233 research outputs found

    Volcanostratigraphic Sequences of Kebo-Butak Formation at Bayat Geological Field Complex, Central Java Province and YOGYAKARTA Special Province, Indonesia

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    DOI:10.17014/ijog.3.2.77-94Bayat Complex is usually used as a work field for students of geology and other geosciences. The study area is located in the southern part of the Bayat Complex. Administratively, it belongs to Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Special Province. The lithology of Bayat is very complex, composed of various kinds of igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic, and volcanic rocks. Most of previous researchers interpreted Bayat as a melange complex constructed within a subduction zone. Kebo-Butak is one of formations that forms the Bayat field complex. The formation is composed of basalt, layers of pumice, tuff, shale, and carbonaceous tuff. Most of them are known as volcanic rocks. These imply that volcanic activities are more probable to construct the geology of Bayat rather than the subducted melange complex. The geological mapping, supported by geomorphology, petrology, stratigraphy, and geological structures, had been conducted in a comprehensive manner using the deduction-induction method. The research encounters basalt, black pumice, tuff with basaltic glasses fragments, zeolite, argilic clay, as well as feldspathic- and pumice tuff. Petrographically, the basalt is composed of labradorite, olivine, clinopyroxene, and volcanic glass. Black pumice and tuff contain prismatic clinopyroxene, granular olivine, and volcanic glasses. Feldspathic tuff and pumice tuff are crystal vitric tuff due to more abundant feldspar, quartz, and amphibole than volcanic glass. Zeolite comprises chlorite and altered glasses as deep sea altered volcanic rocks. The geologic structure is very complex, the major structures are normal faults with pyrite in it. There were two deep submarine paleovolcanoes namely Tegalrejo and Baturagung. The first paleovolcano erupted effusively producing basaltic sequence, while the second one erupted explosively ejecting feldspathic-rich pyroclastic material. The two paleovolcanoes erupted simultaneously and repeatedly


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    Wisata alam dengan konsep konservasi memiliki tempat tersendiri bagi wisatawan experience leasure. Kini, banyak wisata alam yang membutuhkan fasilitas lebih, seperti tangga, untuk menjamin wisatawan lebih nyaman dan aman dalam beraktivitas. Gunung Ireng adalah salah satu destinasi wisata alam yang menawarkan atraksi geowisata, spot foto, telusur jejak sejarah dan budaya, serta sun rise. Untuk mencapai destinasi, pengunjung harus menaiki tangga dalam beberapa segmen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendisain tangga errgonomis yang aman dan nyaman bagi pengunjung. Model yang dilakukan penelitian adalah tangga masuk Gunung Ireng, tangga di area puncak, dan tangga di destinasi geowisata. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah antrhopometri-biomekanika. Data diambil dari 10 responden pengunjung Gunung Ireng, terdiri atas 3 wanita berusia 20-27 tahun, 3 pria berusia 20-30 tahun, 2 wanita berusia >40 tahun, dan 2 pria berusia >40 tahun. Data yang digunakan adalah tinggi dan berat badan, denyut jantung dan saturasi oksigen sebelum dan setelah menaiki tangga. Hasil analisis menjumpai tangga pintu masuk adalah yang paling kecil nilai konsumsi energinya, yaitu 267 kkal/menit, sehingga digunakan sebagai model dalam desain-desain tangga yang lain. Hasil sintesis data adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai konsumsi energi serupa, diperlukan penambahan 2cm tangga dengan segmen tangga dikurangi 3o. Tangga tersebut harus mengakomodasi waktu aktivitas 1,9 menit dan waktu istirahat setelahnya 0,83 menit per segmen tangga


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    Telah dikembangkan media e-Book interaktif melalui strategi Mind Mapping pada materi pokok listrik dinamis untuk SMA kelas X. Penelitian pengembangan ini menggunakan model 4-D (four-D Models) yang dikemukakan oleh Thiagarajan yang terdiri dari 4 tahap pengembangan yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Namun dalam penelitian ini hanya dibatasi sampai pada tahap pengembangan (develop). Subjek penelitian ini adalah media e-Book interaktif melalui strategi Mind Mapping pada materi pokok listrik dinamis untuk SMA kelas X yang diujicobakan secara terbatas pada 12 siswa SMA Kelas X. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar telaah, lembar validasi, lembar observasi, lembar angket respon siswa, dan lembar tes siswa. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang pendapat guru fisika, dosen, dan siswa terhadap media e-Book interaktif yang dikembangkan menggunakan instrumen-instrumen di atas. E-Book yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian pengembangan dikatakan layak apabila memperoleh persentase ≥ 61%. Hasil analisis data penelitian terhadap aspek kelayakan media diperoleh persentase sebesar 89,47%, sedangkan dari aspek kelayakan materi diperoleh persentase sebesar 94,29%. Berdasarkan angket respon siswa, media e-Book interaktif melalui strategi Mind Mapping mendapatkan persentase kelayakan sebesar 88,02%. Pemahaman siswa terhadap materi dalam media e-Book interaktif melalui strategi Mind Mapping ini sangat baik dengan nilai hasil tes semua siswa mencapai ≥75. Dengan demikian dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa media e-Book interaktif yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: e-Book, Mind Mapping, listrik dinamis.   Abstract Has developed media interactive e-Book through Mind Mapping strategies on subject matter dynamical electricity to SMA class X. The development of research using model 4-D (four-D Models) proposed by Thiagarajan which consists of 4 stages of development that define, design, develop, and disseminate. But in this study is only limited to the develop stage. The subject of this research is media e-Book interactive through Mind Mapping strategies on subject matter dynamical electricity to SMA class X that tried out in limited release on 12 students of class X. The instruments used are examination sheets, sheet validation, sheets of observation, student responses sheets and sheet test students. Method of data collection is done by collecting information about the opinion of teachers of physics, expert lecturer, and students about the media interactive e-Book that was developed using the above instruments. E-Book that was developed in the research development is said to be proper if the gain percentage achieving ≥61%.  The results of data analysis research on aspects of the feasibility of the media obtained the percentage of 89,47%, while the feasibility aspect of material obtained the percentage of 94,29%. Based on the student responses, media interactive e-Book through Mind Mapping strategy get percentages of the feasibility of 88,02%. Student understanding of the material in the media interactive e-Book through Mind Mapping strategies is very good with the value of the test results of all students achieving ≥75. Thus can be obtained the conclusion that the media interactive e-Book developed properly used as a media of learning. Keywords: e-Book, Mind Mapping, dynamic electricit

    Hegemoni Feminisme dalam Wacana Naratif Perempuan Berkalung Sorban Karya Abidah El Khalieqy

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    This study aims to reveal the form of feminism hegemony in Women with the Turban narrative discourse by Abidah El Khalieqy. This research method uses a qualitative approach to literature or content analysis. The primary data source in this research is the novel Perempuan Berkalung Surban by Abidah El Khalieqy. The data collection technique in this study used library techniques and was analyzed using a hermeneutic model. The presentation of the analysis results is prioritized in an informal way rather than a formal one so that the description can be explained in more detail. The study results indicate that the hegemony of feminism is revealed through the conversations of the characters and expressive actions that are seen in the words and behaviors that lead to the assertiveness of the female characters. In addition, a shift in the ideology of feminism was found in the narrative discourse. In conclusion, the hegemony of feminism is revealed through the conversations and actions of the characters in the form of refuting, debating, persuading, influencing, suing, reacting and actions related to sexual activity. Keywords: Hegemony Feminism, Novel, Narrative Discours


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    Organic electrocoating process is the plating process using organic material to be plate on the conductor materials. The process is almost the same with other electroplating process, but they have several benefits such asno hazardous content, the plating sequence more shorter than electroplating process, and is possible to depositeng clear or tinted polyurethane plating. The organic electrocoating steps consist of surface treatment which is immersing the sample to the alkaline soak cleaner solution than acid mild dipping, continue to deionised rinse, organicelectrocoating, deionised rinse, post dye, and curing. The result of the experiment shows that the optimal Organic electrocoating process is held at voltage 35–40 V to give the best surface layer

    Identification and Analysis of Underdeveloped Village in The Border Area of Bogor District (Studi Wirajaya Village Jasinga)

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    One measure of the success of village development is measured by the achievement of the Village Development Index (IDM), the status of success in the IDM is seen from 5 categories, namely (1). The status of villages is very disadvantaged, (2), underdeveloped villages (3), developing villages (4), advanced villages and (5), independent villages. The villages in the border areas are really cause for concern. Based on the size of the Village Development Index (IDM) 2020, the number of villages on the border that have underdeveloped status and are very disadvantaged is very dominant. Wirajaya village is the only village in Jasinga District that is included in the category of underdeveloped villages with an IDM in 2020 of 0.5819. Sampling was done by collecting data on all economic, social and environmental aspects. Each indicator has a score. The score was determined using the Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The calculation of the index on each dimension is carried out using the scoring method which is then transformed into an index. The social resilience index consists of 4 indicators: health, education, social capital, and housing. Health indicators have the lowest contribution of 0.57. The economic resilience index consists of 6 indicators, namely, indicators of diversity in production, trade, distribution access, access to credit, economic institutions, regional openness. Of the six indicators, the lowest contribution is the logistic distribution access indicator, which is 0.00. The environmental resilience index consists of 3 indicators, namely, environmental quality indicators, disaster-prone potential and disaster response. Of the three indicators, the lowest contribution is the disaster-prone potential indicator of 0.00
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