14 research outputs found
Unmet need masih merupakan masalah serius yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan pembangunan di bidang kependudukan. Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) persentase unmet need KB meningkat dari 8,6% tahun 2002 menjadi 11,4% pada tahun 2012. Studi ini fokus mengkaji mengapa unmet need KB mengalami peningkatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan determinan penting yang berkontribusi terhadap naik atau turunnya unmet need KB di Indonesia.
Studi ini menggunakan total unmet need KB sebagai variabel dependen, diukur dengan wanita menikah umur 15-49 tahun yang ingin menunda kelahiran atau berniat berhenti melahirkan dinotasikan satu dan bukan unmet need nol. Karakteristik individu, pengetahuan dan akses informasi, komunikasi, dan sumber informasi sebagai variabel independen.
Hasil analisis deskriptif, unmet need KB bervariasi antara provinsi. Variasi unmet need yang cukup lebar terjadi antara wilayah timur Indonesia dan wilayah barat. Persentase unmet need di wilayah timur Indonesia jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan di wilayah barat. Berdasarkan crosstabulation dan pengujian chi-square diperoleh hasil, semua variabel independen berhubungan signifikan dengan status unmet need KB di Indonesia.
Dengan menggunakan model regresi logistik dan hasil analisis multivariat ditemukan bahwa umur wanita, tempat tinggal, kuintil kekayaan, pengetahuan tentang KB, kunjungan ke fasilitas kesehatan, wanita yang pernah menggunakan KB, diskusi istri-suami dan diskusi dengan teman/tetangga tentang KB, informasi KB dari perawat/bidan dan tokoh agama merupakan determinan penting yang berkontribusi terhadap turunnya unmet need KB di Indonesia. Sedangkan variabel yang berkontribusi terhadap meningkatnya unmet need KB adalah jumlah anak masih hidup, tingkat pendidikan wanita, wanita yang terekspos pesan KB melalui media elektronik dan informasi KB dari kepala desa.
Implikasi kebijakan adalah agar kebijakan program KB lebih difokuskan pada kelompok sasaran yang belum terjangkau dan daerah yang teridentifikasi mempunyai unmet need tinggi.
Kata kunci: Wanita kawin, unmet need, akses informasi, komunikasi, sumber informasi
Kinerja Aparat Desa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Desa Pantai Labu Pekan
Issues raised in this study were: (1) Performance village officials in governance at the village Pantai Labu Pekan Subdistrict Pantai Labu, (2) Obstacles and barriers village official duties in improving governance in the Village Pantai Labu Pekan Subdistrict Pantai Labu, (3 ) The efforts barriers village official duties in improving governance in the village of Pantai Labu Sub Distrik Pantai Labu District of Deli Serdang. This study uses a qualitative description of data analysis methods that take the study site on Coast Village Office District of Coast Pantai Labu Pekan. Source of data in this study is the head of the village and local villagers. Data were collected by interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the Village Administrative District of Coast Pantai Labu Pekan Sub-Distrik Pantai Labu in terms of the governance process that emphasizes teamwork, discipline, creativity and responsibility have not been able to provide maximum services that fit the needs of the community
The influence of economic growth, energy consumption, poverty and population on Indonesia's environmental quality index
The quality of the environment is very important for the sustainability of a country’s economic development, and the environment is influenced by macroeconomic indicators. This study aimed to analyze the effect of economic growth, energy consumption, poverty and population on Indonesia’s quality of environment index. The data used in this research were secondary data and multiple linear regression was used to analyze the data. Based on the results, energy consumption and population have a significant effect on the index of the quality of the living environment in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the variables of economic growth and poverty have a partially insignificant effect on this index. So the results provide empirical evidence that environmentally friendly energy consumption actions have been well managed. The population was found to have a negative effect on environmental quality, perhaps partly due to irresponsible exploitation by residents where natural resources have became an easy choice for fulfilling needs. These actions must be recognized as damaging the environment and threatening the survival of life.
Keywords: environmental quality index, economic growth, population, poverty, energy consumptio
The Competitiveness of the Tourism Industry in West Sumatera with A Competitiveness Monitor Approach
Competitiveness is one of the criteria to determine the success and achievement of a better goal by a country in increasing income and economic growth[1,2]. This study aims to determine the high and low indicators that determine the competitiveness of the tourism sector and the level of competitiveness of the tourism sector in the cities in West Sumatra. In this study, the measurement of the competitiveness of the tourism industry uses eight indicators used by the World tourism organization (WTO) with competitiveness monitor approach[3]. This study uses secondary data. The analytical method used in this study is the tourism index, composite index and competitiveness index. The results of the analysis show that the competitiveness of tourism in the eight indicators is only the Infrastructure Development Indicator (IDI) which shows a low competitiveness value, while the other indicators have high competitiveness.
Keywords: competitiveness, composite index, indicators, contribution, touris
The Contribution of Arrival Number of Halal Tourism and Economic Growth of West Sumatra Based on the Supply Chain Strategy: Using the Cointegration Test
Abstract. The purpose of this research is to identify the relationship between the number of halal tourist arrivals of West Sumatra with economic growth by using the method of test and Granger cause testers Granger in the period 2000–2017. To review this written report, tourism growth is proxy with the number of tourist arrivals (LAR). While the economic consumption of income from tourism (LPAD) is utilized as a placeholder for the increase of tourism as the research. The significance of this research is the maturation of the tourism sector, which is more grievous in the hope it can contribute significantly to the economic and social development of the country in question. Further development in the tourism industry of West Sumatra as a tourist destination has put tourism industry, which knows the halal tourism industry as one of the important industry and the biggest contributor of the western Sumatra region
The Relationship between the Level of Corruption and Economic Growth in Indonesia: An Investigation using Supply Chain Strategy and Bounds Test
Global competition has intensified geographic repositioning of supply chain activities with implications for the economic prosperity of specific regions and geographies affected by such shifts. This study examines the relationship between the level of corruption and economic growth using the supply chain and ARDL bounds test method. The data used are GDP, the level of corruption, foreign direct investment, government spending and inflation from 2000-2018. The results of the study indicate a negative and significant impact on the level of corruption on economic growth in the long run. The implication of this research is that weak institutions, indicating the failure of government (corruption) that affect the performance of economic growth
Menangkal Radikalisme Dengan Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Nasionalisme Melalui Amaliyah Aswaja di SD Islamiyah Magetan
This study explains how the implementation of strengthening nationalism character education and what factors influence the implementation of nationalism character with Aswaja amaliyah as counter radicalism in SD Islamiyah Magetan. Then what are the impacts on counter radicalism? All these questions will be answered by researchers using a qualitative approach. This research uses descriptive analytical thinking method with field research. The results of this study are that students are able to fortify themselves from the influence of radicalism that spreads in schools and schools. The inhibiting factor is the influence of social media which is often accessed by students from propaganda. Meanwhile, another supporting factor is the commitment to the parents of students through good communication towards understanding the importance of nationalism character education through Amaliah Aswaja. So that it is hoped that it can support nationalism character education through Amaliah Aswaja able to ward off radicalism
Pengaruh Kredit Konsumtif Terhadap Tingkat Likuiditas Bank
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh Kredit konsumtif terhadap tingkat likuiditas pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk, Cabang Makassar di Kota Makassar. Variable yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kredit konsumtif sebagai variable X dan likuiditas yang diukur dengan Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) sebagai variable Y. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini seluruh data yang berkaitan dengan penyaluran kredit konsumtif dan tingkat likuiditas bank PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Cabang Makassar di Kota Makassar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan sampel adalah metode sampling (purposive sampling) dengan sampel yaitu data penyaluran kredit dan simpanan yang terkait dengan permasalahan yang akan diteliti selama lima tahun terakhir yaitu tahun 2013-2017 pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Cabang Makassar di Kota Makassar. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kredit konsumtif yang diberikan tidak berpengaruh terhadap tingkat likuiditas bank pada PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Cabang Makassar di Kota Makassar.
Kata Kunci: kredit konsumtif; likuiditas
Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi dan Karakteristik Pekerjaan Terhadap Knowledge Sharing: Organizational Citizenship Behavior Sebagai Mediasi
Organizational citizenshipxbehavior has been recognized as an important variable for every organization both in academicians and practitioners. Thexpurpose of this study is to investigate thexrole of organizatinal citizenship behavior as mediator onxthe relationshipxbetween perceivedxorganizational support, job characteritics and knowledge sharing. The number of respondents that could be used in this study was 37 employees of the CivilxServants inxthe Public Works andxPublic Housing Agencyxof the West Sumatra Region of Padang City. The resultsxof analysis showedxthat the perceived organizationalxsupport and jobxcharacteristics did not affect significantly knowledge sharing. Perceived organizationalxsupport wasxfound to have positive effect onxorganizational citizenship behavior and jobxcharacteristics did not influencexorganizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore,xorganizational citizenship behaviorxwas found to havexpositive effect on knowledgexsharing. In addition, organizationalxcitizenship behavior wasxproven to mediate thexrelationship between perceived organizationalxsupport and knowledge sharing.xHowever, it did notxmediate the relationship between jobxcharacteristics and knowledge sharing
Model Peningkatan Kinerja Melalui Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Intervening Karyawan PT. Incasi Raya Padang
The survey conducted turned out to be the low performance of PT. Incasi Raya Padang. This is certainly influenced by several factors, including the work environment, work discipline and work motivation. This study aims to see the influence of: a) The influence of the work environment, work discipline on employee work motivation. b). The influence of work motivation, work environment and work discipline on employee performance. c). The influence of the work environment and work discipline on the performance of PT. Incasi Raya Padang with work motivation as an intervention. The population and samples in this study were employees of PT. Incasi Raya Padang as many as 60 people. Sample determination using total sampling. Data processing using Path Analysis. The results of this study show that the work environment has a significant effect on employee motivation. Work discipline has no significant effect on employee motivation. Motivation has a significant effect on employee performance. The work environment does not have a significant effect on the performance of PT. Incasi Raya Padang. Work discipline has a significant effect on the performance of PT. Incasi Raya Padang. Indirectly, the work environment (X1) through motivation (Y) has a significant effect on employee performance. Indirectly, work discipline through motivation has an insignificant effect on PT. Incasi Raya Padang. The advice that can be conveyed in this study is for PT. Incasi Raya Padang can pay attention to employee comfort at work, because this is seen from the results of surveys and respondents' results on the work environment, it still shows poor results. Employee discipline must be prioritized and improved, so as to increase work motivation which has an impact on improving employee performance in carrying out tasks. Giving awards to employees in the form of position promotion can increase work motivation, so that it has a direct impact on employee performance