195 research outputs found

    Dampak Stress Kerja terhadap Disiplin Anggota Polri Sektor Belakang Padang ( Blp ) Wilayah Perbatasan Perairan Indonesia – Singapura Polresta Barelang Kepulauan Riau

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    Penelitan ini dilaksanakan di Polsek Belakang Padang (BLP) Jalan Hangtuah No 4 Batam, Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar dampak stress terhadap disiplin kerja pada anggota polisi sektor Belakang Padang (BLP). Latar Belakang masalah menunjukan bahwa wilayah Belakang Padang merupakan kepualauan dan harus menempuh perjalanan laut serta wilayah nya rata-rata adalah pulau-pulau kecil perbatasan Indonesia dan Singapura sehingga kinerja Polisi disana bisa terhambat dan terganngu untuk melayani masyarakat. Hipotesanya dari penelitain ini adalah Diduga ada hubungan antara stres dengan disiplin kerja Aparat Polisi Sektor Belakang Padang (BLP) Batam Kepualauan Riau. Dari hasil pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji regresi didapatkan bahwa hipotesis 1 menunjukkan bahwa stress kerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap disiplin kerja, Hasil pengujian secara serentak (uji F), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara bersama-sama stress kerja tidak mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap disiplin kerja. Dari hasil observasi di lapangan bahwa Anggota Polri Sektor Belakang Padang (BLP) tetap disiplin bekerja meskipun tekanan lingkungan kerja yang bisa membuat stres kerja menjadi tinggi. Kinerja Anggota Polri Sektor Belakang Padang ( BLP) sudah lebih baik ditandai mampu melayani masyarakat dengan baik seperti kita berkunjung ke Perbankan. Tingkat stress tinggi dan disiplin kerja yang akan berimbas kepada kinerja Anggota Polri Sektor Belakang Padang ( BLP ) dapat diatasi dengan kemampuan majerial Kapolsek yang baik terutama dimasa kepemimpinan AKP Dasrul Savit yang mampu memimpin dan membina anggota nya dengan baik, AKP Dasrul salah satu Kapolsek Terbaik selama Polsek Belakang Padang berdiri

    Muslim Family Law Reform in Indonesia (a Progressive Interpretation of the Quran)

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    If we look at Muslim Family laws in different countries or communities, we can see how different they are from one another and how more or less option-giving they are for women. There is obviously no such thing as the Sharia as a God given law, eternal and a-historical. The fact is there are many different Muslim Family laws and they are really man-made. One of the subtle but most pervasive areas of discrimination against women in the Muslim world today is the inequality that occurs within the context of the family. Throughout Muslim countries, Muslim women are speaking out about such discrimination and are fighting for reform of family laws to promote justice and equality within the family. This Article outlines key discriminatory provisions within Muslim Family Law in Indonesia which is called The Compilation of Islamic Law (1991) and the efforts being made by progress Indonesian Muslim to advocate for comprehensive reform of the Compilation. This effort includes developing an understanding of why and how reform of Muslim family laws is possible using the principle of justice and equality in Islamic perspective. The last part of this article will introduce a new draft of The Compilation of Islamic Law which is called the Counter Legal Draft of The Compilation of Islamic Law (The CLD) in 2004, that is based on the principle that the Quranic ideal for the Muslim family is founded on the fundamental Islamic values of human equality and freedom. The CLD is constructed on the premise that the realization of the Quranic vision of the family can be achieved only if the values of equality and freedom are reflected in all aspects of the regulation of marriage and family. Keywords : Family Law, Reform, Indonesia, CLD KHI and Progressive. Keywords : Family Law, Reform, Indonesia, CLD KHI and Progressive

    Modifikasi Mesin Reeling Sutera Melalui Penambahan Sistem Sirkulasi Air Panas Otomatis Dan Sistem Pengereman Haspel

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    Studi ini telah dilakukan dengan mendesain sistem sirkulasi air panas otomatis dan rem haspel sebagai modifikasi pada mesin reeling sutera dengan tujuan untuk konservasi energi melalui peningkatan efisiensi proses. Pada mesin reeling konvensional dapat terjadi inefisiensi pada sistem penyediaan air panas manual yang menyebabkan pelepasan energi panas dan temperatur air yang tidak konstan, serta mekanisme penyambungan benang putus yang dapat mengurangi waktu operasional produktif dan meningkatkan biaya produksi. Metode desain dalam studi ini adalah modifikasi mesin reeling sutera konvensional melalui penambahan sistem sirkulasi air panas otomatis dan sistem pengereman haspel. Berdasarkan uji coba melalui pengoperasian mesin reeling secara kontinyu selama 20 hari, kedua sistem yang dirancang dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Hasil perhitungan analisis ekonomi berdasarkan waktu operasional selama 25 hari memperlihatkan bahwa mesin reeling yang telah dimodifikasi memerlukan biaya produksi benang lebih rendah dan pencapaian waktu break even point yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan mesin reeling konvensional. Aplikasi mesin reeling sutera yang telah dimodifikasi ini membutuhkan biaya investasi lebih tinggi, namun demikian produksi benang jauh akan lebih efisien sehingga biaya produksi dalam jangka panjang menjadi lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan mesin reeling konvensional

    Analisa Waktu Yang Tidak Produktif (Npt) Pada Operasi Pemboran Sumur Lepas Pantai “Nb-aaa” Lapangan Xy, Total E&p Indonesie Kalimantan Timur

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    Pemboran adalah suatu kegiatan utama dalam industri perminyakan yang bertujuan untukmembuat lubang dari permukaan menuju ke target reservoir untuk memproduksikan hidrokarbon.Operasi pemboran harus dilakukan dengan baik dan benar agar dapat selesai sesuai denganwaktu dan biaya yang telah direncanakan. Namun tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa dalamkenyataannya banyak permasalahan yang tidak diduga/unplanned events yang dijumpai selamaproses pemboran berlangsung dan berujung pada membengkaknya waktu dan biaya. Waktudimana rig tidak melakukan aktivitas pemboran sesuai dengan rencana atau plan awal disebutdengan istilah Non Productive Time (NPT) atau waktu yang tidak produktif. Dalam penelitian iniakan dilakukan pengamatan terhadap waktu yang tidak produktif pada Sumur “NB-AAA” lapanganXY. Penelitian ini akan dilakukan dengan penganalisaan data-data kegiatan pemboran dan akanditeliti faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab utama tingginya waktu yang tidak produktif (NPT),sehingga dapat dicari solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut

    Perancangan Software Interface Pengendalian Lampu Lalu Lintas Simpang Lima Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 8535

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    Design software interface controlling traffic light intersection ATMega8535 five-basic microcontroller is design to facilitate operator traffic light. This software design involves two different software,software Visual Basic 6.0 and CodeVision avr, Visual Basic 6.0 as a software interface that will send data and CodeVision avr as recipient of the data that is in its hardware. Sending and receiving data here using the existing serial port in komputere that use serial usb rs232 which serves to connect or bridge the respective software sendiri.Pengiriman data through the interface that Visual Basic 6.0, this shipment using the DO pin as data transmission (RX) which in usb serial and in ATMega8535 and received using D1 pin that serves as a data receiver (TX) .Each pin is connected using the USB serial rs232. This method allows an operator to use and change the time when need it. Because the software interface gives the ease of service at rush hour or operarator like solid hours already available, and only enter a number already there dikolom disediakan.Perpindahan in this column automatically, and a solid hour or busy can also be arranged according to the wishes of the operator

    Spatial and Temporal Variation of Indonesian Throughflow in the Makassar Strait

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    Using outputs of INDESO model, this study investigated vertical structure, spatial and temporal variation of the Indonesian Throughflow in Makassar Strait (M-ITF). It was shown that the main axis of persistent southward jet of M-ITF formed a unique path following the western shelf slope along the strait, which was associated with a high kinetic energy (KE) region from near-surface down to the thermocline layer. Furthermore, a drastic jump of KE appeared in the narrow and deep Libani Chan-nel (near 3°S) where the strait's width shrinks significantly, thus an elevated flow velocity was needed to maintain transport volume balance. Here, maximum southward velocity at thermocline exceeded 1.2 m/s. Spatial pattern of M-ITF can be described by the first EOF mode which accounts for 79 % of the total variances. It exhibited that contours of the flow amplitudes were similar to M-ITF path, and the largest amplitude was located near the Libani Channel. Out-of-phase relationship of the flow was found between M-ITF and eddies circulation that developed in the edges of the strait. Corresponding temporal fluctuation of the first EOF mode indicated that M-ITF variabilities varied from intra-seasonal to inter-annual scales. Annual fluctuation of M-ITF was seen from EOF mode-2 (at thermocline layer) and mode-3 at lower-thermocline. Cross-spectra analysis revealed that variability of M- ITF (e.g. on annual scale) at northern entrance was highly coherent to the fluctuations of North Equatorial Current (NEC) and Mindanao Current (MC), suggesting that variability of M-ITF was remotely influenced by the Pacific low-latitude western boundary currents

    Pengukuran Risiko Proyek pada Perusahaan Teknologi Informasi di Indonesia

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    The success rate of information technology (IT) projects is still low. Based on one survey done in 1990s, only about 10% of software development project could be finished according to its planned budget and schedule. Another study in 1995 found that only 16.2% IT project succeed, and at the same time more than 31% IT projects were cancelled before finished. It has been found a lot of IT projects had been implemented with swelling budget. Although it is still debatable, one of the reasons of IT project implementation failure is because risk management in some IT projects is not implemented by the IT providers. The objectives of this research are to get knowledge and assess risks in implementing IT projects. This research also gives recommendations in mitigating IT project risks. In two projects that were used as sample of this research, it has been found some risks that could be happened in IT projects. That risks were then assessed based on the probability and its impact, and finally produced the recommendation for risk mitigation. All risks are described in the Risk Priority, moreover risk probability and impact is described in the probability-impact matrix from all of 4 levels. This research could improve the awareness of IT providers in Indonesia about the important of implementing IT risk management so that more IT projects in Indonesia could be run successfully