228 research outputs found

    Review of the clinical evidence for interferon β 1a (Rebif®) in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

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    Interferon (INF) β 1a 22 or 44 μg (Rebif®) administered s.c. 3 times a week (t.i.w) is a well established immunomodulating treatment for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). This review focuses on its mechanisms of action, evidence of efficacy, safety, and tolerability. Several pharmacodynamic properties explain the immunomodulatory actions of INF β 1a 22 or 44 μg s.c. t.i.w. Pivotal trials and post-marketing studies proved that the drug is effective in reducing disease activity and likely in slowing disease progression. Head-to-head comparative studies with other marketed INFs β in RRMS suggested a better therapeutic response associated with higher doses and frequency of administration of Rebif®. Additional evidence indicated a beneficial effect of INF β 1a in patients with clinically isolated syndromes (CIS) suggestive of MS, as treatment reduced time to conversion to clinically definite (CD) disease. Further, although the drug did not prove to slow time to progression there were benefits on relapse- and MRI-related secondary outcome measures in secondary progressive (SP) MS. Pivotal trials, their cross-over extensions, and post-marketing studies consistently showed that INF β 1a 22 or 44 μg s.c. t.i.w. is safe and well tolerated, as adverse drug reactions are usually mild and manageable

    Association between Type-D Personality and Affective (Anxiety, Depression, Post-traumatic Stress) Symptoms and Maladaptive Coping in Breast Cancer Patients: A Longitudinal Study

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    Background: Type-D (distressed) personality has not been prospectively explored for its association with psychosocial distress symptoms in breast cancer patients. Objective: The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that Type-D personality can be associated with psychosocial distress variables in cancer over a 2-point period (6 month-follow-up). Aims: The aim of the study was to analyze the role of Type-D personality in relation to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress symptoms, general distress, and maladaptive coping among cancer patients. Methods: 145 breast cancer patients were assessed within 6 months from diagnosis (T0) and again 6 months later (T1). The Type-D personality Scale, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Depression subscale (HAD-D), the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) Anxiety subscale, the Distress Thermometer (DT), the Post-traumatic Symptoms (PTS) Impact of Event Scale (IES), and the Mini Mental Adjustment to Cancer (Mini-MAC) Anxious Preoccupation and Hopelessness scales were individually administered at T0 and T1. Results: One-quarter of cancer patients met the criteria for Type-D personality, which was stable over the follow-up time. The two main constructs of TypeD personality, namely social inhibition (SI) and negative affectivity (NA), were related to anxiety, depression, PTS, BSI-general distress and maladaptive coping (Mini-MAC anxious preoccupation and hopelessness). In regression analysis, Type-D SI was the most significant factor associated with the above-mentioned psychosocial variables, both at T0 and T1. Conclusion: Likewise other medical disorders (especially cardiology), Type-D personality has been confirmed to be a construct significantly related to psychosocial distress conditions and maladaptive coping that are usually part of assessment and intervention in cancer care. More attention to personality issues is important in oncology

    Terapia endodontica in seguito ad avulsione dentaria: revisione della letteratura.

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    INTRODUZIONE E SCOPO DELLO STUDIO In seguito al reimpianto di un elemento dentario avulso è facile incorrere in processi infettivi e di riassorbimento. A tal proposito critica è la condizione endodontica; la polpa necrotica può infatti facilmente infettarsi. Un’adeguata terapia endodontica si rileva quindi fondamentale per impedire o arrestare le possibili complicanze. Questo studio si pone l’obiettivo di eseguire una revisione sistematica della letteratura e di valutare quale debba essere la corretta gestione endodontica in seguito a reimpianto.MATERIALI E METODI Si esegue una ricerca della letteratura ponendo come domanda chiave quale debba essere la terapia endodontica del dente avulso e reimpiantato.Utilizzando quindi il catalogo MeSH si restringe il campo di ricerca tramite il termine booleano AND e lo si limita ai Major Topics. La stringa ottenuta viene applicata a PubMed.Gli item ricavati vengono sottoposti quindi ad una ulteriore analisi effettuata tramite valori descritti dal Center for Evidence-Based Medicine e dal Clinical Appraisal Skill Programme del National Health Service (UK).CONCLUSIONI La revisione della letteratura di tipo sistematico permette di vagliare oggettivamente la moltitudine di articoli oggi disponibili rendendo quindi più semplice il compito al clinico che quotidianamente affronta le diverse tematiche.Questo studio ha posto un quesito che è però rimasto irrisolto, in quanto la terapia endodontica dell’elemento avulso con dry-time > 1 ora permane argomento di discussione.Esiste una dicotomia tra chi sostiene la necessità di intervenire extra-oralmente e chi invece intra-oralmente. Si pone quindi la necessità di eseguire ulteriori studi clinici con rigidi protocolli

    Valutazione al SEM di file endodontici dopo procedure di detersione

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    Il presente lavoro valuta la morfologia dei file endodontici dopo aver subito dievsre procedure di detersion

    Antioxidant capacity and protein oxidation in cerebrospinal fluid of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    Background The causes of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) are unknown. A bulk of evidence supports the hypothesis that oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction can be implicated in ALS pathogenesis. Methods We assessed, in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and in plasma of 49 ALS patients and 8 controls, the amount of oxidized proteins (AOPP, advanced oxidation protein products), the total antioxidant capacity (FRA, the ferric reducing ability), and, in CSF, two oxidation products, the 4-hydroxynonenal and the sum of nitrites plus nitrates. Results The FRA was decreased (p = 0.003) in CSF, and AOPP were increased in both CSF (p = 0.0039) and plasma (p = 0.001) of ALS patients. The content of AOPP was differently represented in CSF of ALS clinical subsets, resulting in increase in the common and pseudopolyneuropathic forms (p < 0.001) and nearly undetectable in the bulbar form, as in controls. The sum of nitrites plus nitrates and 4-hydroxynonenal were unchanged in ALS patients compared with controls. Conclusion Our results, while confirming the occurrence of oxidative stress in ALS, indicate how its effects can be stratified and therefore implicated differently in the pathogenesis of different clinical forms of ALS

    Rivascolarizzazione pulpare in seguito a reimpianto dentale: caso clinico.

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    INTRODUZIONE E SCOPO DELLO STUDIO In seguito ad avulsione dentaria il processo di guarigione del fascio vascolo-nervoso determina il piano terapeutico.Studi effettuati sulla reazione della polpa hanno permesso di identificare diversi processi di guarigione.Numerosi studi eseguiti hanno portato ad osservare la formazione di tessuto duro lungo le pareti dentinali circa 17 giorni dopo il reimpianto; mentre si osservano nuove fibre nervose circa un mese dopo. Studi di tipo microangiografico hanno dimostrato la presenza di nuovi vasi già a 4 giorni dal reimpianto; dopo 10 giorni sono stati rilevati vasi nel terzo apicale e dopo 30 giorni nell’intera camera pulpare. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di presentare un caso clinico di rivascolarizzazione pulpare in seguito a reimpianto.MATERIALI E METODI Il paziente, di 8 anni, presenta entrambi gli incisivi centrali superiori avulsi in seguito ad un incidente sportivo.Giunge all’osservazione 30 minuti dopo il trauma, con gli elementi dentari conservati in soluzione fisiologica sin dai primi istanti. Entrambi gli elementi presentano apice beante e non completa formazione della radice.Seguendo le linee guida della IADT si decide di reimpiantare gli elementi e di eseguire uno splintaggio semi-flessibile.Si eseguono successivi controlli clinici e radiografici a 1-3-6 e 12 mesi.CONCLUSIONI Nei denti con incompleta formazione radicolare è possibile andare incontro a rivascolarizzazione; tuttavia i test elettrici e termici non sono affidabili in seguito a traumi dentali, in quanto possono dare falsi negativi. La valutazione clinica di un dente traumatizzato però richiede uno studio sintomatico, visivo e radiografico. Se il dente diviene necrotico o infetto si può andare incontro ad un processo di riassorbimento radicolare che può condurre alla perdita del dente in breve tempo.Una diminuzione della dimensione della camera pulpare o del canale radicolare sull’immagine radiografica è un segno affidabile della vitalità pulpare.Il caso discusso rappresenta la possibilità di rivascolarizzazione in seguito a reimpianto a breve termine

    Rischi e problematiche medico-legali in epilessia

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    For patients with epilepsy coping with the reaction of other people can sometimes be the most difficult part of living with the disease. In many Countries social implications of epilepsy have determined the institution of legislative interventions to patient's rights. Therefore the clinician's responsibility includes helping patients in knowing their rights and the most important laws that have special relevance for people with epilepsy. This article discusses legislative aspects, referring to the Italian law, concerning epilepsy management. Many areas of the life of a person with epilepsy are considered, such as driving, employment, and recreational pursuits

    Genetic or pharmacological blockade of noradrenaline synthesis enhances the neurochemical, behavioral, and neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine

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    N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4) lesions of the locus coeruleus, the major brain noradrenergic nucleus, exacerbate the damage to nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) terminals caused by the psychostimulant methamphetamine (METH). However, because noradrenergic terminals contain other neuromodulators and the noradrenaline (NA) transporter, which may act as a neuroprotective buffer, it was unclear whether this enhancement of METH neurotoxicity was caused by the loss of noradrenergic innervation or the loss of NA itself. We addressed the specific role of NA by comparing the effects of METH in mice with noradrenergic lesions (DSP-4) and those with intact noradrenergic terminals but specifically lacking NA (genetic or acute pharmacological blockade of the NA biosynthetic enzyme dopamine beta-hydroxylase; DBH). We found that genetic deletion of DBH (DBH-/- mice) and acute treatment of wild-type mice with a DBH inhibitor (fusaric acid) recapitulated the effects of DSP-4 lesions on METH responses. All three methods of NA depletion enhanced striatal DA release, extracellular oxidative stress (as measured by in vivo microdialysis of DA and 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid), and behavioral stereotypies following repeated METH administration. These effects accompanied a worsening of the striatal DA neuron terminal damage and ultrastructural changes to medium spiny neurons. We conclude that NA itself is neuroprotective and plays a fundamental role in the sensitivity of striatal DA terminals to the neurochemical, behavioral, and neurotoxic effects of METH

    The relationship between demoralization and depressive symptoms among patients from the general hospital: Network and exploratory graph analysis

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    Introduction: Depression and demoralization are highly prevalent among individuals with physical illnesses but their relationship is still unclear. Objective: To examine the relationship between clinical features of depression and demoralization with the network approach to psychopathology. Methods: Participants were recruited from the medical wards of a University Hospital in Italy. The Demoralization Scale (DS) was used to assess demoralization, while the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) to assess depressive symptoms. The structure of the depression-demoralization symptom network was examined and complemented by the analysis of topological overlap and Exploratory Graph Analysis (EGA) to identify the most relevant groupings (communities) of symptoms and their connections. The stability of network models was estimated with bootstrap procedures and results were compared with factor analysis. Results: Life feeling pointless, low mood/discouragement, hopelessness and feeling trapped were among the most central features of the network. EGA identified four communities: (1) Neurovegetative Depression, (2) Loss of purpose, (3) Frustrated Isolation and (4) Low mood and morale. Loss of purpose and low mood/morale were largely connected with other communities through anhedonia, hopelessness and items related to isolation and lack of emotional control. Results from EGA displayed good stability and were comparable to those from factor analysis. Limitations: Cross-sectional design; sample heterogeneity Conclusions: Among general hospital inpatients, features of depression and demoralization are independent, with the exception of low mood and self-reproach. The identification of symptom groupings around entrapment and helplessness may provide a basis for a dimensional characterization of depressed/demoralized patients, with possible implications for treatment

    Neuroactive Steroids in First-Episode Psychosis: A Role for Progesterone?

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    Neuroactive steroids may play a role in the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders, but few studies examined this issue. We compared serumlevels of cortisol, testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, and progesterone between a representative sample of firstepisode psychosis (FEP) patients and age- and gender-matched healthy subjects. Furthermore, we analyzed the associations between neuroactive steroids levels and the severity of psychotic symptom dimensions.Male patients had lower levels of progesterone than controls