165 research outputs found

    Culture Consideration in the Design of Government Housing Estates - A case study of selected estates in Maiduguri, Borno State - Nigeria

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    A study to investigate the extent to which design and planning have considered culture of the target users was carried out on three selected government-built estates in Maiduguri, northeastern Nigeria. The estates were: Abbaganaram or ‘State’ Low-cost, Dikwa Low-cost and 303 Estate. The original designs of these estates were studied and so were the post-occupancy modifications made to them. Although an attempt was made in all the three estates to cater for the value systems of the people through the provision of courtyards, the relationship between the various activity areas with the courtyards rendered the courtyards virtually none functional. So also, majority of the houses have been modified through the provisions of additional facilities in order to accommodate cultural issues of value to the people like polygamy, large extended families, privacy, gender segregation, etc. Thus, recommendations are made to government and estate developers to consider cultural traits in housing design and development.Key words: Culture, Estates, Design and Planning

    Overview of Educational Services in Nigerian Public Universities for Sustainable Development

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    The paper examines Assessment of educational services in Nigerian Public Universities for sustainable national development. In attempt to address this, issues such as, Concept of educational services, Challenges of educational services, concept of sustainable national development, sustainable development, goals of sustainable development, University Education and Sustainable National Development: The Relationship, Policy implications, challenges of university education in Nigeria has been discussed. The paper therefore concluded that, managing educational services in Nigerian universities for sustainable development requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses effective leadership, innovative strategies, quality management, ICT integration, human resource management, and sound financial practices. By implementing these strategies, Nigerian universities can enhance the quality of education, foster research and innovation, and contribute significantly to the country's sustainable development goals. The Paper recommended that, Government at all levels should provide adequate funds for the educational institutions particularly universities that are the apex of education, and Finally, Infrastructural facilities in universities in Nigeria should be provided

    Design of single feed dual-band millimeter wave antenna for future 5G wireless applications

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    State of the art communication system pave way for microstrip patch antennas to experience rapid development. Nowadays, patch antennas are becoming increasingly popular due to their light weight and low profile making them easy to fabricate and integrate into the feeding network. This paper presented a single feed dual-band band antenna for 5G application operating in the 28 and 38 GHz millimeter wave band with an improved efficiency. The antenna is designed and simulated on Computer Simulation Technology (CST) platform using FR-4 substrate with 0. 8 mm height, 4.67 dielectric constant and 0.002 loss tangent. The total size of the antenna is 8 × 8 mm2, the rectangular radiator of the antenna is 3.4 × 3.4 mm2 in size, where an inverted-L is introduced into the radiator to achieve dual-band capability, The antenna is fed through 50 Ω feed line probe of about 2.3 × 0.4 mm2 in dimension. The results of the simulation shows that the antenna achieved wide bandwidth in the upper band (38 GHz) of about 3.54 GHz (35.56 GHz – 39.12 GHz) with over 6 dB gain and the lower band (28 GHz) produce a bandwidth of about 1430 MHz (27.27 GHz – 28.70 GHz) with 2.7 dB gain suitable for 5G application

    The Rights of Prisoners in Nigeria and the Role of Prisons and Modern Penology

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    Prison system in Nigeria and elsewhere not only disables its inmates from their criminal pursuit but equally serves as an institution for their reform and rehabilitation into the society after their release. The system of imprisonment represents a curious combination of different objectives of punishment. The attitude of society towards prisoners may vary according to the objects of imprisonment and social reaction to the crime. Whereas rigorous imprisonment and imposition of severe restriction on the prisoner signifies retribution or deterrence, a lesser restriction and control over him in the form of simple imprisonment means that he is considered to be only a deviant. The modern progressive view, however regards crime as a social disease and favours treatment of offenders through non-penal methods such as probation, parole, open jail etc. Whatever be the reaction of society to the crime, the lodging of criminals in prisons gives rise to several problems of correction, rehabilitation and reformation. It may equally constitute serious violation of prisoners’ rights as they are also human-not devoid of their rights

    Feeding of Kargo (Piliostigma reticulatum) to Small Ruminants in Jigawa State: A Preliminary Study

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    A survey was conducted to investigate the use of Kargo (Piliostigma reticulatum) as feedstuff for small ruminants in Jigawa State, Nigeria. A total of 120 structural questionnaires were administered to randomly selected livestock rearers in six Local Government Areas of Jigawa State during the months of October to May (dry season) of 2013. The results obtained showed that the respondents examined vary in age group from 11 years to above 61 years with majority being within the ages of 31- 40 years (42.72%). Male respondents constituted 64.08%. Almost all the respondents had some form of education and their experience in small ruminant rearing vary from 1 year to 40 years. Majority of the respondents (81) encountered had a flock size (21-40) which constitute 78.64%. Livestock species kept by the respondents vary from sheep alone 14.56% to those that kept goat alone 23.30%, while those that kept both sheep and goat were the majority 62.14% among the respondent encountered and 41.74% fed Kargo as sole feed during dry season. However, majority of the respondents 66.02% fed their animals Kargo leaves and Kargo pods, whilst 21.36% fed Kargo leaves alone, and 12.62% fed Kargo pods only. The study concluded that farmers had some level of awareness on the potential value of Kargo as feedstuff for small ruminants and therefore recommended that they should be enlighten on it nutritive value. Keywords: Jigawa State, Kargo, Small Ruminants, and Utilization


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    Usaha mikro pedesaan memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung perekonomian lokal Berbagai upaya masyarakat pedesaan dalam mengembangkan usaha kecil yang memiliki dampak signifikan pada perekonomian lokal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji strategi dan pendekatan efektivitas pemberdayaan sumber daya lokal terhadap pendapatan usaha mikro pedesaan. Pemberdayaan sumber daya lokal merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan peran serta dan kemandirian masyarakat desa dalam mengelola dan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada di sekitar mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analitis dengan menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui survei dan wawancara langsung kepada pemilik usaha mikro pedesaan. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi pustaka dan data statistik terkait pendapatan usaha mikro pedesaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan sumber daya lokal memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap pendapatan usaha mikro pedesaan. Dengan adanya strategi dan pendekatan pemberdayaan sumber daya lokal, masyarakat desa dapat mengoptimalkan potensi yang ada di sekitar mereka, seperti bahan baku lokal, tenaga kerja lokal, dan pasar lokal. Hal ini berdampak pada peningkatan produksi dan penjualan usaha mikro pedesaan, yang pada akhirnya meningkatkan pendapatan

    A case of hydrated lime (CaOH)2 toxicity in

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    A sudden increase in mortality was observed in a fish pond stocked with 1034 6-weeks old Clarias juveniles, after exhibiting various forms of nervous disorders such as severe irritation and erratic convulsive swimming habits. A total of 165 mortality, with mean of 20.6 ± 14.8/day were recorded within the first week of stocking. A perfect positive correlation of water level in the pond R2= 0.92, with inverse mortality R2= 0.14 and pH values R2= 0.78 within the first 8 days were recorded. Carcasses exhibited various forms of skin discoloration, petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages were observed on the cranium, base of the fins, body sides and bloated belly. Many carcasses had eroded body mucous, manifested by various forms of grayish bands of skin lesion. Mean optimal values for nitrate (0,mg/litre), nitrite (0.1,mg/litre) and ammonia (0.1mg/litre) in the water were recorded using commercial multiple water testing kit, although declining pH value of 11 to 7.5 was observed within the period. Another set of 200 Clarias juveniles of the same batch was raised in an adjacent pond, and appeared clinically healthy. Spontaneous recovery was observed upon transfer of the whole juveniles to a new pond of fresh water, with mean pH 7.5 and treated with oxytetracycline and vitaminmineral supplements. Diagnosis of acute lime toxicity was made. Normal growth was restored but, evidence of necrotic skin discoloration was retained to adulthood in 20% of the fishes.Keywords: Clarias gariepinus juveniles, hydrated lime, toxicit

    Health Hazards Associated with Electric and Magnetic Field Intensities around Mobile Base Stations in Katsina State, Nigeria

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    This work was carried out to assess the health hazards associated with exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from mobile base stations (MBS) within Katsina, Nigeria. Seventy seven MBS were identified through reconnaissance survey. Received radiated power was measured at a distance of 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80m from the MBS using a handheld B and K precision spectrum analyser. Electric and magnetic field intensities (E and H) were calculated. E (mV/m) and H (μA/m) had average values of; 21.03 and 55.78 for MTN; 9.41 and 24.96 for GLO; 2.33 and 6.18, for Etisalat; 18.32 and 48.62 for Airtel. Our results indicated that the general public exposure from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from all the considered mobile base stations is within the acceptable threshold of 61 V/m for Electric field intensity and 0.16A/m for Magnetic field intensity. Keywords: Mobile base stations, Radiation, Katsina, Health hazard, Electric field, Magnetic fiel

    Incidental finding of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in a 52-year-old man: a case report.

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) also known as Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (APKD) is one of the most common systemic hereditary diseases. The disease usually presents between 20 to 39 years of age, although milder forms may not present until over 60 years and absence of renal failure has been rarely observed in some patients up to 80 years of age. Three distinct gene defects have been implicated in the pathogenesis of APKD designated as PKD1, PKD2, and PKD3. Patients with APKD may be asymptomatic, or may usually present with hypertension (in 50-70% of cases), renal insufficiency, and the complications of multiple cysts (haematuria, pain and infection) or as an abdominal mass discovered on incidental clinical or imaging examination. APKD is said to be rare in Africans. Case report: We report a case of an incidental finding of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in a 52-year-old normotensive man with a normal renal function test. Haematuria, dysuria and low-grade fever were the presenting complaints. The role of radiology in the diagnosis and management of ADPKD was highlighted. Conclusion: Although APKD is rare in Africans, a high index of suspicion for the disease is essential for the diagnosis of the disease especially in elderly patients with a family history of APKD who present with haematuria associated with multiple renal cysts
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