2,254 research outputs found
El consumo femenino de la imagen de la mujer en la publicidad : el sexismo en las campañas
This article presents the results of research into the perceptions and attitudes of women with regard to gender representations in advertising discourse. This study is part of a research project begun in 2005 on the subject of the consumption of the image of women in advertising and the media carried out by the Catalan Institute of Women (ICD) of the Catalan regional government, the Generalitat. From a qualitative perspective, results are obtained about the significance that women assign to gender representations. The recipients' evaluation and conceptualization of advertising and sexism demonstrate that a number of stereotypes that continue to exist in the media are distant from social reality
Les audiències actives i la imatge de les dones a la publicitat
L'article presenta els resultats de la recerca de les percepcions i actituds de les dones davant representacions del gènere al discurs publicitari. Aquest estudi forma part de la investigació iniciada l'any 2005 sobre el consum de la imatge de les dones a la publicitat i als mitjans de comunicació. Des d'una perspectiva qualitativa, s'obtenen resultats del significat que les dones atorguen a les representacions de gènere. La valoració i la conceptualització de les receptores de la publicitat i el sexisme mostren diversos estereotips que es perpetuen en els mitjans i que es distancien de la realitat social mateixa.This article presents the results of a study on women's perceptions and attitudes regarding gender representation in advertising discourse. The study was part of a research project begun in 2005 on the consumption of the woman's image in publicity and the mass media. From a qualitative perspective, the results provided insight on the meaning women give to gender representations. Our evaluation and conceptualization of women as observers of publicity and sexism showed several stereotypes that are perpetuated in the media and that increasingly differ from social reality
Dynamic Daylight Metrics for Electricity Savings in Offices: Window Size and Climate Smart Lighting Management
Daylight performance metrics provide a promising approach for the design and
optimization of lighting strategies in buildings and their management. Smart controls for electric
lighting can reduce power consumption and promote visual comfort using different control strategies,
based on affordable technologies and low building impact. The aim of this research is to assess the
energy efficiency of these smart controls by means of dynamic daylight performance metrics, to
determine suitable solutions based on the geometry of the architecture and the weather conditions.
The analysis considers different room dimensions, with variable window size and two mean surface
reflectance values. DaySim 3.1 lighting software provides the simulations for the study, determining
the necessary quantification of dynamic metrics to evaluate the usefulness of the proposed smart
controls and their impact on energy efficiency. The validation of dynamic metrics is carried out by
monitoring a mesh of illuminance-meters in test cells throughout one year. The results showed that,
for most rooms more than 3.00 m deep, smart controls achieve worthwhile energy savings and a low
payback period, regardless of weather conditions and for worst-case situations. It is also concluded
that dimming systems provide a higher net present value and allow the use of smaller window size
than other control solutions
Aplicació d’alta pressió sobre dissolucions aquoses de goma diutan: influència sobre les propietats reològiques
En este trabajo se estudia el efecto de aplicar alta
presión sobre el comportamiento reológico de disoluciones
acuosas de goma diutan con el objeto de ampliar
su uso potencial. Muestras de goma diutan sin
tratar y tratadas fueron comparadas usando ensayos
de cizalla estacionaria y ensayos de cizalla oscilatoria
de baja amplitud. Esto se ha hecho haciendo pasar
una vez disoluciones acuosas de 0.5% en peso de
goma diutan en 0 y 1% en peso de NaCl a través de
un Microfluidizador M110P a 5000 psi (34,47 MPa).
Inicialmente las disoluciones de goma diutan presentaron un comportamiento tipo gel débil con valores
del módulo elástico por encima de los del módulo
viscoso. Adicionalmente presentaron un comportamiento
pseudoplástico, claramente no newtoniano,
que se ajusta perfectamente al modelo de Carreau.
Después de aplicar alta presión, las muestras ilustraron
un cambio de comportamiento reológico. Se produce
una fuerte destrucción estructural evidenciada
por una disminución de viscosidad y la aparición de
un comportamiento tipo líquido con valores de G”
por encima de los de G’.In this work, the effect of applying high pressure on
the rheological properties of diutan gum aqueous solutions
in order to extend its potential use was studied.
Untreated and treated diutan gum samples have been
compared using steady and small amplitude oscillatory
shear. This has been done passing once 0.5wt%
diutan gum solutions in 0 and 1wt% NaCl through
a Microfluidizer M110P at 5000 psi (34.47 Mpa). At
first, the diutan gum solutions exhibited a gel-like behaviour
with elastic modulus values above the viscous
modulus values. Additionally, they showed a pseudoplastic
behaviour, clearly no-Newtonian which succesfully
fitted the Carreau model. After applying high
pressure, the samples illustrated a modification of the
rheological behaviour. An important structural destruction
occurred. This was evidenced by a decrease
of viscosity and the appearance of a liquid-like behaviour
with G” above G’ values.En aquest treball s’estudia l’efecte d’aplicar alta
pressió sobre el comportament reològic de dissolucions
aquoses de goma diutan amb l’ objectiu d’ampliar
el seu potencial d’us. Mostres de goma diutan
sense tractar i d’altres tractades van ser comparades
emprant assajos de cisalla estacionaria i assajos de cisalla
oscil·latòria de baixa amplitud. Això s’ha obtingut,
fent passar un cop dissolucions aquoses de 0.5%
en pes de goma diutan en 0 i 1% en pes de NaCl a
través d’un Microfluidizador M110P a 5000 psi (34,47
MPa). Inicialment les dissolucions de goma diutan
presentaren un comportament tipus de gel dèbil amb
valors del mòdul elàstic per sobre dels del mòdul viscos.
Addicionalment presentaren un comportament
pseudoplàstic, clarament no newtonià, que s’ajusta
perfectament al model de Carreau. Després d’aplicar alta pressió, les mostres il·lustraren un canvi de comportament
reològic. Es produeix una forta destrucció
estructural evidenciada per una disminució de viscositat
i l’aparició d’un comportament tipus líquid amb
valores de G” per damunt dels de G’.Proyecto CTQ2011-27371 financiado por el Ministerio español de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)Comisión Europea (Programa FEDER)Dr. Ross Clark y CP Kelc
A Comparison of the Effect of Temperature on the Rheological Properties of Diutan and Rhamsan Gum Aqueous Solutions
The rheological properties exhibited by gums make its use in applications interesting,
such as foods, cosmetics, enhanced oil recovery, or constructions materials. Regardless of application
field, the effect of temperature on these properties is of great importance, since these properties can
be modified and cause the gum not to be useful for those conditions. Diutan and rhamsan gums are
biopolymers, belonging to the sphingans, with similar structures which differ in the substituents of
their side chains. It is known that both gums exhibit suitable viscoelastic properties and flow behavior
when used as a stabilizer, gelling agent, or thickener. Both gums are widely used in food industry,
personal care products, construction materials, oil operations, etc. For this reason, to know the effect
of the temperature on their rheological properties is very helpful. For this purpose, small amplitude
oscillatory shear measurements and flow curves, as a function of the temperature from 10 C to
60 C, have been performed, and the results obtained for both gums compared. The obtained results
provide interesting information from an industrial point of view, since they reveal that the rheological
properties remained almost unaltered in the temperature range assessed with diutan gum aqueous
solutions, being slightly more viscous and viscoelastic than rhamsan gum solutions.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and FEDER, UE project CTQ2015-70700-
Influence of glycerol addition on the droplet size distribution, mean diameters and physical stability of ecological O/W emulsions processed with Microfluidizer technology
The aim of this work was to investigate the influence
of the pressure ( 0 psi and 15000 psi) and the number of passes (0,1,2 and 3) through a high pressure
homogenizer with Microfluidizer technology on the
droplet size distribution, mean diameters and physical stability of ecological O/W emulsions. The results
with an emulsion formulated with 50 wt% of glycerol
in the continuous phase are compared. As dispersed
phase a 30 wt% mixture of green solvents, N,N-dimethyldecanamide and α-pinene with a 75/25 mass
ratio was used. In addition, an ecological surfactant
derived from coconut oil, HLB = 13.El objetivo de este trabajo ha consistido en investigar
cómo influye la presión (0 y 15000 psi) y el número
de pasadas (1, 2 y 3) a través de un homogeneizador
de alta presión con tecnología Microfluidizer sobre la
distribución de tamaños de gota, diámetros medios y
estabilidad física de una emulsión ecológica O/W. Se
comparan los resultados con la emulsión formulada
con un 50% en peso de glicerol en el medio continuo.
Como fase dispersa se utiliza un 30% en peso de una
mezcla de disolventes verdes, N,N-dimetildecanamida y α-pineno, en una relación en masa de 75/25.
Adicionalmente se emplea un tensioactivo ecológico
derivado de aceite de coco, de HLB 13.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España-CTQ2015-70700-PComisión Europea (Programa FEDER
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