoted inflammation-induced alveolar bone loss. However, HE at 500 mg/kg can promote a bone-sparing effect on skeletal bone under physiological conditions

    Associação entre a síndrome metabólica e peridontite

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    A periodontite é uma das principais causas de perdas dentárias. O conhecimento de seus possíveis fatores de risco é importante para sua prevenção e tratamento. A síndrome metabólica é uma condição cuja prevalência tem aumentado e existe plausibilidade para uma possível associação entre esta e a periodontite. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta tese foi estudar a possível associação entre síndrome metabólica e periodontite. Para isso, foi conduzido um estudo observacional transversal com grupo de comparação (expostos- indivíduos com síndrome metabólica e não expostos- indivíduos sem síndrome metabólica). Os indivíduos foram submetidos a exame periodontal completo, exames sanguíneos e antropométricos necessários para o diagnóstico de síndrome metabólica. Foi realizada análise uni e multivariada com ajuste para idade, sexo, hábito de fumar, anos de estudo e nível socioeconômico. Na análise univariada, a síndrome metabólica apresentou razão de prevalência de 1,62 (IC 95%:1,13-2,34) em relação à periodontite como desfecho dicotômico (presente se perda de inserção ≥ 6 mm em pelo menos 2 sítios proximais de dentes diferentes e profundidade de sondagem ≥ 5 mm em pelo menos1 sítio proximal). No modelo ajustado passou para 1,16 (IC 95%: 0,83-1,63). Quando avaliada profundidade de sondagem a síndrome metabólica não se mostrou associada com esse desfecho. Síndrome metabólica esteve associada com média de perda de inserção mesmo após ajuste na análise total 1,16(IC 95%:1-1,34) e por faixa etária para a faixa de 41-60 anos 1,2(IC 95%:1,01-1,42) e também com perda dentária (>6 dentes) 1,23(IC 95%:1,02-1,49) para todas as idades, tanto nas análises cruas como ajustadas. Pode-se concluir que existe uma associação significativa entre síndrome metabólica e periodontite. Associações significativas também foram observadas entre síndrome metabólica e ambas perda de inserção e perda dentária.Periodontitis is one of the main causes of tooth loss. The knowledge of its probable risk factors is important for its prevention and treatment. Metabolic syndrome is a condition that is growing in prevalence and there is biological plausibility of a possible link with periodontitis. Therefore the aim of this thesis was to investigate the possible association between metabolic syndrome and periodontitis. A cross sectional study with a comparison group was conducted (exposed- subjects with metabolic syndrome and non-exposed- subjects without metabolic syndrome). Subjects received comprehensive periodontal examination, blood samples and antropometric measures to diagnose metabolic syndrome. An unadjusted and adjusted (age, smoking, years of education and socioeconomic status) analysis was performed. Results showed that in unadjusted analysis metabolic syndrome presented a prevalence ratio of 1,62 (CI 95%:1,13-2,34) in relation to periodontitis as a dichotomous outcome (present if attachment loss ≥ 6 mm in at least 2 proximal sites not in the same tooth and probing depth ≥ 5 mm at least in one proximal site) . In the adjusted analysis this value changed to 1,16 (CI 95%:0,83-1,63). When probing depth was considered, metabolic syndrome was not associated. Metabolic syndrome was associated with attachment loss mean, even after controlled – 1,16(CI 95%:1-1,34)- and at the age range of 41-60 years 1,2(CI 95%:1,01-1,42). Metabolic syndrome was also associated with tooth loss (>6 teeth) 1,23(CI 95%:1,02-1,49) for all ages, in unadjusted or adjusted analysis. It can be concluded that there is a significant association between metabolic syndrome and periodontitis. Significant associations were also observed between metabolic syndrome and both mean attachment loss and tooth loss

    Associação entre a síndrome metabólica e peridontite

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    A periodontite é uma das principais causas de perdas dentárias. O conhecimento de seus possíveis fatores de risco é importante para sua prevenção e tratamento. A síndrome metabólica é uma condição cuja prevalência tem aumentado e existe plausibilidade para uma possível associação entre esta e a periodontite. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desta tese foi estudar a possível associação entre síndrome metabólica e periodontite. Para isso, foi conduzido um estudo observacional transversal com grupo de comparação (expostos- indivíduos com síndrome metabólica e não expostos- indivíduos sem síndrome metabólica). Os indivíduos foram submetidos a exame periodontal completo, exames sanguíneos e antropométricos necessários para o diagnóstico de síndrome metabólica. Foi realizada análise uni e multivariada com ajuste para idade, sexo, hábito de fumar, anos de estudo e nível socioeconômico. Na análise univariada, a síndrome metabólica apresentou razão de prevalência de 1,62 (IC 95%:1,13-2,34) em relação à periodontite como desfecho dicotômico (presente se perda de inserção ≥ 6 mm em pelo menos 2 sítios proximais de dentes diferentes e profundidade de sondagem ≥ 5 mm em pelo menos1 sítio proximal). No modelo ajustado passou para 1,16 (IC 95%: 0,83-1,63). Quando avaliada profundidade de sondagem a síndrome metabólica não se mostrou associada com esse desfecho. Síndrome metabólica esteve associada com média de perda de inserção mesmo após ajuste na análise total 1,16(IC 95%:1-1,34) e por faixa etária para a faixa de 41-60 anos 1,2(IC 95%:1,01-1,42) e também com perda dentária (>6 dentes) 1,23(IC 95%:1,02-1,49) para todas as idades, tanto nas análises cruas como ajustadas. Pode-se concluir que existe uma associação significativa entre síndrome metabólica e periodontite. Associações significativas também foram observadas entre síndrome metabólica e ambas perda de inserção e perda dentária.Periodontitis is one of the main causes of tooth loss. The knowledge of its probable risk factors is important for its prevention and treatment. Metabolic syndrome is a condition that is growing in prevalence and there is biological plausibility of a possible link with periodontitis. Therefore the aim of this thesis was to investigate the possible association between metabolic syndrome and periodontitis. A cross sectional study with a comparison group was conducted (exposed- subjects with metabolic syndrome and non-exposed- subjects without metabolic syndrome). Subjects received comprehensive periodontal examination, blood samples and antropometric measures to diagnose metabolic syndrome. An unadjusted and adjusted (age, smoking, years of education and socioeconomic status) analysis was performed. Results showed that in unadjusted analysis metabolic syndrome presented a prevalence ratio of 1,62 (CI 95%:1,13-2,34) in relation to periodontitis as a dichotomous outcome (present if attachment loss ≥ 6 mm in at least 2 proximal sites not in the same tooth and probing depth ≥ 5 mm at least in one proximal site) . In the adjusted analysis this value changed to 1,16 (CI 95%:0,83-1,63). When probing depth was considered, metabolic syndrome was not associated. Metabolic syndrome was associated with attachment loss mean, even after controlled – 1,16(CI 95%:1-1,34)- and at the age range of 41-60 years 1,2(CI 95%:1,01-1,42). Metabolic syndrome was also associated with tooth loss (>6 teeth) 1,23(CI 95%:1,02-1,49) for all ages, in unadjusted or adjusted analysis. It can be concluded that there is a significant association between metabolic syndrome and periodontitis. Significant associations were also observed between metabolic syndrome and both mean attachment loss and tooth loss

    O impacto da atenção periodontal na qualidade de vida de gestantes

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    O objetivo da presente dissertação foi comparar o impacto de duas formas de atenção periodontal sobre a qualidade de vida de gestantes. O grupo teste (GT) com 96 gestantes e o grupo controle (GC) com 114 foram constituídos de forma randômica. O Oral Health Impact Profile -14 (OHIP 14) foi aplicado antes da 20ª semana de gestação e pelo menos 30 dias após o parto. As pacientes do GT receberam tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico completo e do GC receberam uma única consulta para remoção de fatores retentivos de placa e resolução das urgências quando necessário. Foram comparadas as médias do OHIP 14 e de seus domínios, as mudanças, e calculado o tamanho de efeito. Foram testadas as associações entre mudanças no OHIP 14 e parâmetros clínicos e de tratamento. O impacto de receber ou não tratamento na mudança do OHIP 14 também foi calculado. Ao final do estudo as mulheres do GT apresentavam parâmetros clínicos inflamatórios significativamente melhores quando comparados com os do grupo controle. As médias iniciais do OHIP 14 não diferiam entre os grupos (13,90 para o grupo controle e 12,09 para o grupo teste). Ao final do estudo, ambos os grupos apresentaram melhoras significativas do OHIP 14. A média final de 7,30 para o GT foi estatisticamente menor que a média de 10,76 para o GC, porém as mudanças ocorridas entre os grupos não diferiram significativamente. O tamanho de efeito do GT foi 0,60 e do GC 0,36. Apenas o domínio de desconforto psicológico mostrou mudança significativa para melhor em relação ao GT do que no GC. Associações significativas foram encontradas apenas para o número de consultas no GT e número de consultas de urgência no GC, ambas associadas com piora no OHIP 14. A partir de uma regressão logística multinomial, as mulheres do grupo controle tinham aproximadamente 6 vezes maior chance de piorar sua qualidade de vida em relação às mulheres que receberam tratamento periodontal completo. Concluise que o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico completo impede a deterioração e promove a qualidade de vida de gestantes.The aim of the present dissertation was to compare the impact of two forms of periodontal care upon the quality of life of pregnant women. The participants were randomized in a test group (TG) with 96 and a control group (CG) with 114 women. The Oral Health Impact Profile -14 (OHIP 14) was applied twice, one before the 20th gestational week and the other not before the 30th day after delivery. Patients in the TG received a comprehensive non-surgical periodontal treatment whereas participants of the CG received a single dental prophylaxis and oral hygiene instructions. Whenever necessary the CG pain and acute infection relief was provided. Both crude and changes means of the OHIP 14 and individual domains were compared as well as the effect size calculated. Associations of the observed mean changes in the OHIP 14 with clinical and treatment variables were established. The impact of having received or not full periodontal treatment on the change of the OHIP-14 was also investigated. At the end of the study women belonging to the TG presented a significantly better clinical and inflammatory condition than in the CG. Initial means of the OHIP 14 were not significantly different (13,90 for the CG and 12.09 for the TG). Both groups showed a significant reduction of the OHIP 14 at the end of the experimental period. The TG final mean was 7.30 significantly smaller than the final mean of the CG, 10.76; however, the corresponding mean changes were not significantly different. The effect size for the TG was 0.60 and for the CG 0.36. Only the psychological discomfort domain change was significantly better in the TG as compared to the CG. A worsening of the OHIP 14 was significantly associated with the number of treatment sessions in the TG and number of urgency care sessions in the CG. A multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that women belonging to the CG had approximately 6 times higher chances of worsening their quality of life in relation to the women belonging to the CG. It can be concluded that a comprehensive non-surgical treatment during pregnancy avoids the deterioration and promotes the quality of life of pregnant women

    O impacto da atenção periodontal na qualidade de vida de gestantes

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    O objetivo da presente dissertação foi comparar o impacto de duas formas de atenção periodontal sobre a qualidade de vida de gestantes. O grupo teste (GT) com 96 gestantes e o grupo controle (GC) com 114 foram constituídos de forma randômica. O Oral Health Impact Profile -14 (OHIP 14) foi aplicado antes da 20ª semana de gestação e pelo menos 30 dias após o parto. As pacientes do GT receberam tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico completo e do GC receberam uma única consulta para remoção de fatores retentivos de placa e resolução das urgências quando necessário. Foram comparadas as médias do OHIP 14 e de seus domínios, as mudanças, e calculado o tamanho de efeito. Foram testadas as associações entre mudanças no OHIP 14 e parâmetros clínicos e de tratamento. O impacto de receber ou não tratamento na mudança do OHIP 14 também foi calculado. Ao final do estudo as mulheres do GT apresentavam parâmetros clínicos inflamatórios significativamente melhores quando comparados com os do grupo controle. As médias iniciais do OHIP 14 não diferiam entre os grupos (13,90 para o grupo controle e 12,09 para o grupo teste). Ao final do estudo, ambos os grupos apresentaram melhoras significativas do OHIP 14. A média final de 7,30 para o GT foi estatisticamente menor que a média de 10,76 para o GC, porém as mudanças ocorridas entre os grupos não diferiram significativamente. O tamanho de efeito do GT foi 0,60 e do GC 0,36. Apenas o domínio de desconforto psicológico mostrou mudança significativa para melhor em relação ao GT do que no GC. Associações significativas foram encontradas apenas para o número de consultas no GT e número de consultas de urgência no GC, ambas associadas com piora no OHIP 14. A partir de uma regressão logística multinomial, as mulheres do grupo controle tinham aproximadamente 6 vezes maior chance de piorar sua qualidade de vida em relação às mulheres que receberam tratamento periodontal completo. Concluise que o tratamento periodontal não cirúrgico completo impede a deterioração e promove a qualidade de vida de gestantes.The aim of the present dissertation was to compare the impact of two forms of periodontal care upon the quality of life of pregnant women. The participants were randomized in a test group (TG) with 96 and a control group (CG) with 114 women. The Oral Health Impact Profile -14 (OHIP 14) was applied twice, one before the 20th gestational week and the other not before the 30th day after delivery. Patients in the TG received a comprehensive non-surgical periodontal treatment whereas participants of the CG received a single dental prophylaxis and oral hygiene instructions. Whenever necessary the CG pain and acute infection relief was provided. Both crude and changes means of the OHIP 14 and individual domains were compared as well as the effect size calculated. Associations of the observed mean changes in the OHIP 14 with clinical and treatment variables were established. The impact of having received or not full periodontal treatment on the change of the OHIP-14 was also investigated. At the end of the study women belonging to the TG presented a significantly better clinical and inflammatory condition than in the CG. Initial means of the OHIP 14 were not significantly different (13,90 for the CG and 12.09 for the TG). Both groups showed a significant reduction of the OHIP 14 at the end of the experimental period. The TG final mean was 7.30 significantly smaller than the final mean of the CG, 10.76; however, the corresponding mean changes were not significantly different. The effect size for the TG was 0.60 and for the CG 0.36. Only the psychological discomfort domain change was significantly better in the TG as compared to the CG. A worsening of the OHIP 14 was significantly associated with the number of treatment sessions in the TG and number of urgency care sessions in the CG. A multinomial logistic regression analysis showed that women belonging to the CG had approximately 6 times higher chances of worsening their quality of life in relation to the women belonging to the CG. It can be concluded that a comprehensive non-surgical treatment during pregnancy avoids the deterioration and promotes the quality of life of pregnant women