877 research outputs found

    People v. Hickman, 9 J. Marshall J. Prac. & Proc. 517 (1975)

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    Towards the development of a resource allocation model for primary, continuing and community care in the health services - Volume 1

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    This report proposes a resource allocation model for the Irish health services based on the principle that each Irish resident should be provided with access to health services funded from general taxation and in proportion to their need for those services. At the moment, such a system cannot be deployed as some necessary financial information is not available. The information could be made available, and should be done as quickly as possible. If this information were made available, the model proposed here, while very crude, would serve as a good starting point for resource allocation and should be initiated as soon as possible. Any reasonable system of resource allocation would be an improvement on the system that is currently in place

    Alien Registration- Murrin, Richard (Winterport, Waldo County)

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    A Study of 5G Cellular Connectivity to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    The market of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has seen significant growth in the past ten years on both the commercial and military sides. The applications for UAVs are endless and options by manufacturers allow users to modify their drones for their specific goals. This industry has opened up the excitement of piloting vehicles in the air, photography, videography, exploration of nature from a different point of view and many other hobbies assisted by the emergence of UAVs. The growth of this industry coincides with the roll out of new 5G cellular network technology. This upgrade in cellular network infrastructure allows users higher bandwidth, lower latency, more devices per cell and higher reliability. This has created the question, is 5G suited to support UAV activity? Potentially allowing for two-way transmission of images, videos and data between ground users and the unmanned aerial vehicle. There are many challenges that are presented in flying under these communication conditions which need to be explored such as signal reliability, especially in rural areas, the effects of rapidly changing altitudes or velocity of the drone and the effects of antennas that are tuned for terrestrial users. The first of its kind work provided in this thesis, will show results for different UAV experiments on a commercial 5G cellular network in the Clemson, South Carolina area. This is a comprehensive study of both low-band and mid-band 5G cellular coverage relating to UAVs as well as a baseline to existing LTE coverage when available. Featuring first of its kind permission to conduct research on a fully commercial cellular network. This research area is largely new, limited information is currently public on the research into commercial 5G cellular networks supporting UAVs. Other researchers are also starting to collect different key performance indicators (KPIs) for flight signals. Most of their works differ in setup, often using private base stations to give connection, but many of these works will be discussed further in the thesis. LTE and 5G enabled flight allows for a wide variety of applications to use UAVs such as natural disaster assessment, animal poaching surveillance, wild fire detection and prevention, assessing the scene of an accident before police arrive and other more hobby or recreational uses. The end goal is to assure that 5G connection is strong enough to transmit the UAVs real time data, which necessary to help first responders on the ground. When many of the potential uses of a cellular connected UAV are potentially life saving, every second counts and signal needs to be fast, reliable and low latency. Therefore, reliable and high bandwidth communication is necessary for unmanned aerial vehicles to take the next step in real life use cases and to begin to explore the option of beyond visual line of sight (BVLoS) flight and 5G might be the network tools which can get it there

    Alien Registration- Murrin, Mabel (Winterport, Waldo County)

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    Therapeutic potential of a ketogenic diet in the treatment of major depressive disorder

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the second most common mental health condition and a leading cause of disability in the world. It is theorized that MDD develops from a combination of biological, psychological, and social stressors. The condition is typically treated using pharmaceuticals and psychotherapy. However, not all individuals with MDD have access to or choose to use these treatments, or may prefer to incorporate therapeutic lifestyle changes such as exercise, sleep, and healthy eating. Even with treatment, MDD can alter brain structure and function, leading to the development of comorbid mental health and chronic metabolic conditions like obesity, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes. Physiological mechanisms that can be significantly affected by MDD episodes include brain glucose metabolism, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) production and activity, and antioxidant function. This paper reviews existing literature to examine these components of the pathophysiology of MDD and outline how treatments could functionally improve the condition. Most research has examined the relationship between nutrition and MDD utilizing traditional interventions, like low-fat diets, but more recent studies have explored alternative nutrition therapies. Animal-models have shown potential for the use of the ketogenic diet as nutrition therapy for MDD by demonstrating improved metabolism of alternative nutrients, increased BDNF activity, and improved antioxidant capacity in the brain. However, to date, there are no studies that examine the effects of a ketogenic diet on a human population with MDD. Future research is warranted to determine whether a ketogenic diet is a safe and reliable medical nutrition therapy for MDD

    She whispered to the moon

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    Creating good feelings about unhealthy food: children’s televised ‘advertised diet’ on the island of Ireland, in a climate of regulation

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    Childhood eating habits and associations with advertising persist through life. Obesity is high in Ireland, and is increasing worldwide. Links between food promotion and children’s diets are well-established, and the World Health Organisation has called for reduced marketing of foods high in fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) to children. In Ireland and the UK, statutory regulation restricts HFSS television advertising, but only during children’s programming – yet children view much television at other times. This study is the first to identify young children’s exposure to television food advertising on the island of Ireland (IoI), and its nature, with systematic sampling according to Irish audience panel research. Food advertisements were nutrient profiled and content analyses were conducted of marketing techniques. The IoI ‘advertised diet’ viewed by young children primarily features dairy and fast foods, pizza, sweets and chocolate, normalising this consumption and associating it with taste/aroma, fun, magic/ imagination, physical activity, humour and exaggerated pleasure. HFSS ads primarily featured taste/aroma, humour and novelty. Despite complying with statutory regulations, more than half of IoI food advertisements featured HFSS items; young children see over 1000 HFSS ads annually in the Republic of Ireland, nearly 700 in Northern Ireland. Policy implications for remedying children’s HFSS ad exposure include (i) applying food advertising restrictions to times when higher proportions of young children watch television – not just child-directed programming – as well as to digital media, (ii) employing a stricter nutrient profiling method and (iii) normalising children’s ‘advertised diet’ by exploring ways to advertise healthy foods

    Binge Learning – A Conceptual-Developmental Model

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    Whilst publications exist identifying the concept of binge learning, little consideration has been paid to its alignment with government policy, modern society and technology – effectively its causes and resultant outcomes. This paper provides a conceptual model to explain the underlying causes and net outputs of binge learning, and identifies the social construct faced through its development over time

    Numerical Investigation of the Influence of Span-wise Force Variation in Circular Cylinders Undergoing Vortex Induced Vibrations at High Reynolds Number

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    The focus of this research is on the development of a new approach for simulating vortex induced vibrations on marine risers at high Reynolds numbers. This method considers the span-wise variation of the lift and drag forces, and determines the moment acting on the cylinder. The predicted motion then consists of a rotational component to accompany the traditional cross-stream and stream-wise translations normally associated with vortex induced vibrations. This was accomplished by describing the motion of the cylinder using a set of springs and dampers. A moment acting on the cylinder causes the springs on one end to compress, and stretch on the other, thus rotating the cylinder. A Large Eddy Simulation (LES) computational fluid dynamics code running on 16 3Ghz processors was used to calculate the unsteady flow and at each time step the hydrodynamic forces acting on the cylinder were calculated in a separate routine based on the pressure distribution around the cylinder. This information was then used to solve two second-order ordinary differential equations, which gave the velocity and displacement of the cylinder in cross-flow and rotational planes. This information was transferred back to the code where the cylinder was displaced and another cycle of calculations was started. The simulated results showed that the correlation length was higher for a cylinder subject to pure translation compared to a cylinder free to translate and rotate in the cross-stream direction. This has implications for current numerical and experimental techniques since it has been traditionally assumed that the flow around a circular cylinder becomes two-dimensional during vortex induced vibrations. Consequently, empirical,numerical and experimental models have generally only considered cross stream and/or stream-wise translation. The extent to which the experimental apparatus or harmonic model may have influenced the behavior of the riser by eliminating span-wise amplitude variation is important information that should be considered for future riser designs
