1,139 research outputs found

    L'intervento di volontaria giurisdizione del giudice nelle società di capitali

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    La volontaria giurisdizione. L’omologazione. I poteri integrativi e sostitutivi del giudice. La denunzia al tribunale.La volontaria giurisdizione. L’omologazione. I poteri integrativi e sostitutivi del giudice. La denunzia al tribunale.LUISS PhD Thesi

    The Effects of a Self-Management Treatment Package on Physical Activity in University Students with Depressive Symptoms

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    Research demonstrates that exercise interventions are effective in decreasing depressive symptoms; however, these treatments are infrequently implemented in clinical practice. Self-management techniques offer an effective, cost-efficient approach to teaching individuals with depression to engage in increased physical activity. This study evaluated a treatment package including goal setting, self-monitoring, and feedback for increasing participants’ daily steps. Secondary measures included depressive symptoms, sleep quality and duration. A changing-criterion design within a concurrent multiple baseline design across two participant dyads was used. Results demonstrated that the treatment was efficacious for increasing walking in participants, with varying degrees of consistency. Additionally, increased walking may improve sleep duration. Mid-treatment scores on the University Student Depression Inventory showed decreases in some symptoms (i.e., lower total and, or subscale[s] scores) suggesting walking may be associated with a decrease in some symptoms. Clinician ratings on the Clinical Global Impression Scale indicated that the change in symptoms were significant

    Making the Most of Monday

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    Readers’ Perceptions of Newsworthiness and Bias as Factors in Participation with Digital News Content

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    Audience participation with digital news content has become a central feature of news consumption. These participatory news behaviors – commenting on, sharing, and “liking” news stories – have implications for both newsreaders and producers of news. This dissertation tests a structural model of commenting behavior using survey data (N = 335). The model builds on suggestions of a connection between hostile-media effects and commenting. This study adds newsworthiness to the structural equation, hypothesizing that newsworthiness increases readers’ perceptions that an article will influence other readers. These relationships should increase hostile-media effects, and, therefore, a reader’s likelihood of commenting. The model tested had indicators of good fit, although hostile-media effects did not play a prominent role in the structural model. Readers, rather, were more likely to comment if they found the article threatened norms – a dimension of newsworthiness – and if they had routinely commented on news stories prior to the study. The study also revealed that readers are more likely to comment if they are male, and if they believe their comments can influence the conversation

    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis: 2013 update

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    Glucocorticoids are the most common cause of secondary osteoporosis leading to the so-called glucocorticoidinduced osteoporosis (GIO). A treatment with 10 mg/d of prednisone or equivalent for more than 3 months leads to a 7-fold increase in hip fractures and a 17-fold increase in vertebral fractures. The difference between bone quantity and quality in GIO makes bone mineral density measurements inadequate to detect patients at risk of fracture. The adverse effects of glucocorticoids on the skeleton derive from a direct impact on bone cells with a severe impairment of mechanical competence. Crucial to prevention of GIO is early timing of intervention. The World Health Organization has adopted a fracture prevention algorithm (FRAX) intended to estimate fracture risk in GIO. The American College of Rhematology modified its prevention and treatment guidelines taking into account the individual risk of fracture calculated in GIO on the basis of the FRAX algorithm. Recently, also a joint Guideline Working Group of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) and the European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) published a framework for the development of national guidelines for the management of GIO. Bisphosphonates are the first-line drugs to treat GIO; teriparatide counteracts several fundamental pathophysiologic aspects of GIO; denosumab is useful in patients with renal failure and in potentially pregnant young women. Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty may be less beneficial in GIO than in primary involutional osteoporosis

    Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis and rheumatic diseases. Pathogenesis, prevention and treatment

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    Glucocorticoids (GC) are diffusely used to treat a wide variety of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, including rheumatic diseases. GC-induced osteoporosis (GIO) is the most common and serious side-effect for patients receiving GC. Loss of bone mineral density (BMD) is greatest in the first few months of GC use; fracture (Fx) risk is significantly increased at the spine and hip on doses even as low as 2.5 mg of prednisolone daily; Fx risk increases rapidly from the onset of therapy and, for a given BMD, is higher in GIO than in postmenopausal OP. General measures to reduce bone loss include use of the lowest effective dose; consideration of alternative routes of administration; adequate calcium and vitamin D supplementation. Today, results from large randomised controlled clinical trials provide evidence that bone loss and Fx may be prevented through the use of bone sparing agents (hormone therapy, bisphosphonates, PTH 1-34). Bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate) are first-choice therapy for the prevention and treatment of GIO; patients at high risk for Fx, for example those in post-menopausal status or aged ³65 years and those with a prior fragility Fx, should be advised to start bone-protective therapy at the time of starting GC. Due to the prevalence of GC use, it is imperative that there be a greater awareness of GIO and of therapies that may be offered to patients both for prevention and treatmen

    La crise démographique de 1740 à Charleville

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    La crise démographique qui a touché une partie du nord de l’Europe dans les années 1740 est le point de départ d’une étude intégrant une source historique particulière : les dénombrements de Charleville, véritable fenêtre sur l’évolution démographique d’une population en situation de crise. L’article prend en compte les informations existantes sur la crise économique et démographique de 1740 et sur sa gestion spécifique. Les données recueillies dans les registres paroissiaux, les dénombrements et d’autres registres administratifs de Charleville se complètent en vue d’interroger, sur une base quantitative et à l’échelle de la ville, les raisons de la crise, et d’observer ses répercussions à l’échelle des ménages. En ce qui concerne l’effondrement démographique, il peut être étroitement associé à des causes de type épidémique renforcées par le dépérissement et la sous-alimentation. Le rôle de la mobilité et des migrations s’avère important dans la diminution de la population à cette période.Taking the demographic crisis that hit parts of northern Europe in the 1740s as its starting point, this study examines the possibility offered by a historical source, the Charleville censuses, to provide information on the demographic trends of a population in crisis. First of all, the article considers existing information on the demographic and economic crisis of 1740 and the management of this specific situation. The complementary information compiled in Charleville’s parish registers, censuses and other administrative records are used to examine the reasons for the crisis on a quantitative, town-wide basis, and to note its impact on household size. The demographic collapse was no doubt closely associated with epidemic causes strengthen by undernourishment and malnutrition. Mobility and migration are also shown to have played an important part in the population decline during this period

    Amministratori, possidenti, tessitori e contadini: ritratto relazionale di una comunità dell’ottocento veneto

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    This article describes the hierarchical system, the management and the social integration of families in a textile community of the Venetian countryside, Follina (TV) in the nineteenth century. The article considers how families relate each other within the community, fitting in the social context. For these reasons it is important to measure the distance and the relationships ‘between’ families and ‘towards’ families who constitute the communitarian leadership, i.e. the notables who wield the economic (often wool entrepreneurs), the political and the parish power. The social network analysis is often cited in social history as a possible explanatory model of historical processes, as it would be able to overcome the rigid classification schemes of class membership. However, it remains a rarely practiced approach. If it is used in a formal way, it allows to understand the relational dynamics actually experienced by individuals, social groups, families and kinships. A relational dynamic reconstruction between 1834 and 1888 is carried out by means of a detailed study of kinship and godparenthood relations. This reconstruction allows to observe the role played by different elites over time and their different attitudes, in terms of integration or social isolation

    (μ-2,2′-Bipyrimidine-κ4 N 1,N 1′:N 3,N 3′)bis­[triaqua­(sulfato-κO)manganese(II)]

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    The title complex, [Mn2(SO4)2(C8H6N4)(H2O)6], is the second monoclinic polymorph [De Munno et al. (1995 ▶). Inorg. Chem. 34, 408–411; Hong et al. (1996 ▶). Polyhedron, 15, 447–452]. The asymmetric unit contains two crystallographically independent half-mol­ecules of the binuclear MnII complex; an inversion centre is located at the centroid of each complex. The two MnII atoms in each complex mol­ecules are bridged by a bis-chelating 2,2′-bipyrimidine (bpym) ligand and each MnII atom is six-coordinated in a considerably distorted octa­hedral environment defined by two N atoms of the bridging bpym ligand and four O atoms from one sulfato anionic ligand and three water mol­ecules. In the crystal, the complex mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the water and sulfato ligands, forming a three-dimensional network

    Four Perspectives on a Sustainable Future in Nosara, Costa Rica

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    The town of Nosara on Costa Rica’s Nicoya peninsula is home to a vibrant community of diverse residents and is adjacent to an important turtle nesting site. However, tensions between lifelong residents, more recent transplants, visitors, and developers have increased as more of the world discovers this once-isolated haven. Climate change, income inequality, and alienation from a distant government apparatus have further complicated effective land-use planning and fractured social cohesion. Using a mixed-method approach of in-depth interviews (n = 67), Q methodology (n = 79), and public deliberation (n = 88), we explored residents’ priorities for the future of their town. The results indicate four different perspectives on Nosara’s future. Despite the tensions among those four perspectives, they show consensus on one overarching community issue: the need for a sustainable development plan. The case also shows how Q-methodology can assist scholars and practitioners who embrace participatory approaches to policy development and conflict resolution in the environmental arena