4 research outputs found

    Testicular Morphological and Ultrasonographic Characterization of Male Gray Brocket Deers (Mazama gouazoubira) in Different Reproductive Status

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    Background: Gray brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) populations have been declining due to human intervention. Yet, only a few studies have assessed ultrasonographic testicular characteristics in cervids. Considering the relevance of monitoring testicular size, blood flow, and parenchyma, the present study aims to establish baseline information on scrotal circumference, testicular volume, and spectral Doppler parameters, to describe differences among adult male gray brocket deer in different reproductive status, and to correlate ultrasound parameters with testes size measurements.Materials, Methods & Results: Six adult male gray brocket deers were used in the study. Scrotal circumference and testicular volume were measured. B mode ultrasound images of testes (longitudinal and cross-sectional views) and epididymes were subjected to computer-assisted analysis, obtaining the numerical pixel values (NPV) and pixel standard deviation (PSD). Using spectral Doppler, supratesticular artery blood flow velocities (peak systolic velocity - PSV, end diastolic velocity - EDV, time-average maximum velocity - TAMAX, resistivity - RI and pulsatility indices - PI) were obtained. Semen was analyzed through total motility, vigor, and concentration tests. Three animals were normospermic (F+ group) and three were oligo/azoospermic (F- group). Groups were compared using were compared using a one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis followed by Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) test. Ultrasound parameters were correlated to testes size parameters using Pearson’s correlation for parametric variables and Spearman’s correlation for non-parametric variables. F+ group presented significantly higher scrotal circumference (14.57 ± 1.19 cm), testicular volume (26.18 ± 4.94 cm3), and testes cross-sectional NPV (69.88 ± 24.00) and PSD (10.78 ± 3.42) than group F- (NPV: 28.26 ± 13.75, PSD: 6.70 ± 1.84). No significant differences were observed between the groups regarding the spectral Doppler ultrasound parameters. Significant correlations were observed between scrotal circumference and longitudinal (r = 0.76) and cross-sectional testes NPV (r = 0.89), and testicular volume was correlated with longitudinal (r = 0.78) and cross-sectional testes NPV (r = 0.91) and with cross-sectional testes PSD (ρ = 0.82).Discussion: Increased testicular echogenicity (higher NPV) has been positively associated with improved testicular growth, cell population expansion, inner and outer seminiferous tubules diameter, spermatids percentages and testis weight. In addition, more heterogenous testes (higher PSD) were associated with higher sperm output. It was suggested that the animals in group F- had compromised testicular development and spermatogenesis. The correlation observed between testes NPV and scrotal circumference was proposed to be associated with seminiferous tubules impairment. The F- group showed lower testicular volume, NPVs and PSDs in cross-sectional testicular images, suggesting higher protein levels and lower lipid contents were present in their parenchyma, influencing in testicular echogenicity and echotexture. No differences in spectral Doppler parameters were observed between the two groups. Also observed in stallions. However, PSV, EDV, TAMAX could be potential infertility indicators in other mammalians. These different results may be due to different locations of the evaluated vessel, species and techniques, age, ambient temperature, pathological conditions, and anaesthesia. Thus, it is suggested that scrotal circumference, testicular volume, and testes NPV are good indicators of male reproductive health in gray brocket deer and may help with better male selection in the species

    Ceratoconjuntivite seca associada a degeneração de retina e esclerose nuclear em cadela: Relato de Caso

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    Diversas alterações na retina e no cristalino ocorrem com o envelhecimento, culminando em degenerações de retina e esclerose nuclear para os quais não há tratamento. A ceratoconjuntivite seca é uma patologia imuno-mediada, mais em animais idosos, caracterizada por uma inflamação exarcebada nas glândulas lacrimais, reduzindo a produção de lágrimas. A sintomatologia das degenerações de retina é uma cegueira, enquanto na esclerose nuclear apenas uma opacidade no cristalino é observada. A sintomatologia principal da ceratoconjuntivite seca inclui conjuntiva hiperêmica e presença de secreção mucoide ou mucopurulenta. Seu tratamento principal envolve agentes imunomodulares e anti-inflamatórios, entre outros. O diagnóstico é feito com os seguintes exames oftalmológicos: com lâmpada de fenda, fluoresceína, Teste de Schirmer e fundoscopia com oftalmoscópio. Desta forma, foi realizada a avaliação oftalmológica do animal deste relato de caso, enfatizando e discutindo os resultados obtidos nos exames supracitados. Palavras-chaves: Ceratoconjuntivite seca. Atrofia progressiva de retina. Esclerose nuclear


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    The brown brocket deer is in risk of extinction in two brazilian states. Therefore, more studies on semen evaluation may be useful to improve male reproductive capacity assessment. In this sense, this study evaluated the sperm viability using eosin-nigrosin and compared the results of fresh and cooled semen samples. Although the viability decreased in cooled semen, it maintained a satisfactory result.O veado-catingueiro está em risco de extinção em dois estados brasileiros. Portanto, mais estudos sobre a avaliação do sêmen podem ser úteis para melhorar a avaliação da capacidade reprodutiva masculina. Nesse sentido, este estudo avaliou a viabilidade espermática utilizando eosina-nigrosina e comparou os resultados de amostras de sêmen fresco e resfriado. Embora a viabilidade tenha diminuído no sêmen resfriado, manteve um resultado satisfatório

    Crotalus durissus venom: biological effects and relevant applications

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    Snakes have an important biological role in the ecological chain, as well as in scientific researches performed with the venoms produced by them, since the enzyme-protein fractions these substances possess have been studied as pharmacological tools for the discovery of new therapies. Snakes of the genus Crotalus have gained significant relevance in the scientific field, since the venom produced by these reptiles has been the target of researchers in a few decades, due to the composition and the effects that these substances can produce. In Brazil, a single species represents the genus, which is Crotalus durissus. This review demonstrates that even with the advancement in scientific research on the composition, role and application of the venom produced by the subspecies of Crotalus durissus snake, it is necessary to further study their fractions and their action potential, which also demonstrates the how rich are these active components in different fields of biomedicine