9 research outputs found
Collyria seals in the Roman Empire
Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time. This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire
Roman seals associated with collyria (Latin expression for eye drops /washes and lotions for eye maintenance) provide valuable information about eye care in the antiquity. These
small, usually stone-made pieces bore engravings with the names of eye doctors and also the collyria used to treat an eye disease. The collyria seals have been found all over the Roman
empire and Celtic territories in particular and were usually associated with military camps. In Hispania (Iberian Peninsula), only three collyria seals have been found. These findings speak about eye care in this ancient Roman province as well as about of the life of the time.
This article takes a look at the utility and social significance of the collyria seals and seeks to
give an insight in the ophthalmological practice of in the Roman Empire.Rimski pečati kojima su se pečatili koliriji (lat. collyrium – kapi, losioni, voda za oči) daju vrijedan uvid u postupke njege i liječenja očiju u antička vremena. U ove su se male kamene
pečate obično gravirala imena očnih liječnika i naziv kolirija koji se rabio za pojedinu očnu bolest. Pečati za kolirije pronađeni su posvuda u Rimskom Carstvu, a ponajviše na okupiranim keltskim teritorijima i to u vojnim logorima. U Hispaniji (na Iberijskom poluotoku) pronađena su tek tri takva pečata. Ovi nam nalazi govore o njezi očiju u ovoj staroj rimskoj provinciji i o životu u to doba. Cilj je članka razmotriti korisnost i društvenu važnost pečata za kolirije i pružiti čitatelju uvid u oftalmološku praksu u Rimskom Carstvu
Ojo seco: clasificación clínica y por citología de impresión
Clinical classification of dry eye (Grade 1 or subclinical: symptoms only in overexposure. Grade 2 or mild: symptoms in normal environments. Grade 3 or moderate: symptoms and reversible signs. Grade 4 or severe: symptoms and irreversible signs. Grade 5 or disabling: symptoms, signs and visual incapacity) has a numerical correlation (number to number) with impression cytology classification (Grade 1: goblet cells 300-400 cells/mm2 with PAS-positive cytoplasm, non secretory conjunctival cells with a size of 200-350 µm2, and N:C ratio of 1:3-1:4; corneal cells with an area of 300-400 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:4. Grade 2: goblet cells 200-300 cells/mm2 with PAS-positive cytoplasm, non secretory conjunctival cells with a size of 350-500 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:5; corneal cells with an area of 500-1000 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:8. Grade 3: goblet cells 50-200 cells/mm2 with PAS-positive cytoplasm, non secretory conjunctival cells with a size of 500-900 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:10; corneal cells with an area of 1000-1800 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:15. Grade 4: goblet cells 10-50 cells/mm2 with PAS-negative cytoplasm, non secretory conjunctival cells with a size of 900-1600 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:20; corneal cells with an area of 1800-2500 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:20. Grade 5: goblet cells less than 10 cells/mm2 with PAS-positive cytoplasm, non secretory conjunctival cells with a size of more than 1600 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:30; corneal cells with an area of more than 2500 µm2 and N:C ratio of 1:30; cytoplasm is keratinized)
P63 staining on human ocular surface
Purpose: It has been recently hypothesized that transcription factor p63 may be the earlier marker of epithelial stem cells during development. This paper evaluates the p63 location of the corneal and limbal area to find out the p63 expression pattern in the ocular surface. Methods: Human cornea and limbal tissue were used to detect p63 protein expression by immunohistochemistry. In situ hybridization with sense and anti-sense p63 probes were performed on the corneal and limbal tissue to confirm the p63 mRNA express pattern at the cornea and limbus. Results: P63 protein and mRNA were expressed only in the nuclei of the limbal basal epithelial cells layer. There was no staining on the corneal epithelial cells and limbal superficial epithelial cells. Conclusion: According to our findings, p63 which is located in limbal basal epithelial cells is a good marker for corneal stem cells, P63 could be used in the clinic practice to evaluate corneal stem cell activity.Propósito: Recientemente se ha hipotetizado que la proteína nuclear p63 es el primer marcador de las células madres del epitelio corneal durante el desarrollo. La presente publicación determina la localización de las células queratolimbales madres del epitelio corneal por el patrón de expresión p63 en la superficie ocular. Métodos: Se usó tejido queratolimbal humano para detectar por inmunohistoquimia el patrón de expresión de la proteína p63. Se desarrolló la hibridización in situ bidireccional para confirmar la expresión p63 mRNA en el anillo queratolimbal. Resultados: La proteína p63 y ARNm se expresaron sólo en los núcleos de la capa basal de las células epiteliales limbales. Conclusión: De acuerdo con nuestros hallazgos, la proteína p63 localizada en la células basales del epitelio queratolimbal es un buen marcador para detectar las células madres del epitelio corneal. La p63 podría utilizarse en práctica clínica para determinar la actividad de las células madres del epitelio corneal
Zeta-Plastia conjuntival. Nuevo método quirúrgico para corregir la conjuntivo-chálasis
Purpose: To look for a new method to resolve the lipcof pleats of patients with conjunctivochalasis without destruction of the pre-existing conjunctiva. Methods: Conjunctival zeta-plasty of the lower bulbar conjunctiva was tested in artificial models and in rabbits, and finally applied to four patients with conjunctivochalasis. In 3 cases the Z-plasty was performed by placing the central trunk of the Z in horizontal position, 4.5-5.5 mm from the lower limbus and 6 mm in length. The fourth patient had big pleats over the total length of the lower lid margin, and two smaller Z-plasties were performed at the same time one at the side of the other. Results: The lipcot pleats of four patients disappeared as did the previous symptoms of plerolacrima, epiphora, blurry vision and foreing body sensation. Conclusions: Z-plasty is an effective method for treating the symptomatic conjunctivochalasis. Its major advantage versus other methods is that it preserves the normal preexisting conjunctiva and its goblet cells
El aminoácido taurina está presente en grandes cantidades en lágrima humana
Purpose: Amino acids in micromolar range are present in free form in most of the extracellular fluid including blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and urine. Moreover, it is well known that they are also present in liquid secretions from exocrine glands such as milk, saliva, and semen with different functional roles. However, as far as we know there is a scarce knowledge about the presence of these compounds on human tears. Our purpose is to assess the presence of free amino acids on the product secretion of the human lacrimal gland, the tear, to better understand the function of these compounds on corneal and conjunctival physiology. Methods: Tear fluid was taken on filter paper without stimulation during a regular Schirmer`s test from the eyes of 36 healthy people which were aged between 18-50 years, and weighted. Filter papers were immediately dropped on tubes containing a sulfosalicylic acid solution (15% w/v, pH below 1) to extract soluble compounds including the amino acids, and to remove the proteins. Samples were maintained for 20 min at room temperature and then stored at -20ºC. Aliquots of these samples were analyzed for amino acid content by reversed-phase HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) technique using a pre-column fluorescent method with o- phthalaldeyde (OPA) derivatization. Results: We have detected and measured eleven amino acid including: aspartate, glutamate, serine, glutamine, histidine, glycine, threonine, arginine, taurine , alanine and tyrosine. Glutamine, which is the main amino acid in several extracellular fluids is only present in micromolar amounts on tears, in the range of low micromolar (0.06-0.40mM). Surprisingly, however, the tear levels of taurine, an amino acid, not present in proteins; without any metabolic role and seldom exists in extracellular fluid, raises to the millimolar amounts (0.14-5.7mM). The quantities of other amino acids resemble the plasma content. Conclusions: Because of the well known properties of taurine as an antioxidant and a membrane protecting agent, a physiological role in protecting the epithelial cells of the cornea and the conjunctiva has been proposed due to the high amount of taurine found in human tears
Relación entre el eje biométrico del ojo y las características de las estructuras oculares en la miopía
Objective: To establish a relationship between the biometric axis, the characteristics of the ocular structures and the state of fundus oculi in the myopic eye. Methods: We carried out a complete ophthalmological study with biometry in 301 myopic eyes. The results were analized by statistical studies. Results: We observed etiological differences in myopia according to sex. In men it was always axial myopia, however keratometry had influence in women. We verified that there is not relationship between the refraction degree and the changes in fundus oculi. Conclusions: The myopia was predominantly axial. The corneal dioptric power had influence in women but not in men. An inverse relationship exists between the axial length and keratometry. We do not consider ocular lengthening to be the main cause in alterations of fundus oculi.Objetivo: Establecer una relación entre el eje biométrico, las características de los dioptrios oculares y el estado del fondo en el ojo miope. Material y métodos: Estudiamos 300 ojos miopes, realizando un estudio oftalmológico completo y biometría. Los resultados se analizaron estadísticamente. Resultados: Hemos observado diferencias etiológicas en la miopía según el sexo, siendo en los varones siempre de tipo axial, mientras que en las mujeres influyó la queratometría. Comprobamos que no existe una relación entre el grado de refracción y las alteraciones en polo posterior. Conclusiones: En general la miopía fue de tipo axial, influyendo el poder dióptrico corneal en las mujeres pero no en los varones. Existe relación inversa entre la longitud axial y la queratometría. No consideramos la elongación ocular la causa principal de las alteraciones funduscópicas
La forma de la pupila en el reino animal: de la pseudopupila a la pupila vertical
Objetivo: estudiar las distintas formas que la pupila adquiere en las diferentes especies animales.
Material y métodos: revisión de la literatura, utilizando PubMed. La estrategia inicial de búsqueda fue pupil shape (limitada a animals). También se revisaron 2 textos relacionados: System of Ophthalmology (Duke-Elder) y Evolution's witness (I. Schwab).
Resultados: en los ojos compuestos de los insectos es habitual observar una ilusión óptica que recibe el nombre de pseudopupila. La pupila tiene en la mayor parte de los vertebrados forma circular. Sin embargo en los gatos y en algunas especies de serpiente adopta forma vertical. La apertura vertical podría tener una función fotoprotectora al conseguir una reducción más efectiva de la entrada de luz en el ojo. Se ha especulado con que ayudaría a corregir la aberración cromática, y probablemente ayuda a camuflar al animal. En los rumiantes es habitual la pupila en hendidura horizontal. Esta forma podría potenciar la capacidad del sistema visual para detectar siluetas verticales. En el medio marino es frecuente que la pupila adopte forma de creciente, debido a la presencia de un opérculo superior que protegería la retina del exceso de luz procedente de la superficie.
Conclusión: la forma de la pupila ofrece una sorprendente variabilidad gracias a la cual la naturaleza ha adaptado el ojo a diversas circunstancias. Las teorías propuestas para justificar esta gran variabilidad se discuten de forma detallada en el artículo