37 research outputs found


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    Kota Palembang terletak 100 km dari muara Sungai Musi dan Kota Palembang sangat dominan dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut. Banyak daerah di Palembang dimana tinggi elevasinya berada di bawah elevasi rata-rata muka air laut, sehingga di musim hujan banyak daerah tersebut yang menjadi rawan banjir. Ini diakibatkan oleh pengaruh pasang surut di Sungai Musi. Sebagian besar kawasan di Palembang adalah di daerah depresi, sehingga tanpa sistem drainase yang tepat kawasan yang dikontrol mengalami genangan air yang disebabkan oleh curah hujan.Palembang merupakan kota pariwisata yang memiliki program untuk meningkatkan kinerja sebagai kota aman dan menarik. Sebuah kota tepi pantai yang indah untuk dikunjungi. Oleh karena itu perlu sistem drainase yang terrencana dan terintegrasi agar tidak terjadi banjir ataupun genangan. Maka dari itu diperlukan sistem pengendalian banjir di Kota Palembang dan dalam kajian kami terutama di Kecamatan Ilir Timur I Kota Palembang.Berdasarkan hasil kajian bahwa pengendalian banjir di Kecamatan Ilir Timur I Palembang ini dapat menggunakan sistem drainase. Metode yang dipakai dalam menentukan curah hujan maksimum dengan kala ulang 10 tahun untuk wilayah kecamatan Ilir Timur I adalah Metode Gumbel dan diperoleh R=167,1 mm. Berdasarkan  Metode  Mononobe  didapat  nilai  intensitas  curah  hujan  maksimum  di  titik  7-8    yaitu I = 590,3650 mm/jam. Debit air total yang terjadi diwilayah tersebut adalah 230,288 m3/det dengan panjang saluran 23833,54 m


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    Vakum merupakan suatu kondisi dari udara / gas sekitar lingkungan tertentu dimana tekanan udara dibawah tekanan atmosfir,  dimana proses sistem vakum pengambilan sumber air dari permukaan yang rendah ke tempat yang lebih tinggi dapat memberikan alternatif yang lebih efisien kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh diameter pipa keluar dan dimensi bak penampung pada sistem vacum. Pembuatan sistem vacum  dilakukan pada beberapa variasi yaitu variasi diameter pipa keluar dengan ukuran ½”, ¾”, dan 1”.  Dan variasi dimensi bak penampung dengan volume 30/40 cm, 36/40 cm, 50/80 cm, 80/120 cm, 100/120 cm,dan 120/120 cm. Dari hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa diameter pipa keluar harus sama atau lebih kecil dari diameter pipa masuk agar debit yang dialirkan akan terus-menerus. Semakin besar diameter pipa keluar, semakin kecil debit air yang dihasilkan. Leher angsa berfungsi untuk mencegah udara dari luar tidak masuk ke dalam tabung yang dapat menyebabkan kekosongan di dalam tabung. Untuk mengalirkan air pada beda tinggi 2 m, maka ukuran bak penampung adalah 120/120cm, dengan pipa masuk ½”; pipa keluar ½”


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    Dalam upaya penyediaan air bersih dan sehat bagi masyarakat pedesaan yang mana kualitas air tanahnya buruk serta belum mendapatkan pelayanan air minum dari PAM,  penggunaan sumur didaerah bergambut atau daerah rawa umumnya dangkal dengan air berwarna coklat, berkadar asam humus, za t organik dan besi yang tinggi. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu adanya pengolahan air gambut, agar air didaerah gambut atau rawa dapat dipakai untuk  memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian  perlu dilakukan penelitian pembuatan alat pengolah air gambut yang  murah, mudah pengerjaannya serta hasil olahan yang memenuhi mutu air minum.Penentuan pengaruh komposisi  kapur  sebagai adsorben tambahan pada proses filtrasi menggunakan koral dan pasir kuarsa, dimana pada tahapan ini dibuat unit pengolahan air gambut tetapi menurut panjang pipa paralon dibuat lebih panjang 30 cm. Komposisi adsorben yang dipakai pada tahap ini  adalah variasi kapurnya adalah 10cm, 20cm dan 30cm. Komposisi adsorben di atas yang menghasilkan kadar besi dan magnesium terendah, dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut yaitu menentukan pengaruh penambahan kapur terhadap pH (Derajat keasaman) air gambut hasil olahan. Komposisi tanah gambut+ kapur adalah 250+10 ; 250+20 dfan 250+30. Air gambut hasil olahan unit pengolahan air dengan masing-masing komposisi di atas dianalisis kandungan besinya menggunakan metode SSA (Spektrometri Serapan Atom) serta diukur pH n yaDari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa  penambahan kapur sebagai bahan tambah pada unit pengolahan air gambut, mampu menaikkan kadar pH pada air baku. Dari 16 (enam belas) sampel yang diuji, Sampel yang masuk ke dalam kriteria Permenkes  RI No.492  tahun 2010 adalah sampel sebelas, duabelas, tigabelas, empatbelas dengan nilai 6,5 s/d 7,46.  Enceng Gondok sebagai adsorben dan pengisi bahan di dalam tabung, berhasil mengurangi kandungan kadar besi dan mampu mengurangi tingkat kekeruhan pada air baku.  Penggunaan Tanah gambut, kapur , pasir kuarsa dan Enceng mampu mengurangi kandungan zat organik pada air baku.  Susunan saringan yang terbaik untuk air baku di desa Tanjung Barangan dengan kondisi awal air baku (pH 3.5, kandungan kadar besi 1.21 mg/l, kekeruhan 26,12 mg/l dan zat organik 14,32 mg/l) adalah sampel ketigabelas dengan komposisi Tanah gambut sebagai koagulan sebanyak 250 gram, penambahan kapur sebanyak 30 gram, Enceng setinggi 20 cm, dan Pasir kuarsa setinggi 60 cm

    Kajian Pengendalian Banjir Di Kecamatan Ilir Timur I Palembang

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    Kota Palembang terletak 100 km dari muara Sungai Musi dan Kota Palembang sangat dominan dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut. Banyak daerah di Palembang dimana tinggi elevasinya berada di bawah elevasi rata-rata muka air laut, sehingga di musim hujan banyak daerah tersebut yang menjadi rawan banjir. Ini diakibatkan oleh pengaruh pasang surut di Sungai Musi. Sebagian besar kawasan di Palembang adalah di daerah depresi, sehingga tanpa sistem drainase yang tepat kawasan yang dikontrol mengalami genangan air yang disebabkan oleh curah hujan.Palembang merupakan kota pariwisata yang memiliki program untuk meningkatkan kinerja sebagai kota aman dan menarik. Sebuah kota tepi pantai yang indah untuk dikunjungi. Oleh karena itu perlu sistem drainase yang terrencana dan terintegrasi agar tidak terjadi banjir ataupun genangan. Maka dari itu diperlukan sistem pengendalian banjir di Kota Palembang dan dalam kajian kami terutama di Kecamatan Ilir Timur I Kota Palembang.Berdasarkan hasil kajian bahwa pengendalian banjir di Kecamatan Ilir Timur I Palembang ini dapat menggunakan sistem drainase. Metode yang dipakai dalam menentukan curah hujan maksimum dengan kala ulang 10 tahun untuk wilayah kecamatan Ilir Timur I adalah Metode Gumbel dan diperoleh R=167,1 mm. Berdasarkan Metode Mononobe didapat nilai intensitas curah hujan maksimum di titik 7-8 yaitu I = 590,3650 mm/jam. Debit air total yang terjadi diwilayah tersebut adalah 230,288 m3/det dengan panjang saluran 23833,54 m

    Analyzing of Students’ Misconceptions on Acid-Base Chemistry at Senior High Schools in Medan

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    Students’ misconceptions on acid-base chemistry at senior high schools in Medan were investigated in this study. The study involved 179 of XI grade students from six different schools in Medan selected based on their accreditation. Students’ misconceptions on acid base chemistry topic were identified and collected by giving a valid test developed by researcher to the students in form of Acid-Base Chemistry Misconception Test containing 12 open-ended multiple choices. The data collected were processed and categorized based on students’ achievement and students’ understanding. It was revealed that students had fifteen misconceptions and eleven submisconceptions. From five main concepts investigated in acid-base chemistry, percentage of students’ responses categorized as specific misconceptions are acid and base concepts (22.07%), pH and pOH concepts (43.58%), ionization degree and equilibrium constant concepts (8.94%), acid-base indicators concept (6.15%), and acid-base titration concept (9.50%). The study also revealed four main students’ problems in understanding acid-base chemistry namely fragmentation of students’ understanding, problems with symbols and mathematical formula, difficulties in understanding the context in acid-base chemistry, and problems in generalization. Keywords: students’ misconception, acid-base chemistry, students’ achievement, students’ understandin


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    In this research, researcher tested material of Asphalt Concrete (AC) with coarse aggregate from Lahat and fine aggregate from Tanjung Raja South Sumatera, asphalt from Pertamina with Pen. 60/70,  while the filler material to be used is from Cement Baturaja. Proportion of filler to be used are 0%; 1,0%; 2,5%; and 4,0%. Marshall test results for each proportion of filler 0%, 1,0%, 2,5%, and 4,0% to the value of the KAO obtained 6,00%, 6,40%, 6,50% and 6,60%. Stability values respectively: 1225,67 kg, 1168,73 kg, 1187,60 kg, 1299,63 kg. Rated flow: 4,67 mm, 4,64 mm, 4,61 mm, 4,52 mm. VIM values obtained: 4,411%, 5,146%, 3,076% and 2,953%. VMA values obtained: 16,778%, 18,240%, 16,682% and 16,769%. VFA values obtained: 73,716%, 71,789%, 81,563%, 82,394%. Marshall Quotient: 262,77 kg / mm, 251,99 kg / mm, 257,54 kg / mm, and 287,88 kg / mm. Stability rest: 87,00%, 85,86%, 87,19% and 88,43%. The test results showed that while all Asphalt concrete mix with cement filler additive proposition to meet the criteria specified loss of stability due to immersion for 7 days is greater than 75%. From all asphalt concrete mixture obtained show that using the proportion of filler cement additive increase by 4% in asphalt concrete mix will increase the stability of the mixture, with a long soaking in water for 3 days. With the addition of additive filter using the proportion of cement by 4% in the asphalt mixture will be obtained concrete pavement material that can withstand heavy traffic load, during the service life of the road.

    Distribusi Sedimen Suspensi Pada Aliran Seragam Dengan Dan Tanpa Angkutan Sedimen Dasar

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    Sediment transport in river, either suspended or bed load transport is very important and needed in river works. The Researchs done by many researchers showed that there is an interaction between bed load and suspended sediment, in which the increasing of bed load transport is usssualy followed by the increasing of suspended sediment. Based on this, the characteristics of suspended sediment on flow, both with and without bed load transport are studied here. The study was done by measuring flow velocity and suspended sediment concentration in laboratory, both for uniform flows either with bed load transport and without bed load transport, in the range of aspect ratio (b/D) 2.99 < b/D < 6.74. Elektromagnetic Currentmeter probe VMT-200 was used for flow velocity measurement and Foslirn probe-set 4M 110N was used for suspended sediment concentration measurement. The result shows that the velocity distribution on flow with bed load transport yields a more opened (fuller) than that without bed load transport. The constant Br value (in the logaritmic velocity distribution) on uniform flow without bed load transport is 8.5 ± 5 %, while for uniform flow with bed load transport, the Br-value tend to rise but still in the range of scattered given by the literature (8.5 ± 15 %). Distribution of suspended sediment for flow without bed load transport can be approached by using Rouse equation as well as by Tanaka & Sugimoto equation, while for flow with bed load transport, Tanaka & Sugimoto equation tends to have a better prediction than the Rouse equation. Distributions of turbulence intencity on flow with and without bed load transport show smaller value than Nezu & Rodi equation and Kironoto equation for clean water, in which the increasing of bed load transport, the turbulence intencity tends to decrease. Straub formula (1945) and Atmodjo & Kironoto formula (2001) developed for uniform flow without bed load transport can still be used on flow with bed load transport with the errors 5.1 % and 4.5 %, respectively. Keyword : velocity distribution, suspended sediment concentration, turbulence intencit

    The Impact of the PBL Model on Senior High School Student Learning Outcomes Using Google Classroom

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    Abstract: The Impact of the PBL Model on Senior High School Student Learning Outcomes Using Google Classroom. This study aims to determine the effect of the problem based learning model with the help of google classroom media on the learning outcomes of high school students on the subject of oxidation-reduction reactions at SMAN 1 Siantar. This type of research is an experimental study with a pretest-posttest control design. The data collection of student learning outcomes was obtained from the pretest and posttest scores. This study resulted in the average data of student learning outcomes from the posttest in the experimental class that was greater than the control class, namely 62 and 50. Data analysis used the T-Test test which resulted in a significance value of learning outcomes less than 0.05, namely 0.003. Based on this analysis, it can be concluded that learning using the PBL model with the help of google classroom media has a significant effect on senior high school student learning outcomes on oxidation-reduction material at SMAN 1 Siantar


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    Under conditions of rapid change, then every organization needs to act as an adaptive consequence of internal and external environmental changes that occur with an orientation to provide the best service to its customers. Various efforts were made Department of Civil Engineering Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya is an effort to improve service and convenience to the students by building facilities and infrastructure and curriculum programs. This study aims to determine the extent of student satisfaction to the utilities in the Department of Civil Engineering Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, to know the attributes or indicators that need to be improved, and learned attributes or indicators that need to be maintained in giving satisfaction to the students of the Utilities Department of Civil Engineering at Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya. The research is an applied research, a systematic study of a problem with the objective to be used immediately for specific purposes. This study is also an observational study is the observation of the studied object, trying to gather data from a phenomenon that has emerged. The study using 168 samples with Stratify Proportional Random Sampling technique. Variables studied variables in the Service Quality Dimensions that are used as indicators of Quality of Service. Dimension is divided into two main parts: Variable Interest ; a student's perception of the utility in POLSRI expectations, and satisfaction variables ; a student's perception of the utility's performance in POLSRI. The variables studied are variable in the dimension of service quality : Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. Analytical techniques used Importance-perfomance is also called the Gap Analysis. Gap Analysis results will be described with Cartesian Diagram, by calculating the average of the interest assessment which is a dimension of ServQual and satisfaction of each variable or attribute. The results showed that the level of student satisfaction of utility in the Department of Civil Engineering Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya amounted to 3.274 from 5.0 Scale. Level of student interest to utilities amounted to 4.390 5.0 Scale. Rate Gap students in the utility is equal to -1.116 5.0 Scale. Above findings obtained in this study, then there are some suggestions that can be given, is to optimize the handling of student satisfaction better, Conduct periodic customer satisfaction research, and the tendency of "operations oriented" to move on "service oriented", and understanding of social conditions and consumer culture in South Sumatra, may also be considered in formulating a strategy that can be given excellent service to students